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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1910)
THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. VIII MIND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNK aa, 1910. NO. is . NEW CAMP GOES TT NEARTOWN One Mile North Another Outfit Qcts to Work. RAILS ARU PUT DOWN Work It Urlng Pushed Prom the North anil Many Men Will Come. Romo Completed by thanksgiving-. A railroad camp has been in' Mailed within a mile of town by the contracting Arm of Bryan & YoutiKstrotn, who have 4 mile of work from Bend tiorthwnrd. The new camp Is directly beside the Prineville road opposite the Kb lie brldxe across the Pilot Unite canal. Permanent board itahlcs, bunk house and cookshscks arc being erected, an well as many tent , dump cars and other conjunction paraphernalia already are on hand, and every effort is bclntf made to get all available men on the radc. In addition to the work along the main right-of-way from thin camp, construction will be carried on upon the side track etc. at Uend. The Bryan 3c Youngitrom con tract adjoins that of Chew & Silke on the north. Beyond it, in tura, U a two mile stretch let to Rossi & Adams, who have a camp some five miles north of town, just west of the Redmond road, Already all the rlght-obway un der this contract has been cleared, more 'than a quarter of a mile of work track is laid, upon which dump cars are being operated. Mr. Adarat says that 35 men arc now on the way from Shanlko. With a force of 5ocn, this work will be completed by Thanksgiving be says. Chew & Silke are operating all along their I3mite stretch south' ward from Bend. New Bridge In Bad Way. 9. 0. Dorris, the Deputy Pish Warden who has been at" Bend for some souths, has just returned frost au extensive up-river trip, in which Crescent Lake was visited. Mr. Dorris reports that the bridge built by the county on the new Crane Prairie road, crossing the De schutes just below the forks of Lit tle and Big rivers, is in a danger ously damaged condition. Operation Restores Reed's Stent. Irvin Reed, son of J. IJ, Reed, who lost bis sight in a premature explosion on Arnold ditch work over four years ago, has had lib slzbt restored bv a atirceaafiit nntr. ation just completed in a Seattle uospuai. word uas been received by his friends here t lint he now linn full use of his eyes. Me has been absent for three mouths nnd will return in a week or ten days, SCHOOL MWI.'CTOR HLUCTGD 1 PENCE V. At. Key for Hoard With I.. I) Wlest as Clerk. At the school election held Mon day V, M. Ruy was elected School Director nnd I I). Wclst clerk, to fill the vacnnclcs left by the ex piration of the terms of U. C. Coe nnd K. A. Smith. In the election 96 vote were cast, the can dldiitcs receiving votes fin follows: V. M. Ray,.6,V ) Lawrence 19; W. B. Seller. 11; A M. Lara, 3. For clerk, L. D Wlest 60. 0. P Put nam 35. K. A. Smith and J . S, Par miiitcr were nominated for clerk but withdrew their names from can didacy. K. A. Smith, School Clerk, pre Rented a report of the financial af fair of the district, of which the following is a summitry: .icurrn, ivv-la. tutUac from L. II. Wl'tl,cl'rk....,..., IJt.16 Cmiulv fund, 'yV-. ..... . - U V Ht.l fuml, ifuy u 51 Cwmlr fund, lyio .... . III7.1 Utr bind. III,. .......-........ I,w tUI dUirtct lu,.. . From luliloii -. m.m n u liitfdniUtt. ............. ...,-...-. .... la m ToUl ,. .......... m.... Sijli J7 IHOVMtUkXM. . Tf hm' Mlttf..,. . .......UlU M filninif and puMUMh ... ! 11 J3 upll luf Kboal. - .....-..- Si 4; In.uranc - ....... IJJ Huptlrt and Impru.iiufnli to txilkllnf ml ild. .... .......... JIIy Wxcrwtrk' ... .....- . ...... 43 " Hurl... . ., ................ ly. J nllor olk ... .... ,131 73 UUfrMon loud. nd wilt.nti... . 31077 lil.l.loii of fundi u ntw lrt......... 1471 I'lnl.hlBf tnd fuml-iilm nrw loomi.- Su li luttdrnUI. ..., ..... ..... j v TeUl ,-. -. Ml 4 SCMMABY. ToUl dUtirnatBlt ,.... ......f rill 4 Tout Itctlpl...-. ..