I I 1 t t i I i mr i w E, r ;i Always busy but not too busy to extend a glad hand to all the new comers to Bend. We are always glad to welcome you and if we can be of any assistance to you, its yours for the asking. "THE BIG STORE." w; ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) r CITY DRAY I.KWt.Sjft I.1NSTKK, I'HOPS. 'CITYaDJtVW twIV ttl4MfJ WO IIAMJUi irVUKYTttlNU Leave jour order lth Nick Hnillh Wall St. Uend lUllmalt on application Wall l'ajtcr at I'urllaml Trivet N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Clicapet and licit Wall Paper Sam ple in lite county, (let My Prices. Box 39. Uend, Oregon. Tim Big Hungry CHOP HOUSE Now open for business. We never close. Near Pilot Unite Inn. Leave your subscriptions for z Nacrcr7r&Q. at the Library and let that institution get the benefit, I Bead, I 0r' Tr.q BUSY? YES! E EXTEND to you personally an in vitation to pay us a visit. like to have your business, if, judgment, our priees and our methods justify it, but we would like to meet you anyway. Come in lets get acquainted It may do us both good. Come in and see if we haven't a better store and a better stock of goods than you expected to Hue 100 miles from a railroad. Come in and see if we don't carry a better quality of goods and a larger assortment than any store in Crook county. Come in and see if we don't take care of the needs of the ladies just as well as we do those of the men. We want you to see these things for yourself be your own judge. WE know that ours is "The Store of Uetter Values" ami we want you to know it as well. So again we say to you personally COME IN AND SEE. Lara's "THE BIG STORE" LOCAL BITS. Closing out our paint Hue at cost. MttHUiu. Dkuo Co. Roscoc Howard returned from Portland yesterday, by auto. Some good clean oats hay for sale at f jo u ton. P. II. Dcnccr. Inucs & Davidson have three chairs and three first class barbers. Wantud Men to cut cord wood in green timber, W. P. Downing. Cooks who make the best pic crust use Cleveland's Unking Pow der. The Men's Toggery Is surely the place to buy your men and boys stuff. liny your paints at Merrill's closing out sale and tail profits. Lost-! ord Col- lege. Finder please return to A. Markcl. WANTED CORDWOOD, 4-foot juniper, dry and greeu. W. P. IJOWNINO. You can't find n cleaner' nor a better barber shop than Iuucs & Davidson's. Good team of small marcs, har ness and wagon for bale cheap. R. SntNCKXT Bend. For snlebay gelding, 7 years old.' (weight 1000 lbs,, well broke. CjD. Rwe has purchased from the iliemi Towuslte Co, lot y in blocu 16 on Ohio street. Sp ejiUtl,.new maps of Central Oreg hi fer lc nt the Bulletin of fice ' Mailed for 50 cents. The Library has just received a fresh pifstallmcut of 50 books from tl stwyayclling library, WaJntkd- Span of young mares, wefcht about taoo. Also one rid. lug puny, Inquire Aune bum. tf h a vi'. re iW ( VOiaVSaSSSSSSi J : 1 1 j j j 1 J , We would in your 2 5 j ) ) 9) 5 m m 5 j i j i j 5 9) 5 m 1 J t Bead, Or. The new National Meat Market has added to its attractive equip ment by putting up aji awning. For S a ut. Pianos, one at Mrs n. R. Riley's, 4he other nt Sher wood Bros., Redmond. Inquire at either place. tf Mrs. Bess T. Baker took the .prize as best pastry cook in Crook county, fine always uses Cleve land's Baking 'Powder. For Sai.K 45 bead of pood range horses, also a fine Percheron stallion at a bargain. Cadv & Gkrking, Laidlaw, Or. I havti $20,000 private money to loan on llenil real estate. If you want to build, aeo me. C. S. HUDSON, The First National Uank, lie nil, Or. GoojLuMMtuhtcr cord wood for lttc Ranch; $3 at ard free while getting wood. L. A. Bkanduniiurgii. sU County Superintendent Ford ar- rived in Bend last night from Sis ters. Today he has been visiting the Bend schools on bis annual visit. French it Butts have just receiv ed a complete Mock of boys' shoes, overalls, etc. Come in and let us show you where you can&avc money by patronizing us. If you want to sell something come around to The Bulletin office nud arrange wild G. P. Putnam who is local advertising agent for the Portland Oregonian. S1I.VKK I.ACKD WYANDOTTKS Rggs for hatching from pure bred Silver Laced Wyandottes, $1.50 per setting, fair hatch guaranteed. Mrs, W, P. Dqwnino, Beud. A movement is on foot to do away with the small lake on Bond street in front of Antic's bam The property owners have arranged to have the street filled In wbich action will bo regretted by the frogs and applauded by the citizens, ..MiHil I'loyd Dement linn received the platcglass windows for Ills hard Ware More, and they have been In Dialled, ' C. A. Clmpmnii has furnished room In ills building on (be corner of Wall and Minnesota street it. AIho a comfortable finite, well adopted for cither living or office purposes. 