fZ4- 1 s tm fA t?1,o.. TheRaijiyads are Coming! VJCL HI Ull L11C V-llUUlllU 1 1UU1 . Get to the Land FIRST! . . , Fortunes are being: made in IRRIGATED LAND. Deschutes Valley Acre- "" . age offers wonderful opportunitiee for the Settler, be he rich or poor. , ; The Carey Act Segregation of The Deschutes Land Co. Offers an Unparalleled Irrigationist's Opportunity. The segregation, 30 miles south of Bend, in the fertile Walker Basin, embraces more than 28,000 Acres No Rock Deep Soil Ample Water sinssmrmm'nTmmmnmmmmTSTTmmT -.,.,.... .,,--., . . , ., ,, ,.,,...,.,,. ---- .- ,, -. , .,-, .-c.,. . ' All the land to be irrigated is ABSOLUTELY FREE FR0A1 STONE. The soil is VERY DEEP, productive and EASILY i " WORKED. THE LAND IS LEVEL. It slopes just enough to insure Ideal Irrigation Conditions. The water for this gr,eat enlerprise is taken from CRESCENT LAKE. The supply is CONSTANT AND INEXHAUSTIBLE. The BldQEST EXCAVATOR IN THE WEST is engaged in the construction of our canals. Men arc at work night and day on the ditches. The Land is Free, Water Rights Cheap, Terms Easy The Deschutes Land Company r . v Bend Representatives: RILEY & QLEASON J. E. MORSON, Mgr. ROSLAND, OR. Portland Office v HENRY BU1LDINQ Opens Next Week! The New Harness and Horse Goods Store HARNESS SADDLES - IMPLEMENTS Repairing ot ill kinds. Best WorK Guaranteed. BUCKEYE MOWERS AND RAKES. WATER CASES COMPROMISED (Continued from page I.) BMu K JbW ,i4 BPi H. J. EGGLESTON Chapman Bldg., Cor. Wall and Minncsot Sis , Bend, - - Oregon uBwsn G BJUSTOL mA I & - w teP iBri. .-. HB-Kf ..Tt ' -----K -!i-. -H-i--rBtIKw , -,. Jrl-P" I - A.i SIHHt W v X - REMEMBER, THE Fishing Season Commences April First. We carry a iuii Hue 01 iiik very uesi Tackle. Rig new shipment jus) in. Rods, Flies, Leaders, etc. 'i JjS. C. Caldwell f i I EVEHYTH1NG for tbe FIskemu. Advertising in The Bulletin brings results. Test lb yourself sAi pr'ove it. the McCallisters as next for consid eration. The company contested Julia E., Ccorge W., Lewis. Guy C. and Mrs. M. A. McCallister, and Ed, White and P. W. Lever enz, assignees of the-McCallisters, and Lewis MCallisler counter-contested the Squaw Creek Co., mak ing a bunch of eight cases in volving identical facts. Attorney Sell, for the company, blandly asked in what order the testimony should be presented, saying that he thought the defendant should proceed first and promising that in such case he would be ready Thursday morning. Superintend ent Saxton ruled that the plaintiff, or contestant, should proceed first, in accordance with the usual form. Then Dell wanted to take up first the case of McCallister vs. the Squaw Creek Company ne wanted the other fellow to present his case first, in auy event. Attorneys Ga vin and Forbes objected to this, be ing ready to go ahead in the usual order as the cases stood on the docket. The Superintendent fin ally ruled that the cases proceed in that order, beginning Thursday morning. Wednesday afternoon was de vote to arranging iurther compro mises, and stipulations were entered into whereby all tbercmaiuingcases, except the McCallister bunch, were jdjUBted. These were the bquaw Creek Company against the Clover dale Company, Elwood Roberts, Roberts brothers, and William T. E. Wilson, and the Black Butte Land & Livestock Co against Oobcrt H. Krug. Anna- E Day ton's contests against the Roberts brothers, R J. Griffith and the Squaw Creek Co. were not formally dismissed, but the status of the water claims, according to the amended applications, leaves no practical question at issue owl they liave no vitality. The Roberts brothers would not consent to a re duction of tljeir water claim below an Inch and a half to the acre. The others came down to about an inch to the acre'. The McCallisters were rather eager to go to trial; the Wurzweilcr interests were correspondingly re luctant. When Thursday morning arrived Bell pleaded for furter time, on the ground that lie needed im portant papers for which he had sent to Friuevillc. Forbes and Ga- viu resisted