The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 04, 1910, Image 5

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SMITH 1 -.'r':r!
BVbI 111 lna,,.t , fr
i)rMil VMlf Freeh Kem end all ulnar imw
I iari I (In per Iwniml fur lira Oilekrna,
lu nanmlMloti rfiarifeil ui enrlhlnir. AJ.
dreea nil tlilntrnU
TlahtliiK Oia Beef Tnut"
Whiir Wm Y.
It oil nn old darky, lie wort no
evercdnt, and Iho ley wind (wlitod hli
threadbaro clothri about his shrivoled
"Wind," lis demanded, .whlmlseally,
"wer win you dls llmo lot' July"
gituvlnMner Kalee HuMitr.
Traveler (In Dresryhurst) -1 think I
have heard tlmt Hit people of your
town are about to have Ito nam
changed to something U,
Duel Welby Tlier ain't no
foundation fur that story, tnlitir.
You've vol iia mlseri up with Oilikuili.
Chlousd Tribune.
Yel lo lla Teefed.
"fJrother Hlonr-klng, how do you
think you aro koIiiu to Ilk (lit ntw
"I don't know, I haven't played a
(nine of golf with him yel."
JUST mow
rwiuna oar.- I
PailliM U lie big urket pUce of lite
S.oJ Your Produce THERE
Wo ara handlers of, lluttor.
Veal, Dressed Hoes, Poultry, llvoor
drcsaml. also Apple. Unions, Pota
toes. Consignments, whather largo
or small, aro solicited. Wo ran give
you good price for good ituff.
Witts U.
McEwcn & Koskcy
amm Kuaum
129 Front St, Portland. Or. ;
Trial Bottle Fre By Mini
tt yea oflrr fioro KtJInxr, Pile, railing fllckem,
ftpum.. r ha relMrrn ibeldo en, my Nv lite
eovetrwlll rtlee, and all voaareatkedte
doliUnndrorariMT(llIiolUorUr klir't
Kpllpe.lolJ' Our
Sf t haa eared Ihoaranda whar eTirrlMtig all.
IM. lniolMd If May Mrdlral lADwetn r
a.Ur I'aie fund end lliug.Act, Jane toik,IM4
i.iantr No lITI Ilaee write fur lrle (Free
II Jloiue and rl AflSaed euwi.Me eddretl
M. W. H. MAY, E48 I'aul Slroil, Hew Tort
IIXO Par !Km. J4.00 l'ar
sirtwriav r i m f m
Krjlm M Itjij
A Storckfecpcr Says:
11 A lady came into my stqrc lately and said t
4,,I have been using a New Perfection Oil CookStove all winter
In my apartment I want one now for my summer home. I think
these oil stoves are wonderful. If only women knew what a
comfort they are, they would all bavo
one. I spoke about my stove to a lot
of my friends, and they wero aston
ished. They thought that thero was
smell and smoke from an oil stove, and
that It heated a room Just Ilka any other
stove. I told them of my eiperlence.
and one after another the pot one, and
now, not one of them would g lye faera
up for five tlmea its cost.' "
The lady who sstd this had thought
aa oil stova was all right for quickly
beating; milk for si baby, or boiling a
kettle of water, or to make cones
Sulckly In the morning, but she never
reamed of using h fer dleScuH e
heavy cooking;. Now she knows,
Do you raally tpsfelt what a Nrw
I'arfMtlon Oil Cooa-tHov maana lo you t No
mot coat to carry, no mora coming to the
dlnnar tabla lo llrad out that you can't eat.
Juat Us tit I'arfictlon Slav and Immadlataly
the tiaatfioro an Inline blue flam ahooia
up to the bottom of pot, kettle or oven. Hut
the room lint heated. Thire la no amoke, no
email, no oulalde lint, na drudgery la the
iitthtn -white one of tbue itovia le uiad.
