The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 18, 1910, Image 3

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Smith Needs
llie Farmer
Hmllh will par reu
th fiiltuwlriw
prla. Ilediw
Dreeaed Pork , , . . 120
5.'Mi.(,,y,M B0 t0 10
fJlvo Chickens Iflo
ifji , Market rrlce
Aildmi all ehlpmente
"richUnK the Heel Trust"
l.aaaun (rum the 1'aat.
Macduff had utuputatod Macbeth'
"I didn't mind lilt tatktns; to m aa
If i war an old Inn," explained Mao
aMittl "but I couldn't aland hie hldonti
profanity, There's already too much
If It on tho ataelM
Keallne; that ha had dona hit duly,
ta then took n layoff.
"Rfflt," said Margie, who was tabor
louily a)lliiR word (rum n Drat road
r, "how can I tall which la a 'd' and
which Is a 'br"
"Why," replied HOle, wlslr, "tht
V hna Ita tummy on Ita back." Tit
lilts, Mothers win find Mr. WlmloVa rw,thlat
irrui, in 11 rartieiv ui lie
turlUK Ilia toelhluf i-etlixl.
Claliuliiat be Usuluelva Credit.
I'.illtor IIkmU, that w a eood
Idea of youra to Interview the eauaaare
manufacturer aa to what they thought
of the whnlasomenoae of a mixed dleL
It waa a regular Inspiration.
New Heporler Kr no, Mr. tlumblei
the Idea waa mrlinlvelir my own.
Jfavvr rtuaa llutrn.
naron Why doesn't some budding
genius build a clock that won't run
Hubert Why, how could hot
"llulld It on the prlnclplo of the gas
eaeterl" Yonkare fltntrsman.
Mur uur aenaUal.
The drover's Wife Aehl no, my
child, vo cannot to de beach go In da
vlutori but van do custoniors hare
went away, you may lake your Iddle
pall uud ahnfel and play mil de granu
lated auaar" llarner' Mae-ailno.
nr.Ni) run riioiti'rwrua
irraKAvrrr oil coutant
404 Story Building Los Angelee, CL
IV. nwiunuL mw I
C. Gee Wo
Th Ckluu Deeter
Tbla wendafal men ba
mad lira iludjr ( the
PrararUa f Koota,
H.iUe and Hi...eml
gvtnaibewu,U the
UnafUcX ble teniae.
No Mercury, lle
or Dress l)d. No
Operation nr Celling
Ouarente to euro Catarrh, Aatbme. jant.
Mlanuktb n. KUnnr Irvut.!, k4 lIlTllnU
IMmum or M n iuvl Vi arnnv.
Jut Mf 4 from I'tktn. CLmo-Hf. etira
anln-'UU. U-tllnlnlUwk.
If yiai rnna tall, writ for "rmplow tUnk
anJcUrvWr. licUo4fiUli tamtw,
The C. Gee We Medicine Co.
v: 'J
You Can Have a Model Kitchen
rs cool and white as a dairy. No smell, no smoke,
no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. Tho
2Vetv PerAction
v va i u :m rnnrwi wax n a
Oil Cook-Stove
h the latest practical, scientific cook-stove. It will cook th most
elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen.
Bolls, bakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second.
Extinguished In a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapsible
,,smW ,-BtlsPlHBwC' VaBBH bbSI
LlTLin sE
m B n w
CiiMMrylUMi B aare If V
you tfal loe "a
Vt utie name-pUta I
Standard Oil Compimy
fble! 1'raof.
Soma year ago a wall known Lon
don solicitor, recontly dtcoased, suc
cessfully dn fund (id a nan chanted with
huritltiry, and n fow dnya Intor there
camo by post n valunblo gold hunter
watch, with an Inscription to the effect
that It was n Rift from a certain Lon
don society, prnstimsMy of doubtful
profile, Year afterward tho ao
llcltnr had thn watch otolim from hi
wnlatcoat pocket, but It camo hack to
him by poit with a lettor of apology,
Mating that "wo naver rob ono of our
pale." 'Ixindnn Answers.
