The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 01, 1910, Image 6

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Doings of ike World at Urge
Told in Brief.
(general Resume of Important
Presented In Condensed Form
for Our Busy Readers.
A partly wrecked nreoplano was Uw
only accident that marred tho aviation
meet at Sutherlln, Ore.
Firemen on tho Deleware, Lack
auwanna & Western have been given
an Increase of 12 per cent In wages.
A Greeley, Colo,, man paid up all
his old debta so ho might die with a
clear conscience when tho comet came.
Thieves stole a package containing
$32,024 from tho express office at Oil
City, Pa., whllo the agent wasn't look
In. A woman In San Ana, Cal., went In
sano and another tried to commit suicide
through fear of the coming of tho
George Pcpoon, of Northport,
Wash., was found guilty of murder in
the first degree for poisontng his wife
last August
J. Vollva, former overseer on tho
Dowie farm near Chicago, haa begun
suit to recover control of the property,
valued at $1,000,000.
Many farmers In Wisconsin removed
the lightning rods from their buildings
as a precautionary measure against in
jury from the effects of the comet
Twcnty-ight bodies have been re
covered from the ruins of the barracks
at Pinar del Rio, Cuba, which were de
stroyed by an accidental explosion of
George Westinghouse haa Invented
an air-spring for vehicles which will do
away' with pneumatic rubber tires,
and reduce the coat of automobiles
about one-half.
The steam schooner J. Marhoffcr was
burned off tho Oregon coast. She was
beached when the fire was discovered,
and all hands were saved, but one man
died from exposure
A pair of scales, exact duplicate of
those used In weighing sugar at the
custom houses, were exhibited in the
sugar fraud trial In New York, and it
was plainly shown how thoy were
made to weigh nine pounds short on
less than a thousand.
Prohibition was defeated In Denver
city elections.
Henry Watterson says "yellow Jour-
nalistt' ' is causing the press to lose Its
hold upon public opinion.
Two dogs at Condon, Ore., were so
badly injured in a fight with a porcu
pine that they had to be killed.
A Taceraa man, his wife and daugh
ter, are critically ill from eating what
they supposed were mushrooms.
Millions of dollars were secured
from cotton buyers all over the world
by swindlers who used bogus bills of
A lieutenant and eight men from the
regular army will spend the summer
making maps of the coast about Sea-
side, Oregon.
A millionaire gas manufacturer of
Illinois has offered extensive financial
aid to the bribery Investigations now
In progress there.
Shippers from the Pacific coast to
the East have challenged the railroads
to prove that any necessity exists for
increasing freight rates.
Ignorant aud superstitious people all
ever the world are in mortal fear of
the consequences when the tail of Hal
ley's comet sweeps the earth.
The city jatl at Portland is crowded
with drunks who are celebrating their
last days before the comet comes. All
holiday records were broken Tuesday
A California 5-year-old was burned
to death while playing with matches,
A tornado swept Texas and Oklaho
ma, killing one man and injuring many.
John W. Gates, famous New York
stock market plunger, settles lawsuits
by flipping a coin.
Roosevelt was received quietly In
London by an immense throng of peo
ple, owing to his sad mission there.
A Chicago club man committed sul jumping from a 13th-story win
""dew and landing on a marblo pave
merit. Dr. Hyde, of Kansas City, has been
convicted of murdering his wealthy pa
tient. Col. Swope, by giving him cyan
ide of potassium.
A negro convict In Alabama set fire
to the stockade In which the convicts
were kept at a coal mine, and 36 con
victs were burned to death.
Remarkable attentions paid to
Roosevelt in Germany are causing
much comment in Europe.
To prove that she was married for
love alone a California girl 'deeded to
her brother every cent of her $100,000
state just before her marriage.
Albert J. Hopkins, an attorney of
Chicago, will get $14,219 as his fee in
settling the estate of Charles T. Yer
kee. He sued the estate for $50,000.
A woman who had been bitten by a
rattlesnake was taken 80 miles in an
auto to a doctor by the Louis W. Hill
party, now touring Kastorn Oregon.
