CleA- Z n UJrfmA T3lrM TheJRajjroads are Comhig? VJL 111 Ull I.IJIW' VliVWIJLA Jl KKJXJK . Get to the Land FIRST! Fortunes are being: made in IRRIGATED LAND. Deschutes Valley Acre age offers wonderful opportunities for the Settler, be he rich or poor. The Carey Act Segregation of The Deschutes Land Co. Offers an Unparalleled Irrigationist's Opportunity, The segregation, 30 miles south of Bend, in the fertile Walker Basin, embraces more than 28,000 Acres No Rock Deep Soil Ample Water l All the land to be irrigated is ABSOLUTELY FREE FROAl STONE. The soil is VERY DEEP, productive and EASILY WORKED. THE LAND IS LEVEL. It slopes just enough to insure Ideal Irrigation Conditions. The water for this great enterprise is taken from CRESCENT LAKE. The supply is CONSTANT AND INEXHAUSTIBLE. The BIOOEST EXCAVATOR IN THE WEST is engaged in the construction of our canals. Men are at work night and day on the ditches. The Land is Free, Water Rights Cheap, Terms Easy '... w The Deschutes Land Company I Bend Representatives: RILEY & QLEASON J. E. MORSON, Mgr. ROSLAND, OR. Portland Office HENRY BUILDING: T Open for Business! The New Harness and Horse Goods Store Get Your Orders in Early for the IRON AGE POTATO DIGGERS Repairing of all kind. Best WorK Guaranteed. BUCKEYE MOWERS AND RAKES. stfBflfe R BiJ jflF Bjv .j-flirf W Xfil mK , WMEtr jiumi.!. Wj Jl A -"B" .It &&&ZXiirt&t, H. J. EGGLESTON I Chapman D!dg.( Bend, Cor. Wall and Minnesot St.s , Oregon ttmmmr ALDERMEN TALK - m Continued from page i.) musication from Ibe Bend Water & Power Co., containing a proposi tion to supply tbe city with the use of it hydrants at $3 each a month, with the use of one hydrant one hour a week for fire drill purposes, was read aiid referred to the special committee formerly appointed to draw up a contract between city1- and water company. Kelly and Trip lett expressed dissatisfaction af the fire protection now afforded by the water company, alleging that the tank waapftea dry to the morning. PrfWnt Robertson, who was pres ent? stated that Kngineer Stanbb rough Mid the tank had not been dry'?r some months and only once had been very low. "We've got a new pump ordered which will be Jre in Moatb," saW Mr. Robert son, speaking of the better water supply facilities that are to be furn ished the city. A general objection to bathing nhove the city's source of water I President Hudson Resigns. supply developed in discussion; the To the Hoard of Directors of Bend Com matter, together with that of sew' city" was passed, Kelly alone vot ing against it. It apieared the general sentiment of the Council that too little was done to force property owners act ually to conMruct ordered side walks; if action was not taken be fore the next meeting, such side walks would be pul in by the city and charged against the property. Overturf brought up the matter of'the expense fncurred by the tax payers in supporting the present police force. He said he himself aud all who had spoken to him of the matter felt that $150 n month was a bigger outlay than conditions warranted. He was of the opinion, as were Sellers 'and Hunter, that one omccr siiould be ouinclcnl to meet the present requirements of the city. It was stated that the objection emanated not so much from the amount paid out for police protection as from the fact that ordinances daily were being violated and no action taken. Kelly and Mayor Merrill expressed their satisfaction with the present policing methods, and stated that they believed two men were needed and wanted by tbe taxpayers i'riplett aud Oueil were not heard from. Discussion brought out the fact that the Priueville day man works at Hidewulk and street re pairing, wlitie tlic night man re ceives 60 a month. The matter was cut short by Kelly's motion to adjourn, which was passed. After the adjournment the com mittee on streets, etc , stated in formally