The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 04, 1910, Image 1

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Remember Tonight's
Booster Meeting.
NO. 8
Tom Richardson Pclcd by Bend
Commercial Club.
I Hoostlng Material, Method anil Rt
Hull Dlacuiscd In Many Happy
SpeechesLarge and IJnlliu-
Italic Company.
l'lfly banqueters crowded around
the board at (he Pilot llutlc Inn
Tuesday evening to do lionor to
Tom Richardson, manager of the
1'ortlnnd Commcrclnl Club and pub
llclty agent for Oregon In general,
'11.. ...l.t... a....... ....... I i .. .1...
A lie iHuiea nut hiihiikvu III liiw
conventional U shape and rvcry
scat was filled. The llend lund
"poured through their mellow
horns their pensive souls" In uu
adjoining parlor, adding umtcrlally
to (he pleasure of the occasion.
The menu was excellent in quality
nud service, the speeches entertain
lug and illuminating and cnlhtt
slasin abounded.
Midway of the menu the speak
ItiK began. Alter an introductory
remark by Tooatmastcr Lawrence,
C. S. Hudson, President of the
IJcnd Commercial Club, spoke of
promotion work and Its results and
heartily commended the efforts of
.the guests of honor. Manager
Prank Robertson, of the Hcnd
Townsltc Co., presented Ilcnd's
basis for growth and expressed his
confidence in a vastly bigger Hcnd.
A. M. Drake ran acmwini to Inter
cstlng reminiscence and compar
isous of the olden time with the
present. In forecasting Hcnd ten
years hence A. O. Hunter made a
; spirited and convincing address,
Hiving such reason for the faith
rthat- was in him that everybody
rcheercd vociferously. Guy I
Dobson, the Redmond banker.
representing the Commercial Club
I of that town, expressed his pleas
tire at the evidence of neighborly
I good will and gave assurance that
Redmond would work hand in
.hand with Ikud in measures for
the development of the Deschutes
country. George P. Putnam spoke
of the publicity work In Hcnd and
fin Orronn. and the n.ninlilretit nr.
?f-auizatlon of it by Tom Rlchatd
rfaon. Then Mr. Richardson gave a
ling, citing the numerous benefits
i flowing from such effort and extol
ling the opportunity for pitch work
In Central Oregon, Ills chierad
mess was reserved for the meeting
iln Lara's ball tonight.
Following Is the menu and the
order of the exercises:
Olympla Oyster CockUlU
Celery Lettuce Olive
Cretin ot Celery Soup
"Columbia River Smelt"
Ctcitned Lobster Haiti!
Spring Broiler a It Maryland
(Creamed Asparagus Tipi I'rench Peat
, Potatoes tu Oratln
Pineapple Sherbet Sugar Walcrt
Cafe Nolr
tllent Water Cracker Roquefort Cliecic
Cigar Cigarettes
If Mr. Drake Does nut lliilld Others
Will On So.
It lias not yet Ihicii 'determined
whether A. M Drukc, (or the Pi
lot Hutte Dcvilopiucut Co ) will re
tiiilld t lie sawmill. Hint property
wna not Included In the purchase of
the Hcnd Townsitc Co,, whose
holdings nrc on the cast side of the
river entirely, therefore the town
site co in puny liml no Interest in the
sawmill iiioiicrly. Hut it Is inter
ested In having n sawmill operating
here to turn nut building material
nud If the Pilot Untie company
finer, mil remind iiuuiciiiiieiy uir
townsitc compiiiy w'll see th it
some one else does This whs mi
nniiuccd by Muungcr Frank R .1
ertsoii at (he lun(ikt Tiic-dii)
ulght, nud he is making plans iu
cording ly.
Warns Irritation Company to (let
Busy st Once,
A S.ilcm dispatch to the Oregon
iau reads:
Salkm, Or. .April ss.Att inrellnu of
me wesert i.aiiu uoani una aiicrnoou it
waa determined to notify the Portland
Irrigation Company and the Deschutes
Irrigation flc rower Conituy to pro
ceed with ilieir rrcUuiatloii project
wlllilu do day.
