The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 27, 1910, Image 3

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    I ,
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' ' W BBWBW Wat-- - sjaaasa
oiiAi-rnit in. (tviiuimtr.t.)
Untlem hnd nlnied nnd before
linr of III companion camo up ha
1im1 nlunuoil hla knife III tlia nnlmnl'ii
J "Hurrnhl Ilrnvol" almulari Johnson
fluid llm doctor, lull I InUorrtn atood rout
iii1 unoxcttod, gaslng "t 111" proalrnle
I The
Frir 1,6
benat wn very fill, nmt wolh
tOO pound. Tlia liuntere worn mi
ffnmlshed (lint (tiny hud hnrdly patlenon
in cm up inn rnrcns una rnrry nnme
(tin flesh (u lio cooked. It needed nil
tli doctor' perniinaloii to prevent
Hum entlng II rilK.
On entering tlia hut, they were
truck with tlia coldness of tlia atmos-
phara. Tint lire wni out. The exalt-
ling luminal of tlia morning Imd mada
ponnaon neglect 111 acciiatnmai nuty.
Tlia doctor not llm tlndar nnd naked
Johmon for t)ie alaal,
Tlia inllor want through hla pookata
nnd searched the hut. T!J ateel wna
"Not got thn eleall" Ilia doctor re
peated, ahurtderlng. "I.ook ugnln."
Mlut It win noun,
"Thla la a, aorloua tiualnaaa, doctor,
aid llatteraa, gravely,
Knch aat looking lit the other, nnd
t death. It was serious, Than Ilia
doctor aprang to hla fret
"An Ida tin occurred to mo."
"What!" ld Hnttera.
" 11 a mnk a en."
"With Ira."
"We'll try It. Ilrlnir your hntehoL
A good.slxed plara waa aoon out off,
about a foot In dlameler, nnd tha doc
tor aal to work. Ha chopped It Into
rough ahapn with the hatohet, than
with hla knife, making aa amooth a
aurfaca na possible. Ha flnlahed tha
pollahlnK process with hi finger, rub
Mn a; nMay until ha had obtained a, lana
na trniiapnrant rryatnl
Tha aim waa hlnln, tha tlndar wna
held beneath the Ire Ian to entch the
roye, In n few second" It took tire, to
Johnson's rapturous delight
II danred about Ilka nn Idiot, almost
beside hlmaelf with joy, nnd ahoutrd.
"Hurrnhl hurrnhl while Clawbonny
hurried Uck Into the hu,t nnd rnkln
dlrd.the firo. It waa aoon roar In ir, nnd
It waa not ninny nilnulva before tha
avory odor of broiled hear atank rous
ed Hall from hla lorior.
What a feast thla menl wna to tha
poor starving men may be Imagined.
The doctor, however, counseled moder
ation In ml 1 11 if, and ant tha exumplo
Thla la 11 (lad day for ua." he anld,
land wa hnve no fear of wanting: food
II the rest of our Journey. Htlll, wa
mual not forKet we have further to ito
yet, and I think tha aouner wa atnrt
tha better."
"Wa cannot he fur off now." aatd AN
tamont, who could apeak nlmoat per
fectly again; "we mutt be within for-ty-alght
houra' march of the Porpolea."
"I hop we'll find aomalhlng there to
make n lire with," mid the roc tor.
smiling. "My lana needs the aim, nnd
there nra plenty of dnya when It doa
not make Ita appearance hero, within
leaa than four iWrrrs of tha pole."
" tlmn four dajr1!" rupented
Altamont. with a alghj "yea, my ahlp
went further Ihnn nny other line ever
"It la time wo alnrted," anld Halter
a, nbruplly.
On the wny the doctor naked Alta
mont what hnd brought him ao far
north. Thu Amerlewn made only avn
alvo repllva. Clint bonny whlaperad to
Johnsons "We've k1 two men that
need tooklnx after."
"You nro right." aald Johnaon,
"Hntteroa doesn't talk to thla Amer
ican, nnd I mint ny thn innn has not
ahown hlmaelf very grateful."
"1 don't like the expression of hla
face," anld Johnaon.
"I think he auapecla llntlerna plnn."
"Then you think that Allninont"
"Ilia ahlp waa certainly on the road
to the north pole." ,
"Hut don't Allninont any that he
lmd barn rnuiiht among the Iqe, and
dragged there Irresistibly?"
