-. - -L t a THE BEND BULLETIN SUHSCRtl'TlON RATU& One wr ....,...m..m........$I.S' Nix tnonth.tMMMH ...' .to (InmUbly In siltance.) WEDNESDAY, JUNIL8, 1910. WHO WANrS SUCH CONSERVATION The country will be better off fot the failure of tbe bill presented In Congress to give wnlcr power sites to the States In which they nte located. This Is nn attempt on the part of the "Interests" to get In directly what they probably will not be able to get directly, nutwith standing the strict constructionist would confer upon them every thing they want that is not posi tively forbidden by law and lenvc to the people the blessed conscious ness of having developed" the country by placing its natural re sources iu the control of n few great trusts. When and where has a State ad ministered with wisdom, or even with decency, such native re sources? When the Nation wmIcc tip and seeks to reform the abuses, those who are bent on obtaining tlie rich graft try to accomplish their purpoe through the Slate. And too often thev ore successful. It is very plausible to nrgue that natural resources should be admin istered by the local authorities, which, tf course, are more Inter estcd than anybody else in the wise use, of them. But all experience Ins shown that the States habitu ally abuse the trust cast upon them in this manner., and that it is fat easier to hoodwink and bamloozU (not to use n harsher term) u Slate Land Botrd than to reach the same end through an awakened federal department. Oregonians have abundant illus tration of the truth of this state ment right under- their now Look at the immense land grant to tbe Orepon & California railroad Look at the multiplied millions of acres conferred upon the six "military" wacon road companies Look at tbe shameful and pitiful waste of our school land patrimony Look at the screaming farce of the State's Carey-act administration, oi which tbe Deschutes valley at this moment has distressing examples AH these muddles, to u.-e a mild word, came through the State au thorities their flagrant neglect ot plain duty. There is no promise that the State will do better in the future than it has in the past with such matters. The State receives as a gift from Congress what it has no right to expect, it values the gift lightly and readily turns it over to the first palavorous applicant, who comes with a wink and a smirk and a promise of some sort, any sort, of political influence. True aud practical conservation will not be served by turning native re sources over to the Individual States. SQUAW CREEK WATER RIOttTS. Adjustment of the water contests at Sisters last week may be re garded as in all respects wise Contention is generally unprofit able. The attitude and history of the Wnrzweiler concerns drove the settlers to active measures of pro. trctioti in these cases. When it ws found that they could not be bluffed further, Wurzweller an nounced "we don't want just what belongs to us." His language was a bit ambiguous but his meaning was understood to be conciliatory. So tbe fight ended. It should not be assumed, bow- ever, that tbe Board of Control will award the water in accordance with tbe stipulations and amended ap plications now filed. Reduced to lowest terms the dismissal of the contests means only that the dis pute between applicants is ended It remains to be seen what the Board will do with the application;, before it. It is certain that none will get more water .than be has applied for in many cases it may be materially less. Superintendent Saxtou says that in adjudicating tbe water rights on six streams tbe highest award yet made by the Boatd is 40 miner's inches to 50 acres of cultivated land eight-tenths of an inch to the acre. An inch to the acre means six feet depth of water upon the land within tbe irrigation season, which is deemed more than any land requires. There is chance for error Here, However, because the Board awards tbe water at the point of diversion from tbe stream, and if the land to be served is a long distance away and tbe ditch in porous soil much of the water may be lost, just as we have many "lost" rivers. It is practically determined by tbe Sisters adjustment that the Sauaw Creek comnanv cannot speculate with water. It will have enough to serve