t ' I" I i1 A , a Crescent T HE JUNCTION CI T Y. Situated 50 miles .south of Haul, on the Oregon Trunk Railroad and on the Natron Cut-ofl or the outhcrn Pacific, Crcsent ollcra (treat Investment liargaiiiK. Special Inducements for llusincss Men and Home Makers. Automobile Service from Henri LOTS ON EASY T E R Al S Sec L. L. FOX, Henri Agent Central Ore. Improvement Co. I.. P. WAKEFIELD, Manajccr, Crescent, Oregon. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on .the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lots. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STKIWT, I1END, OR. All Spring Samples Now Here You W ;.. Spring; Suit That You Can Depend On to look nice, to bang well, wear well and give you value received for what you pay for it. Conic look over the Samples. A. D. MOE. The Tailor. National Cash Market Davles Building, Wall Street F. W. STAFFORD, Proprietor I O'DONNELL BROTHERS I I UNION MARKET I :". IcANlDYTFRUTTn ; : cigars Hi rao , ) 7l f ITI r Davles Uulldlng, Wall St., C ijli J. lxtLLY UENl), OREGON I M BRCIIAN T T A I LP u I NO A S P W C I A L T Y cAe ftens uoqeen FINE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER SHIRTS 8SABi EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR The Nettleton Shoe anew lur&iM'c nrMicirDQ i UNB OF A. L. FRENCH Wall Street, - DEND, ORKGON D IS mm mm) REALTY MEN OKQANIZG slsled tlic officer. A fine of f 15 wan Imposed. While it was stated Hint Hick had beaten bis wife while intoxicated no chnrgc on this bead was made. Real Ustate Dealers Oct Together for the Purpose of Mutual Aid and form Ilend Henlty Hoard, At a meeting of realty men held lust Thursday in the offices of the Home Land Company a real estate mcu'N organization was entered in to which choose for itself the title of IJcnd Realty Ooard. The or Knnizatlon was the result of a pre litnlnary meeting held the previous week at J. A. Hasten' office, where, at a gathering of practically all the realty men in liend, the ndvnii tages of organization were dia- cussed and a committee to draw up bylaws, etc., was appointed. Extracts of the by-laws, here with given, -outline the purposes of the organization and the methods of its conduct. Membership lu member dull I composed of real estate men who have regular established places of business ami who .lull conduct tame in a manner creditable to the organization. Htpulslon of Members It shall be the privilege of thla organization to repri mand or expel any member who may be proven guilty ol business methods or practices discreditable to theorganica lion. Purposes The purposes of this organ liatiou shall be to promote harmony and a feeling of goodfcllowship among Its uiem!r ami to aid In the promotion of enterprisca and the best Interests of Ilend ami Central Oregon In Keneral. legibility to Vote Only one of each firm belonging to the Hoard shall be en. titled to vote but the right of discussion Is extended to all members of the Board. Time of Meeting The regular meet Ing of the board shall be held on the first Thursday night of each month. Special meetings may be called by the president or by the request of three members of the Hoard. Due. The monthly dues of this Hoard ahall be twenty-five cents (15c) for each member, Initiation feet twenty-five (-jc). The following officers were ap pointed: President, J. A. Hastes; Vice President, M. J. Morrison; Secre tary, C. O. Drown; Treasurer, W. W. Orcutt. Secretary Brown reports the fol lowing charter membership: Home Land Co., J. A. Hastes, Crook County Realty Co., Deschutes Realty Co., Home-Seekers' Land Co., S. J. Spencer, J. L. Dyrue, O. C. Ucnkle and W. R. Riley. It is the intention of the Board to post lists of its members and to advertise such a list, so that strangers coining in to the town as well as those who have inquiries to make may be iu formed of file names of firms to whom they may apply for detuiled information. In asmuch as only reputable realty dealers wilt be permitted to join the organization and as discreditable practices afford grounds for expul sion, the membership list will come to be a sort of roll of honor. - Are the Railroads llarraiied? (Itilracl from Ulllotlal New Voik lltrsM, Mir y, 1910) The only unfavorable clement In the business situation Is the unfavorable atti tude of federal lawmakers and state offi cial toward the railways and the spirit which would prevent the companies from moderately advancing their charges to oflset the increased cost of oieration. When the manufacturer Isobllged to pay higher prices for raw material and In creased wages, he does the only possible thing In the circumstances and corre spondingly raise the charge for his product. The railways are obliged to pay increased prices for supplic and higher wages, and It is only reasonably that they should get more for what they sell, namely, transportation. That they are impelled to raise their charges Is plain from current tremc re turns showing Increased gross takings, while costs of operation have Increased In still greater ratio, with resulting de crease lu net cariilnt:, Unlest the treat est of all Industrie I permitted to pros- ier tue country counot be prosper ous. Atlv, FOUR HORSE LIVERY. SADDLE HORSES. rtsssssssPBWrsraB JOHN LEGAT OltALKR IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired Hslimatcs on application Wall Paper at Portland Prices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and Best Wall Paper Sam ples lu the county. Get My Price. Ilox 39. Bend, Oregon. F. O. MINOR