- -"- imriii liiiliMiur r in ill mil ll lliitBU iHIMBM COMPARI rtMMMMNMMMteMMIMiM Cm SON ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( t Of ( ( ( ( ( : BY HONEST and fair-minded comparison is the only why anything may be Judged. One article is better than another only by comparison. One Store is better than another only by comparison. In comparing one store with another there arc many things to be taken into con sideration. To compare prices without comparing quality of merchandise is not fair, either to yourself or to the Store. As the famous Mr. Doolcy says, "The sweetness of low prices never equals the bitterness of poor quality." An article of poor quality is never cheap at any price. No Store can build up a permanent business by selling poor quality goods, sold at apparently low prices. The very rapid increase in our business speaks volumes in regard to the quality and price of our merchandise. There's a reason, and comparison will show you why "THE BIQ STORE" la universally regarded as THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES. GROCERIES Corn, "Diamond W," per can Tomatoes, Pens, Strawberries Raspberries Peaches Ulaekberries it it ii it ii ii it per can 'per can per can per can per can. per can Corn, "Preferred Stock, per can Tomatoes " " larirc, per can Peas Strawberries" Hasplcrries " Loganberries" Pears Sliced peaches Apricots ii ii per can per can pgr can per cart per can per can per pan Corn, "Extra Standard," per can Tomatoes " " per can Pcaas " " per can Strawberries" " per can 20cts 20cts 25cts 30cts 30bts 30cts 30cts 20cts 25cts 20cts 20cts 30cts 35cts 30cts 35cts 35cts 15cts 15cts 20cts 20cts CLOSE-OUT PRICES ON Children's Hose "IRONSIDE" a heavy rib, fast black Hose, all sizes from 6 to 10. The best 20c hose you can buy while cr4-c (hey last only per pair lOClS SUPERIOR" a medium rib, heavy weight, fast color asd stainless bote, sir.es 7, 8 & $ only, ry p Cfe Regular aoc Hose while they last... Jrl, IOI XOL-Lb "RAWHIDE" THE BEST HOSE FOR THE MONEY WE EVER CARRIED. Only a few left, sizes 8, a & 10 1C f While they last, per pair ILlb Men's Furnishings The Store of Better Values Absolutelythe Igect and Strongest Line BverjBrought to Bend. It Will Pay Yon to DRY GOODS A VER.Y CHOICE LINE OF BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. DRESS QINQHAftlS Over forty patterns cfc choice, per yard . ......... lOClS FRENCH OINQHAMS Dainty patterss, qfl-x-fine quality per yard - ............ OUCtS LINEWEAVE" The most beautiful of all white u"'.:."r..!:.rt..:"riD! 25, 30 assets "ECLIPSE GINGHAMS" Heavy quality -yen4.c but very fine weave per yard &5CtS 15cts SILKOLINE" Fifteen choice patterns asd colors choice, per yard COTTON BATTS Absolutely pure, white cotton )4-poumi baits !2 Cts., i-ponnd batts REDDISODE" The best of all cotto batt One piece 72x84 in. ask to see it per batt 25cts $1.25 Look this Line Over Before You Do Your Buying. Prices Here Quoted are for Absolutely Better Value Articles. CORDUROY PANTS Extra Quality, four colors, all - it alicsper pair ...... Pi WHIP CORD PANTS wear the best Kabki col- or per pair $3.00 WORK SHIRTS Full size, twesty different kiwis, at Each 60cts DRESS SHIRTS All colors, thirty dif ferent kinds, niti AH colors, .thirty dif- ocr 4-. C? erfi , at Each $1.0 10 VO.DV ' I TIm Store ef Better Values Bend - Lara's 1. i,1 ! .v Oregon CITY DRAY I.UWJ3 & LINSTKK, I'KOt'S. 1 9 "Pffy" p- rv?ot city em?ay: tiiwn k twin rtir WUIIANOLU UVURYTIIINO, Lve your order with Nick Smith Will St, Henil Killiiutti on application Wall 1'aper at 1'ortUuil Trlcei N, P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Chcaptt and Beit Walt rarer Satu- plci in the county. Get My Price. Box 39. Ilcml, Oregon. H. M. COOK Photographer New at Frtavllle. DON'T FORGET THAT HE IS ALWAYS READY TO GIVE PROMPT AT TENTION TO ORDERS FROM BEND PEOPLE. LOCAL BITS. Closing out our paint line at cost. Murium. Drug Co. East or West it is the best. Cleve laud's Unking Powder. Strawberries ore being picked on the Ira Wilkinson place. Last Saturday fourteen ' ffsh li censes were sold in Bend. Some good clean oats hay for hsale at $30 a tou. P. II. Dencer. Get your typewriter ribbons and carbon paper ut the Bulk-tin office. The first strawberries of the season arc ripe at Henry Linstcr's place. W. II. Haydeu, an attorney of Toco ma, is a guest at the Hotel Ueud. Uuy your paints at Merrill's closing out sale and save retailers' profits. For Salu A 3 -inch Stude baker wagon, $60, C. W. Allen, Laidlaw. 10. 