"He anld ao, but there waa a strange
mil on hla llpe." '
Next day, after a henrty breakfnat
off benra nient. the little party contin
ued tha route.
At lit, nbout I o'clock In the after
noon, Altamont alnrted up with a
about, I'olntlng to n white maaa that
no eye but hla dlatlngulahcd from the
urroundlng Icebergs, he exclaimed In
a loud, ringing voice)
"The I'orpolaal"
The I'orpola wna completely burled
under tha anow, Maata nnd rigging
had bean deatroyod In the ahlpwreck,
and aha wna lying on a bed of rock so
entirely on her aide thnt the hut! waa
"Never mind." aald Uniterm, "w
will fix It up nnd make ourselves com
fortnblo there."
lly night Hall hnd mnnngsd to mnka
a tolerably Ve floor with plank and
para. Altamont wna helped on board
without much trouble, A sigh of sat
lifacllon raenped htm, na If he folt
hlmaelf onre mora nt home a algh
which 10 jonnson a ear boded no good.
chaT-tku IV.
The I'orpola hnd been thoroughly
equipped and provisioned for a long
voyage. T;iey found 6,150 pound of
flour, fat, and raliln) 3,000 pound of
alt beef and pork, 1,500 pound of
pemintcan, 700 pound or augar, and
the anme of chocolnte) a cheat and a
half of ten, weighing ninety. alx pound,
500 pound of rice, vernl barrol of
preserved frulta nnd vegoables, a
quantity of llmo juice, with all aorta
of medlclno, nnd 300 gallon of rum
and brandy, Thoro wa aloo n large
upply of gunpowdor, ball nnd hot,
and cool nnd wooil In nbundanco.
Altogethar, enough to lnt thoie Ave
men more than two yean, All fear of
death from atarvatlon or cold wa at
nu end
"Wall, Hntterna, we're aure of enough
to live on now," anld the doctor, "nnd
there la nothing to hlndnr ua reaching
the poln,"
"The polnl" echoed Hntterna.
"Vea, why not? Cnn't we puah our
way ovcrlnnd In the aiimmerT"
"We nilghl ovarlund, but how could
we oroaa wnterf"
"Cnn't we build a bont out of the
ahlp' plank?"
."Out of nn American ahlpl" exclaim
ad the rnplnlu, contemptuoualy,
C'lnwhoniiy wna prudenl anough to
chnllgo the con Vn ran Hon.
In five dnya tha men hnd built an Ice
houae on ahore not far from the boat,
nlao a powder mngnxlne and a ahelter
for the dog.
The wall of the houae ware over
five feet thick, arid the windows mnda
of pollahed ahewt Ice reaemhllng port
holee for ennnon. Kvrry pnrl waa a
anlld aa poaalble, and a parapet wa
erected outalde for dofenaa ngalnat any
While nil thaaa preparation for win
ter ware going on, Altamont wna fnat
rrgnlnlng atrength. He waa a type of
the American, ahrewd. Intelligent, full
of energy nnd reaolutloni enlarprlalng,
bold, and rendy for anything. Ha w
a native of New York, ha Informed hla
companlona, and had been a Bailor
from hla boyhood.
The I'orpolae had bean equipped and
aent out by a company of wealthy
American tnerchanta, t
There were many polnta of reaam
blnnce between Altamont and Hntter
na, but no friendship. With a greater
ahow of frankneea, he waa In reality
far mora deep and crafty than Hat
terna. Hla apparent openneea did not
Inaplre auch confidence aa the English
man' gloomy reaerve.
The doctor wna In conatnnt dread of
a colllalon between tho rival captain,
and yet one muat command Inevitably,
and which ahould It be J Hattara had
the man, but .Allninont had the ahlp.
It waa hard to any whoae wna the bat
ter right.
It required all the doctor tact to
keep thing amooth, At laat. In ptt
of all hla endeavor, an outbreak came.
It wna nt a grand banquet, a aort of
'liouae-warmlnr." held when tho new
habitation waa completed.
Thla banquet waa I)r. ClAwbonnya
Idea. He waa hnd cook, and made a
wonderful pudding. Hell had ahot a
white hare and aevarnl plnrmlrnn.
which made an agrevable variety from
the pemmlcan and an It meat.
