The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 25, 1910, Image 8

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SI '
; i r
' '
City Prop
erty and
Acreage ,
Farm '
Lands .
The Home Land Company
W. W. OR.CUTT, Manager.
r v'
7 '
The Pioneer Wood Yard
Call on or telephone us for the Best Seasoned Wood.
Custom Wood Sawing Solicited.
All wood ts cut grtea, therefore assuring Vood live wood
W. P. OWNING, Proretor.
i. ,
I have buyers for large or small
it . tracts at right prices.
t. W. Melville 4Wfi5fS:
Table) always auf piled with the belt that the town afford.
Nt in4 CemferUbte Rooms. Bknd, Orkgon
last your, Timber Lands
with its quick. We have cus
tomers waiting.
Wc can locate you on the '
Choicest JHomcstcad Lands in
Central Oregon. Satisfaction
List your Farm Lands with
lis. Our list is"- good now but
we desire to iucrctisc it. We
have plenty of buyers coming.
We finve call for all kinds
of City Property and Acre
age. Let us know' what you
have in this line.
ring Bend, at Reason
at. t LANDS
Susy Terras.
Wish a
(fou on Same.
fVlsh to v t
lutes? Wc represent them.
;y i
if" '
lock, do Notary Work
go Realty
, I.EIWWN,Vk.pfesMit
..flttllKEL, SteJTnas.
The Practical Method Adopted by a
French Scltntttt.
At th beginning of the nineteenth
century the French Academy of Bel
twea offered to give a prlie to the
Drat person who would solve tho fel
lowing problotni If you map mm
full ot water and put a stone or any
twttor body In It the water will How
over. If. however, you put Into It n
fish, the volume of which U eunl to
that of the atone. It will not flow over.
Explain thin phenomenon.
Learned essay a on tho aubject pour
ed In from till tiunrtera. hut tho prob
lem waa not siutsfnctorlly wived In
any ot them, and consetjuently the
prise was not awarded.
In the following year the aame ques
tion waa attain propounded, and for
Ave yearn aitawera continued to pour
In to the arndeniy, Then It auddrnly
occurred to on of the Hcndenilelatia
that, arter all. the problem inlsht be
Incapable or aolutlon, and he deter
mined to make a tent for hlniHrlf.
FllllnR a vane with water. Ue put
a stone Into It and suw that the water
flowed oTer. Then he look out the
lone, filled the vnse aRSln with wa
ter and put Into It a Rati, the volume
ot which waa the aame aa that of the
tone, and saw, to his surprise, that
the water again flowed over.
Ue told the arademy ot hi dkaroy.
cry. and the result waa that the offer
ot a prUe waa at once withdraws.
And the Lett and Pound Department
and Scotland Yard.
"That lout and found property de
portment at tVotland Yard U one ot
the beat thins tbey have In London."
Mid a woman who baa epent much
time In England. "Last autuniur I had
experience with It.
I fell Into a sort of habit of losing
things. Flirt It waa a valuable um
brella. I did not mbM It until I got to
my hotel after an after theater supper
The nest morning I made my biuband
take me to the theater and the two
rcxtauranta where we bad been the
night before, but without result.
"Then nu American friend auggested
Scotland Yard. I went there and there
It waa. It bad been turned la by a
cab driver.
Twice afterward I lost that 'um
brella and gut It back In the same
fashion, each time leaving aa a reward
for the cab driver a per cent of the
value of the umbrella, aa required
Then one night I lost a floe pair of
opera glasses, and I got them back.
"It Is an excellent system the pollco
over there have of eucouraglng hon
esty. A cab driver who finds anything
In his vehicle Is required to turn It In.
and be knowa that If tho owner claims
It be will be rewardcoV-'Excbaug,
An Old Wlih Custem.
Tbe kindling of umQrea on bills Is
the simplest of celebrations at any
time. Tbe Druids made four great
Urea at their festivals Ifl February.
