The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 18, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 10
Jvoi,, viii
r-- iii
i DCunccniiDcn
rM ULllLl uLLlLiI ILij
gllKlilowcr-Smllli Plant
U He
, Atovcd Prom Gist
moUQUT BY Till: l. IJ. 0. CO.
lock of Lumber Included In tho Sale,
at Well a Logging Outfit
Ready for Work Within
Three Week
r- The Pilot Hutto Development
'Co. had arranged 11J lake over the
"lilghtuwcr-Smith sawmill nt Glut,
which will Ik moved to Mend at ouec
land set in operation here. In order
,' Kt the mill It wan necessary to
1 buy also (he stock of lumber at the
lIlghtowcrSutlth p I u 11 1, some feet, and all the tools, itn
' plcmeuts, logging puraplivrnulln,
etc. It includes three engines and
Ixiilcr. tV planing and molding
machine lia n.irt of the nlutil.
The dryTkllH of the P. B. 1). Co. did
not burn, the rebuilt mill will be
.'complete' and of capacity fully
cijuat ' to the one that was de
Mto)cd. Possession of the mill
, ,. will chatiKC at the end of this week
' and its removal will begin next
Monday. In the meantime foun
dation are being built and all ar
ratiKeuenU made for receiving the
mill here.
While the sawmill machinery is
iKlug removed from Gist the pluncr
will be kept busy on the lumber in
In the yard there and as much as
jxmlblc prepared for market with
Is the ONLY Consideration in
The Policyholders' Company
That's why discriminating
buyers of life insurance give
OrCgOnTifc preference.
J That's why no
ance cuiiipciny um su icirge x
business in Oregon in 1 909 as
That's why in 1910 fircgonllfc
is surpassing month by month
its magnificent record of last
k QltrfOfctitneonlye insurance
j i
company exclusively Oregon.
pi t- -w Tt -
Hww Ofee, Ctftt Bid ., Kill. atM-, Pftrilul
A"L Mills L'Samuel GatoiceS. Samuel
E. N. STRONG, Cenfcrd! Ore. Agent
out the necessity for teaming it to
lluud for dressing. There will be
no delay in moving any pari of the
plant, however, on account of the
Gist lumber. Probably the entire
mill will l ready for operation at
liend within three weeks.
Though the P. 11. I). Co. has
taken the Initiative In this matter,
it is yet pmsible that the entire
milling plant will be linudled by a
separate organization or by the
Towusile company. It was deem
ed unwise to wait for the settle
ment of such details before secur
ing the mill, Jor the demand for
lumber Is pressing.
Inspiring Opportunity to View Comet
On Midnight Tramp.
The party composing A. M.
Drake, Dr. Irwin and Mr. Prerich
which left Ikud late Monday after
noon in an auto intended to reach
Shaulko that evening. However, u
misunderstanding arose with the
muchlue, the result was that the
balky car was deserted some ten
miles this side of Culver and the
dlMancc covered on foot, Culver
being reached in the wee smo
chilly hours. The only silver lin
lug to the cloud was the fact that an
inspiring view of the comet was ob
tained as the wrecked nutoists
trudged through the dust. Prom
Culver n message was wired back
to Ikud for n relief auto to take the
party on to Shaulko.
Successful Sunday School Convention,
On last Sunday a most success
ful District Sunday School Con
vention was held in Hcnd. Doth
luorulug ami afternoon sessions
were crowded, representatives be
ing present from Laidlaw, Red
mond, Clliic Pulls and Powell
Duties. The meetings were held
in the Pirst Baptist church, at
noon a liaskcl dinner was served at
I.aru's Halt nnd again in the eve
ulng a light luncheon
other life insur
- ,--
Railroad Frpm Ontario to Bend Have
Worked Long on Survey Give ,
Outlet to Ogden Markets.
