The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 27, 1910, Image 2

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    7 "" ....
topics or
the Times
"vo am at poaco with Ml tho
world." Nicaragua doosn't count.
i I,
Havo you soon any of Selraa Imager
tors books among tho alx best sell
ers? Bo far no ono hai gono to ho ct
tromo and criticised Dr. Cook'a liter
ary stylo.
No man should try to nurse nil tha
orphan grievances that arc left on hli
One thing about tho Panama canal,
tho mora It costs tho nioro wo want It.
It's llko troth eggs.
Harry Thaw la getting pretty tired
of living among a lot of dull people
who noror created a sensation.
mlllto&s of people, representing all tho
clvlllied nations, wero sent to Popo Leo
XIII. for the canonisation of Colum
bus. Tho congregation of cardinals
took tho matter In consideration, uut
mado no recommendation to tho Pope,
it Is said that their unfavorable nttl
tudo was duo to rorolattons regarding
tho not altogether blameless private
life of Columbus; but his ndmlrora are
not discouraged, and will try again.
Invcntlro genius has dono a wholo
lot of things for tho laxy man. Tho
latest announcement Is a machlno to
brcatho artificially.
Doubtless there are thoso who wilt
keep a diary to tho end of tho year,
Just to show that thoy possess re
markable will power.
It may bo worth mentioning that
there Is no record of tho trusts hav
ing contributed anything to tho gov
ernment's conscience fund.
A Pennsylvania couplo applied for a
dlvorco becauso they aro "tired of
each other,1 and the Judgo turned
them down becauso ho Is tired of such
Tho world's population is now esti
mated at 1,655,000,000. Good Idea for
the man who thinks he's tho whole
works to pasto thoso figures In his
hat for occasional reference.
Ono of tho professors says woman's
senses aro less acute than thoso of
man. Ho probably bases his decision
on the tact that a woman can get
along all winter with low shoes.
Mrs. Hetty Green begins her 75th
year In' excellent health and with
about $100,000,000 to keep her from
the need of an old ago pension. If
she Is economical she will dlo a rich
Among the books that a member ot
"Peary's party took with him for read
ing la tho long evening ot tho arctic
night was Whittlcr's "Snow-Bound."
It certainly was suited to tho sur
roundings. A prominent preacher declares that
onborn generations will bless John D.
Rockefeller's name. J. D., however, is
probably willing to call It square It
only the born generation will quilt
scattering tacks oa Standard Oil's
, Sosso ot our folks fret about the
Philippines as a very heavy burden;
the responsibility wo have assumed
there terrifies them. How would they
be feeling It this country had the 293,
000.000 Hindoos and Mohammedans ot
India on its hands? It's well, occa
sionally, to think on our mercies.
Schoolboy football has fallen under
serious suspicion. In tho public
schools of New York City It has been
wholly prohibited, alter careful study
and sharp debate; and school commit
tees in other cities hare tho matter
under advisement. Of tho serious ac
cidents to football players during
1903, the largest number happened to
members of school teams. Tho youth
ot tho players Is greatly against them.
Germany has recently allowed
France to erect a monument at Wis
sembourg, Alsace, In honor of the
French soldiers who fell there In
1870, but It carefully censored the In
scription and refused permission for
the emblems which were to be placed
on the pedestal. The unveiling of the
monument was the occasion of a great
demonstration ot Alsatian loyalty to
France, and emphasized anew tho
tragedy of the lost provinces which
France mourns with unceasing bitter
ness. ..-It Is illustrative of a new view ot
rhlstory," and perbsps a new view of
'teaching also, when the University of
.Wisconsin sends a professor in the
history department across the water
to watch tho budget campaign In En
gland. The quick appreciation ot the
Immense Importance of that moment
ous election, and the determination
that the Instruction given to their stu
dents shall bo as vital and full of hu
man Interest as possible, are credit
able alike to the intelligence and the
scholarship of tho unlverlslty authorises.
