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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1910)
LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERA1S Sightly Residence Lots IN-- BEND HEIGHTS CLOSE IN and EXCELLENT VIEW of City and Surround ing Country. RXMEMBEfc. This is the future residence district, of GREATER BEND. Our engineers will have the plats ready in a few days. Come early and make your selections. LOCAL AGENTS FOR. WIESTORIA Choke residence lots 10 per cent cash and 5 per cent per month. Deschutes Realty Co. Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL BE CARRIED IN STOCK BY US HEREAFTER. Fine Candies Williams Brothers. The Pioneer Wood Yard Call on or telephone us for the Best Seasoned Wood. Custom Wood Sawing Solicited. AH wood !s cut green, therefore assuring pood live wood W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. Land I have buyers for large or small tracts at right prices. C. W. Melville 473 Colman Building, SEATTLE, WN. Copies of special Central Oregon Edition of the Portland Chamber of Commerce Bulletin, containing, many articles upon this section as well as a valuable map, are now on sale at the Bulletin office, at 35 cents each. Shaves and hair-cuts, where? Why, at Inness & Davidson's. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and licht fieicht come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line. Thb Coknktt Staok & Staijuk Co. 25tf Get your typewriter ribbons and carbon paper at the Bulletin office. NEW PHONE LINE AUY UUILD ONE SOUTH Crescent to Klamath Is I'Un-Actlvlty on tliirrimnn Surveys ftlny In tllcate Changing ot Natron Cut()lf Route. Crkscknt, June 13. J. A. llechlcy, former illvUlou superintendent for the Illinois Central, with licniliinarlcr at I)iibmuc, Iowa, accompanied by hi ton, Carlisle, arrived lieie the latter part ol last week ami Invented lu number ol lot. Mr. llechlcy wilt erect building jo by 7j feci on lit Railroad Avenue lot ami will be interested in a telephone line between here and Klamath Pall. Connection will be nude with the line at l'ort Klamath. Chief HiiKlnecr Hood ot the Southern Pacific, vrtio was here last week, paid a visit to the Southern Tactile camp at the lloey ranch twelve mile west. A good wnKn road i beltig built from Lake Oilell to Haicl Dell, the present terminus ot the construction canipa ol ,the Southern rucific, twenty-nine tulle west of the ranch. The company ha secured permission from the Interior Department to change it right-of-way through the forest reserve and It i stated that the line will be brought dl rect Into Cresicnt to hook up with the Harriman line. Assistant Chief !!n tfinccr II. 1'. lloey is in charge ot the force which will shortly be augmented. Chirks G rases of Klamath Fall, for merly owner of the property 011 which the touite ot Crescent now stands, was the second man to drive an automo bile over the new road to Lake Odell. He made the trip in less than two hour, though a portion ot the distance ii up grade. Mis loue Applegate concluded a term of successful teaching of the Cres cent school and hat returned to her home In the Willamette valley. She will return here next year, it I stated. The Oregon Trunk crew in charge of UngluctrD. Kyle ha been ordered to continue surveying to Klamath Palls. The Crew up to this week ha been engaged on revision ot the line from Corral Springs to Crescent. The crew is expected to reach Klamath Falls about July ijth. Ii. G. Kourk left for Portland to hurry the shipment of goods for his store here. F. C. Kobinson, landlord of the Cres cent Hotel, waa a Bend visitor last week, Mis Gladys Lyne will leave soon for a visit with her sister at Springfield, Up-Rlvrr News Letter. DesciiUTKS Mkadows, June tj. M. J. Main wa thrown from a horse and badly bruised lait werk. The road viewer were up looking over the proposed road which crosses Little River between C I). Allen's and V. P. V.indevert'a ranches, , David Hill and J. V. Usher are get- J. rescription zl)ruqqists STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES FISHING GOODS SODA FOUNTAIN ICE CREAVl ISS. MERRILL DRUG CO. Wall St - Bend, Or. tlnn out stakes for the town silo which U to be platted on Mr, Hill's html, Oscar Meyer it building a bam on hi homestead, Considerable trouble la being experi enced here of late In getting mall and express on account of it being carried past the hoxc. The Forest Hangers of tun ulg Ulver Station are busy fighting fire, G, W, Shrlucr it going to move hit ioitse out to the river bank. Jack Pctert I building a house for A. 15. Shorn. There are numerous (lock of young ducks to Iks teen in the sloughs and along the river. tMaMsiMtaiitMMBtMaiaMSHaasi For Sate, Irrigated'"." lx mile from town S acres under cultivation, nil fenced, cleared and lu crops. House, barn, wauoit and complete set of twits, and this year' crops go with plaJte ifaold soon. Low price. See llullctlu Office. CITY DRAY 11AKNKV UtWIS, NtCM'. Iff-.