2fe Jfcrfceiion
av m r a i wTTmvwK-m-mmr
It hss a Cabinet Top with a abelf for keeping Natea and food hot. The
nickel finish, with tho bright bluo of tho chimneys, makes the stove ornamental
and attractive. Mads with 1, 3 and 3 burners the) fl and burner stoves
can bo had with or without Cabinet,
Kviry dealer everywhere t If not at youre, wtltefee aieaerlttVe Clreulat I
Standlard Oil Company
(Incorporated) I
Mann rmti nra f in.
flalt I obtained In tlia Drilled Btatei
In Movoral dlfffirotil form mid wnyi,
I'rom tho initios It comoi In block,
nd from ilroiiK brlnrii It I obtnlnml
by cvniwratlon or bolllna by olar r
rllllelnl hum. IIoIIIiik Id ellhor con
dueled by puttlnir It Into Idiir wooden
trotiBlm eoulnlnliiK ttoaui pipe, or in
lnro opnn pnn of Iron or itonl with
direct heat Imiinatli tlirun. or In largo
vaeuiim pane In which Urn brine It
boled at a coinparntlvely low proi.
uro, or It I hunted In rlonud luble at
a tetnpernturn much hlKhor tlmn tlmt
at which brine bolle under ordinary
atinniherle nreaiurn
Is the most effective medicine
for the complete purification
of the blood and the complete
renovation of the whole sys
tem. Tnlfi! it lliiti RnrJtifr.
(let It today In iimml H'tulil form or
IftlilHU called Hataiitnlja. 100 Uoici tl.
All In Hi ftaiiii. I'la,
The Iawioiico Time telle title one!
A reporter wm tent to wrlto up a fire
In a residence, (lolnit to the door, he
tnqulrod for tho "lady of Hie liouie."
The maid icald elm wae out. "Aro any
of the family at homoT" niked tho
eerlbo. "No, they are nil out," wae the
reply. "Well, wain't thero n fire here
lait erenlnic?" "Ym," eald the hired
xtrl, "but that's out, too." Atlanta
1 i'
Iteporter 1'rofraaor. what laneuaire
do you auppoaa the prople neereat the
north pole apeak I
The rrofreeor What a queatlonl
1'cIIjIi, of lourao.
Hi Nrr lllaTHlljr,
"I tea you're claying at a etrtetly
flrit'Ctaaa hotel, anyhow. How do yju
find the eccommodallotur
"AccommodatloniT There aren't any.
Kverythln I at la a ronrpaalon."
Kaiuan'a lw lt Itlia rout tne urr
Into aAllflty T irantl Uitlboda. 1Uy &
uvt awuur, Ktlj-a or ureaktu. They are
loiile to tb atotuarli, liter auJ urrtrsi
InrUorat Initead cf wrakro. Tbry tn
rich lb lilootl auj tuatl the etuiuarh to
Ct all tli nourWtirocrit froui food tut Is
put Into It. Tbut pill contain no ral
tacit tliay are sonthlar, bealina: nd atlm
tilatintr. For sale dy all droRRlata In JO
and tie alt. If yen nrtd tunllral ad
vl write Mnnyen' lftor. Ttiey wilt
dt(e o l tnt ft Itirlr alillltr bv
lulcly frtlpf Cbtrire. IttrNVUN'n, M
and JcIIcjmo Bla, J-lilUdilrhU, !.
ttavd Ita for trial ricVaaa.
llurulrol. IIOOD IVr Tkouaan.1
Ht)nS)tt mu tUtry lljnlt
1x1 ff S5f i
can Mcukoirr Kutrota f5w iyCw t iuj
- 1MJ - fKa
SSr-ytLiifl WyaSjgeMW-rjPjygal
gtalllHL? AW aKtl I WBBallllllleB9l
To n CalUi iatly,
On the morrow call m early,
Call mo i rly, mother dearl"
Raid the inn Id unto her parent
Ae aha bruehed away a tear,
"Are you golnic aliopplnr, dauihter?
Aro you koIiir out to dlneT
Or why ehoulil I call you early,
Call you early, dauahler miner
"let me whlapnr to you, mother,
Let mo whleper In your ear)
Tie lo-hlffhl I mnrry ICarly
Mr. Knrlv, mother dear,"
Yonkore Pl teaman.
HlaalNtT lllp.,
Men ro down to tho ics under blV
lowing tniivfu In fower and fewer nun
ben, the "tin licttlu" tramp now doing
tho old clipper's work, but Keptuni
till exacts his toll from tho erjuare
rlnccd elilps tlmt are fated to float out
upon the oceans, bound 10,000 miles or
more, nnd never again be heard of
Ten IjIr sailers thus vanished In 100S
J.ait year eight wind-jammers of larg
bunion wero recorded on the world'!
Wr of mlslne: ships. One was an
American, the four-masted Tort Oeor
of 1,770 not tons, and there nro few
tnough of oura left. Most of them art
swallowed on Cape Horn voyages.
Ndw Ynrb !, '
Mow Ulil Hultirra 1,1 vr.