Spring Humors
Corns to moat peopla rtnd cauie many
trouble, pimple, holla and other
eruption, beelde lone of appetite, that
tired feeling, biliousness, Indlgextlon
and headache.
The eooner you get rid of them tho
bettor, and tho way to net rid of them
arid to build Up tho eyetem la to take
Hood's Sarsaparifla
The flprlnir Medicine par excellence
a mown uy, radical ana
liermanent cure.
(let It today In uatiat liquid form or
chocolated tableta known a Maraaiuba.
An aeroplane developed by Japanese
army orricere I aald to maintain a
ped of slxly-ela-ht inllee an hour tir
considerable distance, the beat that
ha yet been done In the hlatory of
aerial navigation.
A large railroad In Uraill wilt aene
four, mechanic to the United Hiatal
tnch els month to aerve In the factory
of th concern from which the road
buy It locomotive-.
Poor health can nearly
always bo traced to a di
ordcred stomach, weak
kidneys, sluggish liver or
constipated bowels. The
Bitters acts directly on
these organs, making them
strong and healthy. Try it.
TI1I1 ttcillnjr houtchold retnedr ha
wii( been rccoL'nlicd at the tcat ani
afnt lllood I'utifler, U10 mott lucccttf ul
prctcriptloti forprlnit humor and auch
Jifordcr of the blood a boll, plinplct,
'futtulc, blotchea, aorc and citteacoui
iruptlon. KoipaHlla 1 admlttnl to b
, Jic beat renufdr for that lack of energy
Mnd tho ecullar delilllty o prcvalcni
luring the clone, of winter and theopenin
I f Irtnjf. l'or dcntnrmcnt of the dl
(titlve ornnt u 1 a naiurat corrective,
I peratln dlrcctl upon the liver and all
iientary canal. Kcntly but pcrtUtcnth
itlmulatliiK a healthy activity. Iti
xncAclat influence extend, however, tc
sverr portion of the rtem, aldlnx In tht
sroceaoca of dl(rtlon and aulmllatlon ol
food, proiitotlntf a wholesome, natural
ippetlto. correcuii; aour ttonuch, bad
oreath, InrttuUritlca of the bowel, eon.
itipatlon and the Ion); Hit of troublci
ilrectlv traceable to tlioao unwholnomt
Mnditfona. KjuparilU dUpel drowI
net, headache, lMckacho and deepond'
rncy due to Inactivity of the liver,
kldneya and dlKestlvo tract. It i a
itrttiKthcniufr tonic of the hlRhut value.
Uovt CiiKuiCAb Co. 1'ortUud; Orcoo
retti, towel rack, and every up-to-date
feature Imaginable. You want It. be
came (t v ill cook any dinner and not
beat the room. No heat, no ameU,
Be) Mnoke,no coal to bring In, no aahea
to carry out. It doe away with the
drudgery of cooklnff, and make it a
pleasure. Women with the light touch
or pattry especially appreciate it, be
cava they can Immediately have a
quick, fire, tlmply by turning a handle.
NiheM-hour preparation. It not only
tllM trouble than coal, but It coitt
Ioh. Abaolutely no amell, no emokej
aid K doeea't heat the kitchen.
1 '.The rJckel Anteh, with the turquolae
tMM) of the enameled chimneya, make
tkW Mev ornamental and attractive.
ade with 1, 3 and 3 burner tne a
A 1-burner atovoa ca be hid with
without Cabinet.
xreryd.aliravtrywhtrat If not el yowa,
Will, tor IHwrlpllv Circular to Ih bhihI
adtaae' Mine
alalen Jake.
The shade of the Ice baron had In
(roduced hlrncolf to Charon on th
river trip,
"Quite a roomy lit of water, till
fltyy," he commented. "Nover ttniten
over, doe UT"
"Not ao'a to interfere with navlmv
tlon," laid Charon tmlllngly, "and,
by the way, that very fact save Me
phUto the Idea for hi favorite joke."
"You don't ayl What' the mf
"Why, when a guest In hades com
plain of the scarcity of Ice the old
boy explains that It's due to the un
precedented perversity of the put
winter." Hutfalo Time.
