,., ,,,. . . ... . SEES LIFE National Cash Market Onvlctf IhilMlnic, Wall Street RIVERSIDE and LYTLE ROAI) MAKING PROQRUSSES SOUTH & r A I THE BIG GUESSING CONTEST in nttrnctttiR ninny. Why not you? It' n IIr ' clinucc to win it bin prl.c. Come In and jtce us about it. OUR ' DELICATESSEN Is open all the week. F. W. STAFFORD Proprietor. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lois. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STREET, BEND, OR. CANDY, FRUIT, JVL J. KELLY Dnvlcs Building, Wall St., BUND, OREGON FOR GOOD GOODS TO DRINK Mail your orders to James Keervey . Columbia Southern Hotel . . Shonlko, Oregon. Cedar Brook, Old Lewis Hunter, Old Continental Rye. Double Stamp in Bond deduced to 93, Per Bottle, $1.75 6 Bottles to case in wood, $9.00. Per Gallon $4.50. Distillers Cmit.on.-The only authorized bottling of Cedar Hrook, W. II. Mcllniycr "out of bond" is under our new label adopted 1000. Eaeh bottle must bear this permit with our fae simile signature. Julius Kessi.kk. JAMES KEENEY. The Buckley Express Co. Direct Express Service between Slmnlko and Ileiid, Two Rigs Each Vny every week Careful Attention. No , Stops!, ROYAL TOM A iniiilKnniQ hlnrl; Hi'lt'lnii.I'er- chcron ulallion, will make the oca bom at the Aunt barn in Menu. TERMS: ?i a 50 to Insure; sea son, $8 00. Payment due when marc is known to be with foul. Care will be taken to avoid nccl deutri but responsible for none. RALPH DUNN, Owner. . ANTON AUNE, Caretaker. Route to Lnhei Are Made by llnrrl man Worker from Cref cent S.I'. Official Reitiet Withdrawal of Right 'fir-Way. OtuwcitNT, Ok., Mny ,y, The Itoyre much lyliiK twelve iitllen writ of here, jmrclinu'il not lon uo by II. It. Iloey, ai.litlunl clilcl mlncer of the Southern I'aolflc railroad, I to he pfatlrd for n towmltc. A force of contractor nrc now clmrliitf nu niiloniohilr road from the new tuwntite to Crcccnl and will extern! the roml to the InUcn, Cretcent and Oilell. It U the inttntloii later to extend the road to Crater Lake. Own crioftnc Credent low n.llc lnvc with- ilrnwti from the market a ttripofUml Uwt 300 feet In width running parellel with the Oregon Trunk, line at the re quest of the Kourthcrii I'acifie official!. 71611 Hupervinor Jake Ilovinrd ha completed an excellent brldue over the I)eclnite here and- I replring the road through the townritc to connect with the automobile rod to the take wet.' II. Id Thorn and Ned Hooker, of Minneapolis, who have urchacd ten lot In Cretcent, hive arrived with their iitnltle and are preparing to erect a uirt'.antf! ttore building. A livery and feed tble i alo ptinned by them. S. It. Wiliou, a merchant of Independ ence, Oregon, I here looking over the towutlte with a view to ctlillihlng a general (tore. Mr. 1'red Mowhltt of Seattle, of the firm of Mowhitt at Koger, I exxced here the latter part of the week to com plcte arrangement for the Imtallatlop of a Mwmlll with a capacity or 15,000 feet Mr. Koger h been here n week and hi rmrchatcd a conildcnble amount of timber, both from private owner and from the government. The growing town of Oe.cent had an aildition to it population in the birth on Uit Tuctday, May 34, of a daughter to Mr. and Mr. K.O. Kourk. The little mlu it the fir.t child born In the new town. Mr. Kourk It the proprietor of a general ttore at Cretcent, nnd wa for tncrty a merchant at Kotlaml. UpUlver New Letter. Diucuiitks Mkadows, May 39. Mr. Ocerge W. Shriucr bat arrived here from Seattle. G. W. Tripled ha a fine garden, Including potato which are up and doing nicely. The Montgomery Ilroi. are building a fine log houtc for Harry Cornell, of Portland, who ha bought the lower Montgomery ranch which include the fall. Koltcrt DcCourcey and wife are ex pectcd tuck about the fifth of June. Jotcph C. Smith ha been up look Ing over hi Spring Kiver property which he purchatcd anmctitne ago. TGLLS STORY OP PIONEER. Adventures of Old-Time Settler Do cribed In Newipapcr Article. Manhalt C. Awbrey of Uldlaw, bet ter