rosTorrica building LI FH FI RE ACCI DENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal Paper Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS BEND LODGE.No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on 01 before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. J. D. OAVIOSON. Beer. U, O. CO. M. W. Spree Cost Chef Fifteen Dollars-. On Monday afternoon Joe Hick was tried before Recorder Ellis on a charge of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, on the complaint of Policeman Rotating, It seems tltat on Saturday evening Uick, who is cook at the Hotel Bend, got drunk and created a disturbance, and when Ho'.nling was called re- Administratrix's Notice of Final Settlement. Notice It hereby atren la sit whom It msv eon. trn. that the undcnlinrd has filcM her Nuaj sc- count r the eslait W fauny C. Hoyer.drcrasnl, Lit of Crook County, Oregon, And Ihtt the Cult basset the same for liratlur on the lit day ofAujii.t. 191, at 10 o'clock a tu. ofaaUl day t the County Court room la the County Court lloiue. st Itiutvltlc In Crook County, Oreeou. and that the said account and auv ob. I returns thirelu will I heard and ud upon y the Court at aalil time aud place. imicu si uenu, urccon, inn, me him uay 01 June. 1910. , I.OIU1.A8. OKIr-FIN, Administratrix of the Jtataleofi'auny C. Iioycr, ,M. II3HIJ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IKOLATKli TRACT. ruDLic ianii ham?. Ncoijjj. U. S. Uud OKce, The Dalles, Or., June 6. 1010. Kollra la hereby lven that, laa olrrclad hv lh ComniluioMtr ol the Otueial Land Urttre, uuder til Juue 17, public sale, lyoA, 1'libltc No. jot, we. will ollrr at putil to the liiaheat bidder, at 9. to o'clock a. 111.. on Ihe Ifth fay of July, ifto, at llilaorhcc, the (ol- lowing nan 01 lauu, to win nwu w. Mi;, 13, Tp, to 8. II, 10 K. V. M. Any Mraoua clalmliic adversely Iheatuvesle. arrllml lamia ait advlardto file Ihetrclalnia, or ohlcctlous, on or before the day above de.lg- naieu lor aic. 14-19 C. W. MOOKU, Ucglstcr. N0TJ0I3 FOR PUliLIOATION. U. . Land Office at The Oatlcs, Or, luuejth 1910, Notice la hereby given thai Vtrd A. fthonneat. of Ilend Orecon, who, oil Hcplciubet xSlli. ioo, tnsilc llomealead eulry (SerlSI No, a?f)). No. IJJJTt "r iihuwk, anu im nwx ec. i, Tp. W(S., H. 11 It. W. M.. has filed uollce of Inten tion to make final Commutation I'roof, to eatab llih claim to the laud aliovs described, befor II. C. Ultla, U. H. Coiumlwloncr, at h(a office at Bend. Oregon, on the 19th day or July, 1910. Claimant uamessswltncaaesi .. . n .11.... i..ii...(.ii. ....I w..J.. ..Ill UVII.a it AIIVU, ItUIIHI MII.C .UU A..VIVI .1,11, nend, Otrgon, and William N, Uollluahead, of Knaiann, uregou, luijjlio C, W. MOORlt, KejUUr, C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OKHICK IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. HUND, OKHGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL DANK DLDO., UJtND, OKHGON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPPICK OVKR l'IKST NATIONAL BK. Oflicc Hours: 10 to 12 a. ui.; t to 3 ami 7 to 8 p. in, Bknd, : Orkgon Dr. A. A. BURRIS,.NnATduS,.!c Heater, IHacaaes Successfully Treated Without the Use 0 Drugs or Hurgery, by the Nstursl Methods of Healing , Chron ic DlscsYce a ScUlty, Consultation free Mcmbec of the State snd National Naturopath Society. .. Office In Johnson Uhlg., ' Bend, Oregon B. FURRELL Physician and Surgeon Office over Deschutes Bauking and Trust Co. Wall street, Bend, Or. F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGJNEER SURVEYOR Beud, Oregon, GEORQE S. YOUNG CIVIL AND MINING ENOINBER WITH I., D. WIltST, C, K, Bend, Oregon Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. If. WENANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLEY, WHEAT, CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Light and heavy Horses fer Sale. Timber Lands Wanted 320-Acre Irrigated Farm Lands City Prop erty and Acreage . List your Timber Lands with us quick. We have cus tomers waiting. We can locate you on the Choicest Homestead Lands in Central Oregon. Satisfaction guaranteed. List your Farm Lands with us. Our list is good now but we desire to increase it. We have plenty of buyers.coming. We have call for all kinds of City Property and Acre age. Let us know what you have in this line. The Home Land Company W. W. OR.CUTT, Mansr. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You are cordially Invited to make THIi H0TRL DALLES your resting place while waiting over between trains cm your way to tad from Portland. New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; steam heat, elevator; suites and rooms with baths. First class cafe. Kate ranging from 50c and $1 upward. Ideal Stopping: Place Going to and from Central Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Maasr. Patterson Drug Comp'y. The re-mcnWIsg of otir aHtiMtag is nearly complete!. Our Stock teem Ue way. We will ke reeiy for aMietmioc ia a few days. Let Us get KwintetJ m. the OM FoetoMce ituUSng on Wall Street. PATTERSON DRUG CO. BEND. We want to be your Druggists J. H. WENANDY BKND OR, F. L. sHWTEN SHANtKO, e. Central Oregon Automobile Company VENANBY-BsMEN AUTOtttMLE CI . DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Shaniko, Madras. Redmond aud Bead and all Interior points. For furtker information write Central Oregon Automobile Co. Sc GUY B. WALK12H, Band Ajsmt SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND lAGGAO THE BULLETIN lath leading newspaper of CENTRAL ORROON