THE BEND BULLETIN VOL. VIII JiltND, ORKGON, WKDNKSDAY, JUNU 8, 1910, NO. 13 . WATER GASES BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF WALKER BASIN IRRIGATION PROJECT, SOUTH OF BEND COMPMISED No More Disputes About Squaw Creek Claims. APPLICATIONS ARE AAIUNDHD Company Obliged to Concede- Two- Third! or the Quantity, l.envlnic Sufficient Water Only fur lit Stockholder. Sibtkhs, Okkoon, June 3 The 37 water contents brought against svtllers by the Squaw Creek Irriga tion Co. and the lllnck Unite Laud & Livestock Co., two Wurzwcilcr concerns, which were to have been heard here bcgluuiua: June I, have ull been dismissed without the tak (nit of utw testimony. The con test of Anna K. Dnytou nuiiM four claimants has been practlcall) nbandoued. The J. N Qulberg contest against James I). Palmer re tnnlns 011 the calendar for hearing June 13, and Water Superintendent daxtou stays litre until that date to take whatever testimony shall be offered. 1'or several days prior to June 1 there was active preparation for the hearings. Superintendent V. M. Saxton of Baker City arrived two days in advance, with his steno raphcr, and had the Hardy Allen hall well sawdusted, seated with boards and provided with ample tables. Attorney K. A. Letter of Portland, representing n dozen ot the settlers, had been on the ground nearly a week familiarizing himself with the situation. Attor neys Vernon A. 1'orbcs of Mend and John Gavin of The Dalles, repre senting other settlers, arrived May 31, Gavin coming with I'erd Mc Calliitcr, who drove his new Uuick car from The Dalles. Wells Dell, representing the Wurzwcilcr inter ests, was also on band that day, as well as Wurzwciler himself, the Slaytons, Joe Howard and others. Proceedings were informally opened Wednesday morning early by a street discussion between I'erd McCallUter and W. Wurzwciler, in which the latter became so excited and boisterous that the neighbor hood was roused from its slumbers and had to get up to see about it. Before the hour for the bearing ar rived a considerable crowd had as sembled. A number of ladies were interested onlookers, among them being Mrs. David i'ryrcar, Mm. I'erd McCallUter, Mrs. George Mc Calliitcr, and Mrs. Marcottc of Gist. When Superintendent Saxton called the docket most of the cases were passed, for the time being, in t matlon being given that negotia tions looking to settlement of the . T aBJtHHiSit ISBBllllllllHBiiKMfeVTSHBSllLllBflP -SllWrA' MMSgSSIasBMaasflaa This cut illustrates the segregation aud the reclamation work planned by the Deschutes Land Co. in the vicinity of La I'ltie, 33 miles south of Bend. The company's Cary Act segregation embraces 28,000 acres of land situated in what is known aa the Walker Basin and which will be irrigated with water from Crescent Lake. Aside from the headworks and storage reservoir at Crescent Lake the system will in clude 56 miles of main canal nnd 107 miles of laterals. Construction Is In progress on portions of the work with promise of much being in working order by Autumn. The town of La Pine, which is surrounded by the Dsschutes irrigated lands, is upon the Hill railroad on the cast brunch of the Deschutes. The company has offices in Bend and Portland, as well as at La Pine, l'rcightcr I'. S. If ipc was in Bend this week with a load of machinery for the big exca va tor lo be ustd on the Deschutes Land Company's work the biggest excavator in the West, to build which will require 3000 feet of timber. Government foresters will this week com plete their appraisement of the timber on that part of the canal right-of-way not on the segregated lands. Then the work of clearing will be taken up at once, Manager Morson says'. A second logging en gine has been ordered, for double right of-way crew. "We have purchased nine heavy horses and want 10 more," says Manager Morson. "We advertise for 30 men and do not get one. We jumped waees to $1 a dav on the 1st. None but first class men need apply. Our survey crew Ins already resurvcyed and staked Tp. 33 S,, R. 10 E. and Is working