LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERA1S Sightly Residence Lots ...IN... BEND HEIGHTS CLOSE IN and EXCELLENT VIEW of City and Surround ing Country. R.EMEMBER. This is the future residence district, of GREATER BEND. Our engineers will have the plats ready in a few days. Come early and make your selections. LOCAL AGENTS FOR. WIESTORIA Choice residence lots 10 per cent cash and 5 per cent per month. Deschutes Realty Co. Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL BE CARRIED IN STOCK BY US HEREAFTER. Fine Candies Williams Brothers. The Pioneer Wood Yard Call on or telephone us for the Best Seasoned Wood. Custom Wood Sawing Solicited.' All wood is cut green, therefore assuring good live wood Wm. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. Land I have buyers for large or small tracts at right' prices. C XKT MKrJBI 473 Colman Building, W TT XT&W1YH1W SEAT .TTLE, WN. Copies of special Central Oregon Edition of the Portland Chamber of Commerce- Bulletin, containing, many articles upon this section as weiWsa valuable map, are now on sale at the Bulletiu office, at 35 cents each. Shaves and hair-cuts, where? Why, at Ibness & Davidson's. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line. Tint Coknktt Starr & Stable Co. 25tf Get your typewriter ribbons and carbon paper at the Bulletin office. AT UIDLAW IHND ENTERTAINS CROWD Music, Spenklnp, Wnr Time Remin iscences and Good thing to Unt Make Laldlnw livening Unl crsnlly Applauded. Lntt Saturday night the Luidlnw Hand gave n highly tmccesslnl en terlninuieiit in the church tit Laid liuv, whose cupucity was taxed to the utuio;t by the big local crowd which turned out and the tunny visitors (torn Demi, After u well pluved selection by the Hand, under the leadership of Prof. Thorite, the Misses Mellie James nud Pay Gerkiug gave n vocal duet which wuj encored warmly. "My Philosophy" was n clever monologue recitation by O C. Young, whose hearty reccp lion brought forth another humor ous offering concerning "Sturdy Oaks and Clinging Vines." Then the Band played, Prof. Thornegavr a cornet solo and W. M Dtilinbcck recitcil "At the Grave of Napo leon." The feature of the evening was J. I. West's talk, "Prison Days in Andersonville." "Dad," a vet eran of the Civil War, held his listeners tascinaied with his incisive .vord picture ol the horriable scenes in which he himself was an actor in the great Confederate prison, ightiug up his wartime Mory here did there with bits of quaint humor that sent heartv laughter through lis audience. From July to march, 64, said Mr. West, while he was in the "Keb" stockade, he had at no time shoes nor shirt nor canvas over him. When exchanged and re turned to the lines of blue his weight was but 60 pounds. At the close of the evening ice cream and cake were served. The following Laidlaw people were in Bend on the Fourth: W. It. and J. C Thorp, Mr. and Mr. G. V. Horner and family, I!. B. James and his son and daughter, J. N. n. Gcrk inj; and family, Mrs. Howard, P. C. Dayton and daughter, W. D. Barnes, Mr. Root and family, Jean Wittier and family, O. A. Bailey and Mr. Saudnl. W. M. Hall, Messrs. Heck, Syrie. Harper, Parks and Patton, with their families spent the fourth on a picnic at the mouth of the Matoles,' J. C. Thorp ha just completed a fine new house on his ranch three mites northwest of Lladlaw. Wm. Hell has returned from a long absence in Walla Walla and elsewerc. He has a homestead near town. For Sauj One Economy Chief Separator, medium size. One Single Section harrow. One 12 Inch plow. Address P. C. B. care Bulletin. 