The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 27, 1910, Image 4

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Thf4 WQtbt.rt.MW........
(lBilbtf In aiWant,)
WUDNltSDAY, Al'lUI, 37, tgto
Klsewhcrc hi this Issue is pub
iished n letter from a settler on the
upper Deschutes. The writer's
ptirposc, apparently, is to stmul up
for what he conceives to be the
downtrodden rights of his locality.
That is well. With the laudiblc
, desire to obtain pron;r credit and
' publicity for ihc undoubted re
sources and possibilities of the up.
per Deschutes country The Ilullctjn
is In full accord. It is perhaps true
t lint our columns have Wen some
what barrea of "up rim" news.
However, the lault tor this nppar
cn neglect is not entirely our own.
At various times ciTott has been
made to secure correspondence from
"up river" dwellers, but to no
avail. ' Since the receipt of this let
ter its writer has been urged to keep
us in touch with the "doings" of
his section as do tits citizens of
other adjacent territory; and it has
been made clear toliim, as to others,
that at all times the columns of
The Bulletin arc open to communi
cations and all pertinent news.
Why The Bulletin is accused of
deliberately "knocking" the upper
Deschutes country we arc at a loss
to comprehend. The files of the
last six months contain not a word
derogatory to that region. It is a
splendid territory. It meadows arc
green and its timber plentiful, as
'states our correspondent. 01 its
character there is no more desira
ble land in all Orcgou. A promis
ing irrigation enterprise is under
way near Roslaud, and quite doubt
less much of the timber near the
"Big Meadows" may be milled
there. Success and prosperity there
is infinitely desirable, not only for
the local residents but for those of
'True, much prominence has bcrn
given the "juniper plains;" de
servedly we are pioud of the devel
opment irrigation has affected in
this hitherto "dry and arid desert,"
to borrow an over-vehement expres
sion of oar correspondent's. Not
quite a "desert," however, when
one notes the yields of the Powell
Butt un-irrigated acres: yields In
graiis, root crops and even fruit
which hold their own In compari
soa with those of any of the famous
"dry farming" districts of the
West. Again, the homestead land
to the southeast are accorded much
attention; and why not? Do thev
not offer the greatest opportunity
for the acquisition of free land to
be found anywhere, is not their
rapid settlement aiding Bend's de
velopment today, and will not Bend
be enriched by the future cultiva
tion of their hundreds of thousands
of dormant acres?
"There are two billion feet of
yellow pine in Crook county," says
our correspondent. There are, in
fact, at least seven end probably
ten billion feet, the greater part ol
which is in the Dochutes country
How much of it will be milled at
Bend and how much, in tributary
mills "up river" is problematical;
its shipment from Bend on the Hill
eastern line will be the chief factor
in the location of the central manu
facturim; point.
"If you cannot say a good word
for as why say a bad one?" winds
up the malcontent. No one has
ld a "bad" word There is suf
ficient volume to the grand anvil
chorus without-The Bulletin or an
other paper taking upon itself the
"knocking" of its home territory.
own Hast. Not only will Mark
Twain's fainc,'lt,ve as the greatest
humorist of his one, but his mem
ory will be cherished in America as
that of n man of lofty Ideals and a
wt'tcr who has done more tlmn any
other of his time to raise to deserved
prominence American letters.
News dispatches Irom New York
chronicle, with some exultation,
the specdiness with which young
Woltcr, a degenerate murderer, (Tas
been found guilty and will be sen
tenced to the electric chair. Addi
tionally, it is recorded that the trial
aroused almost us much interest as
did that of Thaw some years ago
Walter was sentenced quickly. Per
haps that is n crctllt to our chronic
ally slow-moving justice. Thaw's
trial dragged through many revolt
ing mouths, and resulted iu little
beside enormous expense to the
state. Therein lies the difference.
Thaw Is a rich, "well-connected"
gentleman, Woltcr a poverty-strick
en noucutityt llie comparison
may be unjust, but it serves n pur
pose in contrasting the celerity of
the law's action.
Next week Bend will have an
opportunity tp display the "boost
ing" spirit which is doing so much
10 win the wide-spread prominence
accorded the town, On Wednes
day evening Tom Richardson will
address n meeting of Bend citizens.
This is his first visit and he is ex
pecting much; let us justify his ex
pectation not only by turning out
ourselves to give him an enthusi
astic welcome, but by making It a
paint to sec that all of our friends
and neighbors also are on hand to
boost Bend.