In case the companies tail to make
nunc substantial showing wltliln the
lime specified, tlic Ixwnl will et date
not Icm than todays from the expiration
of the 6o-day period, when t sale of the
uncompleted work of the companies
will tc held, the money tint rcalUcd to
icverl to the state treasury.
The aiale ha Uiree contract with the
Deschutes Irrigation & Ppwer Company,
Including over IJ0.() aciea of land.
The concern I now In the liamUof a re
celver, and alncc a tale of the company's
property apprara to be Inevitable the
board drslrea to putli the matter along
a rapidly a possible, o that Ihrrc
may Ik; no unuecetury delay In having
(he land, which It now In crratdeinsmi,
placed on the market. The project la
In the Deschutes valley, und u infer one
of the contract coruldcrablc work ha
been done. Including the building of all
main canal and tome of the main later
-. fmy
I ar an m .,- irf .BmawjjBV kkAHBHOhaK. H Jar X
" VBs JKaViHl ' "" m&
v iigHMn v- -s ( 1 1
coracT FOR
Construction Tlirougli lend
Pormally Authorized.
J. M. Lawrence.... ToaituiMter
The Commercial Club C. S. Iludaou
B I'lgKer Ilciid l'rauk Kobcrtaou
rlio llealnulug of Ilcml....A. M. Drake
feu Year from Now .A. O. Hunter
IfctottlnR lltnd.. George Palmer Putnam
H63ttli4g Oregon, , ,..,Toni Klctinrtlaoii
The banquet era included the fob
f.. II. Radctlffo. J. T. Rohtiifton. C. S.
jIIudKJn. II. C. Kill, 1'. Dement, It. A.
S4lber, C. A. Chapman, Dr. Merrill, I,.
II. Iiairu, M, (i. UK, w, II. Statu, J. N.
Hunter. I). 11. I'errell. It Nliwonucr.
I J P. Arnold, C. 1). Ilrowu, A. M. Ira,
! A. A. Aldrlduc, Oeo. HoblM, J, lUtea, .
:A Vye, I', Kobertioii, O. r. Putnam,
:c. I. Boicll, 8. J. Spencer, II. Itr Allen.
LC. M. Redfleld. H. O. Oould, II. P Me
IDohald, W, V. Orcutt, 1'. C. Rowlee,
' I..IL Weutndy, W. H. Sellcti, I D
! Wieit, II. J, Ovcrturf, J. S. rarmlnter,
'J.. L. llynic, Percy Ilrackett, J. M. Uw
irjiice, a. ai. make, 1'. o. Aiiuor. W. M.
bm, I), U. Poit, .O. II. Walker, D.
Pfiardncr. C. I). Rowe. A. C. I.urai. O.
F(Va!dscliinl(h, A. O. Hunter, II, O.
,TUUU nuu .UJ 4. UUUMIll VI ncillliuittl,
Thisv mornliiK Mr. Richardson
i was taken bv Prauk Robertson for
!ati auto drive to the high plains
and this afternoon Up the west aide
Nof the river to Hen ham falls.
Letter Received by Commercial Club
Prumlacs 2,000 Copies.
ST. 1'AUU Minn., April sand, loio,
Secretary Commercial Club, Iknd, Ore.
Dear Sir: In compliance with a tele
Krtphlc request received from our A
iitant General I'relght and l'cii;er
AKent, Portland, Ore., Mr. II, A. Jack
on, I ahall end to you by cxpreta with
in a few daya J.uoo coplca of our pam
phlet entitled "Opening up Central Ore
gou." I understand you can uc thrte
to good advautaKc in an wering lnqul
rle relative to the opportunity of the
houter-ceker in your vicinity.
I'leaie note that Hcnd and the agri
cultural territory lying In Crook County
I given particular mention in till pam.
phlet. We have already distributed In
the neighborhood of jo.oco of these leaf
lets "ml the new edition of 15.000 will
be received from the printer thia week.
Till I our opening ruii In the exploi
tation of Central Oregon.
