LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERMS Sightly Residence Lots IN BEND HEIGHTS CLOSE IN and EXCELLENT VIEW of City and Surround ing Country, RXMEMSER. This is the future N residence district, of GREATER BEND. Our engineers will have the plots ready k a few days. Come early and make your selections. LOCAL AGENTS FOR. WIESTORIA Choke residence lots 10 per cent, cjsh and 5 per cent per month. Deschutes Realty Co. Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL BE CARRIED IN STOCK BY US-HEREAFTER. Fine Candies Williams Brothers. The Pioneer Wood Yard Call on or telephone us for the Best Seasoned Wood. Custom Wood Sawing Solicited. All wood is cut green, therefore assuring pood live wood Wa. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. Land I have buyers for large or small tracts at right prices. C. W. Melville 473 Colman Building, SEATTLE, WN. Copies of special Central Oregon Edition of the Portland Chamber of Commerce Bulletin, containing, Bianv articles upon this btctiou as well as a valuable map, are now on sale at the Bulletin "office, at 75 cents each. PRETTY WEDDING STAATS-IIORTON NUPTIALS Sylvester Stantn Weds MIm draco Morton nt the Homo of Thomas Trlplett Many Attractive (lifts Received. On last Thursday morning at n little after eight occurred the wed dim; ol Sylvester L. Stnnts and MKs Grace ilurton, at the home of the brum's mother, Mrs. Thomas Triplet!. The ceremony, performed by the Rev Mr J T. Lewellen of IMine ville, occurred in the morning to lermit the bridal couple to start upon their weddinc trip from Shun iko. A large number of invited guests were present, and in every way the occasion was marked as one as happy as it was attractive. The bride was attired in a moat becoming dress of while silk, set tug off to advantage her dark eye.- and hair She carried while carna tions and wore as her only omu meut u beautiful necklace set with pearls. Miss Gertrude Ilurton, the bride's sister, maid of honor, vore a white lingerie drcs. and car ried pink carnations. The groom vii s clad in conventional black Mrs Triplet! wore a gown of black md white silk, and Mrs. Staats one I corn colored silk. Shortly after the ceremony, and ollnwiug the hearty congratulations I Kt I, the bridal couple left for Shaniko m the W. H. Staats' auto, irtveii bv Prince Staats, brother of he groom. A generous shower of ice st.irted them on their way, vtiile Mitulrv slioes and tin cans lung to the rear of the car as it eft the town. It is understood that Mr and Mrs. Staats will spend their iotiymon at one of the coast caches, returning in a couple ol veeks. Next winter Mr. Staats probably will complete his law itudies at Salem. Many bcautilul gifts were re reived; cut glass, silverware, linen ind other welcome articles, useful ind decorative. Among the pres ents was a generous check from the groom's father. EASTERN VISITORS COME IN. List Your Property With Us No matter where it is or whnt it is, we have1 buyers for both large and small tracts of RANCH LANDS TIMBER LANDS ACRE TRACTS Business and Resi dence Property. Don't Peddle Your Property-- it cheapens il. Select one good broker and stick to him. We would like to be that broker. 32hAcre Homesteads a Specialty Our locator has had several years' experience and knows the country. We locate by civil engineering and guaran tee our corners. CITY DRAY 1IAMNKV I.MW18, I'MOIN : y p AV I2 CITY Dmv Wll IIANDI.U IIVURYTIIINO Leave your orders with Nick Smith Wall .St., llend No matter how large or how small, we're big enough to handle anything desirable at a salable price. And not too large to give attention to smaller things. With Shaves and hair-cuts, where? Why, at Iuuess & Davidson's. ' Notice. If you wish to" have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line. Tint CoutfiiTT Staok & Stable Co. 251' Get your typewriter ribbons and carbon paper at the Bulletin office. Minnesota Man Is Delighted I'roseects of Country. J B. Spencer of Walker, Minn., 'ather ol S J. Spencer, C M. Mc Kay, sou of D I,. McKay, the well Known representative of the Mueller Lumber Co. and Erick Jorstad of St. Paul, were in Beud last week, having come out from the East to gether. Mr. Spencer was obliged .0 return East, cutting his visit short. He was exceedingly enthus iastic concerning the couutry's pros pects uud will return later with a view to investing in farm land. What particularly interested him was the bucccss met with in raising onions. He said that in compari son with that of Minnesota the climate of this section is ideal. Mr. McKay Jr. will remain in Bend the greater part of the summer. Will you call and get acquaint ed orwrite us fully of your desires and we will setid the right man to see you. We are Here to Stay iioreseekers, Land Co. Davis & Post Oregon St., Bend, Oregon FREAK REFIQERATOR TAPPED BeHd Ice Cave Furnishes Supply to Butcher