The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 13, 1910, Image 4

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    New Map Showing Bend's Advantageous Location.
Specially Prepared for Advertising Use on Back of Letterheads A Brief
Lockid In With a Maniac
Tlip wrlli'r wiia oiioo closvtctl with n
pnllt'iit whom lu httit tut Nitsplcloti uf
lioluix uind until tlio hitter iwt out of.
bed. turnnl lio hoy of tlio door nntl
preferred n mild rniuoat to tlio writer
to liuvo hli llitmit cut, ImmlliiK him at
tin Kiiiiio time nn opou poclictkulfp,
which lio produced from iiiulornrntli
hli pillow, I ohjcctrd to tlm knlfo n
lirlim too amnll for tlio mrwo mid
bvcRod to hn allowed to co for my cao
of nmputallnir knlvM, with which, ,1
explained. I ho operation could bo per
formed with jtroalor noatiioaa niul dli
patch, llo unlocked tlio door nt once,
lilndluu mo over to aocivcy nnd urultiK
mo tu Iimu no I lino In roiuruhie. I
drovo limne, reported tlio rnao to tlio
aiilhorltlei nntl camo linck with an
nl'tnuco. He wa accurcd with crent
ulillculiy unit tout to tlio aaylutu.
Uinlou Tlt-IIIU.
Specially Prepared for Advertising Use on Back of Letterheads A Brief
Outline of Geographical Conditions In Reference to Country's Topography
ii mi hi ,' ;. in .i"';"j, 1 1 mn i
. . .'.,. " "f"L - - il'l'T!l T
BOTH to those familiar with the country anil to strangers who have an indistinct idea of Central Oregon topography, the map herewith published
for the first time will be not only of considerable interest but will have an uutmie value as being the only carefully prepared and accurate map.
picture ever made of this region. The work is the result of a careful compilation of the available data, in which all existing maps obtainable
were employed and, reference made to the railroad maps insofar as possible. The map was drawn for, and under the direction of, Frank Robertson,
president of the Bend Townsite Company. While it of course is not free from many minor inaccuracies unavoidable in such a treatment of a vast terri
tory upon a small scale, it can, on the whole, be trusted to furnish an accurate general idea of the Deschutes Valley and its relation to the rest of Oregon.
While t,he map will appear in several forms and, the larger ones to be used for display purposes, the size here reproduced is especially in
tended tor use on the back of letterheads. For this purpose The Bulletin will have possession of the plate, It will be printed on stationery at the rate
of $3.50 a thousand sheets', The Bulletin being obliged to pay a portion of this amount in royalty for the use of the plate.
Just south of neinl the Deschutes
has a number of great falls, otTering
unlimited water power tKmlbilitic.
At, and near the town the river
broadens out, nffordini; many mill,
pond sites. Practically from a few
miles below Demi to the Columbia
the Deschutes flows through a can
yon, the lower loo miles of which
U a miniature Grand Canyon.
Dcnd's altitude is ,i6oo feet. It is
at mile 165 of the Oregon Trunk
Railwaythat diitancc from the
Columbia, and practically midway
belwcen Celilo and Klamath Falls.
For the benefit of those unfamll
tar with the territory a brief outline
of its characteristics may be in order.
West of Bend to the summit of
the Cascade Mountains, about 30
miles distant, is a solid belt of yel
low pine timber credited with being
the largest and mmt valuable stand
of its kind left in the Northwest.
At Bead this timber first comes in
contact with the Deschutes River.
Southward, fn a Mrip averaging
ptrhaps 50 miles wide easterly from
tbe mountains, the timber belt ex
tends practically to California for
at least 175 miles. A large body of
pine extends a short distance south
easterly from Bend over tbe flanks
of the Paulina Mountains.
To the east of Bend is the 300,000
acre Carey Act irrigation segrega
tion of the Deschutes Irrigation &
country under the segregation of
the Columbia Southern Co. Kst
of Bend, in the vicinity of Powell
Buttes (wrongly spelled 'Pau
Butte" on the map), is one of the
very finest "dry farming" districts
in the west. Surrounding Redmond,
Power Co., whose headquarters orc3onjileH north of Bend, U irrigated
in the town. South some 30 miles, ! land, Priueville, 35 miles northeast,
about La Pine, is another irrigation
enterprise, juu getting into opera
operation, of the Deschutes Laud
Co. Surrounding Laidluw, west of
tbe Deschutes and 7 miles distant
from Bend, is a splendid Irrigated
is the center of a big irrigated bottom-land
und "dry" country, white
the Agency Plains and Haystack
teiritorits around Madras, are
noted for their dry farming
Practically speaking, everything
north and cast of Bend, when not
irrigated, is "dry farming" coun
try. To the southeast, in the tri
angle formed by the doited railroad
lines and beyond, is what well has
been styled "the greatest free-land
opening for the homeseeker left in
the West." In that region arc to
be found several hundred thousand
acres of rolling sagebrush and
buncb-grass land, and broad valleys
with rich, deep soil and water,
which can be taken up uuder the
32o-acrc ho'aiei'tcad act,
Saving His Mat.
