V . W V We buy and sell the earth. We buy and sell the earth. Indisputable FACTS The population of the world N ever Increasing. This mean un Increasing demand for the products of the land. "The safest and best Investment on earth la the earth Itself." And this applies with special force nnd truthfulness to rich, virgin soil that enn et be taught nt reasonable figures. Here, then, Is our opportunity. Will you sieze it? We can locate you on a 320-Acre HOMESTEAD of Choice Wheat Land. OVER TWENTY-TWO YEARS IN THE LOCATINO UUS1NESS We can sell vou DRY FARMS, IRRIGATED, MEADOW and TIMlUiR LANDS at prices that will inukc you independent. DESCHUTES REALTY COMPANY We buy and sell the earth. Bend, Oregon We buy and sell the earth. Fresh Fruits ORANGES -BANANAS, LEMONS WILL BE CARRIED IN STOCK DY US HEREAFTER. Fine Candies Till CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDRIDQE 6c HOUBS. For Sale. Lease on 120 acres of land a Biles northwest of Laidlaw. Sixty acres ia cultivation, 20 acres in meadow, 30 in winter grain. Water taxes paid for this year. Also horse, wagon and harness. Enquire for the Carran place. G. Hamilton, Laidlaw. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press nnd light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line. Tint Cornktt Stags & Stable Co. 35tf Hand us your subscription. ORESCENT ACT VE HILL VISITS NEW TOWN Oregon Trunk UngHteora Say Crow There Soon. Road Work and UnlMIng I'rogreftse. Crkschnt, May aj I,oU W. 11111, paid Oicevnt n vit lam week, arriving Monday evening alioul 3 6'clock and rt nuiiilnj! here until neatly noon the next lay. Although hi vttlt wa unexpected, the cltltent turned out and gave hint a routine welcome. Mr. Hill looked oxer the mi t roundl 11K country and expreined hlmtclt Mrll pleated, lie took a num ber ot picture for ue In ailveMltltiK tin locality. The party went to KUinath I'alln, moipiuK at the camp of Ktigiuee Kyle, (he mllea above thl point. Chief Itnglnecr K. Itudd and aulttaut, J. J, Cryderiuan, who hut headquarter at llcnd, were here. It wa aunouiiccd that the vtmitructiou civwa will reach Cretcenl aliout July 1, a delay of a month having been determined upon h) the contractor, o, that the may take advantage of the new hay crop. AmUIhiiI Chief 15nj;liifer Hoy of the Southern Pacific railroad and a party ol men who reached here few days ago, arc engaged In completing the auto inoMc ro-td from Creaccnt to I.akr Cre cent and Odell. Mr. Hoy Is arranging to ettabttih engineering cam pi. Harry Roger, of the linn of MolTilt & Kogera of Seattle, hat cotractcd tor a coutlderable amount of timber in the forest rcwrvc ami alto hat purchased ttumpage from private owner prelimi nary to putting In a Mwmlll here. It. G. Hourk, Hdward Santry and William lUldwin are putting up bud nen building on the main ttrect of the town. An office U beinc erected for the Cen tral Oregon Improvement company which I handling the towuilte. A telephone office will be built shortly, 1'hll. C. Rourk. a coffee planter of Nlcaraugua, U expected here next week on a viiit to hi brother, It. C. Rourk. Mr. Laura Caldwell, of Walla Walla, Wanhington, l vltltiiig her Daughter, Mr. K. G. Kourk. Andrew Sherman, a teamttrr, wa e verely injured in a runaway last week, while engaged in hauling lumber from the Maitin sawmill. II wa thrown un der the wagon and the wheel patted over him. . Sir. Robert White and daughter, of Portland, arrived Uit week to Join Mr. White, a building contractor. V. C. Roblujon, landlord of the Crea- cent Hotel, ha put in meat market and W lupplying beef for the inrvey camp between here and the KJamath Indian retcrvatlon. Allen Wakefield, who made a biulne trip to Gnu Vlly and Madra has re-1 iiiriiriy Lost A tenm of tiitirct, nboul 850 weight, Out grey, hue buy Uraiidcd H on loll Miimider. iiotu have' hitllers on, Lost six nitlc cast on l'riue lite