13-16 NOTICE.FOR PUBLICATION. U.K. Land Office at Lakcvleir, Or. May at, 1919. Notice la hereby siren that William O. I'orilbaro, or Rotlaml, Oregon, who. on July 4, ittft, made llonitalrait entry. No. nfi, tux HKIf. bee. M. Twp. 11 H., K. 10 li. W M.. hat filed notice of Intention to make final (.ouimuutlon I'roor, to raUUIah claim to the land abore described, before II. C Kills, U. H. CommiMloner, at JJend, Oregon, on the ijth day ol July, 1910, Claimant names aa vitneuea. JaincaT Carter, Lcrov M Bint, William Bv rloKhatn, Grove Caldwell, all or Koaland, Ore gon. ARTHUR W OKTOM. U-16 Xeglater. The Buckley Express Co. Direct Express Service between Shaniko and Bend. Two Rigs Each ay every week Careful Attention. No Stops! NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. lAOLATItl) TRACT. rilllt.tC UNI) rUt.K, No, iSJJ7, IT H, Umt Oltce, The Dalle a, Or., June A, tola. Notice I hereby lven that m iHrrctnl bjr th CummlMlO'trr 11I the tloitral l.nml timet, umlrr tHiivUloiiaofAet uf Coimtta atinrornl June IT. ivA I'ukllc- No. Ml n will Oder nt public aale, tuitie nuiitii nutucr, at I l 1 o'clock a. in., nil 11 juiv. 1010. ai 1 lomtiK tiacl 01 lanii, 10 win the lythuajr of July. 1910, ttilaurnce. the (ol WU8WU,eC. I J. 1 p. io n. h, 10 11 v m Any etMiis claiming adversely the almye-de-acrttmllaiiilaatc advltnl to tile ihelrclalma, or oblrctlona, on or before the day above drl( tinted for aate, 14-I9 C W. MOOHK, MfgUltr. Notice to Creditors. In the County Coutt of the Hlate orotrgotifbr the Cuu nly of Crook, ti the Matter or the ltMate ol' J Itllawotth Coleman Dccraicd. ItalaiHiif I Itlliwntth Coleman. DrceiMed Notice l hereby given by the underalaiieit, 1 re Ullixoi llieeaiaie 01 iviiiiroiin luirnian, nr ctnawl, tothecrrdltnia or, and all riKin liar lugctnlmaagalnal the aald deceafrd to ltteMiil Mimi vtilfitil aa teiilted by law within alx month, after the ftrat implication of this notice to the aald eiectiltlt at the nrllre of Venioii A I'oitxa In the Vint National lunk Mtlg , Hcnd, Oregon, Ihe Mine 11 tig the place for the trana action of the bualntM of Ihe aald estate In the Mid city, county and stale. Dated thl lh day or May, 1910. MARY It. COUtMAK. KiectitrU or the Itatatc of J. lilttworth Cole. man, Deceaied. IM NOTICE FOR I'URTjIOATION., U. 9. Land Office at The Dalles, Or. lunejlh lylo. Notice la hereby given that 1'ietl A. Shonoemt. ofnend Oregon, who, on BeWember lAlh.iwA ofnend Oregon, who, on BeWember lAlh.iora, made llomcatratl entry (Setlat No, vyfA), No. .,,-, fnritU NIlU ami ItU HWtf. Hec. II. Til. 18., R. 11 it W M., has filed notice of Inten tion to make final Commutation Woof, to lth claim to the lauu aiiove utacrioeii. icioreii C Itllt. U. H. Coinnitwloner, at hla office at lleml. Oregon, on the lytnuay 01 July, 1910. Claim nl namcaaawltttcueat Cortea It. Allen, Luther Mtlkc and David Kill Hand, Oregon, and William N. Iloltimhead, o Rutland, Utegou, -. C W MOORlt. Rt later. List Your Property With I Us No matter where it is or what it is, we have buyers for both large and small tracts of RANCH LANDS TIMBER LANDS ACRE TRACTS Business and Resi dence Property. Don't Peddle Your Property-"- it cheapens it. Select one good broker and stick to hitn. We would like to be that broker. 