'1$ w !i M r TOPICS OF M I THE TIMES I i WE'W Je V V VL '!- ap The twin with a full dinner pall cat- Us a fortuno with him. No man can bo good from torco ot liablt Ho'a simply got to keep on struggling. There ncrer would havo been any laagaalne muckrakera It there had been no muck to rake. Scientists report that the tall ot Hal ley's comet la composed ot gas. Don't worry. It Isn't passing through a meter. At tho present time thoro arc enough Trgetarlans In the United States to form a large and dangerous political party. Already a magaxlne which la devoted to tho Interests ot the aeronauts has been started. This settles It. Wings are bound to come. moio than segregation In a nomo wltn bloed relatives. The closest compan kinship Is sometimes reserved for kin dred souls ot other families. Children need to bo treated with consideration whlto they arc passing through tho most sensitive period ot their carter. You can never wound n man as you can a child. And it Is almost Impos sible to Influence a man as you can n child. Tho very life stuff ot tho futuro Is In our hands, nnd how llttlo wo know about molding It. Sarah Bernhardt la about to begin her first farewell tour ot America, It must make Adellna Pattl sigh for tho good old days of $10,000 a week. In New York recently a baby was born with a full set ot teeth. Its par ents would perhaps have been better satisfied It It had come with a twenty-one-meal ticket A Frenchman has been finding Barnes for almost every kind ot tear that human beings can have. He cads his list, quite appropriately, with "pho phobia" fear of fear. Archbishop Ireluid is of the opinion that the high cost ot living is duo In a large measure to the American wo man's Ignorance ot housekeeping. Don't all speak at once, ladles. No. the money that is being paid to the government by the big sugar in dustries will not bo put Into the con science fund. Conscience has had noth ing to do with these payments. It U reported that Carrio Nation re ceived two offers ot marriage upon her recent visit to Washington, D. C, Aunt Carrie would undoubtedly make a "smashing good wife for somebody. It is reported that King Edward is becoming a nervous wreck owing to England's political mix-up. What Ed ward seems to need is a course ot In structions In the art ot being an Inno cent bystander. Women may loftily set up the claim that they have beco-ie Independeat that they are no longer compelled to look to the men for support or protec tionbut a good many ot them would be compelled, It it were not for the sea, to go around with their waists pen at the back. The president of Northwestern Uni versity, In an address before the Mu sic. Teachers' National Association In Chicago, said that the Amerlcau peo ple are musical barbarians, nnd that tho function of tho musician is to civil ize them. Tho statement Is extrava gant In form, but is not untrue. It Is probably true also that tho English, tho French, tho Gorman, tho Uusstan, and evory other nation, taking thorn as a whole, are musical savages. Knowl edge ot tho best music and apprecia tion of It Is confined, in every country. to the tew who have the opportunity and tho money to become familiar with It But Americans are not so bar barous musically as they were a gen eration ago. Chicago, Pittsburg. New York, Boston and other cities have long maintained first class musical or ganisations, and their concerts and operas have educated and entertained a great army ot men and women who do missionary work for good music whenever the subject Is discussed. An other musical educator of wider Influ ence that the orchestras and singing societies Is the mechanical piano play er. This devlco makes it possible for any person with a fondness for music to play in his own home tho master pieces ot the best composers. Com positions which a professional mu sician cannot learn to execute on a piano without long and tedious prac tice can be played with marvelous ex pression by a tyro after an hour's practice on the mechanical player. A stilt humbler, but morp far-reaching Influence In popular musical education, is tho phonograph or graphophone, which reproduces vocal as well as in strumental music Tho more expen sive forma ot the Instrument are so perfect that when a record made by a famous opera singer is run through It is difficult for a Ustenor to decide whether he is bearing