in 34-10." Mr. Morson has built a neat 5-room cottage at the Hcattic place, eight milea south of Rosland. which he boueht some time aim. T central for the caual construction and serves as a model ranch for experiment work. T. G. Owen has been cmnloved n- nli-h- .ndnwr rr .,. excavator, which will operate 33 hours a day two shifts of it hours each. The road for moving buildings from Rosland to La Pine, a distance of a mile and a half, has just been cleared and the work of actual re moval is expected to begin the coming week. R. Fi. GRADING CLEARED FAST Work Progresses RafMly Vicinity of Bead PAYMASTERS OFFICE HERE Four Camps Have Been EsUMtcfced by Chew & Sitka to Which My Laborers Are Cetntog Oeed Health Prevails. disputes had been broached and it might be unnecessary to take testi mony. Shortly after 1 1 o'clock a recess till 1:30 was taken, and the parties got busy with attempts to adjust out of court. Sisters townsite people had filed claims for water, each including water lor domestic purposes as well as irrigation. This added material ly to the quantity of water claimed for each acre, and the total for the Smith quarter-section, where Sis titers is located, was tlins greater than would have been needed for straight irrigation of the land. Some modification of the claims ol the Sisters lot owners was made and upon the resumption of busi ness after noon stipulations were filed dismissing the Squaw Creek Company's contests against Robert Smith, Rachel and Prank W. Mc Gaffery, W. N. Cobb, Jc?s and William A. Wilt, C. L,. Uentson, P. B. Davis and II. K. Allen, who own bisters town property, and William K. Burkhnrd, Josephine Stocklcy, Prank Paul. G. W. Mc- Furlunc, R. J. Griffith, and J. W. Wilt, who own farm property, all having reduced their claims to the neighborhood of one miner's inch to the acre. Attorney 1'orbcs orally dismissed the of Anna K. Dayton vs. J. W. Wilt. This relieved the docket mate' rially and presented the cases be tween the Squaw Creek Co. and (Continued 011 pajje 8.) BEND is growing! WE are growing! Are. YOU growing financially? QET IN LINE! HELP BEND! HELP YOURSELF By Starting an Account With Us. H Deschutes Banking and Trust Company Affords Absolute Security Fire Proof Vault. Modern Safe with Double Time Lock. Burglar Insurance with a reputable company. Ofllciuls heavily bonded. Conservative Banking for Conservative People. The Deschutes Banking and Trust Company h. B. DAIRD, Trei. J. W. MASTHUS, Vice Tret. M. O. COP, Cashier. RUNAWAY ACCIDENT SERIOUS. Hmll lirlcloon, Skull Fractured, Is In Critical Condition. I P. M. A report from the hospital states that there is prac tically no hope of Emit Krickson' s recovery. Meningitis has set in. limit Krickson is in the Bend hospital In a critical condition, with a badly fractured skull, as the re sult of a runaway accident which occurred last Sunday. On Sunday afternoon Krickson and Oliver Johnson were driving towards town from the Sisemore place when the neck strap, holding the neckyoke, broke, letting the tongue drag on the ground. The horses took fright and bolted. "Keep them out of the fence." cried Krickson. This, says John son, was the last he heard from bis companion before the latter jumped from the rig. The horses had run but a few hundred yards when the tongue stuck in the giouud, stopping the wagon, from which the horses broke loose, and throwing Johnson out Johnson, bruised and cut, called to Krickson, and 'receiving no reply went back on the road, where he found. Krickbon lying on the ground, his head, which had struck a rock as he fell, in a pool of blood Johnson placed the injured man in the shade and ran to town for help. au auto was rusued to the scene of the accident and the sufTerar, his wounds temporarily dressed, taken to the hospital. On the left side of Krlcksou's crown is a fracture 4 by 2 inches, besides other serious injuries about the head. Krickson is 47 years of age, a brother of Olc Krickson, and re cently was employed in building the foundation of the hospital building. " PRODUCTS