There Is to lc on castondwcst
line across Central Oregon Purtber
more, Ikud will be the junction
point of the trans-state road with
the Oregon Trunk Ry. The an
nouueement of these plans emanates
from John IJ. liurchurd, who heads
the syndicate which recently pur
chased the 800,000 acre land grant
of the V7. V. & C. M. Wagon
Knad Co. Although the Hill in
terests have denied any part in the
laud purchase the backers of the
enterprise all are closely idcntiGcd
with Hill operations.
Definite announcement of a
Kcud-Ontario line has long been
expected. During the last eight
months engineers have been in the
field and it was a- well known fact
that a survey had been located
from Iknd southeasterly. It is
now stated that the Poise & West
ern will buna iroru untarin, near
the Idaho boundary, to tiend.
The road will not only open up the
vast holdings of the old road land
grant for colonization but will pass
through the very center of the
sage brush country whose free
lands now are being settled upon
by many 330 acre homesteaderr
from Bend. Besides, connecting
Work Progressing Towards Crescent
Improving Roads Club House.
II. P. Hoev, chief engineer of
the Southern Pacific system and IJ.
M. Krickson, a railroad contractor,
last week made a record auto trip
from Xlaraalu to Bend, covering
the distance la 8 hours.
Mr. Hciey, it is understood, has
been looking over the route of the
Natron Cut-oil In connection with
the letting of the construction con
tract on 35 miles of road from
Klamath Agency towards Crcsccut.
It is stated by those in close touch
with developments in this southern
portion of the Deschutes Valley
that at an early date work will be
in progress qu the Harriman road
into Crescent to connect with the
line being extended eastward from
Natron. Furthermore from the
considerable Harriman activity in
that quarter there seems reason to
suspect an intention of advancing
northward towarda Beud to make
connection with the Deschutes
It is reported that a force of men
is working on the roads from
Spring River north, removing
stumps and stones and putting
theta in first claw shape Another
road, it is understood, will be con
structed from the Royce ranch to
Crescent' Lake. Mr. Hoey, who
has bought the Royce place, Is quo
ted as having announced his inten
tion of erecting there a club house.
OU Soldiers WHI Hold Exercises.
Asked to Participate.
The Civil War veterans of Bend
and vicinity will hold their Decora
tion Day exercises on Sunday,
May 29th. All old soldiers who
ran possiuiv oe 111 uewi at mat
date arc urged to be present, and
as far as possible appear in their
uniforms aud with their army
guns. The following Is the day's
Music .,.,...,,.. The IU111I
Prayer...,., ..,,.,. .Rev, J. A. Mitchell
Mimic... Quartet
Address Rev. Fox
Old Soldiers' Song.. Rev. J, A. Mitchell
HxercUe, , , .. , The Children,.,. .,.,,,..,.,., J'roi. Throne
Remarks ...Old Soldiers
Music..'. Miss Wcitt
Music ,,,., Fife and Drum
Remarks.......... ..Kcv. Mr. Fox
Uld Army Song,.... Re, v, J. A. Mitchell
.music,,..,, .....rue ami mum
Decoration of Grave,
, " -' '
liend Country Will He Written Up.
Miss Lucia Harriman, special
writer ou the Portlaud Telegram,
has been in Ueud for the last few
days. The purpose of Miss Harri
mail's Central Oregon trip is to
gather data for a number of "write
tips" ou this section of the couutry.
0. 1, Iff. AT
the great embryo wheat area with
Hcnd the II. & W. will open the
way lor the invasion or the Ogden
and southwestern markets by Dei
chutes lumber. It is for suck a
connection that the big timber in
tcrcsts have been working, it is un
derstood. The junction of this
line with the O. T. Ry. here, say
lumber experts. Insures that not
only will practically all the timber
be milled at Hend. but that this
will be the great shipping and dis
tributing center for ranch of the
Deschutes Valley.
