The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 25, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 11
ork is Commenced on Another
Dcnil Structure
Railroad Hospital fa PlannedLibrary
does up Oppoille rluMetta on'
Wall Street-Residences
are Constructed.
The Hend lliillctlii will erect a
'large building on South Wall
MK'Cl, SOtllU 01 UIII0, Oil 101 IO 01
block 5. Already much lumber
Im been delivered on the ground,
the coutrnct for construction labor
awarded to Southerland & Mcln
toil), and work will commence
cither the last of this week or the
first of next.
The new structure will be the
largest of ilx kind in Demi and, in
all probability, will be the beat, in-sofar-at
construction work and gen
eral finish is concerned. The build,
ing will have a 50-foot front 011
Wall street, will be approximately
50 feet deep and have two stories.
The Bulletin' quarters will oc
cupy but a small portion of the
available space. Of the three offices
fronting on the street one will be
used by the paper, the other two
one of which, will be 30 feet by 14
in dimensions being for lease
All the rear of the front floor will
be devoted to the print shop and
stock room. Upstairs there will
be a seven-room apartment reached
both by a stairway from Wall Street
and another to the kitchen in the
rear. All the rooms will be large
and haudsomely finished. This
apartment also will be rented.
Throughout, the building is to
be furnished with complete plumb
ing, this inrludlitg a bath, kitchen
equipment aud all model 11 plumb
ing conveniences, Every room
will be wired for electric lighting
It Is the intention of The Ilulle
tiu to move into its new quarters
immediately upon their completion.
Directly eonoslle The Ilulletlii
building is being erected one to be
occupied by the Uend Library. In
addition to bousing tbe library this
structure, which is being put up by
the Vend Towtiille Co., will pro
vide an exhibit and general office
room for tbe Commercial Club.
The medical contractors for the
O T. Ky. woik south ot Madras,
Drs. Coe and Fcrrcll, state that a
hospital building U to be erected
on the lot immediately east of the
present hospital. The new build
ing will be used as n ward, accom
modating probably 15 beds.
On lots t and 3, in block 10
of Park addition, A. M. Lara
will erect a handsome residence
TiT. Deschutes
Banking and Trust Company
Affords Absoluts Security
Fire Proof Vault. ' Modern Safe with Double Time
Lock. Durglnr Insurance witli a reputable
company. Ofliciols heavily bonded.
Courteous treatment and all
with good banking
Call and get
TIm DtichiitM Banking
L. 11. 11AIRD, rrc. J.
' M. 0. COH,
just its quickly ait lumber nud labor
cum be secured. Tlic house, wlilrli
cuiuinntiilH 11 splendid tnouiitnln
view from Its nlttintloii near the old
log school house, will have two
stories mid biiHcmt'iiti with mound
dimension 33 by 38 feet. Iliiuncll
& NUwouger have been awarded
the Aiaaonry contract,
City Marshall Appointed, Near llecr
License Are (Jrontrd No Ac
tion on Street (trading,
At the city council meeting held
last night the subject chiefly dis
cussed was what action had best be
taken regarding certain sewage
nulnaticeft complained of to the
council. It was brought to notice
that an overflow from adjoining
septic tanks, existing in the alley
extending from Oregon to Minne
sota streets through block 10, was a
menace to publlchealth.
DHcussion brought out the fact
that in 1008 the city had author
ized and paid for the construction
of a sewer along said ulley to care
for the overflow from the Hotel
Bend proper!) , adjoining. This
sewer, winch appears to have been
temporary at best, is now unable
successfully to do Its work, there
suit being an alley flooded with vile
smelling water, ami the complaints
of adjoining residents.
Ou motion of Triplctt the chair
man of the health committee,
O'Nell, was instructed to notify all
owners of ptopcrty whence septic
tHiik overflow emanated, that they
were required to care for the matter
themselves. The sentiment of the
council, as expressed by Kelly,
was "if the city sets the precedent
of caring for sewerage from one
uiiihh it will have to do alike
for all and soon will go broke."
S. M. Scott was appointed city
marshal by the mayor, and on mo
tion of Sellers the council approved
the appointment.
