The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 06, 1910, Image 8

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VJC'L 111 Ull U1V VII UUUU 1 1UU1
Get to the Land FIRST!
Fortunes are being: made in IRRIGATED LAND. Deschutes Valley Acre-
age offers wonderful opportunities for the Settler, be he rich or poor.
The Carey Act Segregation of The
4 IT'S?, ' A'WO?
Deschutes Land Co.
Offers an Unparalleled Irrigationist's Opportunity.
The segregation, 30 miles south of Bend, in the fertile 'Walker Basin, embraces more than
28,000 Acres No Rock Deep Soil Ample Water
All the land to be irrigated is ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM STONE. The soil is VERY DEEP, productive and EASILY
WORKED. THE LAND IS LEVEL. It slopes just enough to Insure Ideal Irrigation Conditions. The water for this
great enterprise is taken from CRESCENT-LAKE. The supply Is CONSTANT AND INEXHAUSTIBLE. The LUCKIEST
EXCAVATOR IN THE WEST Is engaged in the construction of our canals. Men are at work night and day on the ditches.
The Land is Free, Water Rights Cheap, Terms Easy
The Deschutes Land Company
Bend Representatives:
J. E. MORSON, Algr.
Portland Office
en for Business!
Tfce New Harness and Horse Goods Store
Get Your Orders in Early for the
Repairing ef all kinds. Best WorK Guaranteed.
I rr ,. ,,, ,, , ,,. Hi
nujmian mug., vor. wan onu Minnc.soi ois,, Uj
I Bend, - - Oregon
(Continued from page i.)
merits of all county division propos
itions shall be passed upon by an
impartial committee appointed by
the Governor, Should this com
mittee find the proposed division
log ical and meritorious, its decision
ukall be left to the voteis of the ter
ritory affected, -
Practically everyone in the north
ern portion oi ttic countv a mied
the petition, as did those in Beud. nianeut
Sfoters and Laidlaw, almost to aj the main avenues of transportation
uiau. Tomorrow the petitioa will I and the unsettled and unstable con
County at this time. The follow
iug resolutions voiced the benti
nient of the meeting:
Whereas, there is being proposed
by initiative petition a measure to
create a new county from the
western portion of Crook County,
Oregon, which measure is to In-
voted upon by the electors of this
state at the next general election.
and whereas, by reason of the pres
ent undeveloped and sparsely set
tled condition of the territory af
fected, the uncertainty of the per-
location of railroads and
be fited in Salem.
Priueville's action in the county
divkioa natter is one of absolute
hostility to the scheme.
At ft m meeting held at the
Prineville Coaiawrcial Club rooms
on June 27 it was unanimously de-
dition of the centers of population,
the proposition to divide Crpok
County at this time is clearly pre
mature and inopportune, therefore
Resolved, by the citizens of
rrineville and vicinity, iu mass
express our most emphatic objection
to said measure, and pledge our.
elves to use nil honorable meanse
to defeat any and all proposals to
divide Crook Couuty until such
time a the centers of population
are sufficiently established, and the
avenues of commerce and trade
fixed to such an extent that a di
vision can be intelligently accom
plished. Laidlaw Localettcs.
Mr. J. O. Ringo and wife re
turned Friday from Madras, where
they have been spending a fewdays.
State Kuginecr Lewis and Attor
ney General Crawford came in Sun
day night and left Monday for
(lend. Mr. Crawford will return
The heavy blasting on the rail
road grade cast of town is making
the old-timers really believe their
long dream is about to be realized.
O. V. Horner has had a Pair
banks hay scale installed iu front of
his warehouse.
I J. Cocn and wife have moved
to their ranch north of town, where
iny caller will find Mr. Cocn break
ink? the union hours.
George Couch and Ray Gerking
have formed a partnership and will
encage in the express business be
tween Shaniko and Bend, via Laid
law. It is the intention to make
weekly trips, leaving Bend on Mon
County Commissioner Bailry re
turned here bunday. He reports
the Trail Crossing road practically
Attorneys Young and Dillenbeck
with Nell Rav, spent the Fourth
finhing on L"ke Lewis, near the
headgate of the C S. Co. They
retimed with the goods.