the area already I under cultivation by its stockhold-' trs, but none to sell to outsiders. And the stockholders ns individuals would have that much any way. Why should any one chip where the Dtexcis go oil their wcihlllig jour lie)? Whose IkhImoh Is it hut their owuf The two incidents in lite which people of any anil every station should allowed to atratiKc in detail accord tnu to their own Ideas are wedding and funerals. The pry in k multitude. gOR i(le-eyed with curiosity, has no pUcc either. In the identical Issue In which the above gem of sophistry is worked off the editorial system of the Portland Oregoniau, appears it half column ol goggle-eyed gossip concerning this very same Drexel wedding journey. And how tunny columns in this pilosophic sheet monthly ate devoted to uiifoldinv! the minute details, scandalous mid otherwise, concerning the deaths, weddings and subsequent divorces of our "first families"? It appears that one's news columns must cater to the peculiar "societ) news" avarice of the "prying mul titude," however superior to such procedure one's editorial discourses may be. Consistency, truly thou art an abused jewel 1 San Francisco and New Orleans are fighting tooth and nail for a world's exposition to be held in 1915 upon the completion of tbe Panama Canal. Both claim sujx: rior rights and advantages as the location for the aff..ir. But inns much as Frisco has the big fight this season, would it not be just to give to the citv on the Mississippi the tcn-tuilliou-dollar circus five years hence? No town should cor ner all the truly big events of the decade. EWSOUU ROAD liUPUOVU.UUNT ACTIVE Visitors Come In, Ice Is Shipped Out, Crops Arb Kxcepttannlly (hvod and Hub Sturgeon lias a Pine (llrl llaby. SECRETARY O.IVGS UP JOB. Lack ot Time Causes lutnam to Re sign Publicity Work. George P. Putnam, who for a year has been secretary of the Bend Commercial Club, last week ten dered his resignation to President Hudson, it to take effect the 1st of June. While as yet no action has been taken iu the matter, it is known that arrangements will be made by the organization for the answering of the many letters of inquiry that daily urc being re ceived. Until someone can be se cured to attend to this correspond ence Mr. Putnam will see to it personally that all inquiries are answered sali-factorily. The retiring secretary's reason for giving up the work is the grow ing demand upon his time of other interests, which rapidly was mak ing it impossible for him to devote an adequate amount of time to the publicity work. Bend correspond ence for the Portland papers, how ever, will be kept up as systematic ally as possible. Hulldlngr On Bond Street. Ellis & Shcrritt are to erect a building on Bond street, just south of the Kulp establishment on the corner of Oregon, for Louis Kibert, who will use it for a pool ball. The structure will have two stories, and ground dimensions of 25x70 feet. Lawlaw, June 7. Mr. J. It. McCoy, a rancher north of Kcdttiond, vlalteil old friends In till vicinity a few days last week, V. II. Courtney itarled out balllnit hay last week, Mr Courtney exiweta to me a new power lml'cr Iu a thort time. Mr. Ward Kullierford, formerly a representative of the LaidUw Townslte Company, returned here a few day ago. II. K. lUllv, County Commissioner, spent Sunday with hi family here. He report work at Trail Crossing progress. lug MiUfaclorily. It I the intention of the County to pend about f 701x1 on tbe grades, o when completed till will make one ot the belt traveled thorough fare in till section. Mr. and Mr. Wilson, with the Utter' sisters of Powell Ilutte, enjoyed a day' Gshiug on tbe I)etbute near town Nit week. Dr. I'ox and ou, recent arrival from Kngtaml, wrre hi town last week, Tbe Doctor is looking the different sections over with a view to locating. This sec tion apaled greatly to him and, no doubt, another shingle wilt soon adorn our business street. W. II. Courtney and I'. K Harbour were remit visitor to Ptlneville. Road Supervisor Root reports that the Laidlaw-Redmond road I now In the best of condition. Mr. Root has alo completed the new road between Cllne I'alU and Uldlaw. Railroad contractors visited till sec tion last week. It Is the Intention to establish a camp cast of here. It. II. Humphrey and C K. Swafford will arrhe shortly from I'orlland. Tbe survey being completed upon their water power project, it is expected thai upon their arrival, actual construction will commence. The farmers are prepalrlnc to take care of their hay crop, cutting of which will begin in a few day. Ilumper crops will prevail in the Laidtaw section. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Root were called to Carrollon, Oregon, last week by the death of Mrs, Root's brother. The Laldlaw Ice Co. has been ship ping considerable Ice the past few week, Madras being one of tbe largest buyers. Rotten Sturgeon Is wearing a Sunny Jim these days, also handing out cigar. It's a girl. Mr. J. D. OilMon just returned from Rogue River Valley, where he spent tbe winter. He says tbe Litdlaw sec tion looks better than ever to hlin. IWSTOFI'ICI! TO MOVE SOON. Increasing lluslnoss Demands Itlggor Quarters With Better Facilities. The new hiilMitig for the Bend Postollicc on Or en on street is almost completed, mid F. 0. Minor Nays he exuects to move iu next week. In the enlarged quarters there will be much belter accommodation for the office, which recently has scarcely been able to meet the demands ot Its rapidly enlarging business, espe cially iu the direction of new lock boxes. Many more of these will be iu use than formerly, materially lessening the congestion at the the general delivery window. List Your Property With Us No matter where It is or what it is, we have buyers for both large aud small tracts of RANCH LANDS TIMBER LANDS ACRE TRACTS Business and Resi dence Property. Don't Peddle Your Property- it cheapens it. Select one good broker and stick to him. We would like to be that broker. I Advertise it pays. For Sale. Irrigated "40" six mile from town 33 acres under cultivation, alt fenced, clear ct 1 and in crops. House, barn, wagon and complete set of tool, ami till year's crops go with place if sold soon. Low price. See Ilulletln Office. Hand us your subscription. 321'Acre Homesteads a Specialty Our locator has had several years' experience and knows the country. We locate by civil engineering aud guaran tee our comers. No matter how large or how small, we're big enough to handle anything desirable at a salable price. Aud not too large to give attention to smaller things. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS (gys Htp ? WE HAVE THE Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. FRfil! AUTOA.OMLU TRIP from Bend to the lands and return for all who locate. LIST YOUR CITY rfiOl'LRTY WITH US IF YOU WANT A QUICK SALE. Write for Particulars, to Merrill Sb Wilkinson Company IIHNI), OUItOON. Will you call and get acquaint ed or write us fully of your desires and we will scud the right man to sec you. We are Here to Stay Homeseekers, Land Co. Davis & Post Ofvunn It v. Bend, Oregon 320 ACRES OF FREE GOVERNMENT LAND Homestead Locations In the Dig Sage Hrush Country to the southeast of Ilciul. WE LOCATE NEAR THE LINE OP THE BEND-ONTARIO RAILROAD ' AUTOMOBILE SERVICE City Iroperty--Qenernl Real Estate. W. N. Brown Co. URND. ORKGON Radcliffe Bros. Auto Co. DAILY TRIPS Between ShanHco and Bend and All Interior Points of Central Oregon. kUttsy. tAKLIFFE BEOS. AUTO CO., Barf, QrejtM. New Cars 40 Horsepower Velio Reliable Drivers A. A. DICKKY J. W. MCCLURIt J. GOODI'KU.OW The best investment a man can make is in a HOME LOTS IN PARK ADDITION offer most desirable locations. Make your selections early as the best sites are selling fast. Liberal Discounts to parties building this year. Lots in NORTH ADDITION, CENTER ADDITION and LAVA ROAD ADDITION Will be on sale at attractive prices Monday, June 6th. CROOK COUNTY REALTY COMPANY Wc have fnrm lands and city property for sale. If you wish to purchase, .see us. If you have anything for sale, see us. We are here for business and will treat you right. Bend Townsite Company C. C. R.CO. Hotallng Building, Wall Street, Bend Oklahoma Cafe Open Day and Night The Best Food the Market Affords at Prices to Suit Your Appetite Wall Street Wheeler & Carr fiend, Oregon BEND, OREOON. Office corner Wall and Ohio streets. Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon Sti, AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager i