The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 11, 1910, Image 3

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TOSS&f'DAi tdl
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rTSr jules
On May 89, fur tlm first tlrno.
.tin never set. Tim itl'iwluir dfo Jul
toiirlmil tlm boundary linn of tlm hnrl
roil, nml ronn iikuIii Immediately. Tlm
period wan now entered wlmn tlm bi)
lat twenty. four hour.
Nest innrntnif lliuro wn a mngnlfl
vmit Imlu, t)n iitntmrfh of day appear
ed mirrmihiled by n luminous circle.
Tim doctor reimmmeimed hi sowing
for Im (mil plenty of aniil, lint lio war
aurprlaed to rind mirrnl growing nl
ready between tlm half-dried tour
mill even tnlt, nloUty lmittm Irylntr to
how belr Oellruto pink blooin.
At IK.t It lii'Hnn lo Im willy luii
weather On tlm 1Mb. of J turn tlm ther
mometer Mood ill U7 degree above
My tlm middle of Juno tlm !"P Imil
inmln good priirfr, unit Ilattera. Al
tanmiit unit tlm doctor will hunting.
Tlm three hunter, accompanied by
Dull, net out on Monday, tlm ITlli of
June, at t In tlm morning, each man
armed wllli n double-barreled gun,
hatchet nml antny knife, nml provision
fur aeveral day.
About noon of tlm second tiny limy
alchted two femclnu inuak-oxeii, and
urruiitntd them on n plateau,
Tlm oxen had begun to ulinkn tlmm
-lve Impatiently, .at I)uV, trying to
hick lilm off. wlmn llattcros started up
rliilit In front of timm. shouting nnd
jhalntf llmm buck.
Thin wm tho ilgnal for Altamont
nnd tlm doctor In riuh forward und
nr. but at tlm sight of two allant.
tlm terrified animal wheeled around
nnd attacked Ilattera. lis met tlmlr
unset with firm, ateady foot nnd fired
alrutght nt tlmlr head a, Hut both hi
bullet were powetle, Tlmy melted
upon tlm unfortunate' man llko furl,
mil threw hlin on tlm icrouud In nn In
atnrii. "He I n rirnd timnt" exclaimed tlm
Oofltor, In deutlrlhg accent.
A treiimndou trtiggle wa coin; on
In Altnmont' breaat nt tlm lght of
lit pruatrnte foe, nnd Ihouiih hi ftrt
titiplilae wm to haaten to hli help. Im
Mopped abort, tattling with himself
nnd hi prejudice. Hut hi hfiltnlton
ncmroely tailed half n aeeoml. hi letter
elf romiuered, nnd exclaiming, "No. It
woof. I tmwnrdlyl" h nmlmd for
nrd wllli Clnwlionny.
Ilnttern full well underlood how
lit rlvnl felt, but would rntlmr hnva
itUit tlmn Imva benxml hi Interven
tion. However, lio bad hardly tlum to
think nliout It, before Altamont wn nt
III ld.
II eould not hnva held out much
Imixrr, for It wn linpoailbln to want
off tlm blow of horn nnd hoof of
two uch powerful nntnRontat, nnd In
n few minute morn Im muit hnva been
torn to piece. Hut auddenly two liot
reaounded, nnd lUtlorno felt tlm ball
Kruin hi heaiL
"CournKflH houted Alinmont, fllnnr
In; nway hi dlarlmrpmd wenpon, nnd
throwltiK hlnuelf rlnlit In front of the
rmclnn: nnlml. One of tlmm, (hot to
th heart, fell dead ha reached tlm
pot, whlla th other dniheti madly on
Ilnttern. nnd w about to sor the
unfortunata raptnln with hi horn,
when Altamont plunised hi now knife
far Into the benit' wide open Jaw
with on hand, with the other dmlt
him auoh n trrmendou blow on thq
head with hi hatchet, that the kul
v compbitety pllt open.
It wn done o quickly Hint It em
il Ilka n flnah of llvhtntnK. nnd nil
n over. Th necond ox lay dend, nnd
Cluwbonny ahouted "llurrnhl hurrnhP
Ilnttern wn aveiL
Ha owed 1)1 Ufa to tlm man Im hated
the moat What norm of contllctltiK
peealon Hit mint hnva rouied In hi
eoull Hut whera wn tlm emotion Im
(vold not Hinder?
However, hi nctlon wn prompt,
whatever hi feclInK mUht bn. With
out n moment' hcallnncy, Im went up
to hi rlvnl.ind nld In a irravo vnlrat
"Altamont, you hnva anved my llfel"
"You nvd mine, replied the Amer
ican. Thera wn a mnnmnl'n alienee, and
then Alinmont nddedt
"Wo'ro quit. Hnltorn,,
"No, Alinmont.' 'nld th captain)
"when tlm doctor drniCKed you out of
your Icy tomb I did not know who you
were; but you nnved mo nt the peril
of your own Ufa, knowing quit well
who I wn."
"Why, you nr n follow croaturo nt
nny rate, nnd whatever fnuli an
American mny hnva, ho Ik no cownrd."
"No, Indeed," nld tlm doctor. "He li
n nmn, every Inch n man llko your
If. lliHlera.-
"And, Ilka me, ho ihnlt have part In
the Klory Hint nwnll u."
"Tlm Klory of rcnchln tho north
peleT" naked Altnmont
"Ye," replied Ilultern. proudly.
"1 Bucrd rlKht, then," nld Alta
Tlm American tood tll n moment,
deeply moved.. Then ho ("pott feeling
ly. .
"And you hnva nctunlly dared to
conceive uch n project! Oh I It It
Krnnd; 1 tell you It I nubllmo oven to
think of Itt"
"llqt tell me," anld Ilnttern, In n
hurried manners "you wero not bound
for tim Vole, then, youraglfT"
Altnmont hesitated.
"Come, Kiik out, man," ursed tho
"Well, to loll tlm truth, I wn not.
nnd tho truth Is hotter thnn aelMove,
No, I had' no audi Brnnd purpoae In
view! I wn trying to clenr tho north
veit pnaanKO, nnd that wn nil."
"Altnmont," nnld Ilnttern, holding
out hi hand "bo our companion to
glory, coma with u and And tho north
Tli? two men clniped hnndi In n
vnrm. .hearty urnP, nnd the band of
frkiuUhln between, them va, aoa'lod.
Wlmn tlmy turned to' look for the
doctor tlmy found him In tc'arn.
"Ah I friend," ho laid, wiping hi
k eyes) "vou hnvo mad nm so happy ttj
V nwi mm"
In nlmoit mora tlmn 1 enn bear? You
'iiivn (incrlflrcd till mlernblii nation
Oily for tlm inkn of tlm common citiiin.
Vpn hnva ald, 'What doa It miittor
f only tlm poln la dlaeovrrod, wlmlher
It I by KnullMimnn or nn AnmrlrnnT
Why ahould wo brag of being Ameri
can or Hngllah when wo rnn boimt tltnt
wn nro men?"
The good little mnn wn bealdo him
elf Willi Joy. Ho hugged tlm recon
'eilml eneriile to hi boom, nnd co.
umntMl their frlendahlp by hi own
ttffectlon to both.
('nlmliig tlmmielvr the men out up
tho men nnd mndn their wn Imek to
camp, At aupper tlm doctor anld:
"My dear old Johmon, 1 took out nn
American nnd nn Knullnhmun with me,
didn't IT"
"Vm, Mr. Clawbonny,"
"Well, bring bnck two brother."
Thl wa Joynu new to the nllor,
nrnt tlmy hook hand wnrmly with Al
tiunonti while the doctor recounted nil
Hint hnd pnaied. nnd how tlm Ameri
can captain hud nnved tlm Kngllah
cnplaln' Ufa. Thnt night no flvo hap
pier men could have been found thnn
thnen that lay (leaping In tlm little
now-houio. (
Hell camplatrd tlm eloop) thu lea be
gan to break up,
A trial wn made to Cnpe Wnihlng
Ion. Thl abort unit of U hour auf
flelently proved her excellent quail
He. On Hie lid of June, Ilnttern began
to load the aladga. Tlmy put III 200
pound of nlt meat, three rnie of
vegetnble nnd preinrved ment, bealdei
lima Juice, nnd flour nnd medicine.
They nleo look, SCO pound of powder
ntin n iock or nrrnrm. including inn
(loop nnd th Hulked bnnt, thera wn
about 1,(09 pound weight, n heavy
However, the dlatnnca to the pole
wn not 156 mile at the outalde, nnd
n they did not Intend lo go more thnn
twelvn mtlea a day, n they could do It
roiifortnbly In n month. Kvrti If land
failed them, they could nlwnyi fnll
bnck on the (loop, and flnlih the Jour
ney without fatigue to men or dog.
On Hunclny, tho JJd. -all wna ready,
nml It wn reiolved to devote tlm en
tire day to reiL
Tlmy retired rorly to red, for tlmy
needed to be up betlme. Bo paiaed
tlm lad night In Tort rrovldenc.
Next ilny at early dawn, Hnttemi
gnve tlm algnnl for depnrturo, Tlm
well-fed nnd well-reled dog were
hnrneiaed to th (ledge. They had
been having a good time of It nil the
winter, and might ba expectsd to do
good aervlc during the lummer.
It wn nt t In the mornthg when tho
expedition darted. After following the
winding of the bay and going pad
Capo Waihlngton, they atruck Into the
direct rout for th north, nnd by ?
o'clock had lot light of the llghthoueo
and l-orl I'rovldence.
During th rirat two day they made
twenty mile In twelve hour, devoting
Hi remainder qf tlm time to red and
meal. Th tnt wn quit auRlclent
protection during deep.
The temporntur began to rlae. In
many place the mow melted entirety
nwny, nnd great patche of wnter np-
.penrcd. . ,
j Hunting wn not forgotten during
tlm march, for rreh meat wn n no
ccaalty. Altnmont nnd Hell kept their
gun loaded, and ihol ptnrmlgana,
guillemot, geee, nnd a fow young
Ilnttern advlied them not to go
more thnn n mile nwny, a thera wn
not n dny, nor even nn hour, to loaa,
for three month of flna weather wn
the ulmoit tlmy could count upon. Uo-
Idea, tlm dedao wn often c'omlng to
dtnicult itace. when each man wa
needed to lend n helping hand.
l"or aevcml day the expedition hid
been attended with no fatigue. The
traveler had only aurfered from tha
Interna glare of the un on the enow,
which threatened them with enow
bllndnei. At another tlm of the year they
might hnva avoided thl by walking
during tho night, but nt present thera
wa no night nt nil. Happily the mow
wn beginning to melt, and tho bril
liancy would dlmlnlah n tho proccia
of dlolutlon advanced.
On the 8th of June tho thermometer
roa to it degree, and tha rain fell In
torrent, llatterai nnd hi compmir
Ion, however, marched atolcnlly on,
nnd oven hailed the downpour with
delight, knowing that It would haden
tho disappearance of tha enow.
A tlmy went along, tho doctor often
ploked up alone, both round one nnd
Cat pebble, a If worn away by tlm
tide. Ho thought from thl they muit
bo near tho I'olar basin, nnd yet far n
tho oyo could reach wna onu Intormln
nbla plntn.
Thero wna pot n trace of house, or
hut, or cairn viilblc It wa evident
that tho Grecnlandcra hnd not pushed
their wny so tar north, nnd yet tlm
famished tribe would hnva found their
rewnrd In coming, for tha country
abounded In gnmo. Hear were fre
quently een, nnd numerous herd of
mukoxen nnd deer.
On tlm,:t)th Hell killed a fox nnd Al
tnmont n, mulk-ox. Theio supplies of
fresh food were very acceptable, and
oven (ha doator aurveyed, with consid
erable) satisfaction, tho haunches of
meat they managed to urocuro from
p time.
"Don't lot, ui dint ourselves," ho
used o ny on these occasions) "food
1 no unimportant matter In expedi
tion '.lk our."
"Ks leclnlly," said Johnson, "when a
menl Jepondn on a lucky shot."
"Yc i'ro tlghL. JohimonS- a man doea
not ii
Ink au much about dinner when
he k I Cows .the soup. pot Is 'simmering
by tlm HltQhen fire." ,
On the, 80th thay came to a district
which t seemed to have been upturned
by sow vojcanlo convulsion, oov-
ered wn It with cone nnd sharp, tarty
A strong brodie from tho loulhMiit
wn blowing, which oon Increnaed to
n htirrlcmm, aweeplng over the rock
covered with now nnd tlm hilgn mn
of Ice, which took tlm form of Ice
iiorgii nnd hummock, though on dry
On nil aide nothing could bn heard
hut the noliif of cracking Ico nnd fall
ing nvnlnnclm,
Tlm Irnveler hnd lo bo very enreful
In avoiding hill, nnd even In speaking
nloud, for tha slighted ngltntlnn In
the nlr might hnvo mtiaed a catastro
phe. Indeed, the niirtrtenims I tlm pe
culiar fenturr In nrclle avnlnnilm dl
tlngulrhlng them from those of Hwlt
rerliind nnd Norwny.
Oftiin the dlslodgement of n bln'k of
I en g ItiNlniitnneoim, nnd not even n
cannon bnll or thunderbolt could be
more rapid In II descent. Tlm token
ing, the fnll nnd the crash happen nl
most Nlmiiltntienuily.
Happily, however, no nccldent befell
nny of tho party, nnd threo day after
ward they cntno to moolh, lovel
ground ngnln.
On tlm Kourtli of July thera wn
(inch nn exceedingly denea fog thnt II
wn vrry difficult to keep the tralgh(
con mo for tlm north. Nn mlandven
ture, however, befel tho pnrty during
tha darkness, except the loss of Hell'
At Itrll'd itiggestlon torches were
contrived, made of tow steeped In spir
it of wine nnd fastened on the end of
n dick, nnd these. erved somewhat to
help them on, though they made but
mnll progrcsaj for, on the th, after
tlm fog had cleared off, the doctor took
their bearing, and found that they
had only been marching nt the rate of
eight mile a day.
Determined to make up for lot
time, tlmy rose next morning very ear
ly and dnrted off. Hell and Altnmont
n ilsunl going it head of tha rest and
noting n scouts, Johnson nnd tha oth
er kept besldo tha ledge, and were
oon nearly two mile behind the
guide; but the weather wn so dry
nnd clear Hint nil their movement
could ba distinctly observed.
Htorms blew up again nnd the tent
wu pitched In a ravine for shelter, n
the sky wa dark nnd threatening,
and n violent north wind waa blowing.
Tin n.frnld wa'l hnva a bnd night."
ald Johnson.
"A pretty noisy one, I expect," re
plied tlm doc'or, "hut not cold. Wa
had belter tnko every precnutlon. nnd
fasten down our tent with good big
Ton nro right, Mr. Clawbonny. If
tho hurricane swept away our tent, I
don't know whero wo should find It
The tent held fnt, but deep wn Im
poiilble, for tha temped wn led looio
nnd raged with tremendous violence,
"It seems to me," said tho doctor,
during n brief lull In the deafening
'na If I could hrnr tho found of
collision between Icebeg nnd Ico
field. If wa wera near tha sea.
could really believe there wa a gen
era! break up In the Ice."
."I enn't explain tha nolsea any other
wny," ald Johmon.
"Can wa hnva reached tha coajtr 1
wenderT" asked Matters.