a human voice or a machine. Every coup try has its troubles with those who prefer alcohol Co water as a drink. Photographs frwa Prlsend, "a stronghold for fanaticism," show the drastic Albanian treatment of such cases. The man is tied upon a donkey and marched through the streets, a boy drumming loudly in front of him. A new bridge for ordinary traffic la about to be built larger and more magnificent than any ot the fifteen others which span the Thames between the Tower ot London and Hammer smith. Its approach on tho northern bank will bo from an open space near St Paul's Cathedral, and It will no doubt be called Paul's Bridge, Street cars, or trams, as the English call them, will cross the river by tho bridge, but probably In a sort of sub way beneath the carriage drive. Runaway matches have been known to turn out Ideally, but not often. Their average course is toward wreck age and wretchedness. The very need of secrecy and flight is generally in dicative of a fault In the scheme some where, and young girls who aro willing to defy parental love and care and marry by stealth need feel no surprise when their Idols' feet turn out to be clay, and a poor variety ot that Spite of the jokesmltbs, the cartoonists and the waggish poets, marriage is the most serious step In the lives of men and women. Even the mature ought to give It at least as respectable consider ation as they would any other Invest ment Boys and girls need to take advice on the matter, not railroad trains to a quick-service city clerk's office somewhere "across the line." There Is no mother or father among bs who baa not at times been appalled by our almost utter lack of equipment for the work of rearing children. It is by far1 the most Important wark that any of us can do to rear the men and women who aro to make, or re make, or unmake the society of the future. Most of us are slaves of the Idea that the big job is to clothe and feed them and glvo them the oppor tunities the schools afford. Wo would save them from working with their .hands and Insure them starched shirts during their lives. But all this Is nothing la comparison "with tho real work of rearing tho men nnd women of the future. We delegate to pthcra their training, moral. Intellectual nnd .religious. We become mere feeders end clothiers ot bodies, and we do this much for animals. Children need com CHARLES XEADE'S MODESTY. Only Author on Record Who Though! II Wa Too Welt raid. In his recollections In McClure's, William H. Ridelng says that In an editorial experience of more years than he cares to acknowledge he has met only one author who thought he was too well paid Charles Reade. Here are some extracts from a letter of Reade's to Ridelng: "Dear Sir: I beg to thank you for the munificent sum you sent ma through Mr. Lis ton; it was too much for a mere dictated article of which you had not the monopoly, and shall bo reconsidered It wo do business to gether. "It they let them slip (referring to a series of articles then in the hands of a publisher), you can have them If you like; If they retain them I see my way to write you a strong story, but there must be love In it; not illicit love, nor passionate love, but that true affection between the sexes without which It is Impossible to Interest read ers for more than a few pages. Pray consider the subject, thus confined; It cannot bo long hidden from the young that thero is an Innocent and natural love between the sexes, and, in plain truth, successful fiction Is somewhst narrow; love is Its turnpike road; you may go off that road Into highways. Into byways and woods, and gather hero and there choice flowers of Imagi nation that do not grow at the side of that road; but you must bo quick and get back to your turnpike pretty soon, or you will miss the heart of the read er. "Then, as to the remuneration you were kind enough to offer, I do not see how you can afford $ per page. Publishers will pay for their whistle, like other people, and will buy a name for more than it is worth unless It Is connected with work that would be valuable without a name. In my view ot things, nothing Is good that Is not durable, and no literary business can be durablo it the author takes all tho profit" A Changed Woman. "Well, well," said the returned trav eler, 'tond so you are married now! It seems only yesterday since you leff school. How time