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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1910)
4 Mwuauawaa ) 3 N T E D s W A "THE Bid STORE" wants all the Ranch Butter and Fresh Eggs obtainable, and will pay the highest market prices for the same. We have some large contracts for these articles and can use all you bring in. We will either pay cash or trade to suit the customer. Bring all your produce to BEND, OREQON BuwThe BMSIQL " HHUL aHllr aMBMBMk--WV'.aMHaYwCi r t TVSrr ""j-. I J REMEMBER, TUB riMiuiy .icamhi Commence Anrit I'lrst. Wc $' carry n full line of the very best Tirklo. ii.., " & Big new shipment just in. Rods, flics, Leaders, cic. S. C. Caldwell "I EVERYTHING for the rishcrwwi. Star Restaurant and Bakery IS NOW OPEN Meals Served at Regular Hours-will install bake oven and do general bakery business. E. MONCRIEF lloml St., next to llullctln Office, IIIIJXU, UK. All Spring Samples Now Here You Want Spring Suit That You Can Depend On to look nice, to hang well, wear welt ami give you value received for what you jwy for it. Come look over the Samples. A. D. MOE, The Tailor. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? If so, remember that wc can do your construction cheaply, quickly and well, BUNGALOW BUILDINO Our Specialty, ESTIMATES FURNISHED on Request. Ellis-Sherriit Construction Company Ilcnd, Oregon O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET Fresh and Cured Meats on Hand at all Times. CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE. fMMHWM mmmttmmm 1HI ASptewdMOmaM for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. MURfHY, GRAMS Cfc JMfiNJM CtHmlt LOCAL BITS. Llnster'a Opera J louse is being painted. The Iiulletin wants your sub scriptfon. Juuipcr Posts I'or Sale. Eu quire Ilcnd Townsite Co. Shaves and hair-cuts, where? Why, nt Iuness & Davidson's. Some good clean oats hoy for sale at $30 a ton. P. II. Dcucer. Get your typewriter ribbons and carbon paper at the Bulletin office. Cooks who make the best pie crust use Cleveland's Baking Pow der. lid. Ilalvcrson has taken con tract to clear a mile of O. T. right-of-way. Eon SAuc A 3'inch Stude bakcfV wagon, $60. C. V. Allen, I.aidlaw. 10-12 WANTED CORDWOOD. 4-foot juniper, dry and green. W. P. Downing. The best of good things to eat at the Star Restaurant, next door to Bulletin office. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lara left on a ten-days' business visit to Port land on Sunday. Douglas Garduer, who has been absent in Portland for ten days, re turned yesterday. The Whatsoever will meet at Mrs. Seller's Friday afternoon. Everyone iuvited. O'Donncll Bros, have opened their new butcher shop on Wall street near the posloflicc. Splcudid new maps of Central Oregon for sale at the Bulletin of fice. Mailed for 50 cents. Wantkd. Span of young mares, weight about 1 200. Also one rid ing pony. Inquire Auue bam. tf Fifty feet of sidewalk has been constructed in front of the Shaw buildiug opposite the Hotel Bend. The Star Bakery has erected a small building iu the rear of its es tablishment to accommodate a bake oven. Exchanok. Will exchange first class uutomobile at yt cost for local realty of same value. Inquire Bul letin office, it A bird in the hand Is worth three in the bush. A shave at Inncss & Davidson's in worth a dozen elsewhere, Excellent photographs of the Bend school pupils and teachers are on sale at Kelley Bros.' confec tionery store. Today Nick Smith moved his stock of builder's supplies across Wall street into his new store next the postoflice. Fok SAMt 45 head of pood range hor&es, also a Sue Percheron stallion at a bargain. CADY & Gkkkino, I.aidlaw, Or. Mrs. Bess T. Baker took the, prize as best pastry cook in Crook county. She always uses Cleve land's Baking Powder. Miss Wiest and Miss Richardson entertained their pupils and par ents as well as the school board at Miss Wiesi's residence. Williams Bros, have bought out Aldridge & Hobba and are now operating the uear beer and pool room in the Mutzig buildiug. Both the Pilot Untie Inn, the building occupied by Rowlcc's bowling nllcy, and the Hotalliug buildiug have been repainted, Wantkd Position as cook for small outfit. Addr Mrs, Hunt ington, Bend, Oregon. Phone or write Care of F. A. Shonqucst. Good 4-foot junlcr cordwood for sale, at Long Butte Ranch; $3 at ranch; board free while getting wood.- L. A. Bkandundukom. 