"It Is not Impossible," replied CUw
bonny. "Listen I Do vou hear thnt
crash? That Is certainly tho sound of
Icebergs falling. Wo cannot bo very
far from the ocean.1'
"Well, if It turn out to bo o, I shall
push right on over tho Ico field."
"Oh, they'll all b broken up after
uch a dorm a thl. We ehnll ate
what to-morrow brings; but nit I can
ay la. If any poor fellow nro wander
ing nbout In a night like this, I pity
fTo be continued.)
inaTonio field of Waterloo.
TnurlM Hnr II I Ilelnar Directed
of All Infereallxir Pratarea.
Tho bnttlofleld at Waterloo, write
nn American tourist from Ilruweli,
nccordlng to tha American UegUter.
I rapid! being dlvmtcd of all It In
terftitlns features.
Tho hounea which sheltered men
who helped (o make history thero aro
being torn down, tho roads and path
nro being obliterated nnd noon thero
will he nothing left to remind ono of
Napoleon's last stand but tho crtat
mound capped by tlm Waterloo Hon.
Tho museum, where all tha battle
field trophies aro on view, uniforms,
arms, drawings and pictures, was
never a pretentious Institution, but no
visitor failed to look with Interest at
tho many exhibits behind tho glass
This also Is to he dismantled and
tho articles which have been carefully
kept for years will bo distributed
among tho provincial museums of Tlel
glum, where as Individual exhibits
thay will lose much In value.
A ro.lllre lruor.
"My dear child, have you reason to
suppose that Mr. Flirty entertains a
frank liking for your
"Well, ma, last night ho handed tno
a box of chocolates with the remark
that they wero his candled senti
ments." Haltlmore American.
An tnatnura,
r Tlmo brings
s t ran gb
llockor Yen; the boy whoso mother
can't mnko him wash his neck prows
up to bo a rich man who goes abroad
for baths. Ilarpor's Baiar.
A llradr l.xiilnnntlon,
"What Is tho roason you were so Into
In discovering the north polo?"
"Well," answered tho explorer, "you
see they have such long nlghta In
the aroUo regions that I overslept,"
Washington Star,
llwelllnK l Gotham,
Foreign Visitor Does It cost much
to llvo In Now York?
Hoet No, sir; It doesn't cost much
to llvo In this city, but It costs like
Bam IIIII to keep up appearances.
Nw York Weekly
M.- I
Untamed and forever tho tnmeteis,
Tlm frail JVot forever tho free,
Utishnmed nnd fovnver tha ahnmelesi,
Tha top of creation I lm.
All civilization have paaaed her
And left hr barbarian still,
And tha man who hud dreamed he I
I ilrnply tho ilnva of her will.
film simper nnd glance dcirfurdy,
And look Ilka a saint n she goes;
A wcol a a Illy, yd ;rsly
film' lending some mnn by tho no,
for her are tho primeval resource
Of strong, unregenernta ion;
Duplicity mnrihal her force
And art I her aubtlo defense.
Oh. man, you may marvel and wonder,
May reason and nrguo nr.d fret;
Oh, man, you mny bluster and bluti-
You never hnvo conquered her yet!
Yqu lecture and tutor and teach hor,
Hut dill she 1 ever the same.
The free, Irreiponilble creaturo
That nothing can fetter or tame.
Chicago News,
llodlah Tnrtmn Cnlffur,
Tho turban coiffure It first In favor
.or drcs occasion, and that tho hair
drctscr may not auffer by tho sim
plicity of tha fashion, wave nnd puffs
aro being Introduced, and na our Illus
tration Indicate with pleasing effect.
It Is Impossible, however, to arrange
ono'i own hair In thl manner, and
tho puff nnd hnlr band on each side
are false and adjusted after the waved
tresses aro drawn back over the turban
Health and Drautr Hint.
Sweet splrlta of nltro Is used for
light rovers.
Use witch hazel salve for sores,
bruises, burns, abecetseii, etc
Carbolic salve or xlnc ointment may
bo used for flesh wounds, bolls, etc.