National Manufacturers Association
Considers Safety Appllancos,
New York, May 18. Tlio beginning
of a new era in the safeguarding of tho
country's vast industrial army will bo
witnessed nt tho 15th nmninl conven
tion of tho National Association of
Manufacturers, now In session.
Tho absolutely vital necessity of pro
vcnttiur nccidonta In Industrial estab
lishments haa forcibly been brought
homo to tho 8,000 manufacturers form
ing tho association by the fact that
GOO, 000 persons suffer from accidents
each year In tho United States. Two
hundred and fifty million dollars Is tho
estimated economic loss annually, In
this country, duo to accidents. At
least half tho accidents aro considered
A comprehensive report of a com
mtttce appointed some time ago by
John Klrby, Jr., president of tho na
tional association, will be made, and
tho convention will bo addressed by
Professor Frederick Rcmscn Hutten,
of tho American Museum of Safety;
Miles M. Dawson, who has studied ac
cident prevention abroad for tho Rua
sell Sago Foundation, and by other
eminent speakers.
President Klrby said on the subject:
"Tho question of appliances for pre
venting accidents to workmen, and nccl
dent indemnity, aro at present rccolv
Imr more attention than any other is
sues which attract public interest in
the field of Industry. They aro live
questions of vital importance to mem
bers from an economic as well as hu
manitarian standpoint. ,
"In preparing Its report, tho com
mittee has communicated with 25,000
employers in all parts of tho United
States, as well as 250 national, state
and local organisations of employers.
Every state legislator of every state in
the Union was. also written to. Spe
cial correspondence was carried on
with American and European experts.
"A littlo mora than 10,000 replies to
the various communications have been
received. There were only three pro
testing, even in .a mild manner,
against taking up the questions of em
ployers' liability and workmon'a in
demnity. IC was disclosed that 99 per
cent of the membership of the associa
tion favors a constructive, progressive
policy of dealing with this difficult
Instant Death to 13 Men and Injuries
to Thirty More.
Canton, Ohio, May 18. Quick death
to 13 men, serious Injury to 30 other
employes of the plant, and damage to
the buildings amounting to many thou
sands of dollars theoe are the results
of the explosion of a battery of seven
boilers this afternoon at tho American
Sheet & Tin Plate company. Among
the injured aro half a dozen who prob
ably will die before morning.
Tho force of the explosion was ter
rific. The big plant is practically a
total loss. A more shell of the build
ing is left.
Identification of the men was diffi
cult. Arms were blown from bodies,
and fragments of the bodies were
blown blocks away. Rita of human
flesh have been picked up on porches
and roofs of houses and in trees.
One hundred men were at work in
the plant at the time of the accident.
Only a dozen or so escaped some in
jury, and these worked heroically to
rescue their fellow workmen from the
burning ruins.
The body of one man was blown
through a house 700 feet from the
plant. The body entered tho house
from the east side and continued In a
straight lino through a bedroom and
out the west side.
.Tho torso of another man was found
In a garden COO feet away. One in
jured man begged to be killed. He
had an arm torn off and a great hole
gaped In his side.
The plant had five mills. All tho
employes working at mills 1, 2, 3 and
4 were either killed or injured, while
the men In mill No. 5, farthest from
the boilers, escaped serious injury.
Navy Next to Britain's.
Washington, Msy 18. Tho United
States leads the world 'In the total dis
placement of completed warships, villi
the single exception of Great Britain,
but is behind five other countries In
the number of such vessels. Reckon
ing the war vessels built and building,
America and Germany are running on
equal terms, but the former Is leading
In displacement when the ships provid
ed for in the pending naval appropria
tion bills are added to the calculation.
Great Britain, tho United States and
Germany remain the leading powers.
Many Burned With Hotel.
Phoenix, Ariz., Mny 18. Only 71
out of more than 100 patrons who wero
In the Hotel Adams, which was de
stroyed by fire today, have been ac
counted for tonight, and fears aro ex
pressed thst many may have been
burned to death. The register of the
hotel was destroyed by the flames,
which caused damage estimated at
mora than $275,000, but many whose
names are remembered by the clerk
are missing. The search continues.
Political Riot Is Fatal.