5tf LosTLnrge grey cot, slightly stripped. Male. Possibly in neighborhood of Lytic. Liberal reward. Inquire at Bulletin office. B. R. Benson, of Seattle, is in Bend lor a visit of indefinite length. Mr. Benson came here at the in stance of F. W, Graham, of the Great Northern. Plat books, individual plats, "agents authority to sell" blanks and rent books for sale at Bulletin office. Also typewriter ribbons and carbon paper. If you want to sell something come around to The Bulletin office and arrange with G. P. Putnam who in local advertising agent for the Portland Orcgonian. Last Wednesday evening the Bachelor Girl gave & dinner party in hour of Miss Ruth Reid at the home of Mrs L. D. Wiest. Dinner was served on the veranda. Tlir Whatsoever gave a most successful ofternoon and evening entertainment yestcrd&y sn the lawn of the Mutzig home. Straw berries and ice cream were served. C. A. Chapman has furnished rooms in his building on the corner of Wall and Minnesota streets. 'Also a comfortable suite, well adapted for cither living1 or office purposes. Sif Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Rogers re cently from Los Angeles, have come in to take up residence on their 160 acre of ditch land north of Bend. Mr. Rogers is a cousin of Fred Hunnell. Mrs. C. O. T. Williams and faer daughter, Mrs. C. G. Miller of Or egon City, who have been visiting at J. M. Lawrence's, left this morn ing for home. Mr. Miller returned home last week. Blue prints of any township in the Burns Land District showing all land entries, names, datt-s, etc. Topography. Your order filled on day of receiving. Price $i.J. C. Tuxnky, Burns, Or. 5U" For Salk. -Several good sec ondhand inch-and-a-quarter and inch buggies, and inch-and-a-quar ter spring wagons. Good as new. Very cheap. Apply to Wenandy Livery Co., Bend, Oregon. (10-12) Found A small sorrel h'orse, weight about 700, branded O D on right shoulder. Strayed onto Davenport & Stanley ranch. Own er may have by proving ownership and paying keep. J. D. Sims. 10-15 Copies of special Central Oregon Edition of the Portland Chamber of Commerce Bulletin, containing, mauv articles upon this scc'.n as well as a valuable map, are now on sale at the Bulletin office, at, 25 cents each. For Salb. Lodging house, own buildiug 60 feet long, rent ol ground $2 a month, 17 beds, etc., everything new, best location in Madras. Address P. II. Stephen son, The Madras Rooming house, Madras, Oregon. E. S. Isaacs, the well known flour mill nan of Walla Walla, has been in Bend for the last week Mr. Isaacs, has purchased some property here and intends to re turn in a few weeks, when further announcement of his plans will be made. Lost A team of mares, about 850 weight. One grey, one bay. Branded 8 on lett shoulder. Both have halters on. Lost six miles east on Prineville road. Send in formation to Bulletiu office. $10 reward for recovery. Cirisnck V. Barto. 10-tf No quorum w&s present at the meeting of the Bend Library Club yesterday. The next regular meet ing will be held on Tuesday, the 14th of June, The president, Mrs. F. F. Smith, wishes the ladies to remember the date apd attend with out further notice. 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE iyjnjra Thadc Mark hrejAua ftnjevnuurr a Ao. AwJSSifiSiSSaSSRP!l BvunlcA. UlflWH OB jiictiStSfm ill KatiM. without &. la t. lion tltotlf pon.a4.lUIU. Inl f rM. OI.UW M 1'iltnll Lk.n ih ftkMtific Jittttm 4 V St. KuVluUt. U. 0. A Kwnhiintlr cm. ho UNEQUALED BUYS IN City Lute v., Five-Acre Tracts Adjoining Bend, at Reoft oMe Kates. IRRIGATED LANDjS Close In On Easy Tcrma. TIMBER TRACTS Our Specialty, j n Do You Wish a 320-ACR.E HOMESTEAD We Can Locate You on Same. Do You Wish to BE INSURED ;: In the Best Insurance Companies? We represent them. We also handle Mining Stock, do Notary Work, and Stenography. Central Oregon Realty Company Wall Street, BEND, OREGON aMER MSW0NER, Fres. 9. L BgiWN, Vtcrtmftst fi. 9. MAftKEL Sk. Tress. How About Your Shoes? If you need any SATHER HAS THEM FOR YOU. Big Cut in Prices 20 per cent off $2.00 Boys' shoes, row - $1.60 $3.50 Boys' high top shoes $3.00 $2.25 Boys' shoes, now - $1.?5 $8.00 Cowboy boots, now $7.oo Full Line of Bvckinsfcam & Hcht Shorn Gotzian and Goodman. Closing out Dougherty & Hthlan Sko Stock. ' Ladies' and Men's Linen Dusters $2.00 and $2.50 Shirts and Summer Underwear 65c grade at 50c Comforts, $2 and $2.75 Pillows, $1.25 E. AATHER. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREQON WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE itfN Tab!e;atwayuppl!ed wtyh tho bestlhat the town afford. Neat and Cemfertable Rooms. ' JKND, Oxhook AVriieiAg ift The BuIktiR brings rasuks. Test it yourself s4 kv &. r )