May. Augut and November. Wales
seems to have tieen a country espe
cially tenacious ot this custom. Each
family used to make Ita own tire, and
as It wss dying out eacb member
would throw a wblte stone Into It. tbe
stones IwloV marked for future Wen
filtration. Then all said their pray
ers and went to bed. and In tbe taera
tug tbe tried to And all the atones
again. If any atone waa missing It
betokened tbat tbe owner of It would
die within a year. Home superstitions
are pretty and picturesque and attrac
tive. This waa oue of the many which
were cruel as well as picturesque. It
woed take but a alight accident to
cause n fright tbat might be actually
dangerous to a superstitious person,
and It would not be bard for an ene
my of aucb n person to cause that
fright by ateallng bts atone from the
A Roman Dinner.
A Roman dinner at tbe bouse of a
wealthy man consisted chiefly of three
"ourne. All sorts of stimulants to tbe
"sppeUie were first served up. and eggs
were Indispensable to the first coarne
Among tbe various dishes we may In
italics tbe guinea ben. pheasant, night
lugale ami the thrush as birds most In
repute. Tbe Human gormands held
peacocks in great estimation, especial
ly fbelr tongues, llacrublas states tbat
they were first eaten by Ilorteoslus,
tbe omtor. and acquired aucb repute
tbat a single ieacock was sold for CO
denarii, the denarius being equal to
about elgbipeoce halfpenny of English
money. Chambers Journal.
Saved by His Wits.
Tbe Duke of Wellington once met
by accident an officer lu a state of In
ebriety. "Look here, air." said tbe Iron Duke.
"What would you do It you met one of
your men in the condition In which I
And you'"
Tbe officer drew blraeelf up, gave tbe
military salute and replied with great
gravity, "I would not condescend to
epeak to tbe brute," Bk wit saved
him bis commlloB.
"Father." iwld tittle Hollo, "waa
George Washington a greater roan
than HflDla Claus?"
"1 won't say, my son, that be was
grottier, but be has proved much less
expensive." Wasbingtoa Star.
"Say, pop, tssy I ask you a quea
Uonr "Yes. Teddy. What to tr
"When n man'a finished mllkln' a
ow, bow does ho turn off tbe milk?"
Onr life to abort, hot to expand that
span to vast eternity to virtue's work.
(.Continued from pwije i.)
hnve n nlmre lu the world's work
equal t thai ol mini.
Tuesday evening Mlsi' Young
was cnteitulued by the Mipuonnorc
olnM at the home nf Miss Wlod. ,
The new I.ltiNler opcru house
will hnve its ulliclal opt'iilti till
Saturday evening with the High
School piny, "MnUbuck Smith'."
The (xMtorumncc will he presented
by the pupils o( the llend Hlli
School, under the direction of C. J.
Callow, n ruduutc of the Wlllatif
cttc Scjiool ol Oratory,
"Halfback. Sutuly" Irt n royalty
ply, !uld to be one of the twit col
lKe coined le.i written, nnd as much
careful work has been expended in
rehearsing nnd instruction, an
exceptionally entertaining evening
is nnticipalrd.
The curtain will tNc at 8:30. In
the intermissions music will be
lutnishcd by the llend Hand Ad
mission will be 50 cents for adults
and 95 cents for pupils, the pto
cceds to be devoted to the school
athletic fund.
Tumalo Letter.
Tumalo, May jj Hot weather hse
conic ami everything In the line of vegc
utlon it growing.
Mrs. Win, linker wsea huelncM visitor
lu llend one dsy Ut week.
Some Denvrr, Colorado, people slop
ped here last Wednesday with a beautl.
(ul IlclgUu stattlu which they wete try
ing to kL . ,,,.
Orovef ,fletkag,.'j. and W. Jolpieon,
Keely.Meewier and W. Mt(Jalnn stopped
here Uet TtKMlsy on their 'tegular round
upol horees. , . ' '"
' f v
We sre glsdje Heir that Mij Secley ot
the.O. W. I. PlBee Qov's survey crew
Is Improving In tuvjKl1bausilta'Mi.
pltalst Portland vVm KeiW5HtKHe
lime ago for treataeent. . 4
II. J. Hcndrtr, manser of 0.). W
1. l'inaiice wo.e irrigsiion proci'to
Kether with the president and Hceetsry
of the uew company and several other,
aaKanaKaa eiBBaaaaaaaric
Star Restaurant and Bakery
Meals Served Ht Regular Hours will install bski',
oven and do general bakery business.
r JItMV.TBTI r?r? Uond St.. neat to Bulletin
JC. ITlWl'HWtl Cr
All Spring Samples Now H.r7,?