Madrid, May 18. A collision be
tween Republicans and gendarmes is
reported from Valencia, In connection
with ' manifestation In honor of tho
arrival there of the Republican deputy,
Senor Soriano. Tho gendarmes charged
and the Republicans used knives and
stones. An officer was stabbed and
killed and many persons wore wound
ed. Fifty arrests were mado and or
der was finally restored after tho man-
IfesUnts had sought refugo at tho Re
publican club.
Crop Abundant and Prices Qood, but
Indians Have Failed,
Hood Rlvor Tho borry sonson hu
commenced In earnest with n shipment
of 160 crates. It Is now expected that
tho shipments will doublo rapidly and
that by tho first of tho week tho season
will bo on In full force. Pries for
berries nra good, but pickers scarce.
It Is believed that growers aro up
against the moat serious shortage of
labor this year ever known, and that
unless It is obtained quickly consider
able loss will bo sustained. Tho largo
number of Indians who unaually come
Into tho valley, It Is said by Joseph
Tnvhl. tho Indian foreman who haa for
several years supplied hundreds of his
fellow tribesmen and their squaws,
will not bo horo this year, as they havo
found employment looking after their
nlnccs on tho reservation. This has
thrown a big scare Into tho growers,
who aro making every effort to secure
pickers from Portland, tho Wtllamotto
valley and Eastern Oregon.
Tho highest prices over paid for
picking berries prevail, but It la feared
that not half enough will como Into
the valley to gather tho crop. Many
of tho school children are being naked
to help out tho ranchers as soon as
school closes. May 20. and everyone
who can bo spared will take a hand at
berry picking . A number of orchard
owners who aro living in town and hav
ing their places looked after by hired
help announce that they will givo their
friends a lift, but it Is estimated that
tho valley must secure 2,000 outsiders
to get tho crop to market.
Ringing Resolutions Pasted In
Ing Hours of Meeting.
Oregon City Tho Oregon State
Grange went on record as opposed to
tho assembly. A ringing resolution
was adoped practically unanimously,
condemning tho effort to remove pollt
leal power from the people, and sup
porting tho Idea of government by the
people directly. Without discussion
the resolution was passed, it having
been considered by tho committee and
reported for adoption.
Two problems of overwhelming Im
portance were before tho grange good
roads and the advancement of govern
ment by the people. On the good
roads proposition the grange took an
advanced position, recommending that
the legislature aboiisn an restrictions
against Indebtedness as to such im
provements, leaving the people as tho
sole judges of the work to be dono and
the manner of payment for It.
Tho grange was opposed to the re
turn of the assembly, and at no time
was there In evidence any indication of
defeat of tho resolution condemning It.
Tho work of tho grange occupied a
great deal of tlmo and the Important
resolutions wcru left until tho last day.
After making every effort to clear the
secretary's desk of accumulated buel
ncss and laboring until after the time
set for adjournment, a number of Im
portant resolutions wero still on the
table. A resolution was passed laying
on the table for lack of time the pro
posed tax amendment, with others.
leaving the matters to the action of
tho people at tho polls.
Thoroughbred Stock for Wheeler.
Fossil W. J. Edwards has added to
the thoroughbred stock on his farm the
finest herd of Hereford cattle ever Im
ported to Wheeler county. This herd
consists of three bulls, 12 cows and 12
ralvcs, and In point of quality is equal
to any herd of its size in tho United
States. Thcio cattle took first prizes
In open competition. On his fine stock
ranch about eight miles east of Fossil,
Mr. Edwards already had a fine herd
of high grade Hereford.
Big New Mill Will Start.
Wallowa Tho first tralnload of logs
for the big Nibloy-Mlmnaugh Lumber
company's mill has arrived at the mill.
A large number of logs are banked out-
ready to be delivered. Tho mill Is
rcsdy. Tho mill has a capacity of 50,
000 feet per day and Is the largest of
ten mills which will market a tot! of
30,000,000 faet of lumber here an
nually. New Eugene Hotel Open.
Eugene Tho new Osburn hotel, re
cently completed at a coat of $110,000,
has been opened to tho public, the first
meal being a luncheon to ZOO business
men given by tho board of directors of
tho hotel association. The hotel Is
modern In every detail, Is five stories
high, and contains 125 room. W. F.