Old spltlcre, which have neither wei
nor tho materials to make one, ofteg
hunt thout to find out tho webs 4
other spldors, younger find weaku
tlmn tlumnelvre, with whom thoy ven
ture bnttlo. The Invader generally
sucrceds, nnd tho younger spider li
driven out to mako a now web, and
the old spider remains In poisesslor
until a stronger spider Invades the
web and drlris It out. When thus dls
pored the spider seldom ventures
another attack, but tries to subsist
upon the fow Insocts that may fall
accidentally Into It clutches ead
evontually dlr of hunger
Trio Heap fur Taare.
The milkman' hone had run away,
and the content of the wagon lud
been dlitrlbulrd Impartially over a ter
ritory two blocke long and one trt
"No," ald the driver, he urvyed
the wreck. "I'm not going to do any
crying over split milk, but
Thoraupon he an, down on tht edge
of the sidewalk, and his lubtequant
profanity, according to th toillmony
of everybody within hearing. UblUa
d a nw record
Aa II Skit It.
Mr. Jlpa hadn't wantid to go out
In th new automoblU, anyhow, and
she was telling her husband o In av
oral dlrferint kind of way.
"I'd rather have watted until I bad
omethlng fit to ride In." aha old. "but
you just would have m come. It Un't
a bit of fun for ma, and I'd Ilk to
Thrt You narrowly mined running
Into the curb. What do you think
you're dolngl"
"I'm taking a Jewy rtdel" t .vagily
aniwared Mr Jlp Chicago Trtbusa,
ComnaBltr of latere!.
Trontlng by th mlitakee of othtrs
(he two uplorara, tech of whom bad
found th aoulh pel unknown to tk
ether, held a conference.
"What I th u." they said, "of
wrangling over ItT We will write our
book Jointly, and will travel and lea-
tur togethr. On of u will do th
oratorical Hunt and the other will
throw the picture on th tcreen."
Bo they dlvfdcd the epolls, whlek
turned out to be quit latlifactory.
Uothara irfll Aad Ura. WlBilaa Bnothlna
r'tPtneblrmedr lo uae lot ibelr ehUdno
Surlag the teetblog period.
I.aaioa froM Ik raat.
Nlmrod had killed so much big ganu
that th people had begun to complain.
"We'll hav no wild meat at all tt
he don't let up," thy said, "and the
coit of llvlpg ts already too hlghl"
"Im not killing for th mere plcae-
ure of It." h retorted) "I'm a fauna
naturalist, and I am making a cIIo
And h kept on hunting. Chicago
"In what ehap," aaked th reporter,
"did your fugitive caihlar leave bis ao
countsT Csn you tell mV
"I can, young man," aatd th preil
dint of th Initltutlon, "and there' a
good story In It Ills accounts are not
only perfecUy straight, but they ffhow
that we owe htm a balance of 1IH.II."
"The trouble with that story," groan,
d the reporter, "ts that nobody will
billev UI" Chicago Tribune.
folk's Cyc Salve for 25c
relieves tlrml or overworked eyes.
stops eye ache, congested, Inflamed
or sons oyes. All druggists or Howard
Uros., UulTnlo, N. Y.
Uaela Allaa.
"On of the day," pnrdtcted Uncle
Alien Spark, "aome ambitious Eskimo
will make his way, with great hard
ships, down to th equator, and when
he goes back horns and tell of hi out
ferlnge and th wonderful sights h
saw he'll be hooted at aa th biggest
liar In the arotio olrol." Chteago
Wauled tka 1'rwal,
"You look swset enough t kits,"
says the Impressed nan.
"Ho manv eentUmen tell naa tk"
coyly nswers th fair girl.
"Ah I That should make you happy,"
"nut they merely ssy that," shs rt
piles. "They merely tell b the facts
la the case and never prove thlr
"Having taken your wonderful Cac
rets' for three months srd betes; entirely
eured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia,
I think a word of praise U uu to
"Cascareta1 for their wonderful centpo
lion. I have taken numerous other ao
sailed remedies but without avail, and I
find that Cascareta relieve more In a day
than all the others I have Ukeu would U
a year," Jumes McGune,
Phteaent, 1'eUUUo, PotanU Telle Good.
IV Uood. Never Sicken. WeeVan or Griro.
too. Ho. tSc. Never aold In bulk. The Ken.
ulr.e tablet atamp-d OOU. Ouaraate! ta
cure or your money back.