8tf Blue print of any township in the Burns Lanll District showing ; nil land entries, panics, datts, etc lToH)graphy. Your order filled on j day of receiving. Price ! J- C. ITuRNitv, Burns, Or. 5tf 1 ....... . .. K. II. Nodes oi Portland pur chased from ihe Uend Townnite Co. lot 2 in block 17, on Bond street near the corner of Ohio. Mr Nodes inteqds to open a complete machine shop and garage. G. Misch, a building contractor from Oklahoma, has come to Bend Mr. Misch is most enthusiastic con cerning local prospects and intends lo commence operations here, per haps even before thejirrivat of the railroad. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Miller and Mrs. C. O. T. Williams arrived front Oregon City Sunday for a visit with Mrs. J. M. Lawrence and Miss Williams, Mrs. Williams be ing their mother and Mrs. Miller their sister. J. M. Hamilton of Victoria, B. C, returned Sunday from a ten- days tiip through the Harney country. The tour was made in one of the Radcliffe cars. With Mr. Hamilton went D. M. Davis and U. S. Harris of Bend. Frank Robertson and his mother left Bend yesterday for ohaniko in Mr. Robertson's car. With them went Mrs. A. M. Maddock, the mother of Mrs. A. M. Lara, who is to visit her home in Minneapolis during the greater part of the summer. Mr. Wicst repoits tery encourag ing prospects for a large crop of strawberries, gooseberries and cur rants. These fruits are now in full bloom. Some of the early currants arc already half grown. Apole and plum trees are also In bloom and promise well. Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Steidland Miss Frances entertained Mrs. Niswonger and her Sunday school class. The class met for a social time and two hours were spent in playing games. Refresh ments were served which were heartily enjoyed by all. Last Wednesday afternoon the Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. DeYarmond. After the business meeting the ladies spent a couple of hours in a social chat and partook of a delicious lunch which Mrs. DeYarmond had prepared, and after lunch the ladies, 14 in number, went home rejoicing. Next week E. Moncrief opens the Star Restaurant and Bakery on Bond street next door to The Bul letin office. The building has been entirely remodelled and painted. Mr. Moncrief will run a thorough ally first 'class restaurant, where "the best of everything clean and well cooked" will be the motto. We have taken the agency for Campbell's Scientific Farmer nnd Campbell's Soil Culture Manual. These two publications should be in the bauds of every farmer in this section. Some very good rates can le secured by new subscribers by calling on us. We would be pleased to send in your subscription lor you. Thu Homk Land Co. UEND HIGH SCHOOL VICTORS. Local Boys Trim Sisters Team In Last Sunday's Qame. Last Sunday afternoon the Bend hieh school baseball team won a well clayed game from the Sister's nine on the home ground, by the decisive score of 9 to 5. The following was the lineup: IlKND SlSTRRS McRcyuoldi Darr Stelill McKenney Hunter GUt Vandevert Spra Kicliantwn I'ulllam DeYarutund . Lowell Jolintoii Paul L. Kichardaon Turpln Staats Allen Plans tor RcbuHdlng the SwmW. Manager Robertson take's with him to Portland this week plans for the rebuilding of the sawmill at Bend and it Is expected that all dc tails will be settled and the work of actual construction entered upon In Modern Sweets Mako Woloom Treats r Htitn m! U ' UMranf V "uw Candy 1 Palrtnlit lJU "JMan Dar" a few days. It may be that an Eastern lumberman will build here at once, instead of cither the Pilot Untie Co. or the Townsitc Co., but this Is not determined. LAIDLAW localettos. LaiDUW, May 9 Geo. Updike and (UiiKliter, Mrs. Winnie Silica, and ion, came from their home on