The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 18, 1910, Image 8

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Til y:
. &,!
List .your .Timber Lai
, withAisiuicla We have c
. ltonicjivwting.J
: City Prop-
erty and
We can locate you on the
Choicest Homestead Lands in
Central Oregon. 'Satisfaction
guaranteed. ,
List 'our'Fanri Lands with
us. Our list is good now but
wc desire to, iner'eaM? it. We
have plenty of buyers coming.
We have call for all kinds
of City Property and Acre
age. Let us know what you
haveiiu this line.
Craftsman Homes
Relation of the House to the Home and
Influence on, Family. Life, .
A man't fouti tktvld it in iht htllttp if thttfnlnttt and tt'tntty,
t Atfh ,tht h ththhwi rnt u( it and u.htt iht M'ittnf amtt
H trly aarf Iht tvtntm M"i w terr that iht 4aS nvttt at many
ItUtn ktun ti thttt tfttht mtn,'-Htn'y ll't'd Htttht,
The Home Land Company:
. ! SW-
OR.CUTT, Manager.
r i
J f x- -s
. FiAcf e Trafet
- " "
c -- fc"iff-
We bava jay- tfct at jaajonable rates. If you care met
ewe ofttlmKAa'ir buys, buy at once, "as they arc sellinc fwrt,
. . v. . -,,"- .tiiM- u ,
a-xjLax-aA ..'. wt
" 2aV.
A Dozen Buys In City Lots that eiMj'tTbe equalled.?
AlChoice Acre in Lytle at Half Price.
- -
' trrtcated Lands Close In, on Easy Terms.
Ttrtaleer Trails are Our Specialty.
&& . "
ftWejtpfe 701 1
" 3204Acre
'-r V j
. -f
We represent tbe Jbest
U Insurance
ComfMM(w, aud UaBdte
Central Oregon Realty
Company -
N the tittle lnwn where I ivDt my jttuih wrh a ytmnit Inity of whom, In
our Isimniuco rn'rhnpn. It wna our vukiuui tti M'iiU mi "ctf lulcnUtl"
No oni wn aururlird. tliTron. H hiiir Hint ulif liml dtwldttl to lirvomo
r KT'iii nrtUt nml t IMm t'Wt wn inline tu riillniiclpiiln itt utility It wan
Tl1tnt. bitimfr. tlmt hrr Mitililllnti whk ttiiiitilp iNirnMnt. fur lio rrniucntlT
told un tlmt for an urtlM ot npuiullni .mm itirliiiiniitiuiiii vrrp:im nldr
and that tVH'lvty. with u Inrsv H, imi oiilr Iimi k-Iim! to ttimw uhu lt Ouor to
tu Rhc net out hot on the chaw of art nml mx-lcty, nntl whllr tMrmilHR tho
Inttrr a limn of wouuti Mint hmHuii Ihibuic 1hij iihitcmIhI Hi tir lie
wHtwl. rrrr iiniumriy. to vlxlt Uf r In hi r Imnitf. n lumi nut i-iitlrrir to Iht Ilk
In, but one to which nhi' count mt r'tiinrtt)ij: iliTt. ti n'ii hf Ml I'hll
ndolptitu for her mm nil. hi It unit nrmiij;! tlmt he Mtmitlii follow tntrr.
Once at home the nieil f the liiue wn ereu umre iiiiMitMrnelnrr thnn
ihe hml exeeteit The.nxiiiMi ruieil smaller the liiruiiitui: loom uhlliury
Aa ajnattrrVf tncCIt wn a very ruiiifftrinttie Imine Itiere were no luxiirle.
