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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1910)
"N. mm a Wx Sv5vSy5v?'5vSvSvSv?v5v5v aii 9 P m ? ' " ' ' I nil " ) ( ( ( ( y9 (e ( ( ( ( ( ( ( V ( C ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( c ( ) ( ) $ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) "THE STORE OE BETTER VALUES" offers you some Exceptionally Good Things in House Furnishings Look these over and compare prices and quality with what you have been gutting and see if they are not "Better Values." We have a fine new Hue of Pillows at prices that will sell them quick. PILLOWS Hen I'cntlicr I'lllows, nd ones for the money jcr pair $1.25 Mixed Duck I'callicrtv it liltlc bolter, nt per pair $2.25 AA Goose Feather Pillows, fine value, at 1'cr pair $4.50 Sanitary Down Pillows, the very best, at per pair $6.50 BLANKETS Pine white or gray cotton, extra, larc ni.c just the thliiK for .lumincr per pair $1.35 Ilrowu onc.t, a little heavier than the white, per pair. $1.50 All Wool gray blankets just the thing for summer camping per pair... $5.00 llrown or gray ones, heavier than the $$ blankets per pair $6.00 COMFORTS : : : ( c Wc have In stock the (test ami most complete line of Comforts ever kept in a Crook county store, at prices to suit all pockrtbooks. Pine ones at $2.75 The Hest at $3.00 ( ) ( ) ) ( Hie same- condition as regards Tj JClfljCA$ BEND, OREGON g ""TTm in i i i i i mm' 19 Good ones for $2.00 Better ones for $2.25 aild $2.50 "REDDYSODE 3-!OUND COTTON BATTS AH sewed and ready-just as large as a full sized comfort, at $1.25 Look these prices over carefully and then come to the store and examine the goods and be convinced that these nrc exceptional values values will'bc found in every department of THE BIO STORE STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pies, Pastries and Cake. :: Meals Served at Regular Hours. E. MONCRIEF lloml St , next to Itullrtin Office, MINI), OK. All gsp.-.-ro Spring Samples :v , tv-a Now Here mww "wmnmr iyrrsBP7iMJuMuLllu r..i. .. ... i ....... rii riiiiiKi mrnn nri 11 iiTiWirrri """"""ir" " ir1"-1 . yjzrm WS'WtttA'im iTmKmMMmWmmXtllKP,SKtC9stWmifSS.if. i&..uVr' 2liVksV.r--: TiTrwTTimiTrrTiHrr i - . i M HIH I ! TTMiiil - -c--- -----' -- ' - -- - . .. - .- . ,.. . mm--- MZ-y mum. I 1 ' 1 ,BjHttfHHHjHB4MHJPP)HBnnBHfptii rnrxt dowTo w'BHkf d 4uTMr SSsTffimMTlBrTBlffnBrfMB T ilnptsm That YwiCin, Dcprad On Jkok nice, to hang well, wear well and give you value received for what you pay for it. Come look over the bamplcs. A. D. MOE, The Tailor. M n SH ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? ), If so, remember that we can do your construction a cheaply, quickly and well. JlUNGAI.OW BUILDING KSTIMATKS FURNISHKD w0xt Specially. on Request. ? Ellis-Slierrilt Construction Company ' Detid, Oregon OfDONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET Frosh and Cured Meats on Hand at all Times. CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE. There Is One Sure Way to Win Suc cess in Your Business Venture Advertise It in TTe Bulletin. BITS ABOUT TOWN. J.J. Wilt of Sisters was a Bend visitor Monday. Get your hair cut and let Inncs & Davidson do the job. Some good clean oats hay for sale at $30 a ton. P. H. Deuccr. I.OST Huuch of keys. Finder please return to The Bulletin office. Lara will pay good prices for all the rauph butter and eggs he can get. Wantkd Wood for oven and cook stove. Star Bakery, Bond street. the Star Restaurant, Bulletin office. Wantkd Cook on ranch 15 miles cast of Bend. Address M C. Miller, Bend. 15.16 Wantkd Wish to buy a second hand rifle, 30.10 or larger. In quire Bulletin office. it Splendid new maps of Central Oregon for sole at the Bulletin of flee. Mailed for 50 cents. The Mutzig buildings on the corner of Oregon and Wall and on Oregon street are being painted. An ordinary shave makes you feel fine. A shave nt limes & Davidson's is worth two ordinal) oues. Lara has takcu some big con tracts for the delivery of butter and eggs. He will pav good prices for all he cau get. Let it go down in history that the first plate glass front In Bend is in the new hardware store of Floyd Dement. Miss Angeline Young goes to Prineville next week to attend the summer school there, preparatoiy to undertaking teaching next year. Miss Tot Tbggart, formerly a teacher in Portland Business Col lege, has taken u position ns steuo. grapher nt the First National Bank. Fou Sai.h One Economy Chief Separator, medium size. Oue Single Section, harrow. One u Inch plow. Address P, C. B. care Bulletin. 