Osburn and wife aro tho managers and
River High at The Dalles.
Tho Dalles The river at this point
registers 32.7 feet, which Is tho high
est ever known at this date except in
1894. Many people aro predicting a
repetition of tho high wutor of that
year, saying conditions are
saying conditions are similar
with these of 1894, when high water
occurred in Snako and Columbia rivers
at the sstne time.
Btsmp Mills to Start.
Gold Hill A new 10-stamp mill at
tho Grey Esgle mine on Sardine creek
is now in operation, and the stamp mill
at the Kubll mine will be started Mon
40 Acres Soil for 87,000.
Freowater II. M. Williams hss sold
his alfalfa ranch of 40 acres In the
Hudson Bay country to J. W. Foster of
Idaho, consideration $7,000.
Tests of Oil Wells In Vnlo District
Will Bo Mads at an Early Date
Drillers In tho Eastern Oregon woll
In tho Vnle oil Holds qavo consed oper
ations, as they nro convinced that thoy
have a flow of oil In commercial quan
tities. One great difficulty In this, na
In all other wells In tho Vnlo district,
Is to control t,ho flow of water. Tim
woll has been cosed, and as soon as tho
rcqulslto pumping outfit can bo In
stalled, It la to bo emptied of water,
that tho drillers may bo nblo to deter
mine tho flow of oil,
T. W. Davidson, of Vnle, ono of tho
heaviest owners In tho Eastern Oregon
company, has purchased a pumping
plant which will bo used In drawing
off tho wnter from tho woll.
"On account of the fine flow of oil In
tho Eastern Oregon, wo havo dcclcd to
go no deeper for the present," said
Mr. Davidson, "but will Install a
pumping plant anud draw off tho wa
ter. Then wo can monsuru tho oxact
flow of oil In tho well. That wo havo
oil In a number of tho Vnlo wells thero
Is no doubt, and ovory Indication points
to a commercial flow in aovoral of tho
deeper wells In that dlstrlcL"
Roadway to Josephine's Caves.
Grants Pass To mako more pleas
ant tho trip to tho caves this summer
tho great limestone labyrinths of Gray
buck mountain, known as Oregon's
Marblo Halls, will bo put In shape to
rccelvo visitors at an early date.
These caves aro said to bo tho largest
marblo halls In tho world, and every
year aro .visited by tourists from all
sections of the United States. Form
erly tho caves were controlled by pri
vate Individuals, but aro now within
the confines of tho Siskiyou forest re
serve, and much tho snmo as a national
park, Thoy will be protected and
cared for by rangers of the forsot serv
ice, In fact, ono of tho main camps of
fho rangers Is near the entrance to the
Thousands of people would visit tho
caves but for tho hard Journey. Lo
cated 55 miles aouth of Grants Pass
and with the last 22 miles of tho dis
tance covered only by a narrow, rough
and tortuous mountain trail, tho trip
to the marblo halls is anything but
pleasant, and can only bo made by tho
aid of pack animals. The government,
through Its appropriations for such
purposes, will construct a road to tho
caves from the msln highway at Wil
liams valley, and will provide suitable
shelter at the caves.
Big Cattle Shipment.
Heppncr One of tho largest cattle
shipments ever made from this place
was made this week. Tho shipment
consisted of three train loads, aggre
gating 2,700 head of cows and steers.
The stock was purchased principally in
Grant county. Tho cattio go to Wal
ker, S. D and will be turned on the
range to bo fattened for tho Chicago
market this fall. Buying stock in tho
West and fattening It closo to market
Is a great Improvement.
Lobsters for Yaqulna,
Washington A carload of lobsters
for planting In Yaqulna bay will arrive
there May 23.
Wheat Track prices: Blucstcm, 88
6100c; club, 84ft8Gc; red Russian, 82c;
valley, 87c
Barloy Feed and brewing, $22(23
per ton.
Corn Whole, $33; cracked, $34 ton.
Hay Track prices: Timothy, Wil
lamette valloy, $20(T(21; Eastern Ore
gon, zz((Zd; niraira, $io.6oe$i7.60;
grain hay, $176018.