- M 17 ItictMofdi.butMmrnU... ....iitIM However f 1720.39 of the war rants issued have not yet been paid, so mere is in the clerics nanus 5461.51. COMMITTEES ARE APIKMNTED At a nubile tnectintr called last Wednesday evening to take up Fourth of Tulv celebration nlans committees were appointed and the proposed holiday thoroughly discussed. The work of the advertisine committee, appointed at a previous meeting, was reported and ap proved by the house and the chair. C. A. Chapman was oppointed marshal for the Fourth, to have full authority and responsibility for the carrying out of all the details of the celebration, A committee to arrance the uro gram of events was appointed by the cuair, on motion, consisting 01 Messrs. II. Turpiu (chairman), Butts, Hunter, Edwards and Put nam. A Finance Committee com prising Messrs. Hudson, Lara and Caldwell was appointed, to take charge of the financial affairs of the entertainment. Messrs. Forbes, Steidl and II. Turpiu were constituted a special committee for collection of fuuds already subscribed and the securing of more. The meeting adjourned until this evening (Wednesday). WATER HGARINQATLAIDLAW fiovoral Contests Dismissed, Out Main Issues are Being- Tried Out (leneral New of the Neighborhood. BEND is growing! WE are growing! Are YOU growing financially? GET IN LINE! HELP BEND! HELP YOURSELF By Starting: an Account With Us. .. H Deschutes Banking tmd Trust Company Affonk Afctolutc Security Fire Proof Vault. Modern Safe with Double Time Lock. Burglar Insurance with a reputable company. Ofllcinls heavily bonded. . Conservative Banking for Conservative People. The Deschutes Banking and Trust Company L. 8. BAIRD, Tree. J. W. MASTliRS, Vice Trcs. M. Q. COH, Cashier. Laidlavv, Or., June 31 The net result of the watertight hear Inge for the first week is dismissal of about 35 contests against the Co lumbia Southern Irrigating Co., the trial of one case on an amended complaint and partial hearing o( another, wulcli Is still In progrrss. When Water Superintendent Saxton called the docket Ut Wednesday there whs slicnuotn ob jection on the part of the Columbia southern Irrigating (Jo. to going to tiial. William T. Muir of Port land, counsel for the company, pre scuted through another Portland attorney,. G. F. Martin, an afli duvit and motion for continuance. This move was resisted by most of the settlers. The superintendent ruled that there could be no con tinuance except on agreement of the turtles. Since the parties could not agree, the superintendent set Monday for taking testimony, designating the case of C. W. Al len against various parties to be beard first and the Witner case to follow. Monday morning the contest of C. W. Allen vs. C. S. I. Co., G. G. Gerking, G. E. and J. C. George, D. M. Smith and C. J. Mock was called. An amended complaint was filed adding 35 set tlers as plalntlUs witu Mr. Allen and not including the company and the Georges as defendants. Upon the issue thus made up testimony, was taken. C. P. Becker and F. R. Harbour were the only oral wit uesses lor the plaintiffs. They testified that no water was used upon the lands in question by de fendants prior to 1904. S. J. Ne,w some of Prineville, the only oral witness for the detense, testified as one of the incorprators of the old Three Sisters Irrigation Co. that water was appropriated for these lands before there were any proceed ings under the Cary Act in Oregon. Thus the plaintiff sought to show that defendants, who are outside the Columbia Southern segregation, have no rights antedating 1904, (prior to which date plaintiffs' own rights are alleged to have ac crued), and defendents try to establish their right through au old diversion before operations were inaugurated under the Cary Act. The rest of the evidence was documentary. V. A. Forbes of Hend and W. S. Ashton of Potttand represented the plaintiffs and Myers & Young ap peatcd for defendants. A motion for nonsuit was made when plain tiff had closed, but it was merely entered in the record. Today the cases of O. W. Wlmer against the C, S. I. Co. and the company against the Wlratrs, hav ing been consolidated lor one Hear ing, are in progress and promise to occupy two or three days. C. S. lietison of IJcnd and M. E. Brink of Prineville appear for the Winters and $W. T. Muir or Fort land for,, the company. Among the witnesses sumateaed are W. P. Vandevert of LaVa and W. II. Staats and. L. D. Wi&Lof Bend. P. Jenten, who recently (was with the O. W. & I. V. Co. survering crew, Is now busy Improvlug JjIs irrlgsted lend north of town. k The tanreylnf crews" of j'the Oregon, Wmihlnuton Si Idiho finance Co. hsve completed their work on tho resenrolr ite niV feed ccnal. It le , expected the urver of the segregation will be made later on. The Lelrflaw Development League baa takrn up the matter of holding a Harvest I'eitivaf here a short time before the openlnr of the County Pair,, apd ap pointed Kred Wallace. iW. JJ. norms and C. P. IUUer 00 cotntalltee , to formulate plana forame. . People wltb the Idea tUat fr<'jcannot be auccettfull raited in tW. section should take o look at the orchards north of town. W. H. Courtney's orchard if well stocked wuu plenty pi appica, plumt and other fruit; bis strawberry beds are alto netting good returns. Ted Becker, who ha been attending the O. A. C at Corvallls the past winter, arrived here after a trip across the mountains. O. W. Updike of Matoles, accompanied by his nephew, John Updike, of Clarinda, Iowa, spent a number of days here last week. Atameellnsof the Farmers Telephone Co. held here Saturday it was decided tint owing to tne Increase in imstneM, ic will be necessary to Install a new switch bosrd here and alto build a new line to Redmond. Several Uldlawites visited the Matoles this week and as evidence of the trip brought back a good sited atrlug of fab. L. H. Root and wife returned from the Valley thia week. Our former mail carrier. C C. Bennett. with his family, moved to Klmlra, Ore., this week, where be has Interests. Miss Ruth Dsvton. danshterof Mr. and Mrs. V. It. Dayton, returned from Whitman college to spena we summer here. D. M. Smith of Redmond was in town the first of the week, driving over in bis Duick. Mrs. II. R. Bajler left last week for Portland, she will spend some time. Roy Chsptaau, who returned with Ted Becker from the O. A. C., Corvallls, last week, will spend bis vacation on the Casey ranch near Powell llutte. Jacob Sherpek of Rahler, Ore., U a new arrival looking tfor land in this KCIKTB. A number of members of the X. O.O. P. Lodge of kaidtaw went to Bend Monday a I . .1 ll..t.J it., ik CYCDing 10 organise nwiur mugc &ucsca AURRIAQB IS SOLEMNIZED. Miss Aaaa Johnson Becomes the Bride of Mhwesota Maa, On the moraine of Monday, Tune 20th. Miss Anna M. Johnson of Bend, and Andrew E. llagessen of Oulutb, Minnesota, were united is the bonds of marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnson. The Rev. J. Ah thony Mitchell officiated at the cer emony, which took place at about 10 o'clock. The bridesmaids were Miss Cora -Sather and Miss Mar garet Aune, Anton Aune and Ar thur 0. Johnson acting as grooms men. Tiie bride was tastily dressed in cream satin. In the service the old family Norwegian Bible was used. A delightful breakfast was served, following which, at a. little alter noon, the couple started for Sbaniko in One of Wcnandy'a cars, which friends had made gayly conspicuous with decorations. Mr. Hacenson takes his bride to Dulutb, via an extended trip, where he is in busi ness and will establish their borne. ANOTHER NATURAL RESOURCE Mtsfh O'Kam FMe on Vinegar Spring Near IHrlman. Mr. and Mrs. II. O'Kane. of Bend. were In Shanlko Tuesday, returning home from a visit at Portland's Rose Festival. Mr. O'Kane Informs us that he has re centlr filed a location on a vinegar spring near Illllman, whlcn will lurnlsn sum cleat vinegar to make up all the saver krant In Oregon. lie la aito imeretiea In an orchard planted to hsm trees and the production of pickled pigs feet will naturally follow the exploitation of the vinegar spring, Shanlko Star. Mr. O'Kane states that the de scription of bis novel projects ap pearing above scarcely does justice to them. His idea is (o plant most of the property to cabbage, irrigate it with vinegar Irom the spring, and thus produce saner-kraut. Pigs will feed on this, the last production of the carefully planned scheme be ing pickled pigs feet. Dam Work la Now Completed. The putting down of the needles in the sew dam raised the water some two i' last Saturday, and on Monday they were driven home, so that sow the entire flow of the river passes through the npilways. A bie pond is formed, still water extending up-river considerably be yond the bend. This last step marks tbr completion of the dam, which now is ready to supply power to the water wheel which is to be installed. Sylvester L. Staats Weds. TI10 friends of the bride and groom and their families last week received invitations to the wedding of Sylvester Laflin Staats to Miss Grace Hortoa, at the borne or Mr. nd Mrs. T. W. Trlnlett on Thurs day morning, June 33rd. Mr. Staats ts tbe eldest son ot w. H. Staats, one of Bead's pioneers and leading citizens. Miss Horton, formerly of Lenoir, No'rth Carolina, is the daughter of Mrs. T. W. Triplett. Crkksea en Road to Recovery. Emit Erickson whose skull was fractured seventeen days ago in a runaway accident, will recover from bis injuries, despite the grave fears at first entertained for his safety. He is at the hospital, and is bow silting up and making a rapid coBvalesence. Born. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Finch Pitman on Thursday, June 16, at the hospital, Tbe baby's name is B. Flnchjr., and its weight 13 ponnas. REDMOND ASKS A NEW COUNTY Petition Is Filed for an Initia tive Vote. PROPOSED NAME 'DESCHUTES' Takes AH of Northwestern Crook frtms Lines Eight MHes West of PrkscvMo and Five MBes North of Bend. Salkm, Or., June 31. Aa iaitk tive petition for a new county te be formed from the B&rthwesfera part of Crook County and knows a Dos-' chutes, was filed with the Secretary of State today. Rcdtsod is to be the county seat. Rkdmomd, Or., Jane aa. It is not positively knows here whether the petition for a new county fe been iled and tnere is a good deal of reluctance about dicussing tbe matter prematurely. However, M mar he aald that the BTODOted StW connty includes tbe territory rtotth el Township 17 (in which Bend &sUatI). and west of Rmkc 15 labotrt hall way between Redmond and rnaevutc). ie present Crook connty line oa north d west are taken br tbe prefaced csswtrtr. Thus tbe projected new dlvWon will Include aomethlns' wore than,eso acres of territory, about sooo pofmlatiea and something flke s,ooo,oco of UMk valuation. It Includes Madraa, LaWkw and Sisters. Circulation of tbe ftetMoa was done quietly, but it is noderstoM aotne 1 3,000 signers were obtained hi the State. NOTICE H ACTION ON IMTCH CONTRACT. Stato Laad Board Deters K UsrtM Next Moot. Actios regarding the propoatd cancellation of the State's Carey-act contracts with the DescbHtot Irri gation & Power Company wu post poned lost Friday at a steethg of the Desert Land Board is Solera until the next meeting of the board, which will be about the middle el July As attorney for the receiver. ,L. A. Adams asserted that the oosa pany has complied with iu contract, in spite ol the difficulties ssaor which it has bees laboring. Aetic Governor Bowermas took the posi tion that the first duty of the State was to nroiect the settlers who are trying to make homes sader tbe ditches made by the company. Should tbe Laad Board proecoa with the fulfillment of its order to revert the lands to the State the ea tire investment would be tors dows. With that point is view, Jwdtje Beas seat to Safest a request that the Land Board refrain frost actios until tbe pending litigation shall be disposed of. We now have in stock at our- mill warehouse a full line of Standard Size Fir and Cedar Doors and Windows, Plain Qlass and Fancy Frtnch Plate, Cottage Doors, Cottage Windows, Win dow Screens, Screen Doors,-Building Paper, Flintkote and MikaW Roofing, Lime and Cement. If you contemplate building see us. THE PILOT BUTTE DEVELOPMENT CO. ISe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGO-N Or. O. C 00. Pralbnt B. A. SATHCR. Vlaa PraM O. 8. HUDSON. 0,M Capital fully paid ... 085.000 8tockhold.iV lUbllUr 3-0fO Burolu. ..... S2.000 BC A Bank is Strong When It has the bHslnese, confidence and support of the people. A Bank, like a man, cannot do hustness la a cemsHMiHy a4 ' not he known by it conduct. If It le stetMced prooertr, af fords tbe people absolute safety and fclr dealing, it will receive their busiuesa and tbey will continue to patronise It. Bu&iftMS Stys Only Whore it ic WH TrMtti. Almost everybody in this community does more or a bosl nets -ni'-h The Pint National Bank of.Bend, awl we expect, by lair treatment and progressive methods, to contiooe to provide a Bank that TUB PBQPMJ KNOW IS GOOD ami one that is a benefit, to the entire Bend country. Our first consideration is SAIWY. Note or large, cash re serve, which is always several time tbe amount required by the United State Government. DIRECTORS: V, C COM K. A. BATHER C S. XUDSOX V, V. SMITH X. C, KLU