Anla Mud Color.
It was proved long ago that anta
have the power of eelng the to u
Invlilble ray of th ultra violet por
tion of the speotrum. They tr tb
light for their larvae and when al
lowed cholc between different dtgrte
of light always carry them to th
darkest place accessible. When gtvtn
the choice between a compartment
lighted with yellow light and one dark
to our eyes, but under the actinic ray,
th ants unhesitatingly chose th yel
low light, howlng that to their eyas
It was darker than th other, to mso
nvUlble. Argonaut.
Mablnar DlallaetUa.
"There I not particle of evidence,
your honor," (aid th attorney for the
defenie, "to anew that my client waa
within a doten mile of th scene whan
th crime waa committed -"
"I beg your pardon," interrupted the
othor lawyer, "but hi brothsr-ln-law
tcstlfle specifically that h saw him
"X know It," rejoined the d.fandanfa
attorney, "but hla testimony lan't avL
-ttnea." ,
Mortlfrtn the maa.
"No," ald Mrs. Lapallnr. "we are not
rating any meat at our houee now, ei
cept on Rundaya. If frightfully ex
panalva. Ilealdae, during Lent on
ought to practice aa much talf-axaa-paratlon
aa one poaalbly etn." Chica
go Tribune,
Conaul General Jame W, Ragadal
atutee that another example ef the pot
Icy In Canada to produce the finished
flth produet I the recent venture of r
cold atorage company at Halifax In
putting up flllata of flan. Tbla U a
nroduot virtually unknown to tnla
country, but vary popular In England.
Band I the evree ef Portuguese
Bait Africa. It block the river and
harbor and atretche In a vast
toward the Interior, effootually cutting
off the coaat towns from the highland.
Ilealdt. It makes the problem of
transportation the bugboar of the
planter. vt lllalury.
Tope Oregory had revlaad tb calen
dar. "The spelling neede reforming, too,"
he (aid. "but I'm afraid to tackl that."
Which ahowa what he mtasad by not
having Prof. Brandar Uatthew handy
to brae him up and q-tvo him oourage
ejamoaa KHStlab,
Here Is' an amusing extract taken
from a Siamese paper that has an
Kngllsh column for foreign readers;
"Shooting Outrage O Fearful Ago
ny Khoon Toeg waa a man of Lan-
goon and on his return accidentally
shot at by some miscreant scoundrels
Untimely death, oh fearful! All men
expressed their mourn. Th cowardice
docs Is still at larr "
SORE EYES, weak, inflamed reo,
watary and swollen eye, use I'EIT
IT'S EYK SALVE. All drurUta or
Howard liroo., Buffalo, N. Y.
Itecent atatlstlc of th German
army ahow that neurasathonla I thret
and a half ttmea aa prevalent among
lha aoldler aa It wae a decade ecu,
while hysteria caeaa are twlo as nu
merous. ometrkat pleloa.
T'hy do you refuse me an Inter
view, Mr. OotroxT I only wanted ts
ask you how you earned your first
$1,000." .
"Kxcuse me, young man. I thought
you wanted to know how I got my
last million." LouUrllle Courier-Journal.
SltoyyarU'a I'Uld.
Of course everybody know the po.
ular black and white check patterned
cloth "Sheppard's plaid." but ninety
nine people of every hundred ascribe
th origin of tht cognomen to com
connection with th pastoral personage
which I apparently Indicated. Indeed,
the description I generally written er
roneously by tailors a "shepherd's
plaid." Bheppard was the manufac
turer who first Introduced this fabric,
and he exhibited his invention at
the groat exhibition of 1851. London
not needed
Aycr's Sarsaparltla (s sot a
strong drink. As now made,
there la not a drop of alcohol
In It. It la a non-alcoholic tonic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin. Impure
blood. Fellow his advice
every time. He knows.
We AlliTM7lu7"
bulah ate.
Kit your doctor. "What Is ths Rret jrest
rule ot health?" Nine deeters out 0
ten will Quickly reply, " Keep the bowels
regular." Then ask him another quei.
tlon, "What do you think ol Aycr's
Pills fer constipation?"