Never sleep so that on first awaken
ing the eyes shall open on the light of
a window.
Camphorated oil Is Ideal for the re
lief of sprains and Is a mild counter
irritant for sore throat
If the wind has reddened tb,e eye
lids, wash them In slightly salted
warm water (unlng common salt).
For a cold In the head a roll of med
icated cotton will bo valuable. A small
piece placed In each nostril will glvo
Instant relief.
Make the rule to go outdoors every
flay whore the nlr la pure, taxo soma
deep breaths and exercises. You will
find that will keep you warm for quite
a time nnd It Is a healthy warmth.
To reduce the temperature of a fe
verish cold moisten a sponge with
either eau de cologne or vinegar and
water and hold It In the hand for a
tlmo. This reduces fever due to a cold
In a marvelous way.
To remove blackheads, wash the foco
In tepid water, dip finger tips Into
green soap, sold at all druggists, nnd
massage the foco. Itlnso the skin and
apply toilet water to kill the alkali and
prevent burning.
To straighten round shoulders try
tha following exercise: Stand about
eighteen Inohea from a door, press the
palms of the hnnds against It, and
slowly push the body forward until
tho breast touches the door. This Is
also 'Ecod for weak shoulders.
Crib 1'llluw.
For pillows for. cradle purchase tick.
Ing which reflects a palo blue Doner.
Make the pillow caso of soft white
dimity, hemstitch it and finish with
n hemstitched pillow. The colors show
through tho whlto In dellcnto tracery.
A pillow for the crib should be filled
with down, nnd should net bo stuffed
full. A gift should Include one pillow
and three pillow cases.
Women Nctilotu Color llllnil.
Color blindness Is ecarco nmong wo
men, according to I'rof. Bamuol P.
Hayes, lie mentioned that only oue
woman In 1,000 seems to have defective
color vision. In somo experiments
which wero made at Mount Holyoke
College with sixty-three students of
the class of 1609. but .fourteen made
very slight mistakes.
Women' Look In llnalneas.
An attractive slender figure, a
bright, healthy appearance, an alert
bearing and graceful easo of movu
mont theso are beauties and personal
advantages which women In Dullness
do well to cultivate and prejorvn.
They are often a passport to success
when applying for a situation, while
the young woman with a clumsy figure.
' fc 4&Jem
snuow complexion, and A
menl has a much smaller chance,
Thero Is alio tho question of health.
Htout persons, as a rule, are mora In
clined to the common ailments of
everyday life than thoso who aro slim
and "on tho more;" and obesity, a
disease In Itself, brings others In Its
train. Plumpness Is often very charm
ing. It Is when the plumpness turns
Into real, undoubted fatness (hat there
is cause, for alarm. Neglected fatness
will soon mer.n chronic obesity; then
troubles come.
Four honors at the Bcole dee Deaux
Arts in I'arls have been won by women
this year.
Miss Ellen Day, the organist. Is still
living In London at the age of 81. Miss
Day was only 8 years of age when
be was summoned to play for Queen
Mis, Elizabeth Moore, a Vaasar grad
uate, has entered tho agricultural de
partment of the University of Mis
souri at Columbia and baa announced
ber Intention of becoming an expert
farmer. Sho is a member of several
clubs In St. Louis.
Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia,
Emperor William's only daughter, haa
an exquisitely beautiful string of
pearls, which her mother has been col
lecting for her ever since her birth.
Miss Clgrid Gude, daughter of the
Norwegian minister to the United
States, is an ardent believer in votes
for woman. So is Mrs. Agnes Bryce,
the Englishwoman, who hasibeen vis
iting her brother-in-law, the British
ambassador at Washington.
flood Manner for Qlrla.
The girl who Is properly coached in
matters polite does all of these smaller
Takes off her hat at tho theater.
Is Invariably courteous to servants.
Never reads tho crimes In the news
papers. Never speaks with her mouth full
at table.