hut wither were there evlilrnee ot ttmt nuiHiiini little fi-onnm? which wr
rle the enetKJ of the Kir llJ denMill lite of ItN Joy It wmm n Mlniile houwe,
la erery wiiy udegualF to ibe lniile lite that wan lived within It. but nhe kept
ImnFlnlng bow the tl(f rlor oei wnunl utrlke hi-r tnieat mid what Inferenrea
he would draw from tbe rhenp oronmeni on the iitantel nnd the hotiiKmibi
of the tHHjple tbnt diinnI uImiui Nnwbere did the wuavliy nnd culture tlmt Mie
wlxlH-d her bouoe to irvwiil upKir, The nhnle Interior iwviiied to ojipow and
thwart aV8mhttton. and he did not miemJ ttnit It anould
AcftirdltHtly ahe hurried to the mmrii town to tmy new furniture, and
lMldeViflhfortnJcht be bad refiirnlKbi'd the entire lower wtrt of tho bou,
((Tins nowhere a famtiuir landumrR r lie.1 old turuliurr bud not bevn eiKHi
kItf or U-nutlful. hut It wax aolld and Mutwtautliii and bad aoiuetiow crown
into the borne. Mbr tore It out and ut"lltuiil tho fuuiwh rplndle atuff that
was then cotnlns Into fashion.
When tbe cueni arriretl tbe houre wna tmrtlly more atranp tn him than
the couple that bud pusl their Uvea there The nmi were like old
friend allowing cold bim! unfamiliar fni'en. Tbe artUkn with which they were,
icruatomed to extend their luwpltnlltr were rejitaerd by tlilnpi which tbey
Hardly knew bow to bandle.
At lam. ihoruuehly unromfortatile. the cuent departed, never to coma Imck.
(Ir had ndmlred tbe plrl whom he nnd comr to llt and uad wished to form
ome extlmate of the fnuilly lul"; whlrh he tiMd b ied to marry He had found
nothing upon which to mr a Judcment and mid nrelred only a blurred Itu
preiwlon of pretentloua atandarUa and awkwnnl. Ill at eaue people. Tbe retard
n which the family wa held by tbelt nrmni.rm their ktndqeaa and the ln
era hoepltallty of wbli-n tbey were caimlne all of thei were lot ueblnd the
eneer of pretenalou and Ibe aelt conw lotnttieea whleli II neranlnned For the
plrit of the family had not accBMiinteii Itwlt l Hie new aumiuudlnfcs. If the
ud hoped that vurb Blmay fratltlea would i-oncrrtl Hm principled that underlay
be life of lltf family or that that wm-ie lite would, an It were, pull llaelf up
ty Ita boot atrupi to the leret nf aorLiI lite whli h the fahlnnnble novettte
ecwed to her to represent, neither came to pa" Hhe auneedwt only te dia
lling to bofBe Hfe. tnt-auie ahe turn tuketi avtny the mnterlal thing that
contributed their part to the weaning of tbe borne mid had replaced thew with
prodacM rcprentlng another awde nt life. It waa a If bv bad auddenly
ailed uB her family to xreAa tbueirea la a foreigu tongue. Ihey were
hometraa la their own Some
lloaio mean to ua thai ptare within whoe walla 1 we find all ttae for
whom we bar con to care, tha Utile portlou of tbe world that la uaquca-
(Conllmicil (roin pnje 1.)
"jm,.i ".r:v,wmti" ut-mmw y.u 1 t if-an
tenil of IiikhIiij; hint, simply
touclml'ilitt lnu', n the rulca r
qlilrc, nml Uuilr;Cnrroll Cnlk'tlliltn
mk. Tlittrcupnu llicro wna it verb
ul cnipllmi, cvciyliody commt-trcgl
to itiir" nnd ileapili! tlic fuel llwt
time hml not been culled nlityeia aa
vcll an otiloiikvtH Ntitrtud fur tbe
umpire nnd Ciipiiiln Vnn Mntre in
the box. While thu iib fHt Wad
proKtcMHlnjj McKeyuoUla her 11 red
lie bull, iilctly went to ib'ttl, and
tnuc(l the runner out, who had
Uraycd from the uncle In order to
nrmiuipute in the vncnl nemice
Umpire H.iniuktx, the l'rlnevlllc
ippoinlee, culled hint out, retiring
die wide.
In the eighth llcttd pocketed two
more Milieu, iiutkiiiK the fluiil ticoie
1 1 to J" Welder ahowed tip par
liculnrly brillUutlv for llcud,
though every ineinWr ot the tenm
phi veil bnrd, hendy bull.
