rfttff-IJ lir" ". a4n"itJ(''lt"ll' NMMMHllHhUlilMMM J 1 i ' Watch This Space Next Week. Deschutes Realty Co. -..-TO Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL BE CARRIED IN STOCK BY US HEREAFTER. Fine Candies Williams Brothers. RAIN JOINT SUKVICUS IIUl.l) lll-RU l.nldlaw and Itcnd Vctcrnnn Honor the (kcnlon-OM Soldier Tell of Their llxpcrlcnccn, Children Decorate (lrcit. ' For Sal. Lease on no acres of land 24 niles northwest of La id I aw." Sixty acres in cultivation, 30 acres in meadow, 20 in winter grain. Water taxes paid for this year. Also horse, wagon aad harness. Enquire for the Carran place. G. Hamilton, Laidlaw. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line. Tim Cornktt Stack & STAM.K Co. 25tf Hand us your subscription. TUU KOI.I. 01' HONOR. J. Anthony Mltencll, Mid Illinois Inlty. llimtmii Cook, Co C, 4htlt low Inlty. John It. Wood, jth IIII110U Inlty. Jscoli C. Tliorp, Co K, ijth Kmim Inf. Joeuhll. Oiu-lll, id Khiim Int. mid CV. Andtfw MoAlltMcr, 150th Illinois Intty. John I. Went, Co. A, J9U1 Indians littty. VhaiiitsTwcct. Co. A, 7th Wis. "Iron It " IMwnrdSltcrritt, Navsl V. "TrnntMee." Mrtll C. Awlirev, Co A, S Mo. Mcx. Iktij 1'. Itoydntoti, 7th MIm, ln(.,C. H. A. Memorial Day services were held in Uentl on Sunday, nt the church and nt the cemetery. Ten of the old bovs in faded blue and one who wore the gray were among the par licipants. After the church exer cities Mine Host Hunter entertained the veterans with dinner and cigars nt the Pilot Butte Inn. At the cem ctcry special nttention was given to the grave of Comrade llulmau w Morrill. The services at the church organ at 3 o'clock with a selection phyed by, the band. After the invocation by the Kev. E. S. Vox the choir sang "Hoys of the Old Brigade" and the Kev. J. A. Mitchell gave .in old army song, "A Thousand Years." Mr. Fox delivered the occasional address. Mr. Mitchell again sang, the old song "Brave Boys Are They," and Professor riironc played n comet solo, "The Vacant Chair." Brief talks were made by Comrades Cook, Tweet. Thorp, Wet, Onetll nnd Boydstou, who spoke of war time experiences and commented on the lessons of the strife. Comrade Oueill gave special .credit to the women for their part in the great struggle and others endorsed the sentiment, some of tbem speaking a second time to it. There were also refer ences to the SpanUhAtncrican war service and the general opinion ex pressed was that United States soldiers fought differentl) then be cause of the different kind of en emy bclore them; that in the same circumstances the troops in the lat er war would have exhibited the same valor as in the conflict of '61-5. Tlicv fought in the best way to accomplish their purpose. Teams and automobiles carried a large number to the cemetery. There was music by fife nnd drum, prayer by Rev. J, A. Mitchell, the song "Tramp, J ramp, imrap uy the choir, appropriate remarks by Mr. Mitchell and a selection by the band, after which the children dec orated the graves. The only sol dier's grave in the Bend cemetery Is tlint ttl Holmnu W, Morrill, Comrades Cook, Awbrcy, Mc Allister nnd Iloydston came from Lnidlnw to participate in the serv Ice The other veterans live in Demi. STKAYitn From Bend, May 17, n cteniu-colotcd X)ny, Glass-eyed, brand on right hip. Address J. Young, Bend, Or. CITY DRAY MtWkH MNSTHK, i'kOl'it. I J w-7.f. CITY DfiVW VU IIANDLI! UVIIKYTIIINd I.euva your order with Nick Smith Wall St., Itcnd Kutltimtr on application Wall l'per at I'ortUnd 1'rU'ct N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Chrapest and Kent Wall I'apei .Sm- plet In the county. Get My t'ricc. 110x39. Demi, Oregon. H. M. COOK Photographer Nw at IthkiIIIc. DON'T FORGET THAT HE IS ALWAYS READY TO GIVE PROMPT AT TENTION TO ORDERS FROM BEND PEOPLE. WaBKEMsytX ih?3Ssjsaaj JOHN LEQAT DKALKR IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired J, It. WUNANUY IlttNU OH, P. I.. I1UNTUN MIINIXO, Oil, Central Oregon Automobile Company WENANDY-BUNTEN AITOMOIHLK CO. DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Shnulko, Madras. Redmond and Bend nnd nil interior points. For further Information write Central Oregon Automobile Co. hend, oncaoN SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGOAOH r FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, Ihiildcrs Hnrdwnrc, Hoofing. Everything yon need for your new IIon.se or new Store. N. P. SMITH Mutzljc Building Wall Street May 15-Aug. 15 Special Low Rates for SUMMER SCHOOL We will conduct a Summer School a usual during the months of June, July and August. The following Special low rates will be In force fioui May 15 to August 15: TURPIN & WHITSETT GENTS1 FURNISHINGS LADIES' SHOES and HOSIERY A Full Line of Furnishings for Men. Come in and look over our stock and get our prices. , Just received a new shipment of Men's Work Pants. Also the largest shipment of GLOVES that EVER CAME TO BEND. Turpin & Whitsett DAVIES BLDQ., Opp. Postofflce, BEND, OREGON. 3 mouths Shorthand or Commercial Course f.3$ 00 6 month Shorthand or Commercial Course,- 550 00 3 months Combined Course... , $30 00 6 months Combined Course 65 00 13 months Combined Course $90 00 cost of tuition, the above Rates by the month quoted On account of the reduction in prices arc strictly cash in advance, on application. During the past year we have had more applications for both young men and young lady graduates than we could supply. Young men especially are in constant demand. Hundreds come here from Eastern schools and take positions which might as well be secured by young men educated in Tacoma. Send for catalog and full particulars. Address: SBeutel 5S Lsollc Corner of C and Street. 9th J aconia, usiness Koucac " Clumtwrof Commerce fll . liulMlnu. Excursion Rates TO THE EAST DUR1NQ 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON The Oregon Railroad & Navigatioi Company TO RATES Chicago f 72.50 Council BluiTs"S Omaha I Kansas City , :,, 60,00 St. Joseph- I St. Paul J St Paul via Council Bluffs 63.90 Minneapolis direct 60.00 MInneapoILi, via Council Bluffs...., ,' 63.90 Duluth direct 66.90 Duluth, via Council Blults 67.50" St. I.oula ,,, 67.50 Tickets will be on sale May and and 9th; June and, 17th and 34th; July 5th and aand; August 3rd; September 8th. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than October 31st. One tgavtbrough California $15.00 additional. . "E3jfllf Inquire of any 0. R. iKistYW more complete Information. aNft&'UCNQR AOflNT. PORTLAND, WHfAVC OREQON. g Notice. ji'.P Notice is hereby glvlHkfMl trespass is forbidden oa'tWWiSiaf ties of the Dcnd TrfaWl &!. t. ,.- r. . f - . j urooKR, Dcanion uo, aa,siisiiimi dumber Co. p T BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth, .Visltlnsr brothers 1 .1 always welcome. J, 0. oaviosoNi aor. u, 0. 001, m. w I7 Cat. Rolled and seed barifK l t Kodman Kaucu near SCi Subscribe for The Bulletin. r A' 1 John 15i XrA