Clnwhuriiiy waa cook and mnater of
ceremonlea, and brought In a pudding,
hlmaelf adorned with the big apron and
a knife at hla belt
After dinner different toat were
drunk In brandy. One wa given to
the United Htatea, to which Hatleraa
made no rreponee,
Thla over, the doctor Introduced an
Intereatlng aubjeel of convaralon by
"My frtenda, we have aomathlng yet
to do, I auppoa we ahould beatow a
name on thla continent, which we
have found, and alao on the several
bay, peake and promontorlea that we
meet with. Thla ha been Invariably
done by navigator."
"Quite right." aald Johnaon! "when
once a place I named. It takaa away
tho feeling of being caataway on an
unknown ahore."
Ilntterua had taken no pnrt In the
conversation na ut. but aeelng nil eyrg
fixed on htm, he roae at laat. nnd aal" .
"If no one objects, I think the most
sultnble nnme we can give our houaa la
thnt of Ita skillful nrchltect, the best
mnn among us. I.rt ua cull it 'IXc
tore bouse.""
"Just tha thing!" aald Hell.
"Ktrsl rate!" exclaimed Johnson.
"'Doctor' house!'"
"We cannot do better," chimed In
Altamont. "Hurrah for Dr. Clawbon
ny." Three hearty ctirera were given. In
which Duke, the dog, joined lustily,
barking hla loudest.
"It la agreed, then." aatd Hntterna,
"thnt thla houae la to be culled 'Doa
tora houae."
The doctor modestly protested
ngalnat the honor, but he waa obliged
to yield. The new hnbltnflon wn for
mally named "Doctor1 house."
"Now, then," aatd the doctor, "let ua
go on to namo the moat Important of
our jllacovtrlea."
"There la that Immenso aen which
atirrounda ua, unfurrowed n yet by a
alngle ahlp."
Allnmont looked up quickly,
"A alngle alilpl" he repented. "I
think you have forgotlon the Por
polsa. Rhe certnlnty did nqt net here
"Well. It wouldn't be hnrd to think
ao," replied Hnttorna, "to look at her
"Truo enough. Hnttorna," said Attn
mont, piqued, "but, lifter nit, la not that
better than being blown to atom, like
tho Forward!"
Hntterna wna about to reply when
Clawbonny tntarpoaed,
"It l not a question of ships, my
friend," he nld, "but of n fresh lea."
"It la no new son," returned Alta
mont "It U In every polar chart, nnd
hn a nnmo already. It I cnllod tha
Arctic ocean, nnd I think It would be
very Inconvenient to niter It designa
tion, Should wo find out by and by,
that, J us tend of being an ocean It I
only a etmlt or gulf, It will be time
enough (to .altor It then."
"Ho be It." Mild Hntterna.
"Very wall, that la an understood
thing, then," atd the dootor, regrottlng
thnt he! had started tho discussion.
"Let u proceed with the continent
where we Hnd ourselves at present,"
resumed; Hattern. "I nm not aware
thnt un! name whatever ha been af
fixed to fit, even In tho moat recent
He looked nt Altamont a he ipoke.
who metlhl gaie steadily, and eatdi
'TotslUly you may be mistaken I
again, UAtteras,
"Mlatnkenl Whatl This tinkno-wn
continent, tills virgin (oil"
"Hit nlrendy a name," replied Alta
mont, coolly,
Hattern wn silent, but hi lip quiv
ered. "And wlmt nnmo tins It, then?" asked
thn doctor, uatonlshrd,
"My denr Clawbonny," replied the
Ainerlrnn, "It I tlw cutom, not to
any the right, of every navigator to
christen tho soil on which he la the
first to set foot. It appear to ma,
therefore, thnt It I my privilege and
"Hut, lr," Interrupted johnon, not
tied. "It would be hnrd to prove that tho
I'orpolae did not como iie-e, even If
she got here by land," continue 1 Altn
tnmit, without noticing Jolinaon'a pro
lest. "The fact la Indisputable," he
added, looking nt Hntterna.
"I dispute tho claim," said the Eng
lishman, restraining himself, by a pow
erful effort. "To nnmo a country you
muat first discover It, I suppose, and
thnt you certainly did not do. Where
would you hnvo been, sir, nt this mo
ment, pray? Lying twenty reet deep
under the snow."