' 'I 'I
. Spring: Suit1?;);
sr-a-A f 0m ar . "I
Want 1
That You Can
to look nice, to hang well, wear
for what you pay for it.
A. D. MOE,
If o, remember tbat we
ciieapiy, quickly aua wen.
Oar Specialty.
-.-. ........... - U
Jbllis-bUerrnt Loastruction tonpiBy
Bend, Oregon jL
gentlemen (runt l'urllsud were In
Tiimalo SAturday looking over the res
ervoir site and cxpreeied theinielvce
Kreatiy entltfled with the project,
Laldlsw Lncslettta.
Mav is. Mr. Frank Murk lion hie
sliler't ranch tide week IrtltpUhiK h
Prof, Sweetier, of the University of
Uregoi, iciit flmiiUy and Monday with
Mr. W. II. lUrnee, lie tint In eumo
lime botanlihiK and (lililnn while here
Prof. J, A, Thompson and fondly left
early in the week for their ranch near
Htdmoud, where they will spend tha
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilson and ller
formerly of AUeks, now residing oil
their ranch est of town were plenl
callers at the home of Mr, W. t. Ileruee
Uit Thureday, at Mr. II. Ilellcy's home
the Udtcr port ot Inst week.
Mr. II. Courtney Is tunning Dayton's
planer with lite gauillne engine,
'Laldlaw I'ublle School cloicd 1'rlday.
The teachere, Mre. Csdy and Mr,
ThompMin gave the children a party on
Mr. llarue'e lewn Friday evening. A
iiurehmailow roset, fmlge, oranges and
geuies were the main ftsturre of the en-
tertsliiment, which sll icemed to enjoy
l'sy and Kay Oerklug made a htielncie
trip to llend Turnlay,
Seversl ladles epent a plrsiatit alter.
iica)ii Sunday with Mrs. Fred Wallace at
their Home wen ot town.
If vou want to sell loincthlni;
come around to The Bulletin office
nnd arrange wltlt 0. 1 I'utnam
who is local advertising auent for
the Portland OrCgonUn.
A handsome black HclKlanPcr
heron stallion, will make the sea
sou at the Aunc barn in llend.
THRMSs Jusoio insure; k
son. 800. l'mmcnt due when
mare is known to be with foal.
Cate will betaken to avoid aeel
UcRts but responsible for none.
; J8 ,J i'-
Fishing' Season
Commences April I'lrst. Wc
carry a full llne of tho very best
Dig new shipntNt juM leu Rods,
Plies, Leaders, etc.
S. C. Caldwell
Depend On
well and give you value recti
Come look over the Samples,
The Tailor. i ,
can do your construction -J
on Request.
for eva
Ir full.'S
hip POajkl
te led m
fly. .vin
mm a
lasriasdne . V
autl l
U. 0. 1.inl Omc , l.eVi rlew, Or,
May M, Ifio,
NoCcele hereby alien tht-
Uallih l L'ullllll.
or Mwliiil.Oifiii.wh,mi May e ivi msile
Itoiiiriltut sniiUral un No 4ll (Hrtlal Nil
i 1 )"? HViUm, WMNlJrf, NKJJNWWi
makf l'liial (.'iiniinulallun I'roof, to tlJ.illi
rlalm In Hie lamt lw dKikril, btfon II. V
win. it m. L-.ii,uiii..iiinr. at luiul. Orrauu. un
Hit Mil iay iir juria, lilu,
WHlinaiu namr'na wnnwi
U..II. MI..III. U.a U I-. Ulrlilp. W. e. Villi.
data it, W, O. I'uiUtiaiii, all of MimIiihI, Oion,
AAIIIUH vrivn.wi,
nu Kfiimr. of Tlmtxr, folllaml, Or(un, Merth )A,
Via. tWalnl Iilila luarkrj uuitUI. "Illl,
TiltitMrr Itela AlHratloii, kUlcli j, lyio, l)
cliula,"aiiilauiifrllathf lii.tml Vuifaitri
I'uitnllWiiricy, liullaim, dm uii. will
ctlrl Uliluauil IikU.IIii Hit Mh day of Mar(
Mi fur all Hie iuihaiiutil iltait IliuUr liana
liiaor ilon anJ all lh lt ItwUr maiatil lot
tuuiiia lr Ihe IVt ufflcM. lulel u an aira,
lilitirniilltlyiilMair.lliy lh I'iumi oiftrtr
UluieeiilllU(litslua,ursliuulite Kiea la Hit
whoflhtwMHtc J".T !,. , ".w
(., wlllunllilHXliulca Nalluuat I'oitil. Ofr.
