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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1910)
X SMITH WAHTS DRESSEDVEALAND PORK Wa want dia'aad real anil Kitk end, llvarhlrkaiie, VVt llu Pint chaijiu CO'll inlKulim, W will tar fM lroinillr. Ilhiii any qiianlllK ami litii unr ilar, W will pay M f"l luwa fur '!, at turn Blessed Veal 00 to loo leaned I'oiK i.. inn Jjo l.lvo lloiiiiiii '"9 ltt , . ...i . Addrre nil alilpinenla THANH I OMITM MKAT CO. "rii hline iti Bed Trust" PORTLAND, OKCaON John nnil Ilia KramoMea. A woman sulTraso locturer In Unc Unit rncoiitly brought down tha lioimu with thn folowltiK armimonll "I havo no vote, hut my groom has, I have a eret respect for lliKt man In (lis Ir bits, hut I am suro If I woro to so to him nml r. 'John, will yon twclsp tho frmirlilncT' ho would rply, Tlunsn, mum. which liomw ln thatTj" I'a I'll III NlliinlUn. Ilutrlior What on I send yau to day, Mm. HlyleaT Mri Htyl Mond me a lei of mill ion, nnil ho euro It l from a inrU )) Pi wo nr In tnournlnif, you know Jewish I.nUsr Dr. B. E. Wright llsvsjrur treth wit and plat, knit brldi work done. Fur ul-f-luwn patriate w. finish pUle and Ukli wurk In one day If heraeaery ritiai JE3 j c.m y oo J.nMi,.T4 J3.M UlAti IU IJtOti 00 w-riu,. sot cj i4u n.k. is oo ? HMUlm M 'MjiSt!jiSi Mi4 linn- SOt IIIJiTHl.TIIOIW I'alnlr raliMlbm Ttr whan Upa ur brblaa wm lai-tiUtnl Cnullalkin t'fM. Yuu cannot trt lllr NHnU woik an)rlr. nu nallr uw much ii r. All Wul Ullr Ouaf ante cd foe rillttn Var Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 312) WathlnKton Si., I'ortlnnd, Oregon Tata car at itcpot an.l Iranafcr la Wuhlni bm Ht i'.arrraui f!tlUWfl(Dinkri. VI YVAtuHiB?v ilff V rjrK54Bh VA SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company 1'uctlan.l nVallW HloAao Aik for Thalr Coodt and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA ENDSEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE mr They Will Socuro You Mnny Uieful Article Without Coit LET EVERY PERSON TAKE DARE OF THEIR TEETH lutlac tlxlih will Im thalr tvwanl, If rwir taoth ara IWajra.1 harthni aiion.lial ta ataurodleabr UR. WYTIICorvr.aufouraMxrt WiHknwnwhaaroiVil si In lilt VVYTIII.H aralam I KNOW what tadoaiul bow loil.. a That a whr all mr walk U l-llllr I'ANI.IS. Tkkt'a 1m whr all mr iwk U (lUAUANTKIil) to elr. U.lln aalufactlun, Vvpular prlcaa within tka rMh t .varrim, ara charrf cl (miUI with mr InntfiifaraMr iw t'riraa for ilrntUtrr nf auacantml raUaUUtjr la lha fact Uat wad hut a pact lha ar untU lha w oik la aalUfacturr tafiM, rUllna In (lokl, Hlltrr. Pla- llnum ami I'uccalaln BOilc tl Ookl ('rvwna ami llrklra. llauia 8)0 I. 6 5und, fllJO lo 2. aaaSattab. H PaSkc'Sfc f ffff i You no longer need wear your- UU.V I I A self out with the weakening af e rvifn wf llcat of nn ntenscly "ot kitch- Ul 1 1 S UI L en. You can cook in comfort. Here la a stovo that p.tves no outside heat. Alt its heat is concentrated at the burners. An intense blue flame (hotter thnn either white or red) is thrown upwards but not around. All the heat is utilized in cooking none in outside heating Oil Cook-stove entirely removes the discomfort of cooking. Apply n match and immediately the stove is ready. Instantly nn intense heat is pro jected upwards against the pot, pan, kettle or boiler, and yet there is no surrounding heat no smell no smoke. that .lha nama-nlaia Mad Hiwl'aifcctlon.i Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) msfmmmmmmtmmKmmmmmmmmmm Wnli'li llrr, Dsnlel O'Cminoll Lively, of I'ort land, Olfl., who In mininwlmt of n boon, lor lilniM'lf, tolls it story of two Msattle boosters who mot In l'oitlitnd. "llt-llo, HUH" "Hollo, Jlml" "Wliun'il you eonio down -front-Bo-sttleT" "1 luft yesterday morning." "I ciiiiiu down laxt nlKlit, und say. Mill " "Wlmtr "Jnifriinnlfimt Yon oiifjlit to sen lior nowl" I'JitliidvltililR Haturdiiy liven ing 1'os.t. Loss of Appetite Which In to common In thn spring- or upon lha return