-. CITV DltftY VU IIANDLQ BVEMYTMINd Lease your order with Nick Smith Wall St., lleud Hstlmate on application Wall Paper at Portland Price N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and llest Walt rarer Sam. pie In the county. Get My Price. 1)0x39. llcnd, Oregon. H. Kt. COOK Photographer tow at rrkKTilie. DON'T FORGKT THAT HE IS ALWAYS READY TO GIVE PROMPT AT TENTION TO ORDERS FROM BEND PEOPLE. JOHN LEQAT DltALKJf IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol tbt Interior, U, 0. Land OBk. Tbt IXIIu, Or., Msjr 14th, 1910. Notice U hcrtbjr flvcn that Luther Mctkr, of Rend, Ornon. who, on October jut, I907. in.ilr llumr.iesa (XttUI No. 04111) No. Ijjtfi, fur l!HSWU.8WUKWW,hc. ssn.t IUIWSKV. Kc a, Townthlp to Homb, Ksngc II IUl WUUmtllr Mcrkllsp, hi Bltii notice of Intention 10 make Bust fivfvc.r proof, to ntabllih claim to Hit Uml abate (tncrlbcil, Uefurr II C. Kills, Unltnl Sltlet CommU.ioiicr, at his offlcc si Ikuit, Ore gon, on th h day of June, mis. usmra wltntutsi Viti A nhon quett, William f Vandrvert. (ohn Usher, all o Bend, Orrjfoai MllUrd 1'. llwlborn,ol Ko.liud, Oregon. 10-14 C. W. MOOKK, KeiUtrr. Be sure you see this space next week. We are out with a Broadax . and are going to hew the prices. FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, S.usIilsriOT.Sr'Itraillc.V Hardware, RoolliiK. Everything you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH MtitxlK Uulldlnjr Wall Street wmmmmmmmmmmKmammm mmm mm . J. II. WUNANDY lll(Nt) OH, P. I.. I1UNTHN HIIAMKO, OH. Central Oregon Automobile Company WENANDY.BUNTIN AUTOMOBILE CO. s DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Slmttlko, Madrm, Redmond nnd llcnd nnd nil interior points, For further information write Central Oregon Automobile Co. See OUV II. WAI.Kl'.R, llcnd Agent SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND HAOOACE May Mug. 15 Special Low Rates for SUMMER SCHOOL Wc will conduct a Summer School rf usual during the months of June, July and Augmt. The following Special low rates will be in force from May 15 to August 15: , 3 months Shorthand or Commercial Course , fas 00 6 mouths Shorthand or Commercial Course 1 30 00 3 months Combined Course $30 00 6 months Combined Course 565 00 13 months Combined Course $90 00 On account of the reduction in cost of. tuition, the above prices are strictly cash in advance. Rates by the month quoted on application. During the past year wc have had more applications for both young men and young lady graduates than wc could supply. Young men especially are In constant demand. Hundreds come here from Eastern schools and take positions which might as well be secured by young men educated In Tacoma. Send for catalog aud full particulars. Address: xjjeutel xJjusincss LsOueqc Corotr of C anil 91I1 ry -11 Chamber of Commerce Streets. UaCOnitt, )Ytsh. IlulldliiK. r GENTS' FURNISHINGS Yours for Business in mm LADIES' SHOES and HOSIERY ; Yours for Business Turpin & Whitsett DAVIES Bl.DG.. Opp. Postoffice, BEND, OREGON. Excursion Rates TO THE EAST DURINQ 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON TheOregon Railroad Si Navigation Company TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council UluflVS Omaha I Kansas City .60,00 St. Joseph I St. Paul J St Paul via Council UluiTs 63 90 I Minneapolis direct , 60.00 Minneapolis, via Council IJIulTs '.,.'. '.'... 63.90 Duluth direct 00 00 Duluth, via Council Hluns.!,!.".'.!",',".'. 67.50 ' St. Louis 67,50 Tickets will be on sale May and and 9U1; June and, 17th nnd ,34th; July 5th nnd aand; August 3rd; September 8th, , Ten days provided for the going trip. StopovcrH within limits in either direction. Pinal return limit . three months from date of sale, but not Inter than October 31st. One way through California $15.00 additional. Inquire of any O. R. & n. Agent for more complete Information. Wm. McMURRAY. PORTLAND, OINKrtAL PABSCNOf n AOSNT, OMEQON. Notice. Notice is llLTLOlV rrlimn tt,n ll "Mimas is iorumuen on the propyr- "" " ic IJCilU Timber Pn . ' rirnnl.a O I-., r . " " I J..W..O, dKuuion to, ana Ucsclmtcs Lumber Co. John B. Ryan. ... . Por Saiei Rolled and teed linrlou .1... Rodman Ranch near Culver. REND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. Visltinvr brothers always welcome. J. 0, DAVIDSON, Sscr. U, 0, 001, M. W Subscribe for The Bulletin.