Applications for licenses for the
sale of near beer, each accompanied
by $ 50 were received from the es
tablishments of Kulp, aud Holmes
aud Smith. Licenses were granted,
with the provision that they were
not to go Into effect unltl bonds
were furnished according to ordi
nance. An application of W, H. Thomas,
of Portland, for perpetual franchise
for a telephone in the city was
read for the first time.
As Ovcrturf, chairman of the
committee to arrange for street
grade engineering was absent, no
action in this mattei was attempted.
Hut four couiiciliueu were present:
Kcllcy, Sellers. Triplctt and O'neil.
The next meeting occurs on Tues
day, June 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kulp have
moved upon their land near Culver.
The Ilullclln wants your sub
scription, the- pVVileges consistent
extended to patrons.
and Trkut Company
W. MASTlil , Vice Tret.
Bend Get Main Office For Engineers
and Contractor;-Rival Roads Set
tle Disputes Camps Come.
Bend is to be the headquarters
of both the engineering force and
the contractors on the railroad work
from Madras to the Klamath In
dian Reservation, Office quarters
have been secured here and from
now until the completion of this
portion of the construction at liend
will be situated the executive head
quarters for all the work.
J. J. Crydcrman, division en
gineer, who has charge of the en
gineering work on the Madras
Klamath stretch, has secured La
ra's Hall. Part of the hall, it is
understood, will be used by Mal
colm McPce, who is the field repre
sentative for Contractor Henry, and
who also will maintain his head
quarters here. A. M. Lara, from
'Fli if cut is reduced from a new map made for The Rend Bulletin
since the plan for the Bend-Ontario line was announced. It shows
Bend os the junctionTpoint of tup two
(7 I'&iw-y' Laiwt
wherever Bend letters go, A cut from this same map. but upon a
larger scale, may be had at cost from The Bulletin by anyone desirous
of embodying it in advertising literature.
whom the hall was rented, will
erect a number of partitions in it,
according to the plans of tbe rail
road lessees.
Yesterday the first contractor to
put in his appearance with a work
ing force, ready to commence Oper
ations, came to Bend. II. W.
Silkc. who has the subcontract un
der Henry for the 11 wiles of grade
from isctul southward, lias come in
with a score of men prepared tc
"get busy" at once.
Mr. Silkc. it is understood, has
seemed office quarters in the Hotel
Bend annex. Yesterday he was
out looking over his stretch of
work with a view to picking out a
camp site, and it is understood that
a point from two to three miles
from town is practically decided
upon. In all probability the men
in this advance party will be set to
work clearing the right of way pre
paratory to actual construction.
One hundred laborers are reported
as on their way t6 Bend.
The. report comes from Madra
that a big camp has been installed
two miles south ot that point, with
others to follow immediately to
wards Bend.
Last week an agreement was en
tered into by the Hill and Harri-
MAXIMUM OF 14,000 H. P.
Enterprise yjll Require a Year or
Mora to Complete To Take Place
ot Structure Contemplated
by D. r, t P. Co.
John Steidl and Thomas Tweet
Ibis week began constfuction of n
dam to develop 14,000 horsepower.
It, Is located at the rapids about a
quarter of a mile below the head
work9 of the "Swnlley" irrigation
ditch. The plan contemplates a
dam of solid masonry 45 feet high
across the river where it is less than
too feet wide nnd has solid rock
walls aud bottom. The back water
will conic to the foot of the Linster
power at Lytic.
More than a year ago Steidl aud
Tweet entered into contract with
the Deschutes Irrigation & Power
Co. whereby the irrigation com
pauy was to have the right to a
man roads whereby all existing
right-of-way disputes in the Des
chutes Canyon nave been settled
and a joint use of some 37 miles of
track arranged for.
The plan of the agreement puts
an end to all hostilities between the
two Central Oregon roads, aud in
sures quick construction from now
on, unhampered by conflicts or
"hold-ups." -The Deschutes i road
will have running rights over a 13
mile stretch of 0. T, Ry. track on
the cast bank of the Deschutes
where the latter had filed its sur
veys first and practically shut out
Its rival. Also tbe O. T. bridge
over Crooked River will be used by
the Harriman road. In return the
Deschutes line will convey to the
Oregon Trunk roads, and indi
cates 111 position on me rail
road map with the completion
of the building roads.