Oats No. 1 white, 32Gft27 ton.
Fresh FruiU Strawberries, "Oregon,
$1.76412.25 per crate: apples, $1.60013
per box; gooseberries, (Utile per pound.
I'otatoca Carload buying prices:
Oregon, 40ft60c per hundred; sweet
potatoes, 4e per pound.
Vegetables Artichokes, C0670c per
dozen; aaparsgus, $1Q.$1,Z( por box;
cabbage, 3Kc per pound; celery, $3.50
tA per crate; hothouse lettuce, 60e7)
$1 per box; green onions, 15c per doz
en: radishes, l&g20c; rhubarb, 2
ft2Ke per pound; spinach, 810c;
rutabagas, $1.25(541.60 per ssck; car
rots, 85c(j$l; beets, $1.50; parsnips,
Onions Oregon, $2 per hundred;
red, $1.75 por sack.
Butter City creamery, extras, 28c
per pound; fancy outsldo creamery, 26
027e; store, 20c Butter fat' prices
average lHc per pound under regular
butter prices.
Egg Fresh Oregon ranch, 23ft24e
per dozen.
Pork Fancy, 12(3) 13c per pound.
Veal Fancy, OliOilOa per pound.
Lambs Fancy, 10tfJ12c por pound.
Poultry Hens, 180120c: broilers, 27
G?30c; ducks, 18ftZ3c; geese, 12tfc;
turkeys, live, 20ft22c; dressed, 25c;
squabs, $3 per dozen.
Cattio neof steers, hay rod, good to
choice, $6ft 0.25; fair to medium, $6ftl
5.50; cows and heifers, good to choice,
$5,6.15; fair to medium, $4.264.76;
bulls, $3.604.25; stsgs, $4.60ft6;
calves, light, $6$7; heavy, $4,600
Hogs Top, $1010,66; fair to me
dium, $9.26(39.65.
Sheep Best wethers, $$.267jJ9.56;
fair to good, J4.7605; best ewes, $4,76
(25; lambs, choice, $7(38; fair, $6.50
Hops 1909 crop, 12j16c; olds,
nominal; 1010 contracts, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 14tf17c per
pound; valley, 17(320c; inohsl t, choice
Women Pray While Mon Fight Flro
Mllllla to Rescue,
BomldJI, Minn., Mny 10. Women
and children nro In BomldJI' smoko
filled churches tonight praying for ruin
or soma other net of nntura to snvo
them, tholr husbands mid fathom mid
tholr homos from Impending cutnittro
pho. Although bnUled tlciioratoly by
hundreds of citizens, soldiers and for
est rnugors since 1 1 o'eloek thin morn
ing, n forest Are four miles wldo Is
slowly nanrlng BomldJI from tho south.
Christopher C, Andrews, Minnesota
stato forestry commissioner, arrived
horo from Wnlkor. Minn., this morn
ing nnd Is now nt tho scene of tho flro.
Tho citizens of tho city, convoked by
tho mnyor, addressed an apteal to
Governor Lberhnrdt nt noon.
The governor nt once, by telegraph,
appointed Commissioner Andrews com
mander of nil mllltlnmon In Northern
Minnesota, nnd Major II. T. V. Eva la
on his way hero from Dululh. Com
missioner Andrews Immediately or
dered Company I, Minnesota National
Gunnl, from Crookston. Company 11,
of IlemldJI, went early to tho scene un
ilur their own command.
Tho two big Weyerhaeuser ami Shov-lln-Cnrpontor
Lumber companion'
camp nnd timber holdings, aro located
there, nnd limnema stores of lumbtr
and polos nre situated directly In tho
path of tho flames on tho southern out
skirts of tho town.
Tho mills closed down at noon nnd
both day and night crews wero ordered
to tho ynnls, where thoy aro wotting
down tho lumber ami trying to quench
tho flaming brands Iwrne on tho high
wind Into the lumber piles and to tho
central business dtstclcL
Increasing volumes of smoko havo
been Kurlng Into the town all day,
ami tonight It la nearly suffocating.
In tho churches it Is lniiosslblo to see
tho 1 irhlrd imlnltH from the rear.
