The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 15, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 14
Temporary Cancellation of Con
tract Southward Announced
Discontinuance of Construction South'
ward WIH Leave HnJ Terminus
and Operating I'otat for Alain
and Trans-State- Lines.
Bcud Is to be the end-of-the-raits
terminus of the Oregon Trunk
Railway. Such is the result of
last week a action in the Central
Oregon railroad field.
Such action wan the temporary
abandonment of construction work
south of Hend and the cancellation
of part of the contract let to II. C.
Henry, of Seattle. The step was
brought about by the unsettled
financial condition in the East, it
being understood Uut the "close
new" of money necessitated some
curtailment of construction nctivi
ties, l'or the present no other part
of Ceutral Oregon railroad work
will be affected, and, says John I.
Stevens, even this southerly stretch
may be renewed at any tine.
One important feature of this
move will be the material hasten
ing of the completion of work to
Jlcnd. I'rom the outset great diffi
culty has been experienced in
securing; nearly an adequate
amount of labor, and now, .with
the operating distance cut iu half
the amount of available labor for
the Madras'Itend stretch will be
doubled, and the work rushed all
the fatter.
While the official statements
issued have spoken of the work as
ceasing at Bend, It is now defin
itely known that the clearing and
grading contract from this point
south for twelve miles, let to Chew
& SItke, will remain In force
Work is progressing on this piece
of construction, a hundred or so
men are employed by the con
tractors, camps have been estab
lished and a steam-shove, water
piping, supplies and equipment of
every kind is being freighted in, as
well m heavy purchases made
locally. This work under the
Sllke contract carries the road to
the top of the grade, from the lava
fields south construction being ex
ceedingly easy, the entire stretch
to Klamath Agency requiring com
paratively little time lor comple
tion. The work lying between Dcnd
and the lava is the hcavieit encoun
tered south ol Madras. The con
tract calls for the completion of the
grade only, and, according to those
in authority, if further work south
ii-1 -
BEIHD is growing!
WE are growing!
Are YOU growing financially?
By Starting an Account With Us.
Tk Dccchiites
Banking and Trust Company
Affbrsk Absolut Stcurity
Fire Proof Vault. Modern Safe with Double Time
Lock. BurgUr Insurance with r reputable
. company. Oflicials heavily bonded.
Conservative Banking
for Conservative People.
Tbe DtMchuU Biktojm-I Trust Company
h, B. DAIRD, 1'rei. J. W. MASTURS, Vice Tres.
M. 0. COH, Chler.
of the lava Is postponed until the
rallrond reaches Dcnd, as nccius
Crobablc, the rails will not he laid
cyond this point, but all opera
tions both on the southerly exten
sion and on the cast-aud-went line
wilt be conducted from here.
It further appears that even en
tirely aside from the effect ol nny
financial disturbance, a curtailment
of work southward has been antici
pated. Reduced to its lowest
terms, those familiar with the sit
uation say that little is to be gained
by continuance of construction, at
fircscnt, southward from Bend,
Jnormons expense in transporta
ting supplies and equipment would
be encountered, with no practical
guln, for once the heavy Work is
completed from Bend to the lava
the rest can be rushed through
quickly, nut! with comparatively
little expense, operating from Bend
as a-rnil terminus.
J. J. Crydcrtnan, the Assistant
Engineer who, with headquarters
here, has had charge of the work
from Madras to Klamath Agency,
this morning went to the Oregon
Trunk headquarters at Portland.
I'or the present, with but half of
the Henry contract in operation,
the services of an engineer for this
work alone will not be required.
J. C. Baxter, who has had the ter
ritory from Uclllo to Madras, will
now be in charge of the entire work
from the Columbia to Bend. '
The surveying party under K.
K. Kuney, which has been locating
the east-aud-west line, has moved
its camp from Millican's to n point
on the Central Oregon canal near
the old Philip Francis place, four
miles from Bend. The crew is
now at woik some eighteen miles
from town and in all probability
will have completed the location
work from The Narrows to Bend in
the course of a month.
It is understood that certain of
the engineers and survey camps
between here and Klamath Agency
have been moved south, appar
ently to carry on the work of per
manently locating tlie line lowaras
California, while others have- been
withdrawn Irom tlie nciu. ine
work of clearing right-of-way,
which had been commenced at sev
eral olnts south of Bend, has been
abandoned for the present.
Committee to Uo Apf stated to Take
Charxe of Work.
At a meeting held in the hose
house on Monday evening plans
were discussed for a Fourth of July
rvtokratlnn. ft WIH decided that
a big mass meeting be held tonight
(Wednesday) In JUnstcr a vpcra
nous, when all details will be per-
Im-ImI nml mmmllrM nnrtOIIUCU.