known a "Uncle Marh," I the tab led of a clever newtpaper tory from the pen of I.ucia II. llarrluun, which ap peared in the I'ortland Telegram latt week. Mi Ilirriman'a article detcrlbe the pioneer' famout ride from ltcnd to Hugene, "back in '75," when he cov ered tbedittance of 148 mile in one day, utlng but one hortc in the record tiaut-iuounlaiii trip. "Uncle Manh" i a Mexican War veteran, prospected in California in the early 501, and in 1870 cnxed the Cascade with a bunch of cattle and hure ami became a resident of Central Orrgon. For SAl.it. -Pianos, one at Mrs H. R. Riley's, the other nt Sher wood Bros., Redmond. Inquire at cither place. tf BBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBatWtafc(aBBBBlBBBBBBa PS5n?iv3rjn 'lJStaaTttaaaallW aUafnkVMtWHlSVaBBK KaBBBBaVfl Liniment I. nMn.Mj iwnrMil. for thfi tifredl of horsemen nnd ranchmen. It it a powerful and peneiruung lini ment, n remedy for emergenc w. 1 .intl.l.ii.mlir.witlnn for the relief o( pain, and the best liniment for sprallli ami soreness, untun-mi for hcalliiK wound and injuries L;....i 1. J ui! nun wmit and for all cut and hruli.es. Tactile Horse Liniment is fully guarnmceu. no other is so good or helpful in so many ...... if li full in satUfv. we author ire all dealer to refund the purchase price. Extra largo Domes ou corns, IIoVT Chkmicai. Co., I'ortland, Ore, m0mmmmmimmmmmmmm Additions Buy a few of these CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS or CORNERS for BUSINESS PROPERTY, $150 to $400. Size 50x140 feet. They will certainly double in value within the next twelve months. We are also exclusive selling agents for the TOWNSITE OF MADRAS r All Kinds of FARM LANDS TIMBER LANDS BUSINESS PROPERTY List your PROPERTY with us for quick sales. Call on or write to M. E. THOMPSON CO. Henry Building, 4th k Oak St., PORTLAND, OR. J. A. BASTES, Resident Agent Wt Arp hprp tt itrtV Oregon Street, between Wall and Bond, vv e are nei c tu amy BEND, OREGON MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY uie fiens uoggeri FINE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER SHIRTS SSrfugg EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR The Nettleton Shoe anew mUMU'C TTCITDC LINE OF A. L. FRENCH Wall Street, - - - BEND, OREGON FOUR HORSE LIVERY. SADDLE HORSES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. H. WENANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLEY, -WHEAT, CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. AU Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Light and heavy Horses for. Sal. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel: steam heat, elevator; suites cud rooms with baths. First class cafe, Rates rouging from 50c and $1 upward. Ideal Stopping Place for All Going Into Central Oregon. N. K. CLARK, Manager. . C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFVtCJC IN PIBUrr NATIONAL bank BtBG. BEND, OREGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER ROOM 4, FIRST NATIONAL BANK MDC, BUND, ...... OREGON W. P. MYERS O. C. VOOKG MYERS & YOUNd LAWYERS L a id I a w, Oregon Practice in all Courts and Depait ment of the Interior. u. c. coe, m. d. Physician and Surgeon OJ'FICK OVER FIRST NATIONAL, K. Office Hour: lo to la a. m.; i to 3 atxl 7 to 8 p. in. Brno, -:- ' Okbgon Dr. A. A. BURR.S.OTKS Hritrr. DIkuc SucccMlUlly Trtttol Without the UK of Drug or Surgery, by the Nature! MrthoJt of Heating;, Chtoti ic UUeaaea a 8iecialty. Coumlutlou Flee Member of the SUte and National Nttvtopalh Sodcty. Office In Johnson BMf ., BnJ. Ortgoa F. O. MINOR LAWRKNCK WJJLDtKQ LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing Alt Legal Paper Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Ben d, Oregon. GEORGE S. YOUNQ CIVIL AND MINjNfJ ENOINEER WITH L, D. WIfcSST, C. K. Bend, OreH Aivarti6u.g in The Bulletin brings racults. Tast it yourself and prove it,. Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines at the Library and let that institution gt the benefit,