Heud'N liuc-up in the first (;ntue
is n follows:
Van Mpltc ll, Weliltr aK McKey
inlit Al. HurrUM. Kulpii.vnoiiurllc,
Strldl il, Mrtkr cf, Turnlli If
lloiell, IdUatda and Heyplier went In
11 Hie trcond uame, tho Utter pitching
two tnniii)t, Turplu and Kulp K"11" "'
he U'licli
II. M Unit UHlt.
, Tlir I)li, Oiruu, A pill 7, lfl. .
A utt'clinl cuiiIim iHiUvll II 11 hi Ixtu Hint
III IliUiilliif liy M C, Cadf, runjuuiit, kIii(
u 1
fiuinriitnu rvnirj nu mIi " Minn 41 o'ji
iirHMHWUae..l)lkJ,iVV Wre. ij. iowii' i H.. tf-tk M H,y, M ,. y IJttimtf A.
Kcwhy. tunlrttrt, i whMK It U llr(il tlmt
il.l l(i. A IwartM ku Mtvtr. time HI urn
ilHiiluU BflM at uiti nv iiniiiuv.
abMlitf wal
icuMnl 1
mtiiu llirttii
ni.i Miti(
not undo lilt
lpAc 1 nt Hor6MB
ftEK MSl'iWiER, Prtx.
B. & BRWN, rtcMTesitMt
S. I. MIRKEU Ssr.Trcas.
.The Kdneer Wood Yard
- Call on or telephone us for the Best Seasoned Wood.
CustoWWood Sawing Solicited.
All wooti tt cut green, therefore assuring good live wood
W. P. DOWNING, Pcofriwtor.
T r JfOMCH '
I havcbuyers for large or small
tracts at right prices.
1 aw
C. W. Melville wSB?wS
7 M rJ'
la prenareil eaprcMlr fer tha need
of horsemen anil ranclimen. it U
k powerful and jwnctrallnjt llnl-
ment, a remedy lor cmrrRenciw.
A aootlilnir emlirocallon for tha relief
of pain, and the tient liniment for
sprain and luinweM. I neiuaiieil
for healing wound and Injurir
raiifol by IIAKIU'.I) WIKit and
fur all cuti and brule. racific Horw
t.iiil.uent it futtr Kunranlecil No
other U m K",l or Jiclnf ul in ao many
wava. I f It falU to Mtuf y, we author
l, all drilrM to rtfumt the TurchaM
price. Uxtra largo BottleaflO cents.
HoT CllltMtCAl. V.O , iwiumi, wre r
ipyud unit Whr
ul iu'tnciia
imii it a 11
lima n v i
tumuli, mi
Atli k k. in. u4i
he lltllM, Ol0l
Tilt MM, CUIlUi
.iTii,rii Afiii
mi n mmr
m Hi tiny, 11 try or
Mttlflll tliutof Hlft
MUlrtt In luwii. ft.
MHc4illK Mia llMllul
H. iiu, iwiuia lit w
FH umoi III Hfllll
will it h'lil 11
Mi Ihf MrUl
lIU. I
umrc In miiili
MP will It held l I .
I, Infuli Ihf Mrllr
etft Unit Oific in
MtM ImvIh, In ixoMrilAi
! rutin which
fiu'i Itnlftoii&l ktfrvli- nt
IliU nullcil Hut t ruailfi B It hrtilijr Ofiirtil
tmtillinlKlthtt m1 HMlli' tit WrH by tin
CAI.IIofTlmbr,Potllauil, Otin, Wath ,
O iaii, Mll bttla uittkrtt. vutilJt, "Dul,
rtatUr Hair Atiplleallen. MtKh j, laio, ))..
lhul."amlMUfMOlut)ir Ihilutt Vuitiut,
rutmrWtvK, raiuue, inrroii. will t t
lml Mi lu am lltH. ,l h day r May,
ivii lut hUllif KnhuuUilJ limUt iiuV
Hilt umawu ami an in hit iiinivr iiiautu fur
iiutiii ly Ihr t't omwri iutKlrt ou au ie,
HHIIT17 iifwigM"!". vf wit rvim umm
UII1M1 KIU, Ml .HIUI W mi, a III
vvttofllir tfHuliw y,T, 11 a, K i it
lu l ii
M , ttilhmlht Ihwhulta Jttllgual I'liital, Otr
1, laiituaiM in w 1 J7jAw mi 11. ui nor
I M taw ll 0 Mi oliitail waiin ytllow IHar.