We are very much interested In per
pling the vacant agricultural land in
Crook County with Intelligent farmer
who will render the soil productive, and
Increase the wealth ot that territory.
Wc are at present at work on a larger
and more comprehensive booklet de
icriblug the Dctctmlca Valley. In it
Hcnd and Crook County will of course
receive prominent mention.
All Hnthune Over (lood Things. Rep
etition Hoped Tor.
The cafeteria supper given by
the Library Club in Lara's hall last
Thursday night proved a notable
success, nveryonc was there and
everyone had the best kind of a
time as well as the best kind or a
feed, aud the club, it is reported,
fared well too, for some $80.00 was
added to the Library's treasury by
the entertainment. So great was
the success and so much were the
uood "eats" enjoyed by those prcs
cut, (especially the Hungry Uach
etors) that it is understood an iult
lativc petition for the repetition of
the affair is under consideration,
Two Stations South of Utnd,
David Hilt this week gave ten
acres of this homestead, between C.
H. Allen's and John Atkinson's,
lor a railroad station on the Ore
gon Trunk Railway, and will plat
Townsltc Company Will Provide
Special Building.
The Bulletin Will Erect New Structure
on Wall Street Immediately Sev
eral Dwelling to Oo Up In
the Very Near Future.
This is
nboirt 20
ed to th4
to be us
side trac
lands for a townsite.
near the Deschutes river
miles above Ikud.
Johnson on Monday deed
Oregon Trunk Railway
ps of his timber claim.
T- - .- ,. ,,
quarter of u tulle south
from Wetweather spring,
(i tor railroad station aim
Thia will be the first
station Aouth of Hcnd, in a fine
The Hcnd Townsitc Company
will erect a building for the local li
brary, 011 the lot next south of the
D. I. & P. office on Wall street.
The new library building will face
and be directly across the qtrcct
from the new structure to be put
up by The Bulletin. It will prob
ably be 30x40 feet. The main
room will be about 30 feet long and
there will be' a smaller room at the
rear for storing fuel and for pack
ing. This building will be con
structed as soon as the men and
materials can be procured and is
expected to be ready for occupancy
within 3d days The library must
leave its present quarters, where it
has been rent free for the past three
years, anu temporarily will occu
py tne lower room in the Johnson
building. The Townsite company
will provide their new quarters free
of cost to the library, Manager
Robertson being heartily in sym
pathy with such agencies for the
betterment or the community.
John W. While is about to erect
a two-story frame building on Ore
gon street at the rear of his meat
market, the ground floor to be used
for the post office nnd the upper
floor for a lodge room by the Mod
ern Woodmen of America and the
Knights of Pythias. The depart
ment allows only $15 a month rent
for postofficcs of the Hcnd class.
This is not sufficient to pay rent on
the main business street and for
that rea&on the office must co to a
side street. The new nostoffice
will occupy a space 36x46 feet aud
it is understood that it will remain
in the new building two to three
years, though no formal lease to
that effect has been made. The al
lowance for rent will Increase as the
grade of the office is advanced, aud
White will get all that is allowed,
The government has already glveti
permission for the removal of the
office to the new building when it
sunn oc completed.
County Clerk Can't Supply Flan Li
censes Fastiinouch,
Hither Ueud folks are fishing
more than ever before or they are
becoming- more respectful of the
majesty of the law, for already a
greater number of fish licenses have
been issued than ever before, II,
J. Overturf, dtputy county clerk,
who equips piscatorial artists with
official fishing permission at one
dollar each, has issued 150 licenses
since the opening of the season.
called upon County Clerk Brown
for help, and received the following
la it polbte that the people at liend
cat iioiiiiuk out mil' 1 nave no more
hook on hand to forward to you but
will kikI an order by tomorrow' mall
to rortland, and, at toon a they arrive
here, I will Imuideiately forward a tup
ply to you. Warbrn IIkoww,
Countr Clerk.
Mrs. Drake writes from Pasadena
an interesting account of-the efforts
put forth to save trees in the streets
of that California city. On liveoak
in Orange Grove avenue has been
treated by a tree doctor for five
weeks in the effort to preserve it.