of wurm wrwithur. l lum of vllnllty, vigor or tons, nnil In oflrn n forerunner of prostrating- dis ease, It In ncrlmiPi mid especially so to ii'0ilo Hint must keep up nnil doing or Ket behlmlliiiud. Tim liet nipilli'ltin to Inkn tor It U thn urnnt conalltutlonnl remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies nml enriches the blood ml InilMa up the wholn ayalcin. Oct It today In liaunl liquid form or chocolated tuoloU known ui fiuriatabi. I'miiII n f I liti I'rrneliar, JudK Whnt U your immo? Primmer John It It. 1L It. Smith. Jinlnif Why do you have four It's In ynur tmmo? I'rlaoner-Tho prcn-her who ehrlo trni'd m iluttircd, olr London Amu i r Insomnia "I have hcen ualiiff CitKircta for In aomnla, with which I luvobccn aflllctrtl for twenty yrari, and I can any that Caa careta hare triven me mote relief titan anr other rcmeily I hnvo ever tried. 1 uliall certainly recommend them to my frlemU m Iwini all that they are retirricuteil." Tlioa. Gillatd, lilKin, ML I'lnuant. I'aUubla I'ctmt lact. (toil. tko 1f.wt Nar tlckn, Wkn i drip HH.nrWt N anil In lulk Thttm. alna tatlat aUmpnl I'll t4uaranul to cur or four tntmmt let I Am Making a Spcclallr ol Porxalala Ilrldfcwork. Thla la wlthwit ilauU lha mnat Uu. tlful and Ualhtf work known ta dn tal arlaAfa. Klaraa w hara una or mora train hara Ixan kMt I raplaaa ta Vadt natural that d lactkai ta lmuull.Ia. Ak ta aa M'nt.W nf tlill Uvutlful wuik Alldani ala haraara aratluatra of lriH l ta sat jrrara ripartmca. 148 fifth Street. Opp. Malar & Frank'. Fifth-Street Entrance. ladtr At liUnU Alwata In Attendance. Why? Decaute The New Perfection Oil Coolc-Slovo is scientifically and practically perfect. You cannot uia too much wick It Is automatically controlled. You get tho maximum heat no smoke, Tho burner ia simple. Ons wipe with p cloth cleans It como quently tticro Is no amell. Tho New Perfection Oil Cook-Stovo la wonderful for year-round uie, but especially in summer. Its heat oper ates upward to pan, pot, or kettle, but not beyond or around. It Is useless for heating a room. It has Cabinet Tap with shelf for keeping plates and food hot. It ba long turquolse-bluo enamel chimneys. Tho nickel finish, with tha bright bluo of tho chimneys, makes tho stave ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners) tho 3 and S-burner stoves can bo had with or without Cabinet. Kmr I'"'" aWTwlert If nnlalyrara.wrllt f M JmaljiUie Clteuui ta tb wws.Uitaior ot Uj to uaniia aifmlnrlna. Mrs. Whrodlo Joint, dnur, you are rolni: to cut inn n lovely prarl neck Inrn for my blrthdnyj a bird wills pori'd It to mo, Mr. Whi'i'dln Don't you bfllloro IL It must Iiavii limn a lyro bird Hint es rnpccl out of Konift inennKtrle. Itov ton Trnniicrlpt Good for Sore Cyet, for ovor 100 yonm PETflT'S EYB oAhViv linn lionlllvuly cured oyotlia ensos ovcrywlifrc. All tlrugKlsts or llownnl Ilros., Mulfiilo, N. Y. IVIIb Apiiloulaa, O, woman I In our hours of ease fJentle, tender, and itlad to plenee. And itrateful na the coollntt shads lly softly alithlnic mnplca ma do When bargain countera tempt tljae now, An uncontrolled tnrnndo thoul You Can Oct Allan. r.ot-C.te ntCC. Write Allan M. Otratlvil. ln Itor, N. Yfora Imu aamila nl Allen'a ViKil-Kaia, It cuin iwratlnr. hiitawnlleii, aetilns feel. It tnakri now or t f at 1 1 1 ahoea fair, A rertaln cure for jnrni, Ingrowing nalli and bunloiia, All drug. lUtitalllt. itxi. Don't arcaiitanrauUtlluU, ISicrllanl Cunnaellon. "Is hla family well connoctedT "Kitrcmi'ly so. Thoy haro an eidt lru prlvatu 'pbons." Cleveland Loader. PIPE REPAIRING V OfnwrafVoMirMllKniJlrtl iaa auiiauta. a.u uix. flia SICltXL 8i CO. ttlUlbal rartMl llata CVlM4ai4actca 80c, Ilk NcaTrlaualaiiSI Pan. lamaaf IuIa41i imvlfu, rc laMitlaa. Da ftaairc attlli raal Miaallax. Jltt.Aia , St. rarUaad. Ureses. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland. Orrcon ruRNisiiES ullp rncc lO CMPlOYtRS klaln ofllaa, U North Kvl L Main M70: A 1401 IaIIc. )pt, (06Vt Morrlaun St. Mala 10M; A SOU I'twna or w Ira urdara at our eipatiM. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS waiting for Slock, Dairy and Logged-Over Lands Addraaa the McCarthy company rWctUklM). 401-4 taVUi tlii. Fatiaaa, Onpa RfOUCE THE COST OF liilNG; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25a FULL POUND Harness Catalog Free! Stnd lor our 100-pag llamtts Catalog Frt. Will tavt you 'JO lo SO ptr cmt sunt. KEUJJ1 HARNESS CO. 49 North SUtfi St. rortUnJ. OrtffM thira oat tla. Btraartkaa aarvaa. DatU as arclaal. At fm Sloraall 00. Ho aara, aa ar. ,11a far fra trial cfl.r. W aataca Xiactramla Uk. D.JU II, Urn Aaaalaa. Oal. rgCTKraj jCOFFEEO TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT oossnaDcvm, roa-iLawq one BEST READY ROOFING KNOWN Sand fur Saraplaa and I'rtaaa. Majestic Roof ing Co. m Wtrtuttr lift PORTLAND, ORE. Us Alcohol. Tobocca, Cocaine. Morphine. Clganit or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Positively and harmlessly in short time tiv thn tinttf nlrnnnln Mnthftri. Traat- merit Is not expensive or painful. You ncou not remain a siave to your nuuua, when n short stay nt our Sanitarium will mako you frco. Address OLCONEIA CO., Arleta Station. Portland, Or. PREVENTION THE BE8T SAFEGUARD If for anv cauie the hone or otLer Jomeatlc animal ezhibiU a lack of energy, proper rellilt for food, or an oppearance nf ueneral debility, tlmelr action should be taken for the restoration of its health. In tho natural food of our domestic animals Nature provides certain peculiar medicinal herbs, leave), barka and roots which seem necessary for their health. Pacific Stock Food in greatly conaenwa form Is Inteuded to supply the essential alrtura nf thoas health-irivtair natural remedies aud is prepared expressly fox those animals utprtvea oy wan 01 men natural food. It Is an alterative tonie wlilrti atlmulitea tha various ortraua of the body, promotes the secretions, tones up the general system anu restores ins disordered conditions to a normal state. It stimulates the appetite, improves the digestion and assimilation of food, purlflei the blood and insures a good, UealU. ponilltlnn TtnnVlat free. r UOYX ChKuicaj, Co. PertUnd, OregM m avMitja i I 'alJ JjLsJ for Rhsamstlsm JAPAN'S NEXT WAR WITH U. S. Magazine Predicts Trouble With America in 1915. Opening of Panama Canal, Chinese Affairs and Immigration Prob able Csuso of Hostilities, Victoria, II. C, May 20.T. Naka hashl, president of tho Osaka Bhoson Kalshnwho recently visited America as a member of n commercial commis sion, contributes an nrtlclo to tho Tnl Yo, n Toklo magazino received by tho stenmer Innbn Maru, stating his belief that tho noxt war waged by Japan may bo with Amcricn. Tho Immediate Is sues at Htako nro the Immigration and Chlncso questions. Mr. Naknhashi, aftr dealing with Japnncsa Immigration in Hawaii and tho United Stales, goes on to consider United States policies and says: "Whllo tho relations of Japan and America have been friendly or 40 years, thoy may chnngo In character, tho incrcaso of Japanese armament having affected American feeling to ward Japan, and thero is a suspicion of Japan regarding tho Philippines." Dy 1014-16, Mr. Wakahashl says, tho Manchuria, China and Philippine questions and others will require ser ious study. The article concludes: "Altogether tho relations between Japan and America will become deli cate In 1014-16, when tho Panama ca nal is completed, and the Japanese must constantly endeavor to solve tho situation beforehand and avert a crisis." Japanese newspapers devote much spaco to argument for naval Incre ment, and tho next session of the diet will sco great debate on this question. Tho Asahl, of Toklo, completing a scries of articles in which tho neces sity of renewing many of Japan's fight ing ships ami Uia disparity oi Japan's navy compared with other powers ia dealt with, rruotrd a naval official aa stating that in order to equal tho West ern powers, excluding Great Britain, construction of 26 fighting units dur ing tho noxt 10 years at an outlay of over $200,000,000 Is necessary, this being based on a fleet of battleships and armored cruisers. Tho Asshl questions tho efficiency of Japanso-con-structed-warships in comparison with thoso of Western builders. 