does fly!" "Yes," replied Mrs. Youngley, "only a short time ago I never clipped any thing from the papers but-poems, and now I clip nothing but recipes." Phil adelphia Press. And lua Iinrlu Would Arrct Illni. "Do you know, I'd rather like to ride on ono of those aeroplanes my self." "Well, there's no law preventing you." "Yes thero is; the law of gravita tion." Boston Transcript. Some one was telling, In the pres ence ot a boy, how well behaved a certain girl was. "It's easy for a girl to be good," the boy .said, "but a boy can't do it" Blood oranges aro "faked" by the use of a hypodermic syringe and some dye. There .never was a man who was jaalonshlp, and companlonablo means I not at some time an easy mark The Vicar Now, children, what Is falso doctrine? Inspired Maiden Please, sir, bad medicine. Young Woman (adoringly) It must be awfully nice to be wlso nnd know oh everything! Collego Student It Is. "What did you say last night when Jack asked you to marry him?" "1 shook my head." "Sideways or up and down?" 8he How did you know I was go ing to wear my hair curled this even ing? Ho I saw It in tho papers this morning. First Fair Invalid Which kind ot doctor do you prefor tho allopathic or tho homeopathic? Second Fair In valid I prefer tho sympathetic. Bobble (to Featherstone) bid you know that you woro a relative ot ours? Featherstone Slnco when? "Mothor says you aro our weak brother." Boy A man camo In and said ho wanted to squeeze somo money out ot you. Boss What did you tell him? Doy I said I was sorry ou weren't In. "Kitty," said her mother rebuking ly, "you must sit still when you are at tho table." "I can't mamma," pro tested tho llttlo girl, "I'm a fldge- tarlan." "On what ground," madam, do you desire a divorce from your husband?" "Intolerable cruolty; he put the dato of my birth in tho family Bible." Chicago News. "What a bad toothache you've got" "No; but I'm calling on tho dentist for the money ho owes me, and this Is tho only way I can get into his house." Fllegende Blatter. "Women votol Never, sir, with my consent" "Why notr "What! And have my wlto losing thirty-dollar hats to other women on tho election!' Boston Transcript Mrs. Newbrldo Boohool Henry threw a biscuit at me. One that I mado myself, too. Mother The mon ster! He might have killed you. United Presbyterian. "How much does It cost to get mar rledr asked tho ea'ger youth. "That depends entirely on how long you live." replied the sad-looking man. Philadelphia Record. "Isn't your hat rather curious In shape?" asked the uniformed man. Certainly," answered his wife. It has to be. Any fiat that wasn't curio"us 11 slape would look queer." Tho Girl (rather weary, at 11:30 p. m.) I don't know a thing about baso ball. Tho Beau Let me explain It to you. The Olrl Very well, give mo an Illustration ot a home run. Lottie Is your young minister so very, very fascinating? Hattle Fas cinating! Why, lota of girls In our church have married men they hated. Just to get one kiss from the rector after the ceremony. Puck. Chumplelgh Well, my dear, I had mr Ufa Insured for .5.000 to-day. Mrs. Chumplelgh I'm glad you did, John. Now you won't have to be so careful about dodging street cars and auto mobiles. Chicago Dally News. "The American eagle," said tho orn- tor, "knows no fear." "Yes." replied Mr. Slrlus Barker, "the American eaglo Is mighty lucky. Any bird that Isn't good enough to eat has a right to con gratulate Itself these days.'' Washing ton Star. Physician Have you any aches or palas this morning? Patient Yes, doctor; It hurts me to breathe; In fact, the only trouble now seems to be with my breath. Physician All right. I'll give you something thst will soon stop that. Boston Olobo. Aunt Splnsterly I hope that your opinions uphold the dignity of our sex, Mamie, and that you believe tbat every woman should have a vote? Mamie I don't go quite so far as that, auntlo; but I bcllove tbat every woman should have a voter! Human Life. Modern Olrl Father, I long to be In dependentto rely upon my own exer tions for support What trade or pro fession would you recommend? Wlso Father First class cooks made 5,000 a year. Modern girl I don't like cook ing. It's too femlnlnel New York Weekly. Dr. McCree My dear Mrs. Goodman, how could you bring out a young child on such a day as this, with such a strong east wind blowing? Mrs, Good manAh, doctor, you