"And without me, air," rotorlad Al
tamont, hotly, "without mo and my
ahlp, where would you nil bo at this
moment I Dead, from cold and hun
ger." "Come, come, frlende' said the doo
tor, "don't get to word) all that can
be easily settled."
"Mr. Hntterna," aald Altamont, "la
welcome to name whatever territories
ho may dlacovar, ahould ha auccaed In
discovering any) but this continent be
long to me. I ahould not even con
sent to Its having two namea tlko Cirln
nails Land, which Is also called I'rlnce
Albert's Itnd, because It waa discov
ered almost simultaneously by an En
glishman and an American. My right
of priority I Incontestable. No ship
before mine ever touched this ahore)
no foot before mine ever trod thla soil.
I have given It a name, and that name
It hnll keep."
"And wlmt Is that namet" Inquired
the doctor.
"New America," replied Altamont
Hatteras trembled with suppreaaed
passion, but by a violent effort re
strained himself.
(To be continued.)
I'awpanr Aluiuilniit Thera Many
Consider It at llelleaey,
Oeorgo Itemsburg, the AUshlton
county historian, say the Kansas City
Journnl. hat boon hunting: up some
thing nbout the pawpaw. Ha says:
"In tho old chronicles of the early
explorer and travelers through this
section of the country I find much
mention of tho pawpaw, which seem
to have Wen aa abundant In this re
gion a century or inoro ngo as at tha
present time, In these early accounts
the Mtlmntr of the edlblcnets of the
pawpaw seem to Ikj nbout equally di
vided. One pronounced It delicious,
while another would lead you to be
lieve that It was realty deleterious.
However, I believe tha following from
Charles Augustus Murray, In an ac
count of hi western travels in 1834,
1836 and 1836, Is tha strongest en
comium aver bestowed upon tha Kan
ms and Missouri banana.
"While passing this locality on a
steamer he landed and secured some
ripe pawpaws, tha first he bad seen,
and which he pronounced the most de
licious fruit In tba world. It resem
bles tho bannna of tha West Indies,'
ha continues, but Is mora rich am!
luscious. When opened the Interior is
exsrtly Ilka a custard and the flavor
something between a fig and a plno
npple. Al'hough I prefor this fruit
to tha banana or pineapple, I find It
I not f enerally so highly esteemed, be
ing considered too rich and cloying;
moreover. I was told It was extremely
unwholesome. This I found to be nn
nbsurd prejudice (as I have often
eaten from six to twelvo nt a time
without unnleasAnt consequence).'
"The belter In Its hurtful qualities
probably owes Its origin to the fact
that hogs, which rotm the woods nnd
eat the nroduco of every other fructif
erous plant, would not touch tho paw
paw. Another en mo of tha low esti
mation In which it Is hold Is Its ex
treme nbundanco: they grow In thou
annds In tha woods, as thick na nuts
In an English hnoelwood nnd children
soon get sick ami tired of eating them.'
(Travels In North America.' vol. II,
pages 83-84 ) John nradhury, In his
travels In this region In 10!.in-u, ob
served plenty of pa--nva. which he
pronounced 'of the fO"l'enry of cus
tard and very agreeable to soma pat
What Ifapprnril to Vounic lllltnn
Mary Coles Carrlngton of nichmond
sends us tha following;
"One of the curious characteristics
of tha old-time darkles Is 'their nhltlty
to make themselves alwnys Intelligible,
no matter how twls'ed the long words,
which are their delight.
"Aunt Dllsey. what, hns beeomo ot
young Tom nillupsT' I asked my
mammy recently.
"Da Inn' snkes. Miss Tlby.' she re
plied, with uplifted hands and eyes
llko nn 11 cor s, 'he dun run off to da
Lewis imposition, but we ain't heard
from him, nary lino. Vent'n 'tis ono
0' deaa sump'n n'er picture card) an'
I Jos' believe. Miss Tin by. dat he's dun
bin catnlppod.' "Atlanta Constitution.
They Were ah ml jr.
Dung Bo you have succeeded fa
tracing back my ancestors? What Is
your fee?
Genealogist Twenty guineas for
keoptng quiet nbout them. CasseU'g
Saturday Journal.
Very Unusual.
"I wish I had an Idea for a poem."
"What do you want to put an Idea
Uto a poem forf-Kansas City Jour.