80,000,000 IN GOLD COMINC. Bullion to Total $000,000 Already on Way From North. Seattle, Wash., May 26. Eight hundred thousand dollars' worth 'of gold was shipped from Fairbanks to Seattle, marking tho beginning of tho movement of tho season's output of precious metal. A cablegram from Fairbanks to the Washington Trust company, of this city, stated $700,000 worth of gold bullion had been shipped. The Na tional Dank of Commerce also received a message from Fairbanks that $100, 000 was en route. Tho gold is expected to reach Seattle between June 10 and 16. The first gold shipments this year are a week or ten days earlier than usual and repre sent the first clean-up. The gold was shipped via Lake Lo Barge, the White Pass and Skagway. The Fairbanks camp this year will produce between $6,000,000 and $8, 000,000, according to mall advices just received. Russlsns Lured to Hawaii. Now York, May 26 TwoJNcw York lawyers and the editor of a Russian paper of this city will go to Washing ton tomorrow to seek aid from the de partment of commcrc-o and labor for Russian peasants Imported from Si beria to tho Hawaiian Islands to work on sugar plantations. Those In chargo of the movement say tho Russians have been treated virtually as slaves, thrown into jail on trumped-up charges and many of them left destitute and starving. They wero lured to tho is lands under fatso representations. Two See Comet, Fall Dead, Talladecga, Ala., May 24. The ap pearance of tho comet last night caused intense excitement here. Congrega tions of sovontl churches loft tholr pews and hundreds of persona stood ex cited in the public square and gazed at tho celestial visitor. Miss Ruth Jor dan was called to tho door of hor homo to see tho comet and immediately fell dead, physicians assigning heart fail ure aa the cause. A negro was shown the comet and instantly dropped dead. Secret of Ages Sought. Scranton, Pa., May 2G. Dr. F. W, Lang, of this city, today explained the circumstances that are said to havo led to tho doath of C. C. Dickinson, of New York, ex-president of tho Car negio Trust company. Dr. Lang saya that Mr. Dickinson, greatly Interested in a process which ho says will trans mute baso metal into Bilvcr, left a chair in which ho had been Instructed to sit, and leaning ovor a furnace heated to 4,000 degrees, inhaled tho fumes. 100 Loso Lives In Fire. Victoria, B. C, May 26,Details of tho disastrous firo at Aoroorl, North Japan, in which 100 persona wero burned to death and 8,000 of tho 11,600 buildings wero razed, with loss of $2,000,000, wore received by the steamer Inuba Maru today. The burned area Is ono and three-sevenths miles long and a quarter of a mile broad. Without Alcohol A Slrong Tonic Wlilioul Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood Purifier Without Alcohol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer's Sinipirllla Wlihout Alcohol A W pakllct. r frMl Ufa Vaallaw atalahl y ffMMrMMtlllM iers W -iff t 7m t Btwltytvtr dtr Arer's Pills ire liver pills. They set directly on the liver, make more bile secreted. This Is why they sre so valu able In constipation, biliousness, dys fienils, slck-hesdiche. Aikyourdoctor f be knows s better laxative pill. a SUAa t7 th. t.O.Ajtr Oa, Lawall, X aaa. STEINWAY tZfsnax Sherman SIXTH AND MORRISON, OPP. POSTOFFICE, PORTLAND, OREGON A Beautiful Book TREE This beautiful beo&lct. cmt.lnlaf 73 splendid pha latravurca of the world's moat celebrated nxnklana, say b. had frca upaai request, providing the fatlow l( questions arc answered. Wa will aUa scad frca a capr af "Old rarer ite Sats.M Do you expect to buy a Piano?. Whenf. Nome . . , Address. , Ilia Xecdlaee Pain. "Elfleda, for alx months I have been Just ochlnn to tell you how much I love you!" "O, Ouy, I've been achloc longer Iran that to hear you say Itl" VoUisra win find Mrs. WlnsloVs (Vtbln IrrnpthaUitramadr to uao tor their chlHrea lurtof tb. uathtns rtod. r.BTiroBmcal. "Qcorite, I shall havo to tell you that rou don't chow your vtctuala half Ions; nous h." "That sort of Ulk may bo all rtfht In rhtladelphta. where you live. Uncle William, but there's no time to Flstch aril. Li Chtcaao." Chlcaco Tribune. Delicately formed and gontly reared, women will And, in all tho soasons of tholr lives, as maldons.wivoo or mothers, that tho one slmplo, wholesome romedy which acts gontly and ploasantly and naturally, and which may bo used with truly bonoflcial effects, under any conditions, whon tho systom needs a iaxative. is Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It ia well known to bo a simplo combination of the laxaiivo and carminative principles of plants with ploasant aromatic liquids, which are agreeablo and refreshing to tho tasto and acceptablo to the system whon its gentle cloanslnc is desired. Only thoso who buy the conuino Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sonna can hopo to cot its bonoflcial offocts, and as a guarantee of tho oxcollenco of tho romody. tho full name of tho company California Fig Syrup Co. is printed on tho front of every packago, and without it any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sonna is fraudulent and should bo declined. To those who know tho quality of this oxcellent laxative, the offer of any substi tute, when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is called for, is always resented by a transfer of patronage to somo first-class drug establish ment, where they do not recommend, nor sell false brands.nor imitation remedies. The genu ine article may bo bought of all reliable drug gists everywhere; one size only. Regular price 50 cents per bottle. Get a to havo in tho houso when needed. Improve Your K C Baking: Powder wtt do Itl Get a can. Try It for your favorite cake. If It doesn't raise better, If It Isn't daintier, wc return your money. Everybody && agrees K C has Pure, Wholesome, Economical. waauPL-, taMAI'' EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Plrat clam work al iraMinaula prlcaa. Fra mamlnatloa awl rfortlr rltta via low aa $2.00 Mo faking matho4a UIIL, I IIAYi.r-l Suite 427, Mnrquam Building Fourth flovr Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Caw ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DEHTISTRT I'alnlcaa Extraction .. .Free Silver Killings ..... 90 Oold Pllllnrf . ... 7S 21 K. Oold Crown. ,. ,M Porcelain Crowns . .....H Molar OaldCrowna . , ...M llrldaWork,22K.Ootd. ., Inlay Pllla, Pure Oold , ,M VervMIca Rubber Mats. .M fleet Rubber Plata on I'.arth ...,Sf ALL THIS WORK IS OUAKANTKED. Don't throw jour nwner awar. A dollar aara4 IstwndoltarsaarnttL Our original relUMeModar Palnlaas Metbode and our parfeetad ofTtocanelp mant aaveaua tlmaand roiirmonar. BOSTON DEMTIJTj,JlhMorri.en.r.rl!aaa! talfiate mU Montana. iwh. fMMUt aaa Meier m Ttuk. rMliWJ la rtinUU 10 Wl Ofea malar. aiall I aa4 Sea4irt sanl 12,10. lor hfjla vfce wars. ?Iay& Co. VICTOR TALKING MACIIINKS tl JS par Word IrvwrU CUtalflad ads In M load. Ian papers In It 8, Kand f r I st Tha Dalie Ad varUaina' Aa-ncr 427 8 Main Rt Loa Aturalaa. car U Ceaxy 8U Ban Franciaco. Cat. DAISY FLY KILLER CS1SE23.2 .). r- .'- - tails all Mce Mtaaln Oti.miI .SaraM. ec aaaaOaa a. ana rnl b. cnM. I BiietD asanas 1SS DKM A. BMUra.. Na 22-19 PNU w II KX wrttlnr to iwlT4rtUr plxi lDsniinn tin ppr. bottle today Guaranteed sudor all Pur Food Law Baking more evenly, higher, more delicate In flavor, no equal BAKING POWDER 'Jasjues Mj. C uatcaga lCw fat atv aBS-c5rl4avrrKil f CPtSKSEfVW-J al'lk.Sao''VrVTVFvur,l .Mti.-IKdBMErV.4U2nft-ivNl;l vim.. H - -C rp .a- a J I J. Vl JLmW W M A .JwrNMrirfJ U'?wtfgy.i