will always havo your little Joke. How can a child of this ago possible know what wind It Is? Tit-Bits. "I hope you don't mind me asking," said tho young woman, diffidently, "but should I call you professor or doctor?" "Oh, call mo anything you like," was tho great man's rejolner, "some people call mo an old Idiot." "Really," tho lady murmured, with sweet lnnocenco, "but then they would be people who knew you Intimately," Lady You say, professor, tbat to bacco is an aid to thought and a stim ulant to the reasoning faculties; but Professor Greatbead says tobacco Is In every way Injurious. How do you ac count for that difference? Tho Pro fessorEasily enough, madam. Pro fessor Greatbead docs not smoke, and consequently ho can neither think straight nor reason correcU- HM$8$383B ?hh3i$HjIi$ r A .kll 0a 1A " "tHt?fi!?n?tK?fH?n Opinions of Great Papers on Important Subjects. -mm site.: S-ft-: - REFORM THE LAND LAWS. OS OW backward we are still Is shown by the fact that no urgency ot public opinion and no pressure of common honesty has yst suc ceeded In making the preliminary step a reasonable reform of the land laws. The agencies ot Justice are employed In discov ering nnd punishing land Oilsrcs whose crlmee were Invited by legislation apparently framed for their especial profit. Tho repeal of the dosort land act, tho timber and stone act, and the stringent enforcement of tho provisions ot tho homestead act are necessary to honest dealing with the land question. Speculators and land grabbers prevent this, while occasional Congress men and Senators aro smirched and disgraced by partlct paling In land frauds. Wo havo enlarged the unit of publlo land for Alaska, In older to tempt dishonesty there. Wo have made It 1C0 acres for land reclaimed at great expense, although a large family could not poslbly cultivate twenty acres ot this land as It should bo. Per haps economy must b substituted for the eitravaxaiire now too prevalent In overy department of government before wo can hope to see It supremo In land reclamation and distribution. But this plain business conception must be restored before tho country can hope either to realize upon or retain Its most valuable resources. World's Work. expended would be a real saving to tho Btate, since it would prevent the breaking up and demoralisation ot families mid would keep some from lapsing Into charges upon tho State. Also there would be less wife beating and general brutality, or elio mora punishment for tlia same. Minneapolis Journal. 1 m III sase m DONT PUNISH TUB FAMILIM, EARLY everybody nowadays fancies he per ceives wherein the social organisation can be Improved. Once In a while somebody does suggest a concrete change that looks good. A Judge In Chicago recommends that a portion of the fines or tho labor of prisoners In brldowellt, houses ot correc tion, Jails and tho like, be diverted from the coffers ot tho Stato and paid to the destltuto wife or family, whose livelihood Is suipcndt-d during tho sentenco of tho cul prit A wife beater or a child beater Is properly convicted and punished But the punishment falls alio upon his family, dependent on the wages he cannot earn while serving his sentence. Women and children, too, are de terred from complaining against the bully and ruffian, because they prefer his blows and abuse to near starva tion. Many an Ill-used wife has begged the Judge to let her husband oft because while he Is In prison her babes will suffer. Money derived from fines or from labor of prisoners, the Btate can dispense with, provided It Is used to sup ply families with necessities until the brute is returned to society to make a living for his own. Monty thus AN .EXAMPLE Or PR00RK8D. N 18(0 Texas sold to the United Mate a strip of territory approximating; 100.000,. 