He dug about the roots and laid
pipes to drain tjie soil, chained the
uranencs togctucr wuere tuey
threatened to break or separate,
cleaned out an old hollow in the
trunk and filled it with cement, like
a big hollow tooth, trimmed the
branches and otherwise put it in
condition fur growth. Now new
leaves are coming out and every
body concerned is happy in the be
lief that the tree will continue to
live in the middle of the street and
contribute a beauty that otherwise
would be lost. Every available
tree is thus kept to preserve the
touch of nature, without which all
beauty is barren.
Mrs. Drake recently made the as
cent of Mt. Wilson with a party of
Irieuds, acquiring plenty of exer
cise nnd more or less thrilling ex
perience, though she says it was
tame in comparison with Indian
Henry's trail up Mt. Rainier or the
Mer dc Glace.
Oregon Trunk Railway Contractors (o
Put Large Force in this F clJ Im
mediately and I'usli 10 Com
pletion without Delay. '
Hcnd Too Proaalc For Correspondsnt.
How About "Lerwrch?"
What's in a name? Well, a
whole lot according to the writer of
the below published letter. He
would have us bid farewell to the
old Hend and adopt mouth-filling
"Oreapolis" or even "Lenork"
which makes one a bit homesick
for the New Jersey metropolis.
roKLAND, Oregon, April 27th, 1910.
Rend Commercial Club, Bend, Oregon,
Ceutlemen: I have been very much in
terested recently in reading about the
promised development ot the Deschutes
Valley, and from what I learn it seems
that llend 1 the location for one of the
treat cities of that region. Put don't
you think that the name "Bend" U go
ing to prove a handicap? They tay.l
"Wbtt't In a name," but after all, tlon'jj
you tiiinic a more pretenttou title
would help your growth? '
Now, there' "Lenark." How it that
for a name? Lcwit and Clark ought to
have tome memorial like that out bvic
In the West. Or, better ttlll how
about "Oreapolis"? l U formed like
Indianapolis and Minneapolis, from part
ot the tttte name and the Greek ending
'-apolla." GltOKOKj STANDISlt
O. T. Railway Mapa Fried.
Tile Oregon Trunk line hat filed It
mapa through the Klamath Indian res
ervation with the Indian agent at Klam
ath 1'altt, who upon hit approval will
tend them on to the Comuils'.ioUiif In
dian attain, iu Washington, D. C. It it
expected to ttke tome time for the maps
to go through the necesitry channels.
The Ilarriman Detchutea road haa not
at yet received permission to build
throufih the Warm Spring Indian res
ervation, but the couiptuy filed its ttlp-
ulntiont lit compliance with the Interior
department'! wishes tome time ago, and
As reported in The bulletin ex
tra of last Wednesday evening, the
Goal preparatory step in the build
ing of the Oregon Trunk railway
has been taken. The contract for
the construction of 135 miles of
railroad from Madras via Bend to
the Klamath Indian Reservation
011 that date was awarded to H C.
Henry of Seattle.
The terms of the contract call for
the completion of grading by Janu
ary ut, iQir, while construction is
to be undertaken on the entire
length of the work at once. It is
believed that the big bid fell to
Henry for about $4,000,000, al
though the figure is more or less
simply the guess work of those fa
miliar with the work, no announce
ment having been made by either
contractor or railroad company.
contractor Henry is the man
who established the record for
rupid railroad construction in push
lug the Pacific Coast extension of
the Milwaukee system through
from Butte, Mont, to Puget Sound,
ijoo miles, in three years. Hen
ry's local representatives say that
if they are successful in getting the
number of men they want they will
make another new record in build
ing this second link in the Oregon
The 135 miles of coastractioa
covered by this new contract is the
longest stretch of work yet let out
by the O. T. Ry. Porter Brothers
have 109 miles of road to build
from Celilio to Madras. With the
exception of the Crooked River
bridge Henry is to do all the work
from Madras to the Reservation;
the bridge itself will be installed by
the railroad company.
On this stretch of road there will
be no heavy fills or deep cuts, no
expensive bridges and no serious
grades to climb, so that construc
tion will be comparatively rapid.