-Kate by tte . 0. At Of JUw.U, aTaii.--
Citizen Ashamed of His Country
Informcs American Consul.
Says Cruelties Eclipse Conditions In
Congo Mon, Women and Boys
Horribly Tortured.'
Washington, May 3, A letter writ
ten to tho consul at Managua, Nica
ragua, by Nsrclso Arellano, a citizen
of NInrngun, detailing Incidents of cru
elties in tho ropublle, has boon for
warded hero to Sonor Castrlllo, repre
sentative of tho Estrada forces In
Washington. In his letter Mr. Arel
lano says:
"I think it best you should know
Uicso pooplo arc at their work again.
They nro torturing men and even boys
at Msndalmo and at Granada, whip
ping them, suspending them from tho
thumbs with cords, all this to wrench
out confessions from them as to who
carried provisions to Calaxto Talavcr
as' guerillas beyond Mandaimo.
"1 will clto as an czamplo cose tho
coso of Ortnvio Marenco, a young man
owning a ranch a few miles north of
Mandaimo, who was dealt 200 lashes
with a stick a midnight on April 0, at
tho jail at Granada. Ho Is now at
tho penitentiary In this town (Mana
gua), and as It is a matter of common
knowledge you must bavo heard the
story from another source.
"They have also burned property
and wrought damago to an Incalculable
dogrco, but this Jwo will pass lightly
out of mind. It Is tho rest I lay
stress on. I 'am ashamed that such
cruelties should bo committced by men
who profess to bo Christians and arc
Nlcuraguans. Such ferocity is more
tho work of fiends than human beings.
"We wish tho State department and
tho American public to be acquainted
with these facts, as it might help mat
ters a bit. It is a real sham? that
such work is going on with your war
ships a few miles off Corlnto harbor,
when just a word from Admiral Kim
ball would atop this devil's work.
Should tho American admiral send an
other mission to investigate, no will
disclose a situation of tilings unparal
leled, even in tho Congo Free State."
Under date of April 10 from Mana
gua, a subsequent note to tho Ameri
can consul at Managua from Arellano
states that tho author has received
reliablo information of 17 cases In
which men havo been hung up by their
thumb. Ho gives tho names of 17
victims and tho namo of ono man who
was shot and two who were lashed.
Another document detailing those al
leged cruelties and mentioning specific
Instances of insults to women by offi
cers, alleging In one case that a wo
man was shot because she restated a
government officer who tried to kiss
her, has been submitted to tho State
department by Scnor Castrlllo.
Forelgn Ownership to Hinge on Re
ciprocal Rights Arosd.
Tokio, May 3. Tho law relating to
foreigners' right of ownership of land
was promulgated today.
It provides that foreigners domiciled
or resident In Japan, and 'foreign juri
dical persons registered therein, shall
enjoy tho right of ownership in land,
provided always that In tho countries
to which they belong such right is ex
tended to Japanese juridicial persons.
Tho law Is applicable only to fore
igners belonging to countries designa
ted by imperial ordinance.
In tho districts of Hokkaido, For
mosa, Karafu and districts necessary
for national defence, foreigners are de
barred from land ownership.
In case n foreigner or foreign juri
dical person owning land ceases to bo
copablo of enjoying right of ownership
such land shall nccruo to the fics,
unless he disposes of it within a per
iod of ono year.
Trains of Berries Sent.
Sseramcnto, Cal., May 3. Ono hun
dred men are busy hero dally loading
cars with strawberries for shipment
North and East by express. Nine car
loads went North to Portland and So
attlo last night as a solid train, another
carload being added at Davis. Fivo
cars also went East last night, con
signed to Ogden and Salt Lake. Sat
urday night, ten carloards were ship
ped. Tho demand from Oregon and
Washington markets Is greater than
the supply, and Salt Lako and Ogden
markets have not yet been satisfied.
Chinese Looters Pay Penalty.
Shanghai, China. May 3. The local
government officials are making vigor
ous reprisals against tho looters in
Changsha, subjecting them to torturo
and in soma cases executing them.