Physicians Recommend Castoria
(O ASTORIA lias mot with pronounced favor on tho part of physicians, pharmo-
coutioal soolotios and medical authorities. It is used by physioians with
roBults most gratifying. . Tho extended uso of Oostoria is imaucstionahly tho
rosult of throo faots. Ffnflho indisputable ovidenco that it is harmless:
sooond That it not only allays stomach pains and quiots tho nerves, but assimi
lates tho food : nird It ia an agrcoablo and porfcot Bubstituto for Castor OIL
It is absolutely safe It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or othor narcotio
and does not stupofy. It is unliko Soothing Syrups, Batoman's Drops, Godfreys
Cordial, oto, This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how
ovor, ia to oxposo dangor and record tho means of advancing health. The day
for poisoning innocont ohildron through greed or ignoranco ought to end. To
our knowlodgo, Castoria is a romody which producos composuro and hoalth, by
rogulating tho system not by stupefying it and our readers aro ontitled to
tho information. Hall's Journal of IlcaWu
rii. .1 1 ..
ar tt
Promolcs DrSjfstlonflgfifi.1
ncss and RmjCoA&ni hcw
Opiitniorphln: nor6acraL
,ar r
Aprrferl IVtwdy for CoHf
iionoow3iuiaHi.u 1"
ncss and LOSS OFSLLgK
rarStrfr Slnanc
l under l
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Color more roods brighter and faater colors than anv other dhra. One 10c nackar. cetera aUk. vrool and coUaa eauaUy tw
aaaia guaranteed to gtv. perfect results.
bow to dye, bieaca and mix color.
tLtSperWordtnacrtaaaMlfladadabi SS laaj
Ina- faxwra In U. S. Sand lor bat. The Dale Ad
TartUtn Agennr, CT8. Mala St, Loa Angalaa.
or u uaary uu. Ban r rancuco, uu,
Oanaral marrhandlaa alsre rtaht In the baart ef
!orttand, Waal ttkle. on main tboioughram down
town; caah bualnwa of laat year, 110.000; thla la a
fortune makar; we value atock and niturea from
119.000 to IIX.U0O. V 111 eathanre for raah or Ura
toce or acreage, farm land or aome good real ae
tata tn Tortland. Deerrtbe your vrorertr la full.
Addrrea All Ki. Orre-wlaa. lYrtlend. Ortrn".
In lb. Itonah.
A man mixed some strychnin with
And fed It to the Bngllah sparrowa.
Bald th cat: "What make
Th bird tacte ao queer!"
And there wain't a dry eye In the Igloo.
The first aid to a weak
stomach, sluggish liver or
constipated bowels should
be the Bitters, because it
has proven its right to be
called "the best7' It is
for Indigestion, Coative
ness and Malaria. Try it
e--f 'ay---
WHl Find Speedy Keltef and
AbaoKite Cure by Ualng th
Wejust Treatment
Okeau War. bl karaJW
It la an honeat rellaWe treatment uaed
by pUyilelana everywhere every day In all
eaaaa of inflammatlona, alcera. dlachargea,
a-recularltlea, narvuua eymptoma, etc
At DruitUli or Sent Direct Prepaid.
Torest drove, Or.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
Dr. 8. Halstcad Scott, of Cblca.o, Ills., says: "I h&vo prescribed yosf
Castoria often for infants during my practice, and find It very satisfactory."
Dr. William Ilclmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your Castoria stands
first in Its claia. In my thirty years of practice Z can say I never hava
found anything that to filled tho place."
Dr. J. II. Taft, of Brooklyn, N. T., cays: "I have U6ed your Castoria and
found It aa excellent remedy In my household and private practice for
many years. Tho formula is excellent."
Dr. It. J. Hamlen, of Dotroit, Mich., says: "I prescribe- your Castoria
extensively, as I have novcr found anything to equal It for children's
troubles. I aa aware that titers are Imitations ia tho field, but I always
see that my patients get Fletcher's."
Dr.Wm. J MoCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the father of thirteen
children I certainly know something about your great medlcino, and aside
from my own family experience I have In my years of practice found Cas
toria a popular and cQclent remedy In almost every home."
Dr. J. R. Clausen, cf Philadelphia, ra., says: "The name that your Cas
toria has made for Itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the
presence of children, scarcely needs to bo supplemented by the endorse
ment of the medical profession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse It and
bellero it an excellent remedy."
Dr. R. M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo says: Thysiclana generally do set
prescribe proprietary preparations, but In the case of Castoria my experi
ence, like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an ex
ception. I prescribe your Castoria In my practice because I have found it
to bo a thoroughly rcllablo remedy for children's complaints. Any physi
cian who has raised a family, as I hare, will Join me In heartiest recom
mendation of Castoria."