EXHIBITED HERE. Many Samples From Powell Dutte Ranch Show Productiveness The Home Land Co. has ou ex hibition in its window some excel fent samples of grains and fruits grown this season by Lee Hobbs, who is farming the Dick Vande vert ranch at Powell Duttes. The grain was seeded October 20, 1909, and the samples were pulled on June 3. They Include a sheaf of Scotch Fife wheat nnd one of rye The wheat stands five feet high and large, well developed heads are forming. Mr. Hobbs has 135 acres of this wheat and he snys all of it is as good as the sample. The rye stands six feet nine inches. A twig 4J inches long cut from one of Mr. Hobbs' apple trees hns 11 small apples ou it, and another twig, of similar length, contains 14 plums, llranches from gooseberry uml currant bushes are loaded heavily with fruit. These crops are being grown on "dry farnilog" land, aud are n fair example of the excellent yield that the Powell Duties section will harvest this year. NEW SAWMILL IS fJOINd UP James 0. Reed Greeting Piatt to Saw 13,000 feet Dally. James K. Reed is erecting a saw mill on the Lavcrne Reed claim, some distance to the eastward of the Silver Lake road and about two miles south of Bend. The entire plant is new and of the stationary type. The machinery arrived last week and is now being placed in positlou. It is expected that the sawing of lumber will begin in about two weeks. The capacity of the mill will be about 15,000 feet per day. A planer and other ad juncts will be added later. Prcd Hunnel and the Reed fam ily have several tracts of timber that can be sawed to advantage at the new mill, and there is much other good timber available in the neighborhood. SMITH MILL TRANSPORTED. First Load of aistSawmHI Arrives In Bead. The first load of machinery from the Hightoiver-Smith mill at Gist arrived in Bend today. Engines, saws and all the machinery from the dismantled Gist mill will be freighted over this and next week and installed nn the location of the Pilot Butte Development Com pany's mill, which was destroyed by fire. Although considerable delay has been caused in establishing the Smith mill here because of the dif ficulty of securing heavy timbers necessary for the framework, it is now stated by 11. J. Ovcrturf, who has charge of the new mill, that sawing will be in progress in ten days. At first the lumber cut will be that required for the construc tion of a permanent mill building. Once this is complete and the en tire Gist outGt installed lumber for the market will be manufactured and quickly cured iu the com pany's big dry kiln. LAIDLAW WATER CONTESTS. Taking; of Testimony WIH Begin There Next Week. More than 0 water contest cue ire to, be heard by Water Superintendent Saxton at Laldlaw beginning next Wed nesday, June 15, The Tumalo Irrigation Co (Wittier) contest Mary J. Mulkey, J. C. and A. R, George aud the Colum bia Southern Irrigating Co; C. W. Al len ha a cc agaiutt the C. S. I. C . J. N. II. and G. G. Gerklug, Agnes K. and J. C, George, I), M, Smith and C. J. Mock; and George W. Winter con testa the C. S. I. Co. et. al. The C. S. I. Co. contests the follow ing: C, W. Alleu, K. II. Bayley, J. W. Drown, William I). Ilarnes, Cora A. Drown, It. G. Dowser, William Drowu, C. P. Decker, J. I.. Crouch, It. S. Cop- thorn, W. II. Courtney, G. M, and J. R. Crouch, J. I. Coen, W. I. Downing, V. It, Dayton, J, N. II., J, O. and Grover G. Gcrkim:, Angle M. Gibson, J, C, Agnes M. and W. P. George, W. II. Hale, Al bert Harper, A. L. Ilarader, A. J. K-er, P. W. Leverenx. W. W. Long, Praok Murk, Mary P. Mulkey, Charles J. Mock, C Nagles, W. W. Orctitt, James M. Pattoo, A- D. Parks. John P. Park,. Christian Peterson, A. L. Parker. L. II. Root. P. R. Relsdorfer, William E. San del. I'red W. and George L. Simmons, P. V. Strlther, George W. Snyder, Dan Smith. Ctmles B. Spaugb, J. O. Thorp, P. M. Tcwksbury, Tumalo Irrigation Co., Charles L., John n., Georjte W., Ira B. aud Mrs. L. J. Wimer, and Perry A. Wooley. These contests pertain to the waters of Tumalo creek. Many of them are merely