13.16 Hast or West It is the best. Cleve land's Baking Powder. The Rev. J. A. Mitchell will con duct the ustinl morning and eve ning services in the church s-xt Sunday. Pint books, individual plats, "agents authority to sell" blanks and rent books for sale at Bulletin office. Alw) typewriter ribbons and carbon paper. Leaving Prineville at 2:25 p. in. last Thursday, Frank Robertson ran liis !car to Grass Valley that night, and reached The Dalles 10 a. m. Friday morning. Frank Rowlce now has charge of tlic express business of the Cornctt Stage Co. His office will be in the quarters hitherto occupied by the lilg Hungry restaurant. Tom Triplctt has had his res! elence on Ohio street painted. The improvement adds greatly to the appearance of Mr. Triplctl's place and to the adjacent property. George Hobbs, who recently sold out his interests in the firm ol Al drich and Hobbs, will open a con fectionery and near-beer establish ment in the old Grant building. Ask your grocer for the yu and 5-lb. cans of Cleveland's Baking Powdct. They have the screw top metal handle under regular cover, Always air tight and useful when empty. A. B. Buck left Bend last week for Portland in his automobile to be there during the Rose Carnival. White in Portland Mr. Buck will have his car overhauled and put in firstclass condition. Blue prints of any township in the Burns Land District sbowinc all land entries, names, datts, etc. Topography. Your order filled on day of receiving. Price $1.- -J. C. TouNitv, Burns, Or. 5tf Found A small sorrel horse, weight about 700, branded O. D on right shoulder. Strayed onto Davenport & Stanley ranch. Own er may hove by proving ownership and paying keep. J. D. Sims. 10-15 J. A. Eastes, who represents the M. E. Thompson Co. here, has purchased a handsome buggy, with which he both shows prospective buyers lands and keeps in connec tion with his homestead west of the river a mile from town, where he is busy "proving up." J. D. Gibson, fomerly a rancher near Laldlaw, has disposed of bis property there to Dee Howard of Koseburg, for whom J. M. Law rence is agent. Mr. Gibson was at the ranch a week or ten days disposing of personal property He was in Bend yesterday on his way home to Ashland, driving a team via Klamath Falls. El wood W. Roberts has taken contract to furnish hay and grain tor the Oregon Trunk railway build ers between Madras and Klamath Agency this year. Four hundred tons of this ycai's crop of hay have already been sold to the rail road people, who are a trifle back ward about getting teams in before the new crop is ready, nearly all the old crop having been used already. WfflCmTBR UNEQUALED BUYS IN City Lois Five-Acre Tracts Adjoining Bend, at Reason able &ates. IRRIGATED LANDS Close In On Easy Terms. TIMBERTTkACTS Our Specialty, Do You Wish a 320-ACR& HOMESTEAD We Can Locate You on Same. Do You Wish to BE INSURED In the Best Insurance Companies? We represent them. We also handle Mining Stock, do Notary Work and Stenography. Central Oregon Realty Company Wall Street, BEND, OREGON ELMER MSWONGER, Pres. D. E BROWN, Yke-PresMt 6. 6. MARKEL, Sec Treas. How About Your Shoes? If you need any SATHER HAS THEM FOR. YOU. Big Cut in Prices 20 per cent off $2.00 Boys shoes, now - $1.60 $3.50 Boys' high top shoes $3.00 $2.25 Boys' shoes, now - $1.?5 CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABlowof2038lbs. This new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle mads. It is more powerful than tho .30 Army, of big came hunting fame. The loading and firing of this riflo ore controlled by tho trlggor finger. It .HITS LIKE THE HAMMER Of THOB SffU tor Utatlralti rif color IMt ductal thlt in rllli wklc hit ilrtnft and powtr plat. WLNCaESTEB KErKATlNO AHMS CO, New lUito, (Van, U. S, A. J Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines at the Library and let that institution get the benefit, Gotzianar Closing out Dougherty & Pithian Shoe Stock. Ladies' and Men's Linen Dusters $2.00 and $2.50 Shirts and Summer Underwear 65c grade at 50c Comforts, $2 and $2.75 Pillows, $1.25 E. A.ATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREQON WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabla always supplied with tho bast that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bknd, Orkgok The Bulletin's job presses are very busy these days, turning out high grade work for our customers. There Is a right way and a wrong way. The Bulletin's job printers know the right way.