---.-. -,i.-- I Smith Wants Eggs Wa will pay m full.iwi for flrst-slaa pro. UUf. lllllp If lM. Vl, ,,,,,,., ,,,.,, ,, ,.,,,whmii lOo Petk , ,., , 120 XJvo Menu ,. ... 100 Live Apilne; Chickens, lb,,,,,, 30o Cm , ,,,,,. ai THANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "rieltUnc Itis Meet Trust" FORTUAND, OREGON Union Painless Dentists 1.00 ikrTMlh without 1'Utxtl SOlntl lloUl Ciowna Puaraulfi On II.lDUItl.llO Jj.JO l- t J.OO tlUl or IWraUIn fllllnc urau1fi t.rttwttt Hilr-nmn SOCtott.OO ll Plata Mad . , , $7,50 Nnchaim (or rlnlM Kiliartlna' whan ollior worbMiltm. is rrara'duaianlMwith all wink. Hour. a. m. tu , m. nut Mwilaun Blrart. SWEDISH SANITARIUM J u nf mil fl . 4 ! U ItOj flaMI t a. Will) fwttr vmiL uf m I flail In steal I imisrtvlMHrvol ,Vtlli -iIpm itm ftwMW Hi wUrki he MtllV m ..) ,.t to., rf life wllliMrtlff (ftlMMMI Ms l"Mflf ettMl- tVt tVll lit faM uf atni-it il , 1 n.l ui ktala at twwatli.1 ii bvdjr.l M fMUilO llMr llj. Illavk ma, l.t-t? SIBS I M . In Iaiw it r iWtt '((Metal ami mIii iHlt ttteai rH)4 mi ihif tUV MMwa-falll nilVa4al with ni4 If r Mrt llMthM (!! aVeX I jM tiif ti .1 Kigti ? !( ttr li mlUt IW rwltf ii Ww, liJ CVhi nlfilfmi fee-lf! H-M- Uif4ttvfrVtNMk1n . Vhl Hh laM., ! ft ale IUMM ol wJrttHM I tajfh4, Ml(UffN nUiiwii WHP fV. tVatliH ff.a All titlt DXlMM U llarMMNltiai JAJri lf Hi. i-tk , . JL, JUk(UrNM UiiMih (Vr Inlu RIDUCC THE COST Or UVIffS; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND in. 11 ni .. r-,i. IrUaaW MsSSV vm3 WSeMMBanManSfMaaVMaar BUNGALOW IN IRVINGTON i FOR SALE illtj 14 an, iitf, til ntmttU ilttfiif ftii, jMt(taaftir4; Batmll nrrj Infatl. Aa tff hail; fee I tutr Ulia far a U U rMi!i4 r rrrtflj Oal IB iral liitfr. Ai3kl,ii' kMlit Uut; sUt iliuU 4 irvnl ailli, klSOilOO. kflMO Itapcltr Ut JCOO ui ttiart kafYatiaaUi. Ta-Mtfiniria; ail Miral full Wtaril; U uunal WaaV CtB ua laiHit: MO bit Ekaii Stint rktra. attr 'ban; Idt lala AiraM car. Or Uiint O. R. aBaVMKataHaflMaVaaHatMBl . raiiHltlra "I rratninanee. Mr. Ufijotin It add o much to ne'a ctra and worrlea to be In ao lety. Mr. HlRhmnre Ah. yea! Our houae haa been entered by burKtar half a dosmi time ilnco the pnpura beiran to record my aninic nnd coining-, Ilraaa may be alven a color reem blliiff pewter by bolllnir It In a create of tartar olutlon coutalnlnR a amall amount of chloride of tin You Can Have a Model Kitchen as cool nnd whito as a dairy. No smell, no' smoke, no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. Tho Oil Cook-Stove h tho latest practical, scientific cook.stovc It will cook the most elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen. Bolls, bakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in n second. Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapsible 'jJj2aBaiaaBSSaBaMBBrsaHBSJ ar-"MaLTCB3a3kaaBSSjSJ9S mat i. ina nama-piaia reaiia Naw 1'wUctioo." Stundard Oil Company anesrpoiated) Anil llm l'riiiur TIiIhnT. Anxlou Chaperon (In Waahliifton) Are you sure, my ilt'tir, Hint It I aond form to ko to llio lot uf Din WnnlilriK Ion inoiiuiiU'iitT Ilor Pair Charge O, ye, ma olmro, Thnt la oife of Ilia rKUitr society col umn. . ItnU ft DlRrrrnrr), "I henrd your ilml ny 'like the dovll' Hit othur lay." "My diiil hit n rlulit (0 In Ik about till davit. lie' a preacher." Clileaao Trlliuiio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula nnd all other humors, cures nil their effects, mafces the blood rich nnd abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. Oct It todny in uiml llijuld form nr chovolaled tublct tulloa 8aratab, I40WAIUI K. timtlUN km I IHMltllll., lkl(riMi. KllHt lrtt till Hllt.i. Im4.I1. O. 1 1, till.. V Hi, i....Ulo r. fth4 ClitflwIM. Iil4 I. er (Vinr, II ll.iMfn.lii ""-I Nil .rlvui viiliiH rfMillrtii ltiiirol .'ullfmilf. itikMi IMU4. Jl.