ro.id Send in formation to llttlletlu nflkc flo reward for recovery. Clakunck V. I1AKTO. t'H Only Seven Days More! The fight Is on It grows Interesting. "To the victor belong the spoils." Who will be victor? ONE GUESS With every purchase. A Due Bill for FIVE DOLLARS in trade nt our store will tc given to the person who makes the nearest guess nt to the number of piano votes the re ceiver of the piano presents to us. , Guessing coldest clos nt one o'clock Saturday, May 38. The Merrill DrugCo. J. II, WUNANDY 1IHNI) OH. P. L. I1UNTHN HIMHIK0, OH, Central Oregon Automobile Company WCKANUY-DUNTCN AUTOMOIW! CO. DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Slmulko, Mndr.n, Redmond ntul llcnd and all interior point. 1'or ftirlhcr Inrbnuatlou write Central Oregon Automobile Co. UttNO. OriKOaON Sl'KCIAL ATTENTION TO HXPKKSS AND 11AOOAOU " BKND 1.01)015 No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Gjn Meets on Thttrsdny on 01 before the full moon of each mouth. Visiting brolhcrh always welcome J O, DAVIDSON, 8. cr U. O OOI. M W FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors. Sashes, Paints. Glass, Uiiiltlcra Hardware, .(miling. Kvcry thing you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH Mutzlg tlulUIintC Wall Street JOHN LEGAT DltALKR IN Harness nnd Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired TURPIN & WHITSETT GENTS' FURNISHINGS LADIES' SHOES and HOSIERY A Full Line of Furnishings for Men. Come in and look over our stock and get our prices. Just received a new shipment of Men's Work Pants., Also the largest shipment of GLOVES that EVER May 1 5-Aug. 15 Special Low Rates for SUMMER SCHOOL We will conduct n Summer School n usual during the months of June, July and August. The following Special low rates will be in force from May 1 5 to Auguit 15: 3 month Shorthand or Commercial Course $1$ 00 6 mouths Shorlhund or Commercial Course $50 00 3 months Combined Course... $30 00 6 mouths Combined Course...- $65 00 13 mouths Combined Course M $90 00 On account of the reduction in cost of tuition, the above prices arc strictly cash lit advance. Kates by the mouth quoted oti application. During the past year wc have had more applications for both young men and young lady graduates than wc could supply. Young men especially arc in constant demand. Hundred come here from Kastern schools and take position which might as well 'be secured by young men educated in Tacoma. Scud for catalog and full particulars. Address: iJjcutu xjjusincss LsolL ")IS t Clumtwr of Commerce ft as I. Comer of C ami 9H1 ry Street. JC (icotna, eaa llHildlng. Excursion Rates TO THE EAST DURINO 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON The Oregon Railroad & Nayigatioi Company CAME TO BEND. Turpin & Whitsett DAVIES BLDQ., Opp. Postofflcc, BENDOREQON. TO RATIJS Chicago ; $72.50 J! Council llluiTsS Omaha- Kansas City ; , 60.00 TH St. Joseph I St. Paul J St Paul via Council Muffr (13,90 Minneapolis direct 60.00 Minneapolis, via Council llluffs 63,90 Duluth direct ,, t 66.90 Duluth, via Council UlufTs "',',',', 67.50 St. Louis'. 67,50 Tickets will be on sale May and aud 9th; June and, 17th nnd 341b; July 5th nnd aaud; August 3rd; September Bth. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs ""'" " hi cuuer uircction. iMiiai return limit three monUis,frowtjMe of sale, but not Inter than October 31st, nddltloual.'' Inquire of any 0. Rl' POOTLAND, V. A "- J J NOIL'S-. 1 fy Tltt. Ill 1.An1...iA.K. trespass is forbidden on ties of the liend Tfa. Ilrooks, Scanlon CafatJiiei Lumber Co. " VVTa nor sarVTHh Rolled nud seed ,itfrfvgNtlic jfifiHUP " JflaVf MnftJHftl mum jM IbA.lf iWe liwcr- ri n Kites way through California $15.00 gent for more complete Informally' cMURRAY, PAS8CN0IH AQf NT, Rodmau Ranch ucarCti oreoon. . ..JW White's Meat Market Isth place to buy your mwts. A I earCuMCT,U ( ft. a I r t ,i 1