The syndicate which is handling
thc.road lands is known as the
Oregon & Western Colonization
Company aud Is capitalized for
It is the plan of the company to
inaugurate at once a great coloniza
tion campaign. Their holdings.
which extend from the Wtllstnette
Valley to Idaho, will be divided np
into small tracts, to be sold at
prices ranging from $rc, to 200 an
acre. Much of the land will be
irrigated, and a publicity work un
dertaken upon a scale-greater than
that ever before attempted, In con
junction with the Great Northern's
activity in this direction.
Bend Brick Made Successfully.
MacWfle la Installed.
The first instalment of brick
made of Bend clay by Bend manu
facture, 50,000 In number, have
just emerged from the kiln. The
brick were made bn the old Barney
Lewis place two miles west of
towji, which now is the property ot
Mewrs. Van Matre, Fred Hunnell
amTGeorge Gerston, who are oper
ating the brick yard.
These brick are hand-made. A
brick-making machine, however,
arrives in Bend tonight and will be
installed and put in operation at
once Its capacity will be 15,000
a day. The clay, which is inex
haustible in quantity, is of a very
high quality and makes an excel
lent product. The backers of the
new enterprise declare that the fur
ther down they go the better be
comes the clay, and that their
machine-made brick will be the
equal of those anywhere obtain
able. Five years ago a kiln of brick
was burned at the same place,
which proved to be of excellent
quality. .
Laidlaw, May 16. At boob Saturday
May 14th, MUs telle Ramsey, daughter
of. Cashier Rainsey of the LaliHaw Bank
ing aud Trait Co., was united la mar
riage to Mr. West of Gist. Rev. Lilly
ot Cline I'allt performed the marriage
ceremony, 1 1 waa a quiet wedding, only
relatives and a few tutlmatc friends be-
lii invited,
Koht. Sturgeon aud Ids wife spent
Sunday ou their ranch near Sisters.
Laldlaw school closes thia Meek.
C P. lieckcr has his entire farm seeded
to grau,
Prancea Murk took the eighth grade
examination last Thurtday and Priday
atahls place.
Mr. James, Mesdaaies Dayton, Horner
and Cady attended the S. S. cob vt a tion
at Demi last Sunday,
Isaac Johnson is doing carpenter work
in the vicinity of Laldlaw,
Mr. GerkhiK's farm residence is Bear
ing completion.
J. Johnson visited frleuds lu Laidtaw
G. W. Stiles left for Eugene Monday
as a delegate to the grand lodge I. O.
O. lf. Jcsa Harter woa elected delegate
from the Prjueville encampmeut.
L. T. Perry, a retired' merchant of
Portland am an old time friend of G.
W. Stiles, called on Mr. Stile Satuday.
lie la touring Central-Oregon in hi
auto, looking after his extvudve inter
ests herq
It looks as if Laldlaw hd"Ueu' dis
covered to be oa the map from the great
number of autos that pass our way. It
gpeak well for our town that so nuniy
will drive out of their way to see our
etty towusite, situated ou the broad
nks of the Deschutes, amonr! Its wauv
park-like Islands.
Action Taken to Secure Successful
Cafebratlen-O. N. Booklets Here.
At an open meeting of the Bend
Commercial Club held last Priday
evening plans were dlrcussed for a
Fourth of July celebration. It was
decided that Hcnd should "get
busy" and arrange for a celebra
tion, A committee was appointed
who will circulate this week a sub
scription list to which all citizens
will be asked to affix their names
for what they care to give towards
making a successful holiday. Anv
surplus, it is understood, will be de
voted to general town advertising.
Several new members were en
rolled in the boosting club. The
meeting was addressed by Seattle
visitors who made intetestiug sug
gestions regarding publicity work,
expressed their appreciation of the
"Bend spirit of legitimate boosting"
and their desire to cooperate in the
development of the town. Much
was said concerning the advisabil
ity of the city, at some future date,
arranging for a roadway up Pilot
Two thousand copies of the
Great Northern publicity publics
tion, "Opening Up Central Ore
god," have arrived and are for dis
tribution, for mailing purposes, by
the secretary of the club.
tilth School Mm Commencement
Week Earlier than Expected.