guii. tallmalrtt lu I IJJJ.'r9 ' W ' '
tmlJDCuifMlll M ohiesa wtileia aelliiw Wae.
.awlliiiUr lul. mult or lr NutiMuf
WMlhAit iyir ihwMml fael H, M. m nt
anil l Jrt Ml IhiHiaait.l Int II. M. Ivj tlta.l lllu
Ur will li rvunlOitnl lxl a iUkII uf U, I.
bl lu Hit mxlir ul Hit flil N.liou.l Hank uf
l-uiltaml, Oitiuii. Mtul U Mill lu Ihat Unk for
ach bkl aulMMiiitil lo Hit Utrtrkl , I'wnlti.
r mUl uuvn tatM tlalma U tar iilt llutti aalt.
IhtHahuu all H'U la ittmr.1,
for luilbtr Itiluttuatwu an. nyuUitoiii 0tiu
Ins aalt a a4.lirM fuicit auMlu, Itaxltultt
NIU.nal portal, rrlturillt, UfteH. C a
ciui'maM, iiiiutti Pwitmr. , e-ii
la Jutllet'a Court f hd Prwinrt No. j,
County of Clvua, KlaU ol HI t sua.
ti.Fi,wwirit.pui4ift. UHM0N-
M. J. IH''tJ, tfrn.tal. )
To H. , IMtlartt. lb el! nainttl dtftuJent.
IdiiisNiMeortiisuraTsor oatoow, you
at btirby rt..ultl lu tpwar al anr th
nnipUin(Blmt(al4yuln Ibt aljullua
acoutiouor lfui J a, ll. of aulT.r aJ
iKtullu title kts saluH yvu. fur lb auw vf
Blil-MUulUia .! B fault (SJ ll
Ibt dUlMitatwrsti ft Ibie acUon,
Ulrt uoJtr lay hait Ihli lath &f of AU,
uit, I,,
Ju.ilct or Ibt Pratt
Tbli turamom la ortltrnl lu U ativnl utj
ywlby iHiWkalloa Ib.trel la Tbt Ktbil llulUlln,
ttaly ntotiar, vublltbtd In Cfuk Cnualy,
orteuu, for Ibt MiluJof aia curoil wttk,
auwilrriU by I. U rKvbtU, tMlkoflbt Ptac.
Plttl publtalMM April M, Ittu.
uuhia Passes,
nt) Altmutyt lot plalslltf
Netke) tu Creditors.
In tktCoualy Couit oflkt blatt of Oiffoa, U
Crook Cuualy.
Inlktmallrrof Ibt Itavelt of Ptltr Prdrtwn,
Tbt dfljarJ ba.luf ltn apliitrit If
lb County Court ul Ibt Male of urriou, M
Cttok Cvualy. a4mlIMralf of tbt tUlilt of
Itltr prutrMn, dimuil, nwlct U btiiby sltta
MlktctnllloraefatM ralitt, n4 all ptiauki
batlavtUlMtanlnat hI4 dKtakfl. 10 Mtartl
1biM ttriSnt a ttqalrnl by law, wllhls Mi
naaill anr inr am iKMiniHia in aHr
toaalttJitUo PtUtratn, adminlMialor, al bn
rraldrnct star ntnd, ltii, or at IbtoOXtaf
Drrglaail A Otnl, Oiiivn.
IMInJ Atoll IS, Ifte,
' jwuua PKimsiitfr,
AdnloUlialorutbt P.Maltof
Ptltr Pnlrrttn, tvtaM
Plftt puUttallon April t71k, !!.
PtauukxuAi raaaea,
Allorstya lot Admlblrtrslor. J-ll
Notke of 1'reist SettlemeRt.