There Is stilt evidenco of opposition on
tho part of tho unofficial governing
body or "gentry," to permitting for
eign business firms to reopen. Re
ports from up tho river indicate that
conditions aro quiet, but tho officials
are taking all precautions.
Long Island Shaken Up.
New York, May 3. Hompstead,
Mlneola, Garden City and other towns
of Long Island shook for 45 seconds
this aftornoonon tho dot of 8 o'clock.
Crockery on tho shelves and windows
in their sashes rattled loudly. Persona
on tholr foot felt tho tremor sharply.
An earthquake was not thought of, but
instant and numerous telephono in
quiries failed to bring news of any ex.
MV''' it it rui coax toe urr
Into activity by gtatle coatBod. Ihtj dl
not aeoor, crtpe or weaken. Tbay are m
toole-ta tse toroacb, Jlur and orva
Invigorate loitead of weaken. Tbty as
rich lb blood and enable tbe etomach to
get all Ih DoorUhmrut froa food tint Is
pat Into 1L Tbee pill coolsta do calo
mel! (bey are eootblar. beetles; a (tin
oUtltKT. For sal by all drng1ts InlOe
and 3Se ale. If rem cni sartltral ad
vice, writ Mon tor a Doctor. Tbey wilt
adrla to tba bt ef tbrlr abntty abto
lotaly free of Cbarir. MUKroN'S, 4
Ad .erertoa Sla i'tdUdalyfcla, r
Sand 10 for trial puktg.
ffiS""" Sherman
A Beautiful Book FREE
Tbla beautiful booUat. UMtaMitc 75 apWadM b
tecravurte of tbe wrMa meat ttUbrrttd awMklam.
Bar be had free up Mojuaat. providing: te faMo
In ejvaallaae ara anawarad. Wa W alee aaad free
a caer f "Xd ravorlta Saasa.
Do you expect to buy a Piano?
When? .'
Name -.
AeMress A
Tho Real Qaealloa.
Little DesJio Mamma, how'll I
tnow when I'm naughty?
Mother Your conscience will tell
you. door.
Little Desslo I don't caro about
what it tells me will It tell you?
Harper's Monthly.
Qalta a DlBTaraaea.
"Women have all tbe best of It"
"How do you moke that outr
"Well, nearly everyday some mil
lionaire marries a vor actress, but
you never bear of sn heiress marrylnj
a poor actor" Detroit Free Press,
"Gaacarrta are crrUlnlr Sa. Irarcafrlrod
ta whrn the doctor waa tnattaf bin for cancar
at tha atewnach. Tbi ait aornlur b nuwd
four plrrcaof a tap mm. K th.o got a to
tad la tbrrc day b paad a lay . 4S Ut
feat. It waa Mr. Matt Frtck.of MIMcraburK,
LMupbln Co., r. lam quite a worker for Caaca.
ftu. I uactbcmnjpatlfaad Sod thea beneficial
ta moat any dUeaaa canard by Impure blood."
Ctaa. It Condon, La-wiatoa, fiL, (Mifflin CnJ
Plwant. ralaUbU. IUnL Tt Good.
DoOood. Haver Sicken. Weaken or Grip.
IOe.tSa.Uc Never aoll la bulk. Tba reo
utna Ublet lUmpal C O C Gaarantl to
euro a rour monar back.
Will Find 8pdr RelUT and
Abaolute Cure by Uauv tba
Wejust Treatment
(team boV. blU harutr i
It la an bcaaat rellabla traatmant ual
bvplratclanavvrrwberever7 darlaall
cum of IntUnunatlona. ukara, dachar",
brasruUriUa. narvoua armptonu. ata.
At DrorrUta or Sent Dlract rrepakl.
uttjust kxmxdy ca
roreat Grove, Or.
Pertlut! is bse bic Mrket place f tbe
Sead Your Produce THERE
Wo aro handlers of Eggo, Butter,
Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, livo or
dressed; also Apples, Onions, Pota
toes. Consignments, whother large
or small, aro solicited. Wo can give
you good prices for good stuff.
Write Us.