r4liulwf. tL Kale, rmtr w Im NulAjof
a than li vi mr IIkhimhiI rl l. U. lot llta
and II y 11 r IhotiMittl ImI i, M (i.f iltail II111.
txr will In rWr ll ao4 a ilcual W a,, iy.
irviini rn
:vB, tuwti ttr mi
uiiiiil lo iht
lid claim) l
ri.aiiuhi mif liil au auatll tMla it iimi.i.
fur luilhtr luiiitnialKm anil fiiula 10m curtu.
ma ulca aulillf M fotrtt NHHWm'i tlaaatiulrt
Nallonal I'air.l, llliwriH, UKiiM, C n,
vIMl'MAN. UnitW tMfearf. !
11 n
to iar LHMIM1 l'
r mWt Ui4 valid tlalmt la niuHJ lium aala.
iblalulhtttilitvllha flirt KalKiii.l lit
tVUlaud.OitlvB, wwtlttrMUIlii that U
aactl M aubiiilltril
la ilk i.f
uiuil br mui lu thai Uuk fur
o inr 1.1MIHI rutaaia
la JaiUd'a Court ft tatad ttwinri No. J,
Cutml vtCruul., IHalr ul lngun.
.!,,!, hUNll.fUUM.. JMMjfc
i, I milatil.iUrfMdanl. J
ittH ) Hailalit, lh lw iiawad dtfuodaiit
In tHaNaxaor TttaaraiHoe oanoiiw, vu
ilr MtiUy liulinl lu iurar aHd anawtr lh
.Miui.lm(ltiaaluj uvln Iht aUnr fnllllnl
aUtwuuuUf lfw Jaiit , lia. or ruB.r udw
intuitu Kiaaiii aamH vu iur in auiu ut
ultHMwadftilaii and 8v ata (;J) wild
(lln UIKlttiny hak't Ihlt i4h day ef Altll,
ll. t L.M.1il'IM.Ii,
juvunaj vi mn4
tlonablr otira aud the Ira. It meant the
rcsifulneaa, pbyaleal and mental, that
cornea from being urruutided by fa
miliar ihluca: the aurrtr ttiat the rn
torlie chair will he In the accuatomed I
)lace. that the farorlle tmoka will lie
clout at tnind It meana the apot wblcli ,
TaWa avlwayi KjppHaJ with tha baat that tha town afferdi.
NMt aUHi C4mfrUll Rhim. Bknd, Orxgok
amlt tl. a nhanna nt laitylila llfn romolna iincliaiiBi'd In lta rvlHtlntl In Ut.
In tbe aerica ot Crafuman bouse plana wnlrli I Intend lo contribute weeklr k
to thta paper It U my nlm to abo? how dlrvctlj- ami almpir the needa of home
life may be met and bow the trouble ot noiiaeWeeplni: innjr lie almplllletl oj
careful planning and compact building until a woman time lie Independent ot
Ibe terrain problem and. If occaalon arixea, And Utile rtlltlrulty lu keeping her
own houae fn order. To thla end there are no needleea piiaxagea between rooma.
mrolrlng doora to t conttaDtly opened and cdaaed. but tbe coiiuectlona be
tween tbe room are direct. Necdlea panlllona are left out. making llgbl
airy rooma. eaitty Kept clean, targe enougci 10 couiom oovaa u wuku
may retire for prlracy wtea It ta deiilre1.
Tb boWfM ataowB will raBcf la cot from SI.Oo to 10.000 and are to be
calefly one aBd two atory howea of the bnalow type, au liable for nny loca
Uoo where a detached bona may be bellt. Each aud-all ot lbee are at the
crrle of tbe reader, ao that If one abould appeal to you In Hip main, yet doca
met fulIU Tor exact rettatreiseata probably In otbera. you will find fcaiurea to
Lbe blea4ed Into tbe plan which you prefer and make II adequate to your par
itcavlr dgailrm
Tbe hoeae'ebowa ber la built ftb cement aud a half timber conatructlon
Tbe llaea and proportlona are dignified and altnple. Tbe attrnctlTencaa of tbe
exterior depesda entirely upon Ibe proportion of mata and apaclng. tbe ball
llwbw cdDKtructlon being uacd to break up tbe plain wall tpacea Into panela
that are more agreeable to fhe eye. The woottworit ta uie ricn urown or ciiem
Ically atalned cyprete. The walla are curoeni upon metnl lath. Whererer wa
irjble tbe atnictural timbera are left iKaed, for our whole method of building
ja ta mlnlmlae tbe liability of dlnlntegratlna and the expene of llje contlnuoua
tepatr caueed by dampneaa aettllng abont tbe puna wblcb are imutilly boied In
Tbe porch la aupported by cement pHlara and baa a cement floor, which la
eaally kept clean by tbe garden boc. Tbe bouae la well lighted with four
large wbadowa In the llrlng mora facing Ibe jwrcb.