C reticent Publishes Leaflet,
The Central Oregon Improve
ment Company, the organization
interested iu the towusttc of Cres
cent, formerly known as Odell, has
just published an attractive little
leaflet descriptive of the possibilities
of the new town.
"Crescent, the Junction Cltv," I
the title of the folder, brief extracts
from which herewith nte given:'1
The towimlle U tltuMcd out the l.lttle
frcichutea Hlver, on tlie Oregon Trmtl
railway nml nt the Intersection of till
Hue with the Natron-Vale line mid the
KlnmMli lUll line of the Southern Pa
cific, li It mo mile from KImiirIIi
1'ulU; II j miles rt of Hiinmc: ilatnllct
touth of Ccllto; 5a tulte nouth of llciid
ami 63 iii.Im wetof Silver Lake.
(Jtc,eut U located ill the very heart
of the erent yellow lne timber belt of
the upper Dctchulct Valley. Many mil
lion of feet of tula valuable and eailly
milled lumber will tx chipped hence,
the mill iiiduatry iUelt nurlii; impo.
log payroll.
In addition to having a great timber
tract tributary to It a a resource, Crc.
cent U located at the upper end of the
Deaclmlea Irrigation project, embracing
lS.000 nereis work 011 which la now pro
grewlng. h. V. Wakefield is the manager
of the new townsitc enterprise.
It Is fortunate for the 'feelings of
Haltey's comet that 'the celestial
visitor makes its appearance before
Roosevelt returns to America.
Should the two arrivals coincide
the comparative insignificance of
the comet speedily would relegate
it to popular oblivion.
They are planting lobsters down
in Yaquina Bay. Which reminds
us of the story of a young man who
entered a quick lunch restaurant
and asked which was the counter
tor lODSicr. "You may sit any
where," replied the presiding dam
For Sauk. lfox typewriter.
Cheap. Address postofiice box nt.
Pine needles and tin cans a spec
ialty. City Dkav. m
The Men's Toggery is surely the
place to buy your men and boys
The Bend baseball team will give
a dance iu Lara's hall on l'riday
Wantud. Span of young mares,
weight about 1300. Also one rid
ing pony. Inquire Auue barn, tf
For Salk. Pianos, oue at Mrs.
B. R. Riley's, the other at Sher
wood Bros., Redmond. Inquire at
cither plane. tf
Mrs. Bess T. Baker took the
prize us best pastry cook iu Crook
county. She always uses Cleve
land s Baking Powder.
Last Sunday's Oregon Journal
contained a long illustrated article
ou the .Deschutes Valley and Bend
from the pen ol U. P. Putnam.
French & Butts have just receiv
ed a complete stock of boys' shoes,-
overalls, etc. Come in and let us
show you where you can save money
by patronizing us.
r 2
How about
a Fourth of July
Bids Wasted.
The undersigned desires sealed
bids for the painting of three school
houses, three wood sheds, and six
closets. All bids must be sub
mitted not later than May a, 1910
For further particulars, address
W. G. Fordiiam, Clerk,
6-7 Rosland, Or.
Warm weather makes the loss by
fire greater. Arc you insured? We
represent only the best and largest
Insurance Companies in the United
States. Let us write your Insur
ance. The First National Bank of
A copy of the Minneapolis Tri
bune of April 30th, was sent to W.
B. Sellers, containing a full page
advertisement of Hillman. The ad
fairly bristled with all kinds of ex
travagant claims for the proposed
Subscribe for The Bulletin.
A Letter of Protest,
ltdlturof The He ml IhiUetln. Dear
Sir: If yotiran iparca few minute of
mir time I wlh you would pcrunc till
I'lrM, I wWli you to undcmtaml clearly
that t am tint knocking llvnd. Hut It
aveiua that the real litnte dealer nml
The tlulletin ate knocking this country
for all they nte worth, nml t would like
tn know the ground therefor.
Voti certainly will allow that no city
can very well thrive of lUelf alone, but
I more or l' dependent upon the sur
rounding country; mid again you ltould
remember that the aettlcr on the itpjvt-r
Dctrltutc nearly all go to lleml for their
Kupple. Tina luiulil 1 worth ome
coutlderatloui we nte not competing
against llend lit any way hut are, entirety
at your mercy.
You hoat of your gteat country lying
north and eat of you but not even a
word of condolence for the tcttlcri of
the valley tout It of you. And nbout the
country of which you aie to proud, what
wa It a few year ago? A dry and nrld
ilereit, thnt' all. Hut you have Irriga
tion now, mi It U no longer a dccrt but
juniper plains -so inya The llullcthi.
Well, t wlnh them 110 harm but hope
they continue to thrive and rle good
And alxml your timber resource.
Last winter The llultetltt made the state
ment that there two billion feet of yel
low pine tributary to Item), that would
undoubtedly Ih tawed at Ilelid. Where
Hall this timber? There are two billion
feet of yellow pine here Iu Crook county
but that It will I sawed at lleml l too
large to go down easy. You have had
capital to develop your vicinity and to
boost with, whereas we have had noth.
Ing but knock and wc could not thrive
very well on them.
Hut if some of you will only come up
here when it it all dried upon the juui
per plaint and kc Mime of our green
meadow that grow without Irrigation,
you might change your opinion about us
and our country
We have some timber up here loo, arid
It it not likely that ft will lie sawed al
Demi cither, for we also happen to have
mint fine mill sites of our own. All we
ask i for people to come and see for
themselves that the juniper plaint is
not the only plce on earth.
And again, If you cannot say a good
word for us, why say a had one? Try
and adopt the old motto, "Live and let
I wish you would publish till and let
the people know our sentiments.
Very truly your,
A SonscaiUKK.
lleml, Or., April a, 1910.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to eiprcts through the col
umns of The Bulletin our sincere appre
ciation and thank to all thote who so
faithfully and efficiently assisted In pre
venting the total destruction of our lum
ber yard and dry kild by fire ou Satur
day morning.
Pilot tluTTx DxYKLorxKNT Co.
Notice to Water Users.
The uie of water for lawn sprinkling
will tie permitted between the hour of
7 and S a. in. and 6 and 8 p. m. Sprink
ling street in front of private property
I forbidden.
Knforccment of tbesc regulation will
be strict in consideration of the" laryr
increase of consumption aud the present
limited auppty.
Dkkd Watxr. Light & Powkk Co.
Best Wheat Land
from llciid to the lands nml return for nil who locate.
Write for Particular, to"
Merrill $ Wilkinson Company
The Deschutes
Banking and Trust Company
Cnpltnl $15,000 Pnlly Paid
Courteous treatment and all the privileges consistent
with fjixxl hanking extended to patrons.
Call and gel acquainted with our methods.
The Deschutes Banking and Trust Company
L. II. IMIRD, Pre. J. W. MASTHR8, Vice I're.
M. O. COIL Cahlcr.
SJBiuel Luuihoru Clemens, the
"Mark Twain" known and loved
in every quarter of the reading
world, ts dead. No American man
of letters has acquired a broader
hoc a wore deservedly lasting fame
than that accorded this typically
Yank geatlesaat, reared in the
gwatk South, mottlded ia the sturdy
days of the ptoattr West, and finaj
lyv after tke keenest of struggles
wkk adversity, cowing into hb
heritage of fame and prosperity
aamg tke choicest spirits of our
Bend Townsite Company
Plats of our three new additions are nearing completion
and lots will be offered for sale in about ten days.
Radcliffe Bros. Auto Co.
Between Sbaniko and Bend and All Interior
Points of Central Oregon.
Address: BADCUiTE BROS. AUTO CO. feat, Orej.
Now Cars 40 Horsepower Velio Reliable Driver
This tract includes all the
land adjoining the origin
al townsite on the east and
contains 725 lots. It is
what is known as the Ta
bor tract. This is very
desirable residence proper
ty, commanding a beauti
ful view of the mountains.
This includes all the land
adjoining the original
townsite on the south and
southwest. It will be the
NOB HILL of Bend.
There are 880 choice resi
dence lots in this addition
and all will be sold with
building restrictions.
This addition adjoins the
original townsite on the
north and Lytic, acre tracts
on the south. It con
tains 52 lots and is all
strictly inside property
for residence, business
and warehouse purposes.
All streets are CO and SO feet wide and lots 50x140 with '20-foot alleys
except as noted. Water mains will be extended to all our property.
BUSINESS LOTS. We stiI1 have for sa,e 80 choice business
lots. Prices and terms are reasonable.
Correspondence Solicited.
Corner Wall and Ohio Streets. Nos. 420, 421 Failing Bldg.
; jt
Hotel Bend
Corner Oond and Ortgon Si.
Rates $2 and $2.50 n Day
HUGH O'KANE, Manager
Bend Liw
Feed & Stable Co.
All Orders protapftyMMv
Harsc Uoueht atvrf
r mmm
erctl. Order Lv Phone Mn ,n
- - v.. iw w
tight and heavy Horses for Sale.
I' I