At Tuesday's meeting Frank
Rowlcc was elected president to
take charge of the work and C. A.
Carroll secretary. A committee of
seven was appointed to sec every
business man in town and get him
out to tonight's meeting. It is
particularly requested that every
one attend the meeting 8:30 to
night, in Unstcr'a Operahouse.
Question to bo Tried Out In Bunch of
Contests Now Being Heard
at Laldlaw TI10 Issues
At Laidlaw today Water Super
intendent Saxton begins the taking
of testimony iu more than 60 cases
involving water rights from the
Tumalo Creek and water shed.
Most of these are by settlers and
actual users of water who dispute
the claim of the Columbia Southern
Irrigating Co. to water conveyed in
its ditches to them. Incidentally.
0 few people buying from the com
pany water to serve lands outside
the Carey-Act segregation arc
made defendants with the company
in contests brought by the Carey
Act settlers and users.
Briefly, the company claims own
ership of the water and the right to
dispose of it as may seem to it best.
It uolds to tltc tueory tliat tlie set
tlers upon segregated land acquire
with their land the right to use the
water in accordance with the terms
of the contract and release of licji,
such right being as licensees from
the company and not as owners ol
the water as an appurtenance of
the land. The segregation set
tlers, not beinfc' able to gel water
enough, deny the right of the com
pany to sell to outsiders. In other
words, the segregtion settlers allege
ownership of the water by reason
of actual appropriation to ucneuciai
use, having extinguished tlie com
pany's claim by payment of its lien,
and deny the right of the company
to divert for sale in another local
ity water which they need.
The company admits that the
segregation settlers own one twen-ty-scven-thousandth
of the total
water supply for cash irrigable acre
the total segregation being 37,
000 acres but no more. The
water supplied being so much less
than the total area would require,
the small fraction would be useless
to the -settlers.
About these leading issues a lot
of details cluster, and these are the
matters now to be beard by the
Superintendent. The testimony
thus taken will be considered by
the State Board of Coutrol and may
then go to the courts.
Because ef (Irewth e Business Post
muter Ueta Greater Salary.
On Sunday the postoffice moved
from its old quarters on Wall street
into the new building, just erected
for Its use. on Oregon street west
of wall. The new establishment
provides twice the space of the old,
and is planned end equipped in
conformity with the rcqultcments
of the. fast-Increasing business.
Some 64 Hew lock boxes have been
installed, all of wutcu already
have tweet taken.
Last week F. O. Minor, the
postmaster, received official con
firmation of tlie report which re
cently appeared in the Portland
papers that his salary had been
raised from $ ijoo to $1400 per an
num. The increase of business on
which this salary increase is based
was included only in the year end
ing march 31, Since that date the
postoffice has increased its business
at a rate far in excess of anything
previously encountered, which,
with the promtsc of ever-increasing
activity from now oh, practically
Insures another big "raise" at the
termination of the present year.
Farmer Bend RasMent Wads.
Mr, and Mrs. C, K. Smith, ar
rived in Bend last Wednesday.
They were married oh the first of
June at Aberdeen, Wash, Mrs.
Smith was Miss Vura Maekey,
who at owe time was a student in
the Bend High School. Mr. Smith
is identified with the V. F. King
Hardware company of Prlnevllle,
and is a brother of F. F. Smith of
llurclars In Mutilir II
Au unknown man attemptd to
break Into R, B. MuUlg's.dwelHng
last Saturday night, He waVd.
tccted by Mr. Mutrlg, who gave
chase but was unable. ' to avertaka
the marauder. The wouldbe lnrg
lar is supposed to have seen Mr,
MuU'g draw moaT? from the bank
Satnrday afterhoou to pay expenses
of hta trip East,
LIGHT ON D. 1. 8 P.
Howard Falls'.tb .Respond to Demand
for CompanyProperty Summary
Financial Statement, and
Condition of Funds.
Receiver Redfietd'n inventory and
report filed In the United States Dis
trict Court in Portland last week is
composed of more than too type
written pages. Most of the space,
of course, U taken up with dry and
formal details, but several interest
ing fact are shown.
The validity and legitimacy of
the Howard Contract being a large
question in'tbe troubles of the Des
chutes Irrigation & Power Co., it is
of .special iriterest to observe that
after the beginning of suit for re
ceiver, that Is, February 4, 1910,
the' Howard Contract Company was
incorporated under the Oregon law,
and on the same day the D. I. & P.
Co., by F. S. Stanley, first vice
president, and Jesse Stearns, secre
tary, mortgaged practically sli its
property, present and prospective,
to the Howard concern, except cer
tain personal property for which the
Ditch company gave the Howard
company a bill of sale eves later,
February 16. Most of this personal
property, being necessary to the
business, is rented from Howard by
the receiver at $60 a month. It in
cludes office furniture, instruments,
implements, etc.
April 35 the receiver made writ
ten demand upon Howard and his
Contract company to render a state
ment of the six horses sold from the
property described in the bill of sale
of February 16, and to pay in cash
the net sale price, not less than
Ltester ConfUtTattaa Causes Much
Excitement and Little Damage.
It was not even a real fire, but
rather a miniature fire-let which
roused Bend shortly after booh ou
Friday last. The embryo xonfla
eratloa occurred in the lumber
piles and sawdust heaps adjoining
the Linster plaaisg mill, and tbe
alarm, quickly circulated, brought
some half a hundred able-bodied
citizens on the run, who speedily
formed a bucket brigade and
drowned tbe budding blaze. Little
damage was dose, except as con
cerned the personal appearance of
the fire-fighters.
Services IteM Hera by BWiop PtA
dock of nastern Orcs.
The Rt. Rev. Robert E. Pad
dock, Kpiscopal Bishop of Eastera
Orctron. arrived ia Bead last Sat
urday, remaining here until Mon
day evening, when he proceeded
southward toward Klamath Falls
vi Fort Rock.
On Sunday morning, afternoon
and evening the 'fiahop.conducted
services in the Bend church, de
voting Monday to local vishing.
Sunday morning s was a commun
ion service, and in the afternoon
occuredthe confirmation of four
new church members: Mrs. C. M.
Redfield, Hlitebeth.LueUa and Sa
rah Worastaff.
Flag Day at LsWtow.
Flag Day was observed at Laid
law yesterday, the vetrrans from
Head joining with, their comrades
of the LaidUw section, who came
Xn Bead for Memorial Day service.
TheLmtdlaw chu-ch was crowded
at meetings afternoon and evening,
when the1 old soldiers recounted
many. of their experiences ia tbe
service of the country.
Vaeatrsa fer.Lfcrary Wer kf rs.
At a mettiBK ol the Library Club y
tenia? it wu decided to have ao more
regular weetinga until the 6th of Sep
tember. The affair of the orRanliallwi
arc In a highly proaperouacontlltlon, owl
never before haa 1m much lntertt been
taken in tlie uie of bt roowa. On
Monday night at peHOM. ud the
library. 1
Radntead Votes For Incerferatiea.
The town ef Redmond, by r vote
of 73 to 1, drJXlorporat
as a city. Not until the county
court has passed, )hi )he ekctlon
will k be valid. "The new Gov
erament has a mammoutu task be
fore it," svers the Hub,
800 as listed In the inventory.
Howard was also called apsn to re
turn the remainder of tbe property
(escribed in the instrument of Feb
ruary 16. The receiver reports that
no written reply to such demands
was made.
Sundry items totaling $1927.85
were found in the D. I. & P. Co.
cash drawer by the receiver. These
items had been paid in cash by the
Ditch company for the Contract
company, and were carried in the
Ditch company's accounts as cash.
The receiver made written demand
upon Howard for payment of this
money, but tbe demand was uot
compiled with.
Four notes totaling$,giveh
by C. Cbristenson, are shown by
the books of tbe D. I. & P. Co. m
belt" on hand, and there, is" no
record of them being placed or
pledged in any of tbe trust or col
lateral accounts, and no receipt ap
pears showing the disposition of the
notes. Roscoe Howard admits pos
session of the notes and says they
will be accounted for later. The
receiver demanded the notes, but
Howard did not surrender them.
Iu should be stated in this con
nect ion that Howard claims, and
tbe Ditch company vdmits, that
$116,358.42 were due him up to
January 1, 1910, under his con
tract. Ditch company officers be
ing participants in the Contract
company's profits, it was easy for
the latter to get all the protection
tbe former could give by mortgage,
bill of sale or otherwise. Tbe valid
ity of these acts U passed to be
upou by the court.
The Pilot Butte and the Oregon
Irrigation Co.'s segregations em
brace 140,714 68 acres, fit which
about 65,000 acres have been re
claimed and 51,350.98 acres dis
posed of. la disposing of this land
reclamation liens to the total sum
of $757,659 18 were discharged.
There remaias undisposed of So,
363.6$ acres, of which 51,806 are
classified as irrigable and 37,557 65
waste. Tbe last segregation of
74,188 acres is not considered in
this showing, since nothing has
been done toward reclaiming it ex
cept the making of plans.