Tho poorer residents of tho city, lo
cated adjoining tho big sawmills, aro
running panic-stricken through the
murky streets. Should the small fires,
Ignited by tho brand i In the lumber
yards, escape control of tho fighters,
they would destroy the whole city,
Tho fire originated about seven miles
south of IlemldJI, In tho heart of an
unpoiulatcd forest. It has been
smouldering In tho muskeg soils.
No Way to Check Imtgratlon From
United Stales to North.
Wsshlngon, Msy 10. -Washington
officials of tho departments of agricul
ture and commerce and labor have a
sharp sense of tho need of something,
no ono knows Just what, to stop the
flood of emigration that Is flowing on
Its way from the Weatrm United
States Into Canada. The administra
tion proposes to talo tho matter up
It Is probably only a coincidence
that the high tide In emigration to
Canada haa occurred at a time when
this country is engaged In trying to
settlo tho the problem of proper way
to conserve tho natural resources of the
country. The sharp fact Is that Can
ada Is receiving thousands of Ameri
cana every year, men who havo made
good citizens at homo and who will
make good citizens of tho country to
tho north of us.
We aro getting Immigrants enough
to offset tho loss, but tho class of In
comers Is so Inferior to tho class of
outgoers thst tho United States gains
nothing from tho fact that thd former
outnumber tho latter.
Canine Runs Amuck In Cattle Herd;
Fine Animals Killed.
Los Angolcs, Mny 10. Because a
mad dog got Into a valuable herd of
cattio at San Jacinto today and bit a
number of them, several thousand dol
lars' worth of fine animals had to bo
Tho owners of tho farm aro not cer
tain whether other animals wero not
attacked by the rablcs-affilctcd animal,
and therefore thoy will qurantlno tho
remainder of tho herd and develop
ments will bo watched with great care.
Morgan's Car Demolished.
Spokane, Wash., May 10. Prlvnto
car No. A21 of Superintendent Mor
gan, of tho Marcus division of tho
Great Northern, had a narrow escape
from being completely demolished In
tho yards at Orovllto this morning. A
30-ton gondola, loaded with coal, was
being hauled up tho coal chute whon
tho cablo broko Just as the car reached
tho top. Tho runaway dashed down
tho Incline, broko tho sllttrack switch
and struck Mr. Morgan's car standing
a few hundred yards down the main
line. A warning saved thcoccupants,
Death Dared by Escape.
Lyons, Colo., May 10. Braving a
hall of bullots ami daring almost cer
tain death. Genkeyo Mltsunaira. thn
Japanese suspected of tho murder of
Mrs. Catherino Wilson,' In Denvor, lato
this afternoon msda n spectacular cs-
icapo from a sheriff's posso In tho
mountains west of horo, With the
posso hard on nls heels, nml firing as
they ran, tho Japaneso dlasppearcd
over tho mountain rldgo and reached
tho bottom In safety.
Rich Placers Uncovered.
Victoria, B. C, May 16. Rich
placers havo been found In Northern
British Columbia, near the hoad waters
of Taku inlot, and minora aro taking
out 5 cents to tho pan. Jack Hy
land, a trader, who arrived from Tele
graph crook, brought authentic new.
f of this find.
Points of View on Lino of Fun-
ctal Soli High.
Police Busy auardlna; Palace Artillery
Rehearse Program Nsvy Will
Have Prominent Pisco.
London, May Of, The wholo court
nnd all London uto absorbed In tho
preparations for tho funeral of King
Kdwanl, which will ho thu most Impos
ing ceremonial tho British capital over
haa witnessed. Thirty thousand sol
diers will Iw brought from Alderahot
and other military camps to lino tho
streets Friday when tho procession
As there Is no room to embarrnrk
tho soldiers over night thoy will h.
vounc In tho porks mid strots. Tho
city will have tho npiwnranco of an In.
vested town fur two days.
It Is oxcll that 700,000 persons
will pass through Westminster Hall to
look upon tlio rollln. Barriers nro lm.
Ing built by moans of which tho peoplo
wilt lo ushered through In four linn
nt tho rate of 18,000 an hour. The
body of tho Into king will not bo ex.