Shops. Due to the difficulty of securing ice the Bend butcher shops have reinstitutcd the practice of obtaining their ice from the ice cave. This novel natural refrigerator is situated some 15 miles southeast of town, where, in a cave in the lava rock an unending supply of ice remains the year through, despite the fact that no known water supply exists for many miles around. Some years ago this method of supply was em ployed. According to those who use it the ice is ol a very high grade and lasts far longer than docs that frozeu uuder more usual condition. Pupil Olve Piano Recital. The piano pupils of Miss Veda Williams gave a recital at her home last Friday. The mothers of the performers were guests and alt en joyed refreshments. James Merrill. Anna Linster, Frances Steidl, Claire Hunter, Ruth Caldwell and Marion Lawrence played It is expected to repeat the recitals at frequent inter vals, gradually making the pro grams more elaborate. Redmond lilects School Officers. Jos. H. Jackson has been elected clerk of the Redmond school dis trict and C. N. Eh ret director. The three teachers employed for next year are: J. Alton Thomp son, principal, Mrs. C Hopley and Mrs. C. D. Jarrett. Hitherto Mr. Thompson has had charge of the Laidlaw school. Powell Buttes News Letter. Powiat Huttks, June 39. School meeting for the election of officers in District 72 wai held June 20. Mr. For rest was elected director, and J. I. Jones clerk. George Appcl, who has been staying with his brother this summer, returned to his home in Newport, Washington last week. Arthur Dean has left his farm and is at work on the Johnson ranch, where they have commenced haying, Mr. and Mrs, J. I. Jones and children were visitors over Sunday with C. II. Cfll IDTH nt IITI V C A I 10? Commencing June 22 and running, until July 5th. JL J IL ) It I II i F I 0vljflvl kj I j I vl Special Sale of WOMEN'S and CHILEREN'S SHOES and HOSIERY. Unprecedented Bargains. Investigate! GENTS' FURNISHINGS Yours for Business LADIES' SHOES and HOSIERY Yours for Business Turpin & Whitsett DAVIES BLDQ.. Opp. Postofflce, BEND, OREGON. wmmsm M CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABlowof2038lbs. This new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. It is more powerful than the .30 Army, of bic- game hunting fame. The loading and firing of this riflo are controlled by tho trigger finger. It .BITS LIKE THE HAHHEB Of THOI Sni tar lltatUUti dmltr Mr ditalHt iWl turn till wklth JUi itrrafla in potnr jli. WKCHESTKX IttUWQ ARMS 00, Wrw Hstm, Ca U. S. A. -'or Snltt. ScvctcpniHcuKcr touring en (Tliomui I'lyer) 6o-h. p. In good condition. Will iscll for cash, or trade for land. AIho for mile, 7-pajf MMRcr tiiiuliiK ri Stevens Duryca (Hiit Six), Geylluder, In good con ditlon. HiiTM Auto Co , The Dulles, nrcKOtt, Notice. Notice Is hereby given ttint all IrcHptiHH li fot bidden on the proper'! licit of the llend Timber Co,, llrookH, Scullion Co, hud DcHchutcn ltt ruber Co. John K. Ryan, Tor Sale. Irrigated ' V six miles from town jH nrrra under cultivation, nil fenced, cleared and In crops. Mouse, bam, nnunn mid complete set ol tools, mid tills year'. Ciopa k vvllh place If wild oou, Low price, 8cc llullctlii Office. Lost A teiiin of tn'nten, nbout 850 weight. One grey, one bay. Hraiulcd 8 on left tdinttldcr. Jloili luive liiilletri on. Lost hIx mllcn cunt of l'riucvillc road. Scud lie formation to liullctin office. $ao reward for rccovery.CUKKNCK V. Uauto. Hf The Uullctln lion n bin new on. sorttneut of high gtude Uoud let tcr-licttd papers, in many tints, to .elect from. lilltsaud family of llend. Ko. Ivu of Nurtti Yafclms. ond Grant Cnnmly ol Ovid. Colorado, are vUltora at the home ol A. I). Morrill. Mr. Davis is a brother of Mrs. Morrill. "Dad" Shepherd recently sold his farm to 11. A. Jlustett. Consideration I ! 1 jjoo. Mr, Shcplicrl ys be alms to do less hard work now. J, rescriptlon Druaaists STATIONERY Vt TV ADT'in PQ FISHINQ 100DS jfjl SODA FOUNTAIN ICE CREAM !!!. MERRILL DRUG CO. WnllSt - Bend, Or. f FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, Builders' Hardware, Roofing. Everything you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH Mutzig Building Wall Street I J. II. WKNANDY nilNI) OR. F. L. BUNTON 8IUNIKO, OH. Central Oregon Automobile Company -. WENANDY-BUNTEN AUTOXOMLC CO. DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Slianlko, Madras, Redmond and Heud and all interior points. For further information write Central Oregon Automobile Co. See QUY U. WALKIW, llend AgCHt SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND I1AGGAGE Patterson Drug Comp'y. The re-moIling of our bujlding is nearly completed. Our Stock is on the way. We will be ready for business in e few days. Let Us get acquainted in the Old Postofflce building on Wall Street. PATTERSON DR.UG CO. BEND. Wc want to be your Druggists i n i T in- I