that, after conference with Kngineer Linster of the Oregon Trunk, they had refused to aban don the R- R, crossing at Koa avenue in favor of another further south. RESENT BAND WILL TAKE VACATION INCENDIARY CHARGES DENIED. Laldlaw People- Say Newspaper Story False and WW Demand Retraction. Farmers Are lluy and Crop Show Qreat Promise. nge overflow into the river, was re ferred to the health committee. The following bills against the city were read and approved: Pilot Iliitto Development Va (lumber) ,,. $ 3.8J llend Iiulletln, (publlthlcgordln- nance), . . , , , 6 20 Heud Water Co., (hydrant rent . for June),.....,., ,,.., 3208 8. M, Scott, (police salary for June; .;,.... 7500 V. It. Hotallng, (police (alary for June)..., MMIMMI' 35 'Total ,4149.60 An ordinance "to regulate the keeping of certain domestic animals within the corporate limits of the iiiereial Club: Owiui lo the increase In our banking !uliirM and the additional work caused thereby, I am forced to resign as Pre hlenl of your club. I feel that the work should be con. Ilnueil mid the advantage of Ueud ex ploited and will co-operate to the fullest lo tliU end. C. S. Hudson. POLK'S GAZETTEER A Biufae Directory of each Cllf, Town and VJIUaa (a Orrcon una wuuiDKioa, Miliar ici tkctth of earti Mill.uWir FucHMIm as ft4 tmtirturr ai mcu aud 1'ivtcnloa, K. I I'Or.K co Manic, who. VrcrlUv ttbu-e. lyocniUin, ana ui. JfUMSCM Ui, I.aidhw, Ore., July n. Special An article concerning i,amiaw, which appeared in several of the I'orltaud pa pere lait week, waa written with litter illircKird for the truth. The writer, Calmer, of the deceased I.alillaw Chron icle, made it appear that a lawless cliu of citiieu resided in the town. Hit charge that cerUiu parlice endeaTOred to lire hit buildiiiK I' absurd In the face of the evidence collected, A partly burned newipaper wrapper around hfa private correspondence waa found under the sidewalk betide the building which ahows the direction of tbe wind. It la ex pected the Laldlaw Development League will take up the matter ol having the article referred lo retracted. A sheet, termed the Laldlaw Chronicle, and published in Redmond, made its ap pearance here Monday. Mostol tliem hive been collected and will be returned to the editor. - All the farmer In this section are busy taking care of the first crop. In some places two anil a half tons of hay to the acre are reported, while two tons will lie about the average on seeded land. With hay in the field at fta per ton, the farm era liuvc reaton to feel tiootl. W. II, Courtney started out this week on the cason'a run. He expects to bale 1000 tons ln-fore finishing, W. U. Karnes leave Wednesday for Portland, where he will spend a few weeks. Mis Daisy Moen arrlvn-1 here Monday to Join her father, A- Mocu, who has re cently taken up a homestead near town, Attorney General Crawford purchased a i6o-acre tract of laud 011 the Matoles last week. He left Sunday for Portland, Orover Gerktug recently sold n hand of 35 horse to outside parties. They will lie taken over the mountain for diioal W, II, Gerklng ami family moved last week to their newly constructed home on the ranch northwest of town. A party cousIatliiK of G. W. Horner, Gene Wfincr and Clias, Spaugh climbed Hroken Ton mountain last Sunday. Mr Spauuh tok about three dozen pictures which he will have on exhibition iu a short time, George Couch relumed today from Khaniko with a load of express. The round trip wa iu six day, I'rof, J, A. Thompson, who I spending hi vacation on hi ranch northeast of here, was iu town the first of the week County Commissioner llailcy with his crew are repairing the bridge north of towp. Thirty Daya to Recuperate From Lortr Aluslc Fcit. Saturday evening's concert was the last that Ilctid will hear for 30 musiclcss (Uys, for the Hand has voted itself a month's vacation. Prof. Thome, the leader, will take n