P. M. Tewksbiiry and Bert Mil.
'er will prove up on their home
steads this week.
Mrs C. K. Siva fiord and a Mr,
Vwk of Seattle, arrived Monday
night. They are looking over the
Iliimphrey-Swnffbrd water power
project. Mr. Humphrey is expected
n tomorrow.
Mr W. D. Barnes made a flying
trip to Prineville Tuesday
Coottnued from rug? ')
way; without doubt it was one of
the most successful affairs of its
kind ever seen in Central Oregon.
In the first place the big floor was
ideal, all speaking in the highest
terms of the excellence of the danc
ing surface and the satisfaction of
the ample space provided by the
new Opera House, Secondly the
music supplied by the Band was
voted a credit to any mctopolitan
affair, and showed what remark
able pro' .ss the local musicians
have mai.e with bard practice and
careful training. Last, and per
haps best of all, were the number
of dancers; tickets were sold to 150
couples, and probably another hun
dred looked on. Refreshments
were on sale in the small room near
the entrance.
In every way the big dance was
a great success, and all agreed that
to Manager Charles Cirroll great
credit is due.
(Continued from page I.)
elded Ut oppose cutting up Crook meeting assembled, that we hereby
Tuntalo Happenings,
Tumamj, Oregon. July 4, 1910. Mr.
I M I'ryrea anil Mrs. bliulta called at
this place yciterday. Mr, I'ryrcar report
liraiKium I'ryrrar Having Men cry tick
lately, nut :i uowiy recovering.
Mr. ami Mr. George W, Winer were
viiitlng their daughter. Mrs. J. W. Hakcr,
who I now In the Uend hospital, one
day last week. They report her recov
ering nicely from her late operation, and
lak very highly of the skillful nifdl
Cdl management.
into camp in a ridiculously one
sided game by the score of 33 to 3.
As the Portland team which was
scheduled for a game Monday after
noon failed to put in an appearance
a nine was made up from engineers
and other volunteers, who started
to play u combination team of
Benders and Redmondites, The
game demonstrated tbut the art of
ballplaying is remote from that of
building railroads. After four in
nings the score stood 14 to 1 not
in favor of the engineers. After
that their opponents said they had
enough and further hostilities were
The following played:
Engineer: Yatc, Sangfelder, Irwin,
O'Doimtll. Ilrackett. I'rliwle. Vaiiilvke
Mini Slitdoii, Kcdiiioinl-llcnil: Jlclk
nap, Chapman, Tctlierow, McCauley,
immeiie, necker, aicKeynoltli, Metke
and Durrl.
City Lots
Five-Acre Tracts Adjoining Bawl, t Reason
able Hates.
Close In On Hosy Terras.
Our Specialty,
Do you Wish a
We Can Locate You on Same.
Light Pine li Imposed.
Yesterday Driver Baker of the
Priueville mail stage who cre
ated something of a on
the evening of (he Fourth, was
fitted $7 50 011 a charge of "drunk
and disorderly," preferred against
him by Marshal Scott. W. B.
Sellers acted as recorder iu the ab
sence of Jutye Kills.
Do You Wish to
Iu the Best Insurance Companies? We represent them.
We also handle Mining Slock, do Notary Work
and Stenography,
Central Oregon Realty
Wall Street, BUND, ORIJGON
EUEI MONGER, Prcs. i. t mn yki.fmm
O.MARKEL Stclms. .
nw...nUvrawroraoHTour. p. M, Car,cr an(,
oiaie iinRincor Lewis and Attor-1 moving down from
ucy ucnerai trawiord ore In Bend. uend.
According to an Oregonian dispatch
the object of their present Central
Oregon tour is to look into the
affairs of tac Columbia Southern
and D. I. & p, companies nnd in
vestlgate an irrigation proposition
in Warner Valley,
family are
Roslaud to
M,lrhc,p!flCn ? Rct Tare m"1
alwa?."r y' C,MU 8crv,ce
Splendid new maps of Central
mmicu iw 30 cents,