000 acres for 110,000,000 Texas was larger then than she Is now and was In debt. Tho land was considered valuable and Tessa needed the money At an average valua tion of tlO an aero the land today would bo worth a billion dollars, As a matter or fact, sumo ot It Is worth stivers! times f 10 an acre and Is all the tlmo becoming more valuable. Titer was npinuUlon to the sale nt tho time, but It was Ineffective. Those who favored the sale contendrd that the land was worthless and that the United HUtea Government was buying an elephant The legislature thought It wise to sell, and the deal was put through. The territory sold now covers the eastern halt uf New Mexico, a comer of Oklahoma and Kansas and a strip of Colorado, If Texas had retained that land she would to-day bs about one-third larger and a billion dollars wealthier than at pre.ent The outcome Is a striking Illustration of the growth and progrras of this country. Louisville Courier-Journal. c J LIFE-8AVIN0 STATIONS 1'OR MINERS. ONGItKBB Is earnestly taking up tho ques tion ot making the life of a miner mora secure. The Federal Government has al ready taken some step In this direction, looking to the establishment of stations from which experts may go out to mines whore there has been a dlsaiter. One Senator name, Bailey, ot Texas has raised the ques tion of State rights To tho credit of all the other Sen ators, the question Is not raised This Government pro vides life-saving stations along the coast, both on salt water and on the Great Lake, and places there trained men, ready on a moment's notice to rush to the rou ot sailors and others Imperiled by the waters. Why not alio have these file-saving station's distributed prop, erly over the country, where they can go quickly U lave the Uvea of men In danger In mines? The work Is a good one and the country will bo gratified if slept are taken by our Congress to furthor promote thli work. Danville Commercial News. DO YOU BELIEVE IN 8IQN8r Omen Thai Foretell Weather anil Dream a That ManUr rate. In all tlmea superstitions hare had a powerful hold on men and women, high and low. Tho great Napoleon himself was a believer In omens, It Is chronicled. As times and knowledge have prog ressed most superstitions have been relegated to their proper sphore, the Boston Herald says, yet even to-day almost overy living being la prone to superstitious Influence, whether seri ously or more out of habit For In stance, bow many men choose thirteen as a designating number? Those who do believe the reverse ot the old vor- Ion. Below Is a list of tho commoner su perstitions, leaving out such as are In dally prominence. You may find your ' hobby" in tho list: Six weeks after you hear the first katydid look out for the frost Blow out the candle, and if tho wlek continues long to smolder look for bad weather. If It goes out quickly the weather will bo fair. When you bear (ho first frogs In tho spring you may know tho frost Is out of the ground. Tho last Friday of each month is tho almanac Index for the next month. If the weather be fair tho month will be likewise; If foul so will the month be. If It storms the first Sunday In the month It will storm every Sunday In the month. When a person kills a snnko ho docs well to consider what kind of weather he would like. If he hangs the snako up It will rain; It ho buries It tho weather will be fair. Rub a cat's back the wrong way, and If you sco the sparks It Is a sljm of cold weather, Tho bones of rheumatic persons ache when a storm Is brewing. When you find tea grounds floating in your cup you know tbat you are going to havo company. It the grounds are soft, It Is a woman who Is com ing; If hard, a man. If tho grounds are long tho person coming Is tall, If short tho visitor will bo short If you dream of falling and aro awakened by tho fancied Jar of land ing, it is a sign that you aro going to bo 111. If, however, you awako while still In midair you may bo assured you will contlnuo In good health. To dream of a funeral Is a sign ot a wedding. To dream ot a wedding J a sign of a funeral. If you dream of snakes it Is a sign you have an enemy. Let a young woman pin a four-leaf clovor over tho door and the first un married man who comes In tho door will be the ono sho Is to marry. Sleep with a ploce of wedding cako under your pillow for threo nights In succession and whatever you dream on tho third night will come to pass, Have you white marks on your nails? Put your hands together and repeat this rhyme while In succession you touch finger tips, beginning with thumbs: A friend, a foe, a gift, a beau, a Journey you go. Notice on which fin ger nails tho marks are and you will thus gain some Inkling of your future. Born on Monday, fair of face. Born on Tuesday, full ot God's grace. Born on Wednesday, merry ojut glad. Born on Thursday, sour and sad. Born on Friday, godly given. Born on Saturday, work for a living. Born on Sunday, never shall want So there's