for the purpose of retaining rights which, in the present situation of the Columbia Sonthern irrigation enter prise, might become uncertain if the' Tumalo adjudication were permitted to be completed without adequate repre sentation of alt Interests. New School House Pbumed. School District 73, which em braces the territory surrounding the Richardson place four miles east of Bend, is to .have a school building of its own next term. The school board for that district, comprising Messrs. Richardson, Nelson and Worsstaff, have had plans and specifications for the proposed building drawn up by II. C. Kills, upon which public bids will be asked for as soon as they are approved by County Superin tendent Ford. The new school house will be 34x24 feet, and, it i understood, will be built on or near the Richardson place. Entertainment Next Wednesday. The Ladles Aid Society will give an ice cream social on the J. N. Hunter lawn next Wednesday afternoon and evening. Clearing the Oregon Trunk ripht-of-way in Bend began last Thursday and Contractor Olson, who has the two-mile section ex tending southward from the north line of the town, with a force of 10 men has been clearing a length of 400 feet and width of 300 a day stuce then. The trees are fallen, brancLes trimmed and burned, BBd .runks hauled to the edge of the right-of-way. The trunks will be used as posts er fired later. The stumps will be removed when the traders get at work. The buraiag of the brush heaps is done at night and makes an interesting scene. Last week Paymaster Dewey en tered upon bis duties here in the newly-made offices in Lara's Hall, which now are shared as headquar ters by Divison Engineer Cryder man and Malcolm McPhee, repre senting Contractor Henry. All di rect payment of labor from Madras to Klamath Reservation will be made from this office, by check on Bend, while time checks will be issued at secondary offices along the line, likewise cashable here. It is understood that uch checks will be good on date ol taue, with out the necessity of BMtwrhig. Chew & Silke, wau have the construction contrast for i mite south from Bend, thaw far have established four camps. One of these U situated oa the somh side of the lava field, one on the north, one at Wetweather Springs, and one oa the Central Oregoa Canal tyi miles east of the Rosland road. Pipe for the pipe line to supply water to camps, steam shovels and drills along the grade will be freighted in from Skaaiko as soon as possible, while a big steam shovel will be installed aear Wet weather Springs in July. To all camps many laborers are commg daily, while the Shaaiko road ia reported literally crowded with railroad freighters brmgiag in sup plies aud construction equijHueat. Nelson Brothers have taken the grading contract between Trail Crossing and Redmond. These are brothers of the Nehwu who originated the Oregoa Trunk and died last year. Dr. U C. Coe of Bead, (a charge of all the medical work, has eteab (Continued oh page 8.) TFe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOC. Prld.nt E. A. SATHtR. Visa Pr.ilUr.t O. 8. HUDSON. C-lM.r OaolUI futlr paid ... tSS.OOO 8tokholdiVIIbtlltr S2B.OOO Surplu- ..... 92,000 A Bank is Strong When it has the business, confidence and support of the people. A Sank, like a man, canpot do business ia community and not be known by ita conduct. It it ia managed properly, af. fords the people absolute safety and fair dealing, it -will receive their builuess and they will continue to patronize it. Busintxs Stays Only Whir it k Wall Treated. Almost everybody In this community does more or less busi ness with The Pint National Dank of Dend, and we expect, by fair treatment and progressive methods, to coatiauc to provide a Dank tlmtTHK PUOPI.B KNOW IS GOOD aud ose that is a benefit to the entire Dend country. Our first consideration is SAI'HTV. Note our large cash re serve, which is always several times the amount required by the United States Government, U. C COB V. DIRECTORS: ' , M. A. SATltr.R C. S. HUDSON P. SMITH U. C. XM.IS J