Removes her glove to shake hands
with elderly persons.
Prefers to walk out with a girl
friend than to go alone.
Never uses slang or other unbeau
tlful words of any sort
Offers her chair anywhere and every
where to old ladles and gentlemen.
Never forgets for a moment that her
conduct must be at all times and In
all places on Its best behavior.
Never gossips about a girl friend or
does anything else to anybody she
would not have dorfe to herself.
Car of Mahogany.
The less polish tho better where an
tiques are concerned. Old oak and
other wood always require more elbow
1&? )$J?7 rMTt HsL M
WSMWm I ' SI IiwkilBB
tiki tb Jmr
Nothing daintier or more delightful could be Imagined than the lovely
party dresses for children and young girls. Our charming trjo gtyes as Idea
of the elegance In some cases, each of wbloh, however, may be copied In leas
expensive materials. The little frock on the left Is: a,, pale pink tnessallne,
elaborately trimmed with white lace on blouse and a 'flounce of same on tha
short skirt A wide sash of the material cleverly covers the Joining at
blouse and skirt and ends In back In large loop without end.
On the right wo show a moVo babyish frock, built on lines suggestive of
tho old-ttma Mother Hubbard fashion. This one la pale blue Chiffon surah
Bilk with whlto laco and pink rosebuds for decoration, put on as shown la
Illustration, The sash In this case U pale blua satin ribbon, with long and
falling from left side. i
Bbx slater Is wearing a gown of white crepe de chine, with aoeordlety.
plaited deop flounce and surplice cut bodice, each trimmed with as apples!
band of fine white lace. It Is cut est prlncesee, and the fullness above aM
Is artistically held In place and caught at right side with a spray of, flak
roses matching those on sleeves,
grease than applications. Sweet oil
sparingly applied Is, however, ex
cellent for antique mahogany. If a
flannel Is dipped In tho oil It should
ba rubbed over tho wood, tha surface
having been first of alf well dusted.
Stains and spots on old mahogany can
bo taken out by dipping n cork In
oxalic acid and water and working It
over the marks. Two ounces of yol
low beeswax dissolved In tho samo
quantity or spirits of turpentine rep
resents anothsr good medium for ma
hogany, Women In lha rrofeadona.
Only two professions, according tu
statistics, have so far not bean Invaded
by th persistent American woman.
There are no women sailors in the
marine corps and no female linemen
for telegraph and telephone system.
Tho other professions and trades num
ber as follows:
Architects l,0t
Yrsrmen .,,,,, ,,,.., ,,,,,, 8,173
Dentists ,,,,,, 788
Klectrlelan , ittt
engineers ,.,,, ,,,-.., ,,-,, 84
Journalist , , J.ISCJ
eaeners ....., ,,, ,,.,,,, ,xz.lf
S.J 10
Cleilc .,,.,.,....,.,,,,
Commercial traveler
Official In bank
l'acker and Mppra.,.. .,.,.. ..
Htenoarapher ..... ....
Telegratm operator
Undertaker ..... ...f.......
Carpenter .....................
Maeon ............,,.....
Painter and glazUr ............
"lumDers ...a..,.....,.,......,.
Miner .-...,............
Dlacksmlth .,.-.......
Modlah Fell Hat.
Felt bats for wear with walking
suits are very popular, and our artist
has sketched a model especially welt
liked. This might be successfully
worked out In purple felt with darker
shade velvet trimming and a dull gold
buckle. Bo sure, however, that your
milliner knows how to handle velvet.
as the beauty of this hat lies in the
clever draping of the trimming at
Ilnnsilnar Wall Taper.
When papering a room, If yoa arv
a novice at the business, choose either
a plain or striped paper, as thera is
then no difficulty In making tha pat
tern fit. If the paper is striped, rat
the stripes from the piece left over
and use them wrong way up for a
frieze. The criss-cross effect Is de
At Iat.
A girl's idea of culture Is something
which will enable her to dodge disk-
washing. Atchison Globe.