Boars tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For
? trT.w MsiMtif.
Ask dealer, or wo will send postpaid at
liata CVumU abrtW BOe.
ka K Ttmlxt tl-Paa.
aauaSl liin kn-Hm ra.
MVk. 5e aMur autla year
uftKuwu. . 31S-I7 Aldar
. reetUad. Oreaaa.
Cured Right at Home
Vr KLECTftOrODEl. Wr EWnk TristisnC
Ca1-c Ut4f i cnp04 ftsxl iUt win lUm
tlkOatek IlTifstlHttttftMr. rifntltXiNMI
t. rtft AM W KUtHMlllS hnlrta.
Ucktackea. KldceCT ft4 Uftf CeMipUaSStl. lttC
ttlflLM. YMlMMrMMM4UAtrfKtarre
CaS1emUe) SCt4 eMCb UU, gTlelCtSe tt.St l
uiUUfc lleMt l rw CnrcMTs, t44 M !..
SelLeaAagelaeSL. Lee Aagalaa, CaL
Thk terlin household resaedy ha
long been rccosuircd as the beat and
afcst Blood runf icr, the most successful
prescription for spring humors and such
lisordcrs of the blood as boils, pimples,
pustules, blotches, sores and cutaneoui
sruptions. Kajparilla is admitted to be
Oie best remedy for that lack of energy
ind the -peculiar debility so prevalenl
luring the close of winter and the opening .
l anrinR. For derangements of the dl
(estive oreaus it is a natural corrective, I
jperaitng utrecuy upon lne "ver anu an
uentary canal, gently but peniitently
itimulatlne; a healthy activity. Iti
xneficial influence extends, however, tc
rvery portion of the system, aiding in the
rocescs et digestion and assimilation ol
!ood, promotlDg a wholesome, natural
ippctite, correcting sour stomach, bad
oreatk, lrregularitlee of the bowels, con
itipatloa and the long lUt of trouble
iirectlr traceable to those unwholeeome
condition. Kasparilla dispels drowsl
B, headache, backache and despond.
Mcy due to Inactivity of the liver,'
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
itrcngthening tonic of the highest valae.
llovr Ckkmicai, Co, TodUa Ortgoa
Pacific Coast Biscuit Company
PerUaad Saattle Spolaae
Alk for Their Good and
They Will Secure You Many
Articles Without Co
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
rr mwhaav Trr, m o mr
too a package. Wilt, forlie.neekles
ORUQ cosfPAiTr, Qulnay, iaiseta.
or tka yar to aara
yoar tevla pot aaa
r-lal aadbrUae
vorkooaa. roreM-ot-ten
eatroaa we
SaUk pf
lata lit
ra wora ia aaa
Toal - -
BelarCrom 5S.J5
Gall fBari 1.N
Eaaaal UBiafe 1V
rui.i S.H
"rl. 7.M
raabii btr'llaa .SI
laisksibtrsKt47arntami trtJrti
U M ft0. lMlU-tsOa FrM Viracsasa3CtbHt
tSVtftaM WCiTaT llinitl!. ftO amHer IkOW aUMCA JO! kS
Wise Dental Co.
Painless Detttets
FaMM lSg.rlra I WuMaetee, PeRHAMJ
9& Saaaaga.
C. Gee Wo
Tag PaSaS SaLu
I Sri uffraeeJ anrenfl
Thla wondeful taaa ha
mad a life atudy of th
Rrepcrtlee of Kouta,
erba and Barka. and
la elvlca the world the
beoeflt of hla aervtcee.
Ke Maroiry, relaona
or Drug Uaed, N.
Oeeretloaa or CuWlAg
Ouaranteee to ear Catarrh. Aethma, Lao.
BUaaacli and Kidney traublaa, as d all frivat
Piiaeteiof M a aaa Woman.
Jaat received from Fekb. CLava-aale. car.
aadreUable. UfalUng la Ita work.
ItyoacanBOtean.wTitaforaryavtom Mink
aadetreular. Iseleaa 4 cantata aeaawa,
The C. Gee We Htikte Ci.
1 S3H rtrat St, ear. Uarrkaa, Pertfnad, en
No. l7-i
HKN writing to adverUaer wlaaae
naatian laie paper.
S, 'vtW'
P"WKi l
I aVamr ) aaaal
L fH
r ortMHMMia