Inelrllllr f Woman,
We henr nnd rend much concerning
woman's rudeness to man nml man's
ungcntlomanly attitude toward wom
ankind but what nbout woman's In
civility to wotnanT I there anything
to equal ItT There are, says an ob
serving writer, would-bo ladles, there
are so-cniled ladles and there are la
dls. Tha first may get Into tha sec
ond class, but niilthur of the two Is
likely to rise to tho third, Whether
through fault or mlsfortuna an unfin
ished lady seldom achieves the fin
ished state.
The lack of consideration for tha
rights of others shown in public by
women who pass by courtesy for
ladle I of a kind peculiar to Itself
and members of their own sex are
usually the victims. Women who trav
el In public conveyances with their
children are sometimes almost brutal
ly callous. Who has not seen a mother
sitting angle-wise, with a child for
whom she has paid no fare occupy
ing another futl seat, while tired and
package-laden women are "strap-hanging"
In visible discomfort directly in
front of her? Conductors, however effi
cient, must not criticise the manners
if their passengers too strenuously and
few men venture to complain to or of
a woman, therefor the remedy would
seem to depend on the victims them
selves, If the evil Is to be remedied
at all.
One of the guiding rules of would-be
ladles who never will be ladle appears
to be that of "last coma first served."
You will best observe this womanish
trait at a ticket window, a bargain
counter, or any similar place wbero
Individuals are being waited on one
at a time, and tho order of precedence
Is not enforced. Co, for example. Into
any large department store which
maintains a "trading stamp" booth.
Meek and patient women who bava
been waiting five or ten minutes for
a turn, see some well-dressed Imitation
of a lady sail airily up, elbow herself
to the front, claim her stamps and go
blithely on her way, quite with tha
air of having done nothing that could
call for unfavorable criticism. How
ever other women may feel about It,
to a man It Is both amusing and exas
perating to note tha serene Impudence
with which some of these dear angels
of the fair sex rush In whore poor
tola of men fear to tread.
Velvet sad Far Salt.
The velvet street suit trimmed with
fur Is the fad. These little suits are
jauuty and graceful and are cut in
short walking length, a band of fur
trimming tho bottom, aa well as bor
dering the coat and tha draped velvet
turban. This suit Is ot royal blue vel
vet and the border fur is soalskln, the
blue velvet turban having a sealskin
border and an ornament of dull silver
and blue.
Moms Don't for AVIrea.
Don't begrudge your husband a few
hours spent with his men friends.
You meet friends. Be considerate and
glvo him tho same privilege.
Don't bother him with troublesome
trifles that happen during the day.
Don't whlno and complain ovor
household difficulties.
Don't overwork nnd be tired nnd
cross when ho comes homo. Your hus
band will seo you tirod and Irritable
where he will not be conscious ot a
few grains ot dust which you may
havo dissipated at tho expense of your
Don't let yourself get old and ugly.
Take time to keep yourself young and
to cultivate good looks. If you can't
bo beautiful, try to be Intereatlng.
Don't forget to cultivate your mind.
Head about what ts going on In tha
great "world, so that It ha makes a re
mark on current ovents you will be
able to answer him Intelligently in
stead ot giving him a blank atare.
Don't inquire how hla business Is
unless you ar sure from bis face that
he has something pleasant to tell you.
Mustard l'laater.
Trim tha crust from a thin slice ot
light bread, then sprinkle It thickly with
ground mustard. Spread a thla cloth
ow tn6 mu8tard and dampen wkh
I viwuf ox water. Your plaster U all
S W,lMXjzi s K a.
WMmwm i
A gorn auch a this would b Ideal for afternoon teas, receptions, res
taurant dinners, etc. it is made from Chines blue moire valour, with Inset
pieces of darker velvet on either side at waist line, cut in points as shows
in tha sketch. The beauty of tho gown la further enriched by bands of sable
over shoulder and around bottom of skirt. Note the clever and artlstlo cut
of tunic, the points ot which are finished with rosettes of velvet Tha yoke
and stock are whlto lace and tha band across bust Una Is heavy with gold
ready, with tMhlng to clean up after
making It, and much better than tha
old sticky batter plaster. A piece ot
bread well dampened Is better as a
poultice than either flax seed or slip
pery elm, and will neither dry out nor
sour so quickly.
Health aa Bealatr Uinta.
Change of employment gives rest,
but not sufficient for the needs of the
body. The absolute idleness. If it may
be so called, of sleep U essential to
Nervousness due to hurry and high
pressure Is one of tha most active pro
moters cf indigestion. A tew minutes'
relaxation before eating will help to
cure this difficulty.