Nolle U btrtby ! by tbt uiHlrralfaft
lhal lit bat af MM Milk lb aj Ibt
Coualy Coull aTCrnuk Coualy. Ottfun, bla Plaat
Artuuat na admlaUlialof of Ibt IMalt of tValur
II. MrtltMdrtanl,anil Ikal aabl Cuualy Cvuit
baa tl TMttay Ibt Jib day T Inly, itia,al i
o'clock M. al Ibt Coualy CpuiI rtmat In
niacTtllt, Ottcou, at Ibt lint a4 plat lut Ik
hratlat auj Mtllrwl of mW Piaal
nbkbllMt as4 plan anyraa lultrttmt Is
aaltt Kxalt way apptar au4 olnt lolbMlllf
MM of aM final Actonal
IMltd Ibta nib day M May. lai.
jannan. antiin.
Ailornty for Iht
es33"wst - T
A'liulalMiator of iht
PXaltoCWalltr II
MttlM, ilirtaMil
ii miini aiiam, n
IkpaitMtol of Ik laltllor,
U. 8. Una Oak, Tbt KaiW-a. Ot,
May Mtk, li.
Netk la btrtby (nn that
Lulktr MrUr,
oTIMnJ.Oifrun. oho, on Otlobtr JIH, lyf.
lJ MooirMta.1 (WlUl N.oiii) No. I1?4l, b
KMW,wnwi.fK. 5im1 KKWNHU. a.
S, Toonahlp u MunIii, Maott II Kau MrillaMIU
MciUlan.haaBlr4nolkor UlcnlkMi to matt
BMlBrt-ytar wooT, lo ooMltti claim lo lat
land alt dtarrlbnl, Ufut" II C Kill. UrIM
rXalta ConiMlMVaat r, alblaftCBctel tWod, lift
gun.unint ivmuijrm junt, itia.
ClrlManlnamtaaanrllstaarti Pir4 A. Shoo
attat. WlUum V Vaodtml, luhn Uabr r, all ot
6rnd,Ort(un, Mlllant V. llalhora,ol Mutlaad.
C W. MOOUK, Rrilalrr
Nolle to Creditors.
la Ibt Coualy Court of Ikt Stale efOttfafr
. Crook County,
In Iht MalUr of tbe ItaUlt of Kllrn Olcutl.
Tbt nndtrtlgntd hatn beta ippolnlfd ky
Ibt total Couit of Iht State oTOrtsun Adntla.
Ittialur oTlbt Kalalt oflillrn Ortll.dfJ.
sulk It btrrb ln lu Iht ntdllurt ofwd
aaM dtctaMd to pttMnt Ibtm vnnd ir
vjiBi tsi nu KfBout natiug cuinii sgaiatc
bv law within alt tnoulka aflrr lr
wKstioa or isit ifatuo lo in unntr-
aJUBKl at Iht OAc of C. H. htnaon.lnlkt
Pnal National tiauk HulUIIng, tMsd, Ottgun,
mm paay 'tin, luia.
William w okcott,
AllmlHlU.Blaf nflVi
KttatsoriUUaOirutl.IkctaMd. 1114
U. 8. Laud Office.
The Dalles, Oregon, April aj, 1910.
Notice le hereby uivcii that the tfotih.
fit rclflc Kailvtay Cointtany, vrlioi
vestodice adilrcii le St. I'aul, MluneeoU,
W this amd day of April, 1910, died in
rnia ouirc na sppiicsnoil lo select Ulultf
tfw lirovlilone ol the Act of CmtuttU.
ataproved July 1, l)8(ioStst, 597. 6k),
m cairiiueti uy lite Act or Conuicaa, tp
roved Slsy 17, 1906, the NWj' NltV,
NUjCawl NUV NWli- Hil u,t.
!., K. II . W, M,
Any and all ncriom clalmlnu .lurt
jy the lands dcKrlbed, or deelrltiK ob
Uetbccauw of mineral character of tbe
run, ui lurnnj oilier resaon, 10 llie tllf
rm to applicant, aliould file their aaV
yte of jiroteet In this office, on or te
,ffe the Utb tlsy of June, toio.
' C. W. MOORU.
r -J ReKUter,
Article on
for January, containing long
illustrated article ou tbe
uend country.
AUvertiac it payi.
'I r . sM