(r04fi Cku(uulhtllMl)lwk. MODERN METHODS Hmir lt-l.ll. PARCRAWF SECRET SERVICE AGENCY Waara inn ft la unilrll anr Inltlmal ilatntlr vtli (Uilh civil ami rrimlnal) In all art uf im Unllxl HLalm. Optn bay anil hlihl. Cr.rAUII.JM. tUm.Ut$,ui2t. Im.M4UI iRiiiMr mV(. rotruAD. cucoi ASTHMA AND HAY TCVER nro quickly ri'llovcd hy Wynlt'a Aulima Kemrdy. Aak your druKKltt or Bond (lx ccnU iKitaKo for Froo Snmplo to J. C WYATT. DruRKist, VANCOUVrH, WASIIINOION. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. PURNISIJCS IICLP TREE torwciovtHs MalaUTfea.ltNmthl'Mun.lHt. Main fT0: AIM lallM Ifcpt, SuftH Mortem Ht. Main I om, A K I l'Un win n!r al out aipnM. ITCH CAN BE CURED In a aHort llm tr uilnr PLUMniER'S ITCH REMEDY In to-rant hiu onljr AiMrraa PLUMMcit nnua company Tiilrd and MadUon PorOanct, Or. BY OWNER s R, Ilea 131, Portland. Oregon. Only On llur Itrauurrr, Elderly Uncle Hpont your antlre patrimony, have you, ArchlbaldT Gone through everythlnsf Scapegrace Nephew Yea, uncle; ev erything but the bankruptcy courL Pvaalnilalln. Warehnm InK You've heerd o' the milk o' human klndnea. Iialn-' jruhT Uoodnian UonroiiK-Vei, but 1 hain't never aeen any but wot'a been klm- med. reate, towel rack, and every up-to-date feature imaginable. You want It, be cause It will cook any dinner and not beat the toom. No heat, no amell, no moke,no coal to brine n, no aahea to carry out. It doe away with the drudgery of cooking, and makes It a Iiteaaure. Women with tho light touch or paltry eapeclally appreciate it, bis cauae they can immediately have a quick (ire, alniply by turnlnir a handle, No half-hour preparation. It not only i leu trouble than coal, but It coats leae. Absolutely no smell, no emokoj and It doean't heat the kitchen. I The nickel finish, with the turquotae blue of the enameled chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Mads with 1, 3 and 3 burner J the a ad 3-butncr stoves can bo bad with or without Cabinet. Xvryd.trcvrywWei If not at your, wilt for Dtactlptlv Circular to lh Dcaraat SRtncy eftli Biliousness "I have uttd your vslnaWo Catouxta and I find them jxrtct, Couldn't da without llifin, I hAve um1 them for aonie time for JndlKettlon and blllouancaa and am now completely cured, Htcom mend them to arcryone. Once tried, you will never he without Uiem In the family." KdwardA. Marx, Albany, N.Y. l'lMant. I'alaUM. I'otmt. Ta.U Oool IV(PkI. NvrHIki. WaaVan r Crirx. I0r, V. (0. Ifartr aftVt In Iralk. Tha ran. Vina labial Umpl O 0 O. Qiutati U aura at jnnir inoiiay Lack. Meyvrbrcr aind Thunder. Meyerbeer, Ilka Hanilol, corapotcd boat In a thundcratorm. He had a room innde at tha top of hit houae with filnja root nnd aldea, fo that he mlsht enjoy tlicao conditions to the full whenever thoy prteonlcd Wicm- roIvcm. It la aald that no bout of the field, no raven or nightjar, could scpnt tho approach of n atorm tnoro unor rlncly thnn Meyerbeer, and ' nothing wai allowed to Interfere with hli oll tnry enjoyment of it when It arrived. Wherever ho wan ho would leave at tho flrat premonitory