12 Dr. U. C. Coe has installed in his offices an entire new equipment of furniture. WANTED CORDWOOD, 4-foot jitHJper',' dry and green. W. P. UOWNINO, TAie Home Land Co, has erected an Awning over its new quarters on Wall street. Dr. D. Farrell has opened an of fice above the Descuutes Uauutug &' rust Co. C a Saturday cveniug the Bend Mat d entertained the town at one of t it pleasantest and best attended ope t.alr concerts that yet have been glvi :u. town 1 The best of good things to eat 'at the Star Restaurant, ucxt door to Bulletin office. Divine services will be conducted in the church at 1 1 a. m, and at S p. m. next Sunday. J. N. Hunter and W. H. Staats left last week for a ten-days busi ness visit to Portland. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Hollingshead of Rosland section were in last Friday and Saturday, J. M. Lawrence and his family have moved from the Drake house into the Scofield cottage. Splendid new maps of Central Oregon for sale at the Bulletin of fice. Mailed for 50 cents. On Saturday, the 28th, High School pupils will present a play eutitled "Halfback Sundy." R. Durfey is wiling the Linster opera house and Butts is painting the building, outside aud in.. A beneScial yard cleaning cam. paign struck the vicinity of the First Nntioual Hank last week. Wantud. Span of young mares, weight about iaoo. Als6 one rid ing pony. Inquire Auue barn, tf . Stkayhd From Bend, May 17, a cream-colored pony, Gla&s-eyed, brand on right hip. Address J. Youug, Bend, Or, The paint has improved the out side. o( the Hotaling building, but it can't make nuytbetter the shaves at Innes & Davidson's. Among the new raembets recent ly enrolled in the Bend Commercial Club are Floyd Dement, J, A Es tes and George S. Youug. Wantkd Position as cook for small outfit. Address Mrs. Hunt ington, Bend, Oregon, Phoee or write care of F. A. Shouquest. Good 4-foot juniper cord wood for sale, at Long Butte Ranch; $3 at ranch; board free while getting wood. L. A. Bkandknburch. tf Wm, A. Daltiel, deputy com mlssioner and factory inspector. from La Grande, was in Beud Mon day ou an official tour of the coun try. It is renorted that T. R. Roberts ...111 . - -,.. . itr.. .1. Springs and another near Sbon quest's, for the trade of the railroad vuiiaMUllluu tiujp, . L. Eibert of Shaniko, who is stopping at the Hotel Bend, has rented the Shaw building. It is understood that Mr. Eibert intends to open a drugstore. The "Whatsocvers" will sell strawberries and ice cream, an Mutzlg's lawu Tuesday afternoon inn evcutng, May 31st. Don t forget us on, this date, F, A. Detamore, a Seventh Pay Adventist minister, arrived in Bend last uiglit. He is looking over the field with an idea of pos sibly starting a church here. A. L. French-has bought out E. T. Butts' half interest in the firm of French and Butts. Hereafter Mr, French will conduct the gents' furnishing establishment alone. Ask your grocer for the 3-lb. and 5lb. cans of Cleveland's Baking Powder. They havejlie screw top metal handle under regular cover Always air tight and useful when empty. Mr. aud Mrs. A. M. Drake hud Fraak Robertson arrived ia Bend yesterday, coming ia (rota The Dalles in Mr. Robertson car, Mrs. Drake has spent the winter at Pasadena. FotfND A small serrel horse, weight about 700, branded O D on right shoulder. Strayed onto Davessort & Stanley ranch. Own er may have by proving ownership ana paying keep. j. u. sims, 10-15 C. A. Cbapmaa has furnished rooms in bis building on the corner of Wall and Minnesota streets. Also a comfortable suite, well adapted for cither living or office purposes, 8tf G. B. Wardwell and W. D. West were la Beud from Silver Lake last week, Mr. West says the report of his resignation as U. S. Com mlssioner is incorrect. On the ex piratfoa of his term he was re appointed. For Sals. Lodging house, own building 60 feet long, rent of ground $2 a month, 17 beds, etc., everything new, best location in Madras. Address P. H. Stephen son, The Madras Rooming house, Madras, Oregon. Blue prints of any township in the Burns Land District showing all land entries, names, dates, etc. Topography. Your order filled on day of receiving. Price 1. J. Q, Tvxnky, Burtts, Or. 5tf For Salx.- Several eood sec ondhand inch-and-a-quarter and inch buggies, ami ich-aud-a-aiiai ter spring wagons. Good as new. Very cheap. Apply to Wenacdy Livery Co.t Bend, Oregoa. (lo-ja) Subscribe for The Bulletin. Wanted A man to cat wood and do general work. Apply to Mrs. A. M. Lara. WttfCi mrm 40 CALIBER mooki mo SelLoadin Rifle Itatrikos 1 A Blowof 2038 lbs. This new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. It is more powerful than the .30 Army, of big game hunting; fame. The loading and flrta of this rifle are controlled by the trlNer finrer. It kBTS UK TIE MWHt Of not 3m4 hr mutnUithnltr hH iturtUt tU tint wkM fill. wwGMftti uturm ADM G vsjsjr 0v9WMg) sSmsj se isv