the Matolei lait 1'rUlay and remained with their tiuny frlemU here until Tuesday. Mrs. Karra K. SwatTord, Mr. Hum phrey and Jo. Dphrcr returned to tills place lait l'rlday. Mr. and Mr. I'rank Murk spent tail week putting In crops on tltelr ranch at Sister. K. II, Tlaytey spent Sunday with lilt faitlljr. Principal Thompson spent the Utier part of list week ami the earlier part of this week putlinic In crops on his place near Kedmond. Mr. Thompson took charge of the school during Ids absence The electric storm of Monday crippled our telephone system temporarily. Mr. Couch soon hail everything In good order. Last week the maximum temperature was 87 degrees, the minimum 37 degrees. Mr. Courtney came In from Shanlko with m new gasolene engine Saturday, which he will use for uw)pg wood, oper ating a planer, and for various other purposes. Mr. Dohrcr moved from the Kichols house last week lata the I'landers cot- tage. All the good people of this place who stayed at home San J ay and attended Sunday school instead of going fiifalng or attending the Socialist picnic were re warded in an unusual manner for ihtlr virtue, as those few had the privilege of seeing Mr. Hill and hearing him speak to them words of encouragement and ap proval at the prospects of our town avad vicinity. lie manifested great interest in the many exhibit of eralns and other products which were shown him. lie remained In the town about an hour after which he was given a 20-mlIc spin through some of our beautiful farming country. V. M. Wilson who has 160 acres un der the Swalley Ditch hat recently moved here from Valdez, Alaska, and is building a house upon bis laud. The Socialist Local held a picnic at White Rock last Sunday. Mr. Ditney, census enumerator of Madras, visited the Odd Fellows Satur day night and spcut Sunday (n Latdlaw. He will b in this neighborhood several weeks. Bert Miller and Rnberf Sturgeon took out fishing licenses last Saturday. Let no one question "whv." O. Laueguard, a civil engineer from Portland, arrived here the first of the week to join the crew of the surveying outfit. One of the late arrivals is Arthur See. ley, a brother of the chief engineer on the segregation, who comes with the In tention of growing up with the country. Tumato Letter. Tumalo, Slay 8. The rain of the past week was a great help to growing crops. Several of our people went to Bend to day to see the Hill party. A four-horse load of people from Sis ters went to Bend yesterday to play ball. The farmers of these parts are all buy IJ f X P a BuffTHe smsTdr oooooooooooooooEa. aaaaaR. CiTsiVii aSLHRiaoooHsfJalsfaHH! "aBBBTzaBaaajBpw1 v Zfl9VlfcfaBMiSrV'& 1iPs?!5?S5K Star Restaurant and Bakery Opens Next Week Meals Served at Regular Hours will install bake, oveu and do general bakery business. E. MONCRI EF " st" " to &.?: JL rescription J)ruqqi$ts Sod Fountain SUtfcmory Ice Cream Fin new Kn of FlMg TaW SILVERWARE AND JEWELRY DON'T FORGET THE IIP PIANO PBIgE gONTjT Merrill Drug Company SS or. pulling in n large crop of spring grain, and all predict a bumper crop this year. John B. Wiruer returned from Trine vlUe Friday, where he had been attend ing court the past week. The O. W. I. finance Co. hot men at work sinking test pit on the reservoir site and are finding a good bottom at from eight to I J feet. White's Meat Market fctiw placa to buy your mfats. PIERCE ARROW AUTO LINE Between Shaniko and Bead, calling at Madras and Red' mond. $J00 Cor. 88 Hers Pewer A. B. BUCK, Manager Address Shanlko or Bead. H. M. COOK Photographer Ntw'at4 PrkKTllk. DON'T FORGET THAT HE IS ALWAYS RF.ADY TO GIVE PROMPT AT TENTION TO ORDERS FROM BEND PEOPLE. ROYAL TOM A handsome black Bclgias-Per-cberon stallion, will make the sea son at the Aune barn in Bend. TERMS: $125010 insure; sea son, $8.00. Payment due wbeft aare is known to be with foal. Care will be taken ts avaM acci dents but responsible for Bene. RALPH DUNN. Owaer. ANTON AUNE, Caretaker. Article on Bend COPIES NOW ON SALK at BULLETIN OFFICE af Putnam's Magazine for January, containing long illustrated article ou the Bend Conn try. REMEMBER, THE .Fishing Season Commences April First. We carry a lull line ot the very heat Tackle. Big new shipment just la. Reds, .- Flies, Leaders, etc S. C. Caldwell EVEXYTNNf ft Mm TUktcmM.