rumble. Mothan win find Mra. WlniloVa flonthln firruplhir,ttrnalr touaoloetlialrcliUarfta flutluj lb lUilii( jerlxl. I'alal I)ree. "I have s chance to marry an Old man who haa lot of money." "Why don't you?" "Ho hain't any bad hablta and comet. of a lonK-llved family." Chicago Hc-ord-Horald. Kti, IVvak, XVnrTi Watery Urea. Ilollavwl Hy iturlna l'y Itvuiwly. Try lurln For Your Kye Troubln. You Will I.the Murln. II Koothra. Mo at Your ruKlu. Wrtl l'or i:y Ilooka. Kr. lurlna Uy Jternedy Co., Clilcaao. ee were unknown to the Indiana, tut they were bronchi over from Enr lond only a few yearn after the la. nil Inir of the Pilgrim rather. PIPE REPAIRING r aaamtsoutx ii uiw. KtUflkatf tmimi all1 DtmiPf . ma uxx SAatriXDrjtoY.rrxT. straw tu WaBt ICateOwiaaJ. UWlaJ BO P.M. rUW-l, WJUw lliMMa MwlaaJ 3 UALDUt 3T rOHTLAMO GALL CURE HORSE COLLARS Ar mJa vvrr CurttJ llalr IWt and will nat aU Ilia liana. Wrlta aa for fraamplaof IhaTad. Cla tha nma of your hamaaa lar. &aj hj U.t dmUra aYrrrobtra. W. II. McMONIES & CO. I'OfiTLAND, OREGON lBH333 COFFEEC TEA SPICESl AHINB POWDER l EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CLOSSETfil rwUlArlU, PHC. NamedicQ ABSOLUTELY CURES DR. WHITINGJS REMEDIES NATIONAL. MEDICINE CO, LTD. 422t Shelley Hiic-MorrUon su, hooma 3 aittl 4, Vonland, Or. II n U.r.W.II jn 1. ArPNDICITIS KUWCDT. Taan.ir aauaa ra lor JMallellll wltkaat laa .M ol .. kalfa. OltM laiaijlala r.ll.1. ItiV'ill" I""1'1'' "r ' auantlwa. 0. "6PECIAt.M KTMEDT. lor ktnai.a'a Allukala. Taiaora oflhalloti. U AlwiO.tMM ItUu.f aa4 IttaJJar Tiva. t lltiriK, 4. l' il M w t-laiiHi Votk U akniaalrratiwal nri'a or rail aa4 wa will airl.la. K larul lralaait onlr ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IK PAINLESS DENTISTRY PalnUat Kitractlen Pri BllvarPIIIInc ,.J0 OoM Hilling . 75 U K.OoM Crown Portclaln Crowna U Molar OoUCrowm ...II UrUa Wort, n K. Oold. . . .U InUyPllla,PurOoM ... .U Vrrr Nlca Kubbcr Plata. .. ,aa lltil Rubbrr Plata on Kaith T ALL. THIS WOHK IS OUARNTXKO. Don't throw lour inonar away. A dollar utJ latwotloUaraaarnrd. OurorUlnalrallablaUoilarii I'alnlaaa Mrlhttla and ourprfttc4 ofllc aqulp mant aavaj ua llmaanJ your monar. OSTeNi:NTISTS,llhHarTlia,rHlaal laiiiacamtt Moniioa. orawka rvMuoVa aa4 Malrr A rnak, tMbllkJ la fsnlu4 10 rrtn. Oara trularf aaill I ui labaui saill 11,10. to toU vaa vaik. Drives away Plies, Mosquitoes and Gnats. It protect "horses aud cattle from attacks of insects, cuabllng them to feed and sleep in peace, It prevents loss of weight ami strciiKth from worry caused ly attacks of insects, and from tho irritation of their bites and stings. There 1" a satisfaction in the relief it affords domestic animals from the scourge ol maddening parasites and flies, besides the profit In returns, Horses do more work on less feed and cows yield more and better tnlllc when relieved from the frenzy Incited by constantly fighting a swann ol voracious, insatiable insects, Pour slzei, ajc. 50c, 73a and $1.35, Ask your merchant for it. UOYT Cukuical, Co. Portland, Oregon lnflTI"i U I LP 4ilM LUr UaW L t'f ZEPPEUN AIRSHIP LOST IN STORM 0 Disabled Motor Makes Craft Helpless Against Gale. Sh'p Landa on Tree Topa and la Bad ly Damaged Paaaengeri Reach Ground on Rope Ladder. Duescldorf, Germany Count Zeppe lin's passongor airship DeuUchland, tho greatest of all tho famous aero naut's models, lies (n tho Tcutoburglan forest nlorcod by pino trees, a mas of