The floor plana ahow tbe ball, dining room and llrlng room; to be to allghtly
aeparated that tbey are practically one large room. In the dlfilng room a aide,
beard U bulH la with a china cloaet at either end, and acroaa the end of the
ball to a W bJH Ir aeat. no lhat, unoccupied, tbe bouae ban a boapltnble e
Meraace, aad thU tMkea tbe urniabltig of It a much almpler ronttrr. The
italra are t tbersaelTea a tery attractlre feature, aeparated from the hall by
wataacotlag with a eerfndled raHlng. Upatalra tbe chatatiera are airy aud
llht. wllb capactowa cle-ela la erery room, and abort thla to an aitJc, wblcb
may be iatobed off lato rooflte. .
MODEL 1810
Self-Loadinvi RiUe
It Strike
This new Winchester
fthootb a heavier bullet
and hits a harder blow
than any other recoil
operated rifle made. It
rsmore powerful than
the .30 Army, of bl
Kame hunting fame. The
loading and firing of this
riRo are controlled by
the trigger finger. It
SmI tor ttuuntti tlenttf ItUr
aVwrlMaf U iu Milt vkuk
tut Ht&tth J poit fltt
ARKS CO,,Coaall,iA.
Thll aummoiu U ottMiad lo U alrd uiu
Motdttrd ty I, k. raroarki. mtmiHlb rVM.
jou by tHiUkallott lhatrol la Tbr Maad Kallilln,
a wnalf MWM-aiMf, MiMial
UiTauat, tiMlh iKlludotaii tvUMtullr-
iMiahed In Ctiak Cowaly,
Mill publication A bill . laio.
UtaiiUNna 1-ataM,
aanis Alltai Iur rdalalllr,
,-rrrt. .T'j. i minimii'iir ifirniiii ii t
Notka tu CriNrrtr.
talbColy CouttUlh fttal oT Otrtoa,
kim wMiaiy
lalhtMallrraf l Haul vt ftltf rrdttMa,
TM Mftdtf U(md hatlaf l appulaltd Uf
Ik Lvunly Cnutt ot Ihc Mai of liitava. Kr
vtvekuwaly, aJmlmiiiatw of Ik I'italf of
l-ilrf Ivuaiwo.drmtni, awlara W Mrtliyiairra
Ulhrttcilllwaolaald MH. tad au fwiavoa
atB claim aaalna takl draMd. la MtMtil
ihtm irtld a rfUltti by law, wlthla ata
laooth aflr Ih k'at mMkatloiMlbl4iKitkv,
UmU Jalla fnlarwa, admlalatialar, al kia
traMiHiirar rwad.utrttMt, or at ikroraerot
Uatalaad ri ratirr at Jtaad, (Nffttfl,
lMiitl AtHtl , Ilia,
JWt.ll! flillttKlKM,
AdM(ntalralarortk ltalof
... , rW rvdrtaaa, IHtad.