Icd to view. Tho mourners will r
only tho coffin with tho official regalia
and heaps of flowers.
Tho flowers contributed by oreanl.
zatlons and Individuals will represent
many thousand of dollars
The moat elnborato wreath
from Windsor, consisting
white flowers, Interwoven
was sent
of costly
with pur-
tile, which Is tho royal mourning color.
Tho wreaths contributed by private In
dividuals, numbering thousands, will
bo hung on xmU In tho streets.
Tho artillery horses, with gun car
riages, were rehearsing today through
tho street along tho line of marrh, so
aa to avoid tlio poulblllty of n mishap
on Friday.
Fabulous prlcea aro being asked for
Bests In tho stands along tho line, f 2S
being tho lowest sum nt which It Is
possible to get a place. The household,
era overlooking Trnfnlgnr souiro
hsve sent n protest to tho lord rhsm
bcrlsln for ngnln rhanglng the line of
march, which dcprlvrs them of eagerly
oxitocted profit.
King George having been closely
Identified with tho navy, tho naval ran
tlngrnta will tnko a prominent part In
the ceremonies. llluplarkct will
draw tho gun carriage to Windsor, a
they did the carriage which horo the
budof Victoria, although on that oc
casion they did so bcrsuse tho honm
bceamo restive.
Soldiers from tho king's company,
grenadier guards, aro keeping sentry
watch over the body in the thruiwromn
at Buckingham palace. They are re
lieved each hour,
Scotland Yard has all Its detectives
on duty and these are reinforced by
100 more from Continental cities.
Uprising Alresdy Over
Surrend to Troops,
Santa Fe N. M., May 17.-The
threatened uprising of the Taos Pueblo
Indians at Taos. N. M.. nnnear to be
at an end. Governor Mills today ld
tho nations guard sent to Tsos lul
night has been ordered to return.
United States Attorney Wilson tele
grsphed from Tsos this morning thst
tho renegade Indians hsva volunteered
to surrender themselves on the bench
wsrrsnU which they have leen resitt
ing. Ho added that tho trouble had
been gristly exsggcrstrd.
A regular troop of Cavalry, with
Csptaln McCoy In command, from Fort
Wlngato, arrived here tonight to take
a spoclsl trsln for Barranca, whence It
will rldo overland to Tans. nnWi or.
dercd back by the War department.
ii prouewy will bo necessary for the
troojis to servo tho bench warranU and
mako tho arrest, but no bloodshed Is
feared, as the Indians, who Including
women and children number nlv noo.
stand In awo of tho military.
Chase Horsethlef In Relays.
Chlcsgo. Mav 17. A trj.vmr.old
horso thief was captured by tho Wau
kegan pollco this afternoon after a 20
mllo chaao that lasted mnm li.n four
hours and during which tho police used
Mircu relays or horses and an automo-
' ,Vo,,,sy "hots nt tho opening of
tho chase and Interruptions of parties
on pleasure drives thst tholr fresh
horses might bo exchanged for tired
animals driven by tho pollco added ex
citing Incident to tho (light, Tho po
lice finally captured tho thlof by tho
used of an automobile.
Now Air Record Is Made.
Mourmolon, Franco, May 17. Dan
ol Klnut, tho Belgian aviator, today
broko tho world's record for an aoro
plnno flight with n passenger, remain
ing In tho air for 2 hours nnd 61 mln-utc-
At Chalons Bur Mnrno, on April
H. Klnot mndo a flight with nuien-
gorof2hours nnd 20 minutes. Pro-
vluue to that Orvlllo Wright hold tho
record, hnvtncr nmiin,i in ii. lr nt
Berlin last September with a passen
ger for 1 hourjind 6 minutes.
Fruit Crop Is Menaced.
Denvor, May 17,-Colomdo'a fruit
or tho estlmntcd vnluo of $7,000,000 is
monaced tonight by a storm, accom
panlcd by suddon drop In tempera
ture, which In sweeping tho stnto.
Tho thermometer at tho western
slopo registered 40 degrees Fahren
holt nt 10 o'clock, nnd was falling
steadily, undor 00-mllo wind from tho