deflated silk and twisted aluminum. Tho 33 passengers and crew aboard the airship whan it struck the pines after a wild contest with a storm", escaped uninjured, climbing down from the wreck on n ropo ladder Hcrr Colcimann, general manager of tho now airship company: Chief En gineer Duers, of tho Zeppelin ship, and Charles Wannenberg, who hod charge of tho crew of 10, and 20 newspaper men sailed from Dumcldorf for a three hours' excursion. In tho high wind ono of tho motors refused to work and tho other tvo did not give sufficient power to make any headway in the sale. Tho airship drifted, swaying In tho violent gusts and sometimes leaning at an angle of 40 degrees. All tho whilo tho engine men wcro nt work repairing tho dis abled motor. When this was done alt four screws were driven nt their full power. Un der normal condition the engines were capablo of driving tho airship at a speed of 40 miles an hour, but the helmsman was unable to keep his course nnd tho great craft was swung about at tho mercy of the winds. Colcsmann did not dare to come about, for fear of overturning, ami de cided to drift with the galo toward Os nabruck, also a trorrision. Ho then decided to continue on to Sennc. Suddenly he perceived a whirlwind coming, and ascended to a belcht of nearly 4,000 feet to avoid the center of it. With tho whirlwind camo a heavy downpour of rain. After half an hour tho Dcutschlond camo down to permit observations and it was seen that the Tcutoburglan for est lay below. The. forward motor stopped again and Colcsmann sent five of tha correspondents to tha aft gon dola to ballast tho vessel. The Deutnchland sank rapidly, hav ing lost much gas in tho high altitude, and dragged along tho top of the dense forest. A heavy branch of a trco broko through tho bottom of the cabin amidships, throwing two of the guests to tho floor. Other branches ripped through tho gas compartments and the whole great structure settled down 30 or 40 feet from the ground. BUYING AUTOS AND LAND. Middle West People Securing Tracts for Homes Elsewhere. St, Joseph, Mo. Fifteen million dol lars spent for automobiles and more than 118,000,00 sent else where for tho purchaso of land tells what tho West Is doing with soma of its monoy, accord ing to information compiled by Graham G. Lacey, a banker of this city, who has obtained replies to a series of ques tions addressed to bankers In Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri and Iowa. Reports from 2G1 banks showed that approximately S18.000.000 had Rono out of tholr section for tho purchaso of lands in other states, and 234 banks reported that a heavy amount had crone out of tholr sections for such purposes. torautos, 427 banks reported that a total of $16,000,000 had been spent Out of 639 replies received. 293 stated that agricultural conditions were good, tho remainder reported such con ditions as only fair. A good wheat crop was reported by 20 per cent of re plies, fair by 38 per cent, and bad by 42 per cent. Fifty-ono per cent reported that tho banks were carrying more real estate loans for tholr customers at this timo than they were carrying a year ago. Genoa, Nov., Destroyed. Corson Clty,Ncv. Genoa, the coun ty seat of .Douglas county, 211 miles south of this 'city, was almost com pletely destroyed by fire . The loss is estimated at over $100,000. Tha court house, Masonic Hall, and sevoral othor brick structures were