Meat J.IJltliMl AftU nk, lyia,
RaaoiAHiiA. I'aaaaa,
Allot ny lut AdmlaltUalor ll
Mtlc ef ririat SattteturHt,
Natlr 1 ItfMbjr flarii by Hi aadatalaatd
Ikattok auiUaadaMwHhltMCtctkMlk
Cevalir Cox II aCtouk CmMr. tMrcoa, kia flaal
jrtvk a. m. at Mm CmIv Cutwi
aroxaal a adalalaMaanrn l4aui at Wallar
Mtilaa tfrctaaaa. aaal HMt aaaaCaMkl Coail
aa aat Twtetay, MM J ilay W jaly. !, at t
Copy n u
AnrMi aanitma a at h and d
nulaklr axartaln our ontim ('1
Tnanc Marma
IlilaiilUm la ITiinatlr ralHitahl
tlrniaaitlctiixH.fliantui. Htan
nt fia. tll'lMt aaanrr l"f w
I'alanla lakan Ibruwti luo
Sckhiific im
A hand, if air lllattralad waaiW.
aulaitim it anjr KltnJIda lnumaU
ip i iniir ninniua, 91. pom urail
(J SSIBroatVaf,
1 V a, Waahln
ntarTlttv.Ottvol. a Hit tlmt and da lor Ik
antiaa aj wHtaw-w u aaM riaal Aecvaal, al
hkk tlMKt aad jdM aarH'waW lalttratad la
M IIal may ap(ai a ad olrrt t Ik tlll
mtat of aald final AwrnaW,
IVaUd thla ink da vt Mar. lata.
.... . -.':.
t n. aniiaun, JAHrPtM
Allot Mr fur Ik Adfwtali
Aumioiaiiaiiw. Kttai of Waller II.
-l Molaa, ilamatd,
x xcaaxtvx 1 hm atwtawaajaawjaw
U. 8. Land Office.
The Oallea, Oregon, April jj, 1910.
Kotlce li hereby given that the North
nt I'aclfle Kallway Comivanr. who
loatoirictr atldrcu U &l. 1'auf, Jdlnncxlla,
iiaa thla Jimi day of April, I910, filrd in
llila otficc Itt aptdiratlou to acUet under
the proviiioiia ol the Act of Cong km.
approtctl July 1, Hi (30 8lU 377. WI.
a extemletl brittle Act ot Conureta, af
protol May 17, 1006, tha NWJf Nllk,
44 NHX and Ntl NW.V Sil 14, T
19 ., R. It K. W. M.
Any and all pcrton claiming adverte
ly the Umlt dracrlbed, or tUalnng to o
iectUcaute of mineral cbaraciti &f Ilia
land, of fur any other rcaae, tn tbe dU
poal to applicant, ahotiM file tMr aft. .
davit of proteitln this oftre, on or U
fore the Bill day of June, 1910,
C W. MOOKlt.
-V- KenUter.
tMpattmrDt ol Ik loltior,
V a,Ua40ak,Tkmtta,Ot,
May ittk, laia,
Kollo It htttby ilita Dial
Lulktr Mclkr.
orrtrnil.nrrrm. who on OctuUr tut, a7.
mad llumralrad (rWital No, aaiiil No Mita. W
,Ji.,.L7.,,,J,,'?,,'", K,, WUUaitll
Mtikllan. kaa lid notice of lalcalUHt lu anak
anal tier yrar ptouf. to raubllab claim lu ta
?.ur '." dractlUd. Ufiit 11 C. lUlla, Ualiol
4lalta(.uiaulaaluktr,lklaonir( baud. Hlf
4ura,WlllUm r Vaulctttl. luhMlT.htr. all o
otud.tit.juo, Mlllatd K llawlkwu.wt aJutuT,
10-14 c w
3 a-
Notice ta Water liters.
The ueof water for lawn aarlMklinc
will be permitted between the hoar ul
7 and 8 a.m. and 6 and H p. im. KprlnV.
OT.K t''i'i '" of private proptriy
lot blililni
J'idiiorccnteiitiif lliec rvgulatlou mil
f atrlct In coiitldrratloii ul the Ur e
creaae ul couaumptioit and the prrc
united kupply,
ATKK t.tnilT.t! rilWHHltl
Tor Sale,
I.cnsc 011 ISO ncren of
miles nortltweat of I.uldl
acres in cuutvatimi, jq-
niv-'adow, ao itt winter ur
taxea paid for thin year AhM
wagon and iiarncbs Kiilwifefl
LMkt 11'
riti a.4s'
G. Hamilton, I,aftk
the Carran place.
Article on
at nuLurriN oppicum
utnam's .
orjutiuary, loiUHiniiiu loitfj
lllu.irated article on the
Ueud Country,