trip to Lake Odell, while many others of the melody makers will seek recreation elsewhere, getting into the best of training, for re sumption of hostilities in August. For eight monhts there has been no let-up iu practice. The lender reports that the Band's affairs arc in a most flourishing condition and that all its members are enthusiastic for a. continuance of the work along the lines being followed. The organization de sires it to be announced that collec tion of subscriptions will be omitted this month until the Hand gels back on the job. PREVENTION THE BEST SAFEGUARD If for any cause the horse or other lomestic animal exhibit a lack of energy, oroper relish for food, or an appear a uce f general debility, timely action should e taken tor the restoration of It Health 111 the natural food of our domestic inlmal Nature provides certain tKcullar mrdlciiial iicrus, leaves, harks anil root adilch seem necessary for their health. Pacific Stock Feed In greatly condensed 'onn is Intended to supply the essential drtue at those health-giving natural rcmcdd-a and is prepared expressly for .hose animal deprived by man of their natural food. It I an alterative tonic which stimulates the various organs of 'he body, promotes the accretion, tones in the general system and restores the Unordered condition to a normal slate, It stimulates the apetite, improves the ilgcstlon ami assimilation of food, purifies the mood and Insure a good, healthy condition, nookiei tree. IIovt Chkmicai, Co, Portland, Oregon GRAZED M STRENUOUS A.IDNKJIIT CHASB Hear Cratk Insane Mm fUude Guard and Makes Lens; NfgM Trip Oa4 In Shirt-Later Captured by Sheriff and Returned. LkkfAJj. 80 YEARS' IEXPERIENOE Thadk Marks nraiaut CopvnioHra 4c. 'm' ugriniwii Anrnns isnillna tkrtth slid dMcrlntlon nif fltiletlr uccrUIn our opinion fit hibr an liiTwiilon I urobb!r l'lM'i'W-, Cowijiunlf. tloiKitrlctirSniiDdsiittf. UtroMM mi f-.iw.u it rrsa. OMmI aisncr rof Siiliia'Ptit. I'stcnu Itkuci ibrgusti Wuno 4 lu.rlM tfutat notkl, wllnout ovarii, la lb scKKtmc jtftttcrm A hsmJfonistr lllntlrdei wssklr. LrHt Mr. Iiuun or snr iamlioo inuinu, 'ibi,h a I roar iuoiiim, su BOMDrsilTisvsaMitrt, cuknon 01 rr BMSNXZSMiffi Last Thusday tilght and l'riday morning the eastern county whs af forded considerable excitement by the manoevers of a crazy man, The sufferer, whose name, fs Jess Powers, ran amuck iu the Hear Creek country ucar Crook aud was brought thence to Priueville. At a preliminary medical examination held in the evening the physicians were unable to decide whether he was suffering from an attack of insanity or from walking typhoid. At all events, the man was put to bed at the Poiudcxtcr Hotel, with a guard sleeping in the same room. Hut while said guard slept the "wild man," chiefly equipped with an undershirt and consider' able crazy determination, made for tbe fen exMtntry. SttoM the alarm was given. Slier Iff Ktkitis and AI Ynucy, the night watch, tracked him part way up the big grade east of town. Then he took to the sage and climbed up over'the steep rock walls near the nuary no mcau enterprise on a dark night for a crazy mau with bare feet. Later In the morning he was cap tured over a dozen miles from Priueville and was returned to town, He is being held in the jail tnerc awaiting developments, and ptobflbly will be removed to Salem. Hospital Happening. Vestcrduy IJmil Krickaon left the hospital having made a complete recovery from the skull fracturen and other Injuries resulting from his runaway accident, which for a time threatened his life. The four-year-old son of Mr. It. 1'. ritmaii, who lias been sick for some week, it now on the road to recovery, while Mr, Pitman herself I dolnir well. a I Iter baby boy, Mr. J. W, llaker leave today for Tuuialo, having entirely recovered from tiieenectaot tier operation. Chickmn Dinnkk this Sunday at theSTAK JJakkry. :