completely gutted by the flames. Flrcflghting ap paratus was forwarded by a Southern Pacific train from this city to tho scene in tho hope of checking tho flames, which threaten tho surrounding farms. Genoa Is tho oldest town this side of tha Sierra Nevada mountains. Louisiana Raps Suffrage. Baton Rouge, La, The upper branch of tho Louisiana legislature went on record as not only opposed to woman suffrage, but refused to allow women to act as members of boards of an ed ucational or a charitable nature, even though thoy bo elected to such board by men. They camo to this decision when Senator Geuydon tried to have passe! his hill allowing women mem bership on educational and charitable boards, Chile Wind Wracks Ships. San Francisco Tho Merchants' Ex change has received advices from Val paraiso, Chllo, that the German steam er Irmingard is ashore off Corral and is belioved to bo a total loss. The crew was saved. Several other vessels tho names of which am unknown, have been wrecked at. tho result of the storm which has raged several days on tho coast. Sherman JSatS; Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. BaTBasasaaBBBBBBBBL. KSaaaBBBBaBBBBL. . BBBBBB4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 tV BBBBBBK.4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr.T fj efgi,,a,B!", this Wellington I'inno wo'ro selling for $276 on easy payment that we're willing to let It bo ITS OWN SALESMAN. It will tell ll'i own ttory to yott in your homo if you'll send us tha coupon. 'lease send me full particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. SEND TfSS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company rortbuvl Saattla 8(liaJ Ask for Their Cood and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA ENDSEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Articles Without Cost I II Cumins la Thiol Beggar (returning a penny to the giver) Excuse me, lady, I can't take 'ess than 3 cents. "Why not?" 'Them's tho union's rules, and if I tako leu I lose my card." Meggea dorfar Dlaettcr. The Health Problem-Solved If you are in search of good hcakh try the plan adopted by thousands of successful users take Hos teller's Stomach Bitters and watch the results. K is the Keystone to Health. For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Poor Appetite, Biliousness, Gumps, Head ache, Diarrhoea and Malar ia, Fever and Ague k is ex cellent Try k today, but Insist on having the genu ine Hosteller's, with our Private stamp over neck. TRY. MURINE When Yor Etm Need Care EYE REMEDY t. wa uu it Uvili Tata. Me. We. Salie Tttb, 25c, (LBO. HANSEN'S! Hanaan Him Hrlp EMPLOYMENT Fim to Employrr OFFICES M North Sawral St. Phonar Main UM: A 1TM. Ladtra Drfiartnimt. S4SH Washington BU phone ktaln KVC; A SOU. Portland, Oreron. CXISY FLY KILLER riiiS23-i UL ceytm. t . Sail ! Ma4l ewLoaiet aUl t tto . wtm 4 taa. sakKH ytala Sdr-i4 t(Noiw. Si. UsskliU .ajaaaael te M ttsla I KAE0L9 SOHStf ISXJ VwaVSkC se.e lawUta,.T.- EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Ptntelau work at I aaaanabW prlca. Fraa axaratnallon and perfaetly SttoJ tlmra aa tow aa $2.00 No faklns motboia. DK. a U liAYNES Suite 427, Marquam Building Fourth Floor Opposite Portland Hotel. PortUud Ore. Alcohol Tobacco, Cocaine. Morphin. ClganHe or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Positively and harmlessly In short timo by the pew Olconela Method. Treat ment la not expensive or painful. Yo aeed not remain a slave to your habits, whoa a short stay at our Sanitarium will make you free. Address. OLCONEIA CO., ArMa Station. Portland. Or. I' Wo want you to try this I'Jano IN YOUR HOME FREE. Wo want you to try It at our expense because At Iho end of thirty days tha Piano ITSELF will convlnco you of tho following facts: It's tho beat valuo on earth for tho price ($275). It's MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! Wo know there is so much real valuo In T'mVmVli Useful WE GROW HAIR We Cure 0 Sralp D-araaea. atop Fallln Hair. I'rarrnt ilaldncaa. Grow La. I lea- and Children' llalr rp4ily. aof t. rbaar and twantlfcL We rumlsb out of town ppl bMH IrraU mant. Wrlta ua Ualar for quaation UanV and particular. THE CARLOW HAIR CROWING CO. srrciAiisTS 207-8 RollKhlld Bulldfnc roucth and Waahlrfton Street. rORIUNO, OftrCCN. Cocaultitlon Frc lliil. Dr. B. E. Wright Itara rour taalh out and plat and bride work don. For out-of-town patruna w flnlah lt and brUsa work-ta on day U nteaaaary. TOICES- ,J&Sf ass .Urn tM 5ec- I SB I I tmtf ' NWjum. 56 DEUVMETHOOe Palrdraa Extraction Frwa whan plain or bride work la ordcrm. uwaultation rraa. You rat battar palnlaas work aarwhar. no nutta now mucn you pay. AH Work TuSy Guaranteed for Hftean Yews Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 WWrfflKteo St., Portland, Oregon Tkka tar at drpot and tranafar to Waahlaa-ton SV Trial Bottle Free Br MaiJ If too aaJTer from Eptlrpaj. Fit, JfH! flckaaae. Spurns, or bat caiMrrnlatdoao.aaT MrwIM coraiTwtll rallar lhm. and all jou arvaakedt do I l od tor a Frt TrUI M Bottl of, Dr.JUj! I CBlleEe;lold Ouraf It hj currd tboarandi warm Trj thief k alkd. Oauantrad by kf ay ilrdlcal LjaDoratort failed. OoiMntud by Kay Urdlcal Under Pur Voodud DiutaAtt. Juno Btk,lM tluaianty Ko. lm. riraaa writ for BnocltlTr St BotUa and fir AOU d cen plate eddrra M. W. H. HAY. 543 Pstl Strait. Nw Yttt ilflUI IS THE TIME RUfl B EST of tko ttft to ban oar taata pa aae lat and brtiao workaooa. FaroA. oMown patroaa wa ftal.h Plata nnl hrtda work ta aa UtluCt W. aBnVtTrtt3.i CsUnKHa tuMirnur simt nrsatt tiM4Mar rutu n..t n ..t.. 5.N rutM 7.55 ralaUii titr-tUa ,M H. w. S. tW. rnnt cm Hmu SUTHmiaw run dtrtcttoft Ire nhtti P er brlfl$ nn UorxUrtd. 04ttltmUooaTr. YoacututitibtUM rftlH work eutywMr no nstir lvow marl, torn pf . Wise Dental Co. INCOriroitATaB PaiMleM Bent-fete st.wa aM.w.. TUaal f. WasfcJairt PSaaBTl aUaaVJ mMtMH PSaWM H"arnC twrfs TTSrejwaisaa s-sn. IlRBjt sfejeBBBsasji rAtt)lHrIA.M.UIMC tMeUKtUl ta nut aWTMemiM sa MavLUti C. Gee Wo TIM CMMSf leeteY IbI wondaful man ka nude a Ufa itudy of tia propartto of Root, Merba and Harla,and U glrlna tha world tba benarUof bU aanleaa. No Mtrcury, Potaaa or Drus Used. No Operations or Cuttlfl Guarantaea to our Oataarb. Asthma. Luna-, StstaachandKI LHnm Iruubtti ' troubles, and all Prlrata OiaaaaaaoIH aaaiWoman. A 8URK OAMCEK CUKE Juat racoirad frrM Pakin. China aafa, aura sadsUbla. Unfailing la IU worka. ItroueanuoteaU.wrltforaymptoin blank and aaNular. IneloM 4 cent In tafaaa, CONSULTATION rC f The C. Gee We Me.kte Ce. 1S3H flrrt St., car. Morrkoa, Portland, Of, PNU fie. at-'ia H H KH wMa U advarWM . tluat 1 VVt R3 A 'vlUtrwast' "3"v " "" fhBBaaVJaffifcj ZainajtTwA. CBaVBBSHBrw bum.... JSsHsaaaKamiS! font-n. c- aawr iwai aaaaaTaa9dBaafeTP( sFQ iCWm J iaBBBBBBBBBWV 'asH rsBBBBBBaaaHaaaC BaaaaH ,,aflaMafc'BH f t