McEwen & Koskey
129 Front St, Portland. Ora.
II JO Tar rkmea. $4.00 I'ar Hundtad. W0 00 l'or TbouaaaJ
ArtlhMa ftav ran
WA9HUI. aa anuanna w oiinnt avs.wv.auw.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Coapany
Portland Baattle Spoaaaa
Ask far Tht
Ask far Their Ceeela aad
Vkey Will Secure You Mitny Uwjful
Articles Without Cot
Hal CtoM'farl'vWa'S.
Ilk ft" Triamlnn H"-r"
am.. S IU4U, Km fa
noi'lM. Seaa? mtlltnH
en art m fc a n-l J AhW
9. rMtHao. uttna.
HOWARD R. IrrRTUl A ft ai rUt,
Ilrlf. Onlorto, .SM-ffao Pffi aM4.
Sllt.r, iA. H, ClnM, Sllf.r, iVl OnM. 60et SlM
w()K.r, II. Ulll.mlt- .n fall ,rlwllS
tnian ADftltmtlon, CVmfml anittfaiiilra workao
H.II44. JuI.r.B.! GartamalVrfariflk! bith.
tamuaaui. Wrtrj.iw-1.
sita rn.icMT.-L. i ca.
Trial Bottle rrejaj sly Mali
II yoa loff.r rrcrm Xerjsry, Pit. rMtg glekaaaa,
fipuai.orlirt cSlldrrnutllo,By nr da
corny will rrlUre th.m.atid all jn are ukdta
aCpllvp-fclolda OurB
tt baa eerad thouanda wbrre aTrrftMeg- lt
fallad. OaarBt.d by May MrdlrallAlMratai
L'od.r Tar foodaed Drnea Act, Jo SOin.lW
Oaaraaty Ho. 1ISTJ. FUim wrlu rorBclalr
IlotU and tra XOK and compute addrtae
BR. W. H, KaT, 646 Feed ElreH, in TL
wlay& Co.
Batcarr Maarte.
A butcher's a maittclan.
Eome of hla feat are blr;
lie can cut oil a pis' tall
And then retail the pie.
Kansas City Time.
Mot a Bit Kavtoua.
Uncle Zeko, wboae Influential rela
tive was showlne htm through the
treasury department at Waahlngtsa.
was watching; aa expert engraver at
"Well" he aald. "every man to fctai
trade. I don't auppoee I could leara to
do that in a year."
S3.OO,$3.50,$4.00& 9S.OO
V. Im Doiiglas
sIiock are worn
any otlier make,
M'.L.1uilaa 93J00
and a3JMi .lioe. aru
h laweat )rloo.
quality conaltiaroi
tn tha worttt.
W.IVnuijtaa Ml.00
ami V3.0l ahuca
iual. la aola. til au.l
wear, othar titMkf- J
fait Colr tutlitM. I
Tha imnlaa bate W U tVta. hu and arte
MMMred oa tb. I.Iom., Taki, nuU.lllHO.
Jl )rWln li ' I. llnnlilllim. Iftturaie
not tm ute la ,tear town wnta m M.dOrtWr Catu..
ittlBtf full dlivMa. bow to nUr be nt.lL Mlua
nWrd tUract fivm fartprr d!ivfA to iba w.iae
Ul chaw prcpaM. vv. UlXwaUa. tmUuia.Mtf
iinUJ 18 THE
my 11 best
or tba ew to ban
Plata aaoTbrUae
v,kaoaa. Jraeoua.
oT4ova patrowa w
OaUb Plata aa
btlda work la aaa
wit aacaaaarr.
bWuCrtw $5.t
6H mt 1.t
Caaael f1Baf 1,1
S3ne flBlac
. B..LA..
rutu 7.
NaUM bti'tba
Bear amM
All work
KtuLftuxtwX for tUttk ?
Wise Dental Co.
PatinlesBS XesttJsstat
aWw.lti.H,lir.H. SiailirstHb
Ko. lt-'X
WHKK wrlttar ta advarWeaMpIeasa)
ananllua tbla vw-ar.
riot urauoaro mjwit nana
laTaVlT!l ,m.
vRbbbbsVLw LH