On one ocmwIw, nt a crowded per
formance at tbe Koyal theater In Ryd
Bey. N. 8. W a number of yenra ago
a conple of milium wbo bad been
tlrtakliiK were nested In the gallery.
One lout hi balnnw tuxl fell Into tbe
tall. Tbe otber Iromedlntely cried.
"Man orerboardr ami dlred after bis
companion. Wltb the pmrerbUI luck
of druuken ullora tbe flirt eornped
wltb a broken leg and tbe second
frltbour a tu-rarrb.
The Complete. Booltkeaper.
Mr. Knlcker How do you make
your bcxik balance? Mrs. nookcr
Tbat'ii eay, I ninny anend the exact
sura I receive right away. New York
For Him to 8y.
"Do you tblnk I can ataqd an opera
tion, doctor?'
"You know your financial condition
bettpr than I do." Exchange.
Table always supplied with the best that the town affords,
Nwt and Comfortable Rooms. Bknd, Orkcon
Found One dark gray horse,
weight 1450; branded UX on shoul
der, J V on left stifle. Dark brown
hors, weight 1250, brand W on
right shoulder, white strips runs
from middle of face to end of nose
Itrown horse hobbled. Came to
ny place at Cougar Butte 4 weeks
tgo. Owner may find tht same by
iddrcsMng Geore Hilllard, care
Fisher Logan, Held, Or. 17-20
Builders' Supplies
Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, Builders',
Hardware, Hoofing. Everything you
need for your new House or new Store.
Wall Street,
Wall Street
X rescrlption
Wairstl-SBend, Or.
Sightly Residence Lots
VIEW of City and Surround
ing Country.
RXMEMBEH This is the future
residence district of GREATER
BEND. Our engineers will have tlie
plats ready in a few days. Come
early and make your selections.
Choice residence lots 10 per cent
cash and 5 per cent per month.
Deschutes Realty Co.
Tli. Woman In nutria.,
"Lore your wife like your aoul and
heat her like jour carpet." Thla la n
ltunluu proverb. Another of tlioiamo
plrlt. "Not lone hurt tlio hutupa from
a loved iino'a thuinpa," Whoa liavo
umloutilcilly liet'ii autijected to much
III muitmeiit tu ltiuila. wlicro moid
linnlmndit hare nlwaya held to tlio
opinion that "liberty apolU n cood
wife." Homo Itimnlnn proverb aru
cynical aa to tlio ilelluhta uf inatrl
niony, noil uuxt nwtrrleil men know
bow to aay, "Wed once, wall alwoya."
Hit Chant.
Yoiiiib Wlfc-Yc. dearest. I'm so
liitf to favor you at dinner tonhtht with
a new rake Hint I Invented all by
myaelf. Young Ituahntid (slootnUy)
Bay, I kucm tbl will ho n coh1 nlclit.
for ino to brliiit Jim TaKsart homo to
dinner. I don't llko Jlni.-Clovcland
I'lalu Dealer,
A Matt.r of Habit.
"nut why do you put your frlend'a
tbltijr In tlio JIiiIiib room'
"Oli. lio la to u(l to rcntauratita
that lio won't enjoy hU dinner unleaa
lio can watch lit hat and coat
IjQularlllo Courlcr-Jouriinl.
Motor Anatitltttla.
Novice It muiit bo n drrodful tonta
lion to mn over a maul Chauffeur
Not nearly ao dreadful aa to ran over
a cow, and It doctn't Injuro tbo tna
cblno ao tnucli.-sludffo.
"Nellie, " aald tlio Uacher, "yoo may
tell mo how to make n Maltrao croaa."
"8tep on her' tall," promptly antwtf.
d Ncllln -Kvcry Ivdy'a Macaxlno.
- - mn
Advertise It tmya.
'' mmuipf '
MODEL 1810
Self-Loading Rifle
It Strikes
A Blow of 2038 lbs.
This new Winchester
shoots a heavier bullet
and hits a harder blow
than any other recoil
operated riflo made. It
is more powerful than
tho 30 Army, of big
enmc hunting fame. The
loading and firing of this
ride aro controlled by
the trigger finger. It
Snd tor lilultttti tltnUr Mly
dturlrUt (Ml iuw itllt wkltk
A44 ittmjtlk i ftrntr alai,
New Hnta, Caaa U, &
Buckley Express
Direct Impress Service between
Shanlkq and Ilcnd,'
Two Riga Koch ay every week
Careful Attention.
tr-r-iM, fy
Asm mr
Leave your ordcra with Nick Smith
Wall St., Ileiid