321-Acre Homesteads a Specialty Our locator has had several years' experience and knows the country. Wc locate by civil engineering and guaran tee our corners. No matter how large or how small, we're big enough to handle anything desirable at a salable price. And not too large to give attention to smaller things. Will you call and get acquaint ed or write us fully of your desires and we will send the right man to see you. We are Here to Stay Homeseekers' Land Co. Davis & Post Oregon St., 'iknd, Oregon BARGAINS rrtv EVERY DAY GENTS, FURNISHINGS Yours for "Business vdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVHaaaaaaaaaaaaW Laaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaV tSSiisV LADIES SHOES and HOSIERY Yours for Business Turpiri & Whitsett DAV1ES BLDG.. Opp. Postofflce, BEND, OREQON. Administratrix's Notice of I'tnnl Suttlontutil. Notice la hereby given to all whom It may ctnf cetn. thai the uiideralgiinl has filed htr llnsl ac count of the eitale of Panny C. Iloyer. tltccwted, late of Ctook County, Ottgou. And that Ihr Coin! lias atl Hie iwme for heailuu 011 Ihe tat day ilfAUKiKti lVi t 10 o'clock n in, or aald day at Ihe Cimniy Com I room In the County Coutt llouw, at lllneville In Cnwk Coiinljr, llrruiui. .ml lli. I lh aald amttllll and ally Ob Irclk.intlnitlo will le heatd and wed uon It as I tiaa Civil I ml alil t Ituss ulkit SiImi'i. "'.:' rrr:-,.v: ""."".?..-.:.' ..... .1.- .. uaieu at nt nu, ureguu, im,inr 11111 .j i June, 1910. i.uiii,i M. (iKii'i'in, AduilnitlratiUoflhc Jlatale of I'aniiyC. Iloyer, Deceased lljlll) JjBBBsflBMBMJfc fiM!fI JOHN LEOAT mtALKU IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Vnllses Repaired Hstltttates on application Wall Paper at Portland Prices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and lint Wall Parei Sam pics in the con 11 ty. Get My Prices. IJox 39, llctitl, Oregon. AdvertNe It puvs X rcscription Ujraaaists STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES FISIIINQ GOODS SODA FOUNTAIN . ICE CREA1YI Ills. MERRILL DRUQ CO. Wall St - Bend, Or. CITY DRAY IIARNKY I.HWIS, WOI'. &". -CITV VMY At nr. Wn IIANDLU UVURYTIIINa Iave your orders with Nick Smith Wall .St., Ilcnd J. H. WUNANDY BKND OK. F. L. BUNTHN SHANIKO, OR. Central Oregon Automobile Company WENANOY-BUNTEN AUTOMOWLH CO. SjasgMSBSBJSjaSSSBMSMalSSi) DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Slinniko, Madras, Kedmond and Hcnd and all interior points. I'or further Information write Central Oregon Automobile Co. See C1UY U. VALKI!U, Uentl Aicent SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE,- Patterson Drug Comp'y. The re-mcxkling of our LnjiUmg k nearly complete!. Our Stock is on the way. We will be reaJy for business in a few days. SSSBSBStSSSBBlBBBBSHSSBSSSaBasaSaBBSSM Let Us set acquainted in the Old Postofftee building on Wall Street. PATTERSON DRUG CO. BEND. We want to be your Druggists North Beach Queen of The Northwest Resorts - " .HI 1 , 1 . Near the Mouth of the Columbin IUvcr, on the Waihlnton Cotut THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION Twenty-live Miles of Magnificent Beach ;; Level, Compact and Smooth ; Many thriving communities, delightful hotel, cottage, tent and ramp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fishitiK, clam dlggingi beach bonfirei, riding, racing, huiiU ing, strolls and drives through pic turesqe wooded headlands deduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Washington ' VIA ' Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. Season Rate; Prom Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 , Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets, Portland, or inquire of any O, Ru & N. agent elsewhere for information 4 I I i 4 : v Wm. McMURRAY, OeNERAUPASUNOCD AOetyT, PORTLAND, OREQON.