the week and the end on't To cut the finger nails on Sunday morning Is a sign you will do some thing you aro ashamed of before the week Is out Pass mo salt, pass me sorrow, It used to be a pretty sure sign that a man was conceited If ho went about with his hat brhn turned up In front If the bottom of your foot Itches you may know that you aro to step on strango lands. Put tho wrong foot out ot bed first when you get up In tho morning and you will bo cross all day. Always get up with right foot foremost Dqn't mnke a friend a gift ot a knife, for, according to every authority versed In sign lore, It you do, It will cut your friendship. When you have tho rheumatism carry a potato In your pocket Tho po tato will become hard after a time and bollovcrs In Its vlrtuo affirm that this Is becauso of the rheumatism It has absorbed. To find a horseshoe In tho road Is a sign of good luck. Early to bed and early to rlio makes a man healthy, wealthy nnd wise. When you seo a shooting star, It you can say "Money boforo the wcekMut" threo times before It laostislfcht ot you will havo somo moiwyltjeforrfh wcok Is out. ''Tr'ftjLr' It Is a sign you are g.o)to1 rich If you tumblo upstnlm. ' Sneozo twlco when yotftflfsVgelsuD and you will hear of a dtal-Lbefore tho night , .m. In all lands rnvens 'antfeows, Jm'vo been considered birds of JJIJtticn!. p Tho natives of Injla.btfl-vo that elephants have a relljrton 24 form ot worship. ffl 4 A gront many country peat e, beHe'ro that tho screeching pfft i wj Indi cates Impending calaiallyjftfe, '-'t g In Dalmatla It Is 'p&i jqetffagiy auspicious omen for Art: ,c i sleszo when a brldo enters (WHfei& In WaloB It Is bellove'd tliit lrnnv one kills u wren he will fall Mown" and break a bono bcfon)"tfce ) b( tho year. , rl , - In almost every country .Usofkowlinir of a dog Is regarded ai a b jeiaen, generally predicting death to some per son ot the household. In Frsnee It Is believed that the set tling of a white pigeon upon a chimney Is a sign of speedy death for some onn In the house. There Is a superstition among the negroes of the south that to meet a frog Is a lucky Incident, Indicating tbat the one thus favored Is about to receive money from some unespected quarter. It Is a favorite superstition in Knt Isnd thst the bacon or swlno killed In the waning ot the moon will wsito away In tho process of curing or cook ing much more than baron of hogs killed while the moon is growing. SAFES IN BIO HOTELS. Valuable Keul In Tkrw It (Inttla for Vrwr at a Time. A woman walked Mp to tho counter of a fashionable hotel and asked for a packago of valuables which was In tha safe. "If I had not wanted ono partlrular thing I supposo I should have left the package where It was for another threo years," she said to tho clerk "Yes," said tho clerk In answer to a question after the woman left, "tost packet had really been In our safe lor three years. Why, we- havo all sorts of valuable pnpors. Jewelry and even money that aro Intrusted to our keep ing for years at a tlmo. People seem lo prercr a holel sar to a safety de posit vault. Ono reason perhaps Is that It costs nothing. Another Is tbst tho standard of hotel clerks has Im proved. "It Is astonishing the amount of Jsw olry that people keep In hotel safes. Ot courso the owners have orlglnslly stopped In the hotel, but they go away, leaving their valuables, and I havo known such persons to bo gone as much ns two years and nover make an Inquiry about their property In tbst tlmo. "To show you how much confidence people havo In hotels and tholr em ployes I might mention that tho other day n mnn came In hero and put four 11,000 bills In an envelope, wroto his nomo on tho lattor and asked mo to put It In the safe. Not long ago an other man actually did tho samo thins with soven 110,000 bills." Tho clorka of several other hotels talked In n similar strain without any outsldo suggestion. "I'll bet I havo handled moro than ft million dollars' worth of jowclry to day," said ono. "Look horo," nnd ho opened tho safo and piled six or eight blg'Jowelry ensos on tho countor, but hurriedly put thorn back, "In ono of those- I know thero Is ovor 1200,000 worth, nnd what I showed you was only a fow of what tho safo contains." Now York Bun. Tho only rellablo confidant in the world Is your pillow, and look under tho bed boforo you confldo In your pH low, .: i