A fact of interest in connec
tion with t b i a miniature
glimpse of Oregon Lere por
trayed is Bend's central posi
tion. Indeed, Bend is but
few miles from tbe exact cen
ter of the state.
Tbe cut is prepared express
ly for use upon letterheads
and envelopes, where it not
only will serve ns an attract
ive addition to the appearance
of the stationery, but will
prove splendid town adver
tising matter to be sent out
Oregon Trunk at cost the necessary
rigbt-of way across tbe Smith
Ranch at mile 75, over which pas
sage liltuerto has been blocked.
In addition the Deschutes company
is to grant the necessary permission
fur the over-head crossings of tbe
O. T. tracks at Celilo.
The agreement is announced
"purely one of mutual conven
ience," and while it arranges for
the joint uie of trackages in bo wise
limits the separate construction and
operation of the two roads. It la
swapping of advantages for the
common good the Smith Ranch
"hold-up" for the right-of-way
blockade on the 1 a miles north of
Trout Creek.
The O. T. Ry. will retain sole
ownership of its entire rigbt-ol-way
and trackage, simply resting train:
rights thereon. The contracts for
these rights have been made per
petual. Prom the mouth of Trout Creek
to a point about six miles south of
Madras each road has its own sep
arate line. Thence to a point, 500
feet south ot Redmond the Hill
tracks will be used in common
Prom Redmond southward each
road will construct entirely without
J reference to the action of the ether
site for diversion of the North ca
nal for watering fifty-odd thousand
acres of arid land ou condition that
one-half the power from tbe ovct-
flow should go to bteldl and Tweet
perpetually. It was also a condition
of the contract that work on such
diversion should begin immediately
aud thut the irrigation company
should spend at least $Sooo a
month upon the improvement
uqtil it be completed. Nothing has
been done in the way of carrying
ot this agreement, so Steidl aud
Tweet are going ahead on plans
substantially similar to those con
templated' by the irrigatieu com
pany, except that they are making
110 preparations for tbe irrigation
This enterprise is not hostile to
the irrigation project. Mr. StckJl
says he will not object to turning
the work over to the com pauy at
auy time upon practically the
terms set forth In the agreement
tnade last year. The present dif
ficulties of the company- forbid
its construction of the North canal,
aud to wait until the company's
affairs are straightened eat and
then begin ou the dam would have
the effect of delaying settlement of
a considerable area between Bead
and Redmond. For the company,
when it shall be ready to proceed,
to find so important a work as this
dam ready made, will materially
hasten tbe general development.
And it is a safe business invest
ment because it would be profitable
for power alone if the irrigation
canal should never be built.
It will take a year or more to
complete the dam and hcadworks.
It is expected that the railroad will
be here in time to carry tbe cement
required, but all crib work and
rock excavation necessary for the
masonry will be done and a coffer
dam across two-thirds of Die river
channel will be built before that
time, and prepared rock for tbe
walls will be on the ground. This
is the slow. part of the job.
The estimates show available
power from this dam ranging be
tween 4000 horsepower at the
height of the irrigation season and
14,000 horsepower when no irriga
tion is done. There is 10 feet of
fall in the natural channel of the
river, besides tbe 45-foot dam,
making a bead of feet. Tbe
cost of the dam will not be less
than $45,000, It has not yet been
determined wbat use will be made
of the power developed, but there
is no doubt of an eager market for
Traction Engine Start Firrt. Trip.
The gasoline traction engine for
Bend Sbaniko freighting which
to be operated by C. A. Chapman
and W. W. Gillette, left Sbaniko
this morning with lU first load, of
eight tons.
Central Oregon BxhtfeKs.
M. Mosesshon, assistant secretary
of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, is in JSend today, investi
gating Central Oregon with a view
to getting county exhibits for dis
play in Portland.
Decoration Day Exercises at 1:30.
Contrary to the announcement
made last week in The Bulletin
that the Decoration Day exercises
would be held in the church next
Sunday at three, tbe hour for meet
ing is half past one. Exercises
will be held in the church, after
which all will proceed to the ceme
Lhtftcr wW Install Machine Shop.
Henry Hatter will erect a temporary
frame building on hi had sdioJaine the
open home on tbe tenth to he, occupied
by a machine and general repair shop.