delay. The Superin tendent saw through the pretext and ordered the taking of the testi mony .to begin in ouc hour. The Wurzweilcr people thus finding themselves "up against it," rather than attempt to defend their previ ous sworn statements, cut down their claims from 7400 Inches to less than 3400 Inches, admitted the "errors" in their previous sworn applications and there was no testimony to tdke. W. Wurzweilcr himself, as Pres ident of the Black Butte Land & Livestock Co., in order to reach a settlement, filed au amended appli cation for 244 inches of water in stead of the 400 inches previously claimed under oath. The sworn statement set forth that the com pany had used Squaw creek water on 400 acres of land contluuously since 1900; the amended statement accepted the figures of the State Engineer to the efTect that the area irrigated did not exceed 344 acres. E. T. Slay ton, Secretary of the Squaw Creek Co., who previously swore that he bad used about too inches of water from 1889 to the present time, and George Slayton, who represented that he had used 200 inches for the same period, filed an amendment that they bod used such water in .the years of 1899 and 1890 only. The date of enlargement oi the Squaw Creek ditch was also "corrected" from 1897, as appeared in the original application, jo 1899. ROSLAND MOTEL IS .LEASED. Dairy enterprise Started and Right - of Way ts Cleared. Kosiand. Ok., June 7. Mr, and JUrs. 15, 1', rltuuti have arrived from iikag way, Alaska, to mike their home here, Mr. I'ltman has taken a lease of the Rostand hotel. J. I. IteOcy, who ran 'the Rosland hotel until the first of this month, lu leased the l'ronk llogua place, 310 acres, and intends to ciije lu (lie dairy bus. ne,. In which line he had much ex perience In Cd'.0,Jo before coming here. ' J, T. Carter is to cut 'the hay on the I'egra ranch this year on shares; he will alto build considerable; new fence and have general charge ot the premises. Preparations for moving Jlogue'a store, the Itosland hotel aud other buildings to theuaw townslteftf: Lal'iuc'' two miles south, are completed. W. O, I'ordbatn and J, T, Carter have taken the coutract foe clearing railroad BUTTER AND EddS Wc want to buy, Bring your stuff in And give us a try, The demand is big. And the prices are high. BUTTER AND ECKJS Come hustle 'em in, There's a crowd in the town, And they're all getting thin. So rustle the chum and Dump the spuds from the bin. BUTTER AND POdS LARA'LL take all you got, Delivered in Bend .; Or bought on the spot. In cash or in trade By STORE ON the CORNER Good prices arc paid . So don't wait auy longer, 7 right-of-way from the l'ordhatn home, atead southward, a distance of two tnlles. Alaskan Settles Near. W. M. Wilson, fotmerly of Cor. dorva, Alaska, has taken up resi dence on his i6o-acre ranch under the Swally ditch. With Mr. Wil son is bis wife and his sister, Mist Louise Strixter, who has a quarter section at Powell Buttes under the D. I. & P. ditches, Mr. and Mrs, J. Hatter and chil dren, Miss Baldwin aud J. II. WIgle came over from I'riucvillc Saturday for a day's fishing in the Deschutes. Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines at tht' Library a'nd let that institution get thd benefit. R. It. GRADE CLEARED.! (Continued from page r.) Hshed Dr. R. P, Howell at Crescent wuo will be responsible for that end of the medical supervision of the camps. Thus far, with the ex ception of a single case of scarUt isvbi ui crescent, me camps trom. Madras south are free from sick ness, The contracts from Madras south nave ucen let to tile following concerns Kennedy, Hickman ft 1'razler have the " .V ,e" "" Nlckerson & Duffy, ten miles; Nelson llros.. nine and one-half: W. I'. McLaughlin & Co., ten; Rossi & """' "" . "" voiingsironi, four; II. Kitchener, two and one-half: nryoi& Youngstrom. thirteen; Nelson llros., ten, and C. J, Johnsou, fortyoue rtt. -r n . a . . me nuiiettn's job presses are very busy these davn. titrnlnc out biph grade work for our customers. tJrfi ,&.