One per cent i to be the maximum
adverse grade, 90 pound rails will
be UM-d and the conditions of the
contract cull for the construction of
1 thoroughly first class road which
will be practically a replica of the
tomous "North Bank '' By the
first of next year the Hill system
will have 335 mites of railroad in
Central Oregon, and, will have: ex
pended over $,ood. It is
onfidently expected that long be
fore the completion of the projected
jonatructkn now contracted for bv
Henry work on the southeasterly
road from Bend will Ik undertak
en, location survrvs for which now
practically ire rn.itp-eted to the
Ii'iho line
R-- enug to the rnilriMd building,
the Portland Telegram says:
The most Important town on the en
tire line from the present northern ter
minus to the southerly end of the exten
sion that will be tapped Is Bead. The
Oregon Trunk already own consid
erable property In and around Bend and
affiliated corporation are baildiagtaw
mill for the purpose of working- up the
many billion of feet of tinvber Ism!!.
atelr adjacent to the town. The mam
mothl). J. P. Irrigation project will be
tapped by the new extension tad direct
aecet td a huge empire of undeveloped
agricultural and eraxint- land will be
May Um Om Track.
The Portland Journal of last Fri
day hod the foIlewiBg:
Hill and Ilarriman Interest will enter
Central Oregon over one line of rail
through the Detchute can job. The
strife i patt. John V. Steves, repre
senting Mr. Hill' interest, uil JuJge
Lovett, head of the Ilarrioan Hue, ratet
In Chicago recently and decided to
construct one line through the ragged
gorge, to be used jointly by the two
Till I the word that comes to Port
land from an authoritative source. It I
backed up by the fact that the Ilarri
man construction force along the Des
chutes canyon are being; reduced and
work 1 not being pushed at energetic
ally as before by the Harriaun people.
Engineer Kyle of the Oregoa
Trunk staff, came in from Portland
Tuesday and went up -the lm to
take charge of work in the Cres
cent section. He said ike -Kory of
the two railroads combinta? for use
of one track in the Deschutes can
yon was utterly without feaada-tton.
Teams Wanted.
The Pilot Butte Development Com
pany can give employment to a number
of men with teams and wagtail, either by
the day or for a period, baiHing rock for
the dam and miscellaneous work.
Apply at office of P. B. D. Co., corner
Wall and Ohio street.
Stf Thk P. B. D. Ce.
lEe First National Bank
Or. U. O. 00. Pr-.sld.nt E. A. SATHCR. Vic. PraaMant
O. 8. HUDSON, Cashltr
Capital fully paid ... tM.OOfl
ntockholdart' liability 6.0ee
surpiu ..... u.ees
The Pint National Bank of Bend is under the supervision of
the United States Government; just as much a part thereof aa
the postotSce; examined in detail by a U. S. National Bank
examiner twice each year. Everyone knows how exacting the
Government is. Our sworn report are published in The Bul
letin at least five timet each year you know oar exact con
dition every three months.
Vour business with us Is strictly private.
Our financial condition is a matter of public record.
Alt officers and employees under bond. We are insured
against lots by fire, burglar or daylight hold-upa.
The BanklnH business with us la not an experiment.
The utauagemeut of this Bank affords you the benefit of
ten years actual Banking experience.
Our Directors are all well known local business men who
have succeeded in their respective lines of business; men who
know every man, woman and child In thlt part ot Crook coun
ty; men who know your wants and want your businM,
Our record speaka for Itself; thirteen months in bnainesa
and we have increased the number of our depositors froai.t72
to 531. Our deposits have Increased from $53,379 33 to over
JtKJo.ccaoa, and our total resources are oyer ONU QUARTKX.
Wc, have made every legitimate loan offered us in these
thirteen mouths; through our connections in the BasfW
have been carrying over $15,000 in real ettate loans, and al
waya have some money on hand to loan for them en geed"
llend property. ;
Advertise it pays,
limber bcVt,
it it tuppoied that the map will be ap.
proved wou.
Witu his supply exhausted he