Tbb Satuaday John -Matter goe to
Portland to purchase machinery and
supplies. '
Commercial Club Meeting Frktay.
There will be a meeting of tae Bend
Cocncarrclal Club on Friday evening at
8 o'clock at tbe Pint National Bank.
1'ourtbof Julr plana will bedlscntted
and Kvcral other matter ol sapor Usee.
A full and prompt attendance It earn
ettly desired.
Fkat National Shews Btg bKntH.
Tbe statement of the Pint National
IUnk made on May 16th, shows a re
markable Increase in the Inttltution'a
business, and oue that well indicate tbe
tubtautial nature ot Bend' develop,
went. With total mku aggregating
f'59.)6o 19, the statement snot $317,- in neBoatts. and a suriuu ot
! 1,000. The deposits are over f 163.000
ncxrets'ol tbe amount on hand ij
moms o, wHiie tne number 01 e
posHor ht increased from 17a to $$1,
The First National Bank
Dr. U. O, OOe. President BATHCR, Vlc frMlit
O. 8. HUOSON. CUthUr
0plUI fullr paid . . . ass.oo
Stockholder!' liability 38.00
Surplus 3.00
BECAUSE we give alt the people a square deal and
1 i,'i help build up the town aud country.
Devote our energy aud resourcei to this end.
Maintain at all times a tauch larger cash reserve then i re
quired by the United States GoveraaHwU '
Provide a Bank for the residents, oi this coatkunity that they
know ta sate and sound.
Thia policy has brought us, in the fourteen months in which
we have been in busiaeas, resources of ever ONK QUARTKR
OP A MILLION DOLLARS. The Bead Country derives
the beaent.
TJ. C. COK K. A. 8ATMHR . C. 8, MUD60M
High School Cmmcmt i
Hy on Mowlay
Many Entertainments Mark the Past
Week, In Whfclt bXhTs TMrtt
HlMJLM tat fl ."-t. agt-t
riwi w w anwwmTinrvBj 4nwt
Play Opens Opera HeM.
Oa .Monday evening' at the Bend
church the High School hekl Us
commencement excrctse. The
large attendance at thw the second
high school commenotnuBt wail
evidenced the.' great interest of
Bead citizens in their aeneoft,
which have mede far tbesneetoe
as eavwWe raoard 'during ' thereat
few years.
After'an invocation by the Rev.
J, Anthony Mitchell, Mia Xntk
Reid, principal f tbe High School,
presented the elees. Mhw Market
delivered a brief addram of wel
come, Mies Weiat's rocol sole wae
encored, and Mis AngeHne Young
spoke "A JPJe for the JUglli
Language' A nonet tofe by
Prof. Ttsnrne ww followed by m
address Jy tbe speaker of the oc
casion, Prof. A. Jt Sweetaer, of
the University of Oreooa.
Prof- Sweetaer ehteoV eenewnod
himself wkarentttniiig the ateaan tf
attaining' pfneiieil ettccesa hi mod
em Anterkan life. "Get there.
Eli" was the text of Mt spirited
sermon. TJ. C. Coe, choimMa of
the school board, closed the exer
cises with h presentstioM of diplo
In vocation.... Ker. J. Ant bony TSUehill
Presentation of Chvta Miaa MM
A4dressol Welcome Mb Mwm4
Vocal Sole Mm e
Oration "A Pfe tor Use gohh
X.afljtsMge AnajeCns WHtoaj
Comet Sato.... Prof. Thome
AddreM...........Prof. A. K. wittaer
Presentation ot Diplomat.
On Saturday evening the Misoos
Iteidand Markei gave a dinner in
honor of the High School gradu
ating ckuw, at the home of Mrs. A.
M. Lara'. The senior and jtwior
clas4es and the girls of the school
consisting of the following wok
Ancclwe Young. Altec CaMweH. An
na Moen. Margaret Wiest, f.yle Wch
ardson, Max Richardson and, Bruce De
Yarmond. On Sunday evening the Rev. J
Anthony Mitchell delivered the
baccalaureate sermon at the
church The addreos 'chkfly was
devoted to outlining some of the
work accomplished toy women dur
ing the Civil War, with fomrenoe
to woman's ability and right to
(Continued on pec S.)