Because the chief speaker for
Bend High School's commence
ment, Prof. A. K. Sweetscr. of the
University of Oregon, could only be
Here next Monday, the graduating
exercises will take place on that
The exercises will be held in
the First Baptist church at S p. m.
An extensive program will be giv
en, including speaking and music
MUs Augeline Yodng is this year
the only graduate of the High
Arrives in Time for Census.
A son was borq to Mr. and Mrs
E. A. Smith early this morning at
the Hospital. Evidently Mr
Smith Jr. realised that bis father
was census enumerator, making
his appearance just in time to add
another to Bend s population before
the closing of the lists tomorrow.
PeweN Butte.
Powell Suites Sunday School will
open agais next Sunday at three o'clock.
Rcr. W. S. Cooke will preach at a p. m.
C II. Foster is attending the Sute
Grange at Forest Grove.
All the patients recently 111 with scar
let fever are convalescing.
Rev. Cooke and family. L Bussett.
Melvin Poster aud Miss Gladys Daln re
presented Powell Culte at the Bend
Sunday School Convention.
Attention, B. P. O. U.
There Is something doing for the Elks!
I want to get the mk awl address of
every Hlk resident of Bead and vicinity.
Pleaae send sue names and addresses at
ooce, of yourself a others.
A. M. Lara,
The First National Bank
Dr. U. O. OOC. Potlr.r.t C A. SATHCR, Vic PraIOnt
O. S. HUDSpN. Oaihltr
Oapltal rully paid . . . ' S35.00O
Stockhotdtr llabllltr S-IS.GOO
Surplus S-2.0OO
Ptrst, last and all the time The Pirst National Bank of
Hend works for a Digger and Better Bend.
We give our patroua many acconwodatious for which
we do not make any charge.
Tllli MUN BUHINt) THK GUN at The First Natkmat
Rank have been Identified with th Banking business for ten
years, therefore do Hot lack in that eseutil quality, ripe
YOUR TOWN, i.ts capital and influence is ud only for your
beat interests;
Farmers, business or professional wan and laborers are
all iuvited to begin now with a ttsuug, substantial, grow
ing Bank,
ToMTflamcitt Over
PrlnevHte Nines.
In General Mlxu Unwary Player to
Tagged Out, The More Km far
Bend-Losers, Make Pretest
But limp's Stkk By Rufes.
The Bend baseball teas carried
off the honors and the purse In last
Sunday's tournowent at FrSftevitfe,
by defeating twn teams comprised
of county seat players, one of wbons
bad weH'from Redmond. This h
the eighth consecutive victory f
the Bend boys over Prineville's
hopefuls. There was much un
fortunate wrangling in the second
game, the Prineville team protest
ing, after it was aver, that an un
fair umpire's deatHOu had affected
the outcome of the contest. Later,
however, the protest was recon
sidered and the purse of sosse $125,
which had been withheld fresi the
visitors, Was scnfiover to Bend.
In the momfeg the Frwevilie
"Neverswcats" won from Red
mond by an 8 to 6 score. After
A Verbal Erttettai Ensued.
dinner Bend tackled the PrinevHle
regulars, winning handily 7 tallies
to 5, with Kulp and O'Donnel as
Immediately after this game the
Bend players went at it again, this
time with the second Prineville
team. The final score mm B4
tt, "Never-sweats" 8. Both Kulp
and O'Donnell were disabled in the
initial inning, Van Matre and Bo
zell substituting for them.
The casus belli occurtd in the
last of the seventh. Witk one out
and three 11 basts a Prineville kit
forced the runner on third house.
Shortstop fielded prettily, the ball
getting to the oatcber before the
runner reached she plate. As the
runner wus forced. BoacH. in-
(Continued on page 8.)