Some targe sums appear in the
financial statement. The capital
stock appears as a liability of $2,
500,000, though the company re
ceived nothing for it. T balance
this (and a. loss of $100,000 addi
tional not yet fixed) the plant is
put ia at $2,600,000. Following is
the summary of assets and liabili
ties: ASSKTS.
Srtlltra' note aad eih In poaataaloa
of Truattc coHatrral rii'M
AcHlcra'aotcaon hinil 3,17s 14
sad, no(r and unodry accoanl re-
Real cxale and prraooal tuopotjr,
Cart dtllTtftd to rrctlTTT , , ,
Sandrr npOM account!
ctiraur .. J7 159 U
H.47 o
IJJ4J 71
, I.Ut.4 3
Land aalta. Malt guarantee
Land aalca, alnklog luiwl , , ,
Capital atnek.
Nolra Ktund..
6S0 VO
Notta nnwnred.
109.164 4
Howard Contract Comtructlon acrt 1 '5.611 37
Hunrfnr acroudu tiavablc
Al .it
Accounta anowiac a duoz dw.vm
Merchant a. & T. Co., TTiutec.
Ihe First National Bank
Or. U. a. DM. PratMant
. Huesort,
Oanltal fully paid
S-tockholdiri' liability
A Bank
Whtn it has the bulBea, confidence an4 support ol the nee4e.
'A nk, like a man, cannot do buil&taa in a wwainaUy and
not be kaowu by Its conduct. II it t managed propertr, at
lorda the people ahwluta safety and Mr uWtog, It will
receive their boalaSsa aad they will ceottnuc to fwtroalM R.
. BuftiMM Stays Oftly Whar it k Wtt
Almost everybody la thla oenwwnlty dot more or Um btMi
neaa with The Flrrt Natlon-i Hank ol Bend, and ,.
by fair treatment and pwgreaajve method, to continue to
provide a Bank thtTHK P80PLK KNOW IS GOOD awd
that la a benefit to. the entire Head country.
Our firat coua-UleraUoH la SAFRTY. Nota our Urge eaah re
aerve, whkta U alwaya tevcfal times the amount raquircd by
the United States Government.
IK E'C T o :
it. A.SATHrR
F, y.
Ordinance For $W License Fee
Pastes Cetmcll.
CMy PoHce Mm Seme Expenses, Off
set By Three tmpnA4 Cows
""iflttCJI 3t0CWMiC Wnvrwf
The most Hnportant actroa takes
at last night's city council meeting
was the passage ef an ordinance
providing for an Increwe in tbe
license fee of establishments selling
near beer from $200 to $500 per
An ordinance amending Ordin
ance 40 was voted upon at the very
close of the meeting, after Seller's
motion that the rales be suspended
and tbe proposed ordinance, pre
viously read, be placed on passage.
was unanimously passed, iitere
was no discussion. Kelly, Trip
lett, Sellers aad Hunter voted for,
Overtarf against, the ordinance.
O'Neill was absent. If tbe Mayor
does not exercise his power of veto
the ordinance goes into force imme
diately upon iu legal pubttcatton.
Among tbe bills against tbe city,
all of which were accepted, were
the following: Water Co., $320
for April hydrant service; B. H.
Sherritt, for police service, May 6th
to 10th, $10; Palmer, for work oo
jail, $3565; quilts, blankets, etc.
for tbe jail totalled aDoat $10;
Colt's revolver for police farce,
$22.35; S M. Scott, services as
policeman from May 24 to Jane 1.
$20; making an approximate total
of expenditure for city polking for
a portion of May, of $68. Aa in
formal report later presented by Po
licemaa Scott, covering work p lo
June 1st. showed three cows as
having been taaoaaattf, tnc OMtar
fee thus farnaving been coNected
oa but one.
The report of the Cky Treasurer
showed a. balance oa April 1st of
$220 62, and disbursement for May
of $689.92, leaving a balance oa
band June 1st of $203:96.
Overturf, cnairmaa of special
committee on street grades, reported
that he bad been in cowwuakation
with C. B. Cee, a sewer expert of
Seattle. His services can be secured
for $10 a day, pins transport km.
The opinion of the Council seemed
to be that the entire matter be left
in tbe hands of the committee, with
full authority to take any advisable
action. Thus far nothing ha been
accomplished in the asatler, wkick
(ConlMtMd oa page to.)
e. A. SATrWR. Vic ProtWaM
. . S2S.0M
. ss.oee
is Strong