The wise use ot ten minutes every
day lu active rigorous exercise aimed
at enlivening tha vital organs' rather
than at mere muscular development
will go far to Induce a healthy body.
Spotted veils are hurtful. That is
true ot all striped visible clothing.
blinds, wall papers, etc. All rapid
alternations of light and shade are bad.
aa when walking by a line ot tall
railings through whoae spaces a bril
liant sun Is shining.
Freedom of bodily activity Insures
health, since It helps to clear away
the waste and debris ot tha physiolog
ical processes. The kidneys can do
thotr work well If plenty ot water Is
taken. Moat people drink too little
water. A dally average ot six glasses
la not too much In most cases.
,5Sr and j&icter
Tha silk cashmere cornea In nearly
overy color Imaginable,
A new veiling has a colored Russian
center with a black chantitly border.
Golden-brown velvet, made In rt'
elan blouse style, Is an attractive
model for tho school girl.
Soft satins are more usod for petti
coats than taffeta, the lattor'a tendon
cy to "whisper" being against It-
Madras In figured materials made
Into pretty blouses can be worn with
moire skirts. The colors should be
Tho button counters now have gilt
ornaments in the way ot slides and
tassel tops for the finish ot tha nar
row velvet scarfs.
Pointed fox, rich and lovely, seems
to havo captured a large sharo ot fem
inine attention. Tha huge muffs and
scarta to match are especially popu
lar One-sided frills on sheer blouses are
tha popular fad ot tho hour. Kntfe
plalted and scalloped edged, or almply
ruffled and laco trimmed, they are
French and datnty-looklng.
Uaetul and Happy,
IVv fn Sa ueafnl tint whttrA vau om.
Many of us are fond ot Imlalag
hour much wa ahould do U our oir-
WWH were other than they are.
But that Is waste of time. The thing
o do Is to do aa muca4a yoa can
for other here and now, and so maks
the most of your opportunities.
Don't be so busy preparing for
some vague future time when yoa will
be happy that you bava no time to b
happy to-day. The future will soon be
the present, and the chaacea are that,
when It does come, wo shall still be m
busy planning that we shall rata oaf
chance of happineee altogether.
Miss Hattle Pearce, of BUJIngs, Mo,
Is a clerk In the Court ot Appeals.
Hiss Nellie Horton, ot Fort Worth,
has been elected treasurer and secre
tary of the Farmers' Union In Texas.
She has Jutt passed her 25th birth
day, Mrs. Dantorth Wllltard Blanchard.
one ot the oldest woman auffraglsU In
the world. Is 59 years of age and lives
with hsr niece, Mrs. J. B. Booth, la
The Rev. Sarah A. Dixon, tor sev
eral years associate pastor of tha Flrat
Unitarian Church of Lowell, Mass., I
now pastor of tha Congregation)
Church at Tewksbury, Mass.
Miss Mary Nye ot Columbus, MIm
Bertha Salzgaber of Bellatre. and Mrs.
Irvine a Miller or Springfield, O., have
been appointed deputy Inspectors of
workshops and factories.
The Wesleyan Conference ot Eng
land recently passed by a large ma
jority a motion to admit women as lay
delegates. This resolution has to ba
approved by the synod before It can
become a rule of the denomination.
Mrs C. a Kenelly has been ap
pointed probation officer of the New
Orleans Juvenile Court by Judgo Wil
son. She has taught school for sev
eral years and haa also had experi
ence In handling children and young
women aa tha agent of the Travelers'
Aid Society ot New Orleans.
Mrs. Isaac U Rica ot New York
was chosen at the conference In Lon
don ot tho International Society for
the Suppression ot Street Noises to
have charge ot the second congress of
tha society, which la to bo held In
New York In 1911 The first congrestj
la to meet In Berlin In June, 1010.
Vomn'i Hat.
Women started on merry widow,
but they'vo gone on to peach baskets,
wash bowla Inverted, and then to flow
er pota, but now they've gone on to
wash baaUots, and I wonder what
tuoy'll stop. Ocn. Balllngton Booth.
Oae or the Other,
Triumph, or elsa yield to clamor)
Ba tha anvil or the hammer.
-rroai tha OKa)
"vl Tin ; ' h