Another attempt Is being made to
have Christopher Columbus enrolled
.among the saints. The Congregatloi
of Sacred Rites of the Roman curls
has jurisdiction over such matters, aud
the formalities of procedure, as now
.used In the process of canonization and
beatification, wero established by Pope
filxtus V. in 1587. The proceedings of
ten cover many years, as in the case t
Joan of Arc, whose name was added
last year to the list of saints. In 1892
M, when the four hundredth anniver
sary of the discovery ot America was
feelac celebrated, petitions signs ov
Aro there, after all, any permanent
artistic standards, any fixed principles
ot esthetics? Most persons will an
swer yes at o,nce, and proceed to dig
nity their own tastes and likings by
these lofty phrases. Rut thoso more
deliberate souls who have attended
somewhat to the history ot art will not
be so certain. Fifty years ago tho
women ot Lyons presented to tho city
ot New York a copy ot tho familiar
Stuart portrait of Washington, woven
dexterously on a loom ot their famous
silk-mills. It was an Ingenious prod
uct, quite a triumph ot mechanical
performance; and a generation whlcn
was sincere In Its admiration ot the
marvels ot machinery hung the plcluro
conspicuously In the governor's room
ot the city hall. From that placo it
has now been removed by tho MunM
pal Art Commission on tho ground that
It Is not a work ot art. No doubt the
commission Is right, but not many ot
our grandfathers would have thought
so. They had not much use for tho
charmingly realistic paintings of tho
Dutch school, over which modern con
noisseurs rave, and they had tho au
thority ot so famous a critic as Ruskln
for their opinion. It was little else
than blasphemy In those days to speak
ot Rembrandt In tho same breath with
Raphael They had got over thinking
Reethovcn the rank anarchist In music
their own fathers had believed him, but
they would have stopped their ears
In horror at the sounds whtch klndlo
the emotions ot advanced musical crit
ics to-day. If, In addition to these per
fectly dofenslble artistic views, thoy
chose to think that things like the silk
en portrait ot tho Immortal George or
the homely Rogers groups were art.and
their own somber and ponderously
carved furniture more beautiful than
the graceful designs ot Chippendale
and Heppclwhlte, Is It qulto sure that
they were wholly astray? "It's clever,
but U It artr queries Mr. KlpUng In
one ot his ballads. The world Is al
ways asking that disturbing questton,
and It seldom gives tho same answer
for two generations In succession.
s? jjjB3BSJSr t
Opinion of Great Papers on Important Subct.
Erection at Balldtasta Coatalnlaa
Tlar ApartmealB Approved.
Dy virtue ot the official action ot the
London county council the "one-room
Oat" Is to become an actual reality, a
London dispatch says. Heretofore tho
averago human being, even the expert
who bos attained proficiency In folding
his physical body so as to accommo
date himself to the compactness ot a
Harlem flat, has held the opinion that
the term could not be made to apply
to any residential base smaller than
two rooms. But the London county
council has demonstrated the fallacy
ot such belief.
The latter body has Just declared for
the erection of fourteen of these one-
room flats in the development ot the
municipal housing scheme which hat
to do with the council's estate at Old
Oak Lane, Acton. These slngle.roora
flats by formal proclamation are to be
devoted chiefly to the use of single pe
sons, but the council's members also
have promulgated the following:
"That a young" married couple with
no children, or with one infant shall
be eligible as tensnts for a one-room
tenement on condition that they shall
And other accommodations when the
Infant reaches the age ot 3 years."
The estate at Acton Is a large one
and the total cost ot Its development
bss been estimated at no leu than
$1,700,000, with the work covering a
period of ten years. The present de
velopment scheme entered upon con
templates the erection of 338 shops, cot
tages and flats, the cottages to havo not
more than five or less than two rooms.
It Is the Intention to mske this par
ticular estate suitable for workmen
earning from $6 to 17.50 a week, and
the rents In consequence will rangs
from 87 cents to $2.50 a week.
Tammy la tba Ilesraa.
Remedies are unfortunately soma
times worse than the disease which
they are made to cure. Tommy's
mother, says a writer In Llpplncott's
Magazine, had made him a present of
a toy shovel, and sent blm out In the
sand-lot to play with bis baby brother.
"Take care of baby, now," said his
mother, "and don't let anything hurt
Mesently screams of anguish from
baby sent the distracted parent flying
to the sand-lot.
"For goodness sake, Tommy, what
has happened to the baby?" said she,
trying to soothe the walling Infant.
"There was a naughty fly biting htm
on the top of his bead, and I killed
it with the shovel," was the proud
lllRrrml 'Want.
"What we want," said the attorney
to the reporters, "Is Justice."
"What I want," said the client to the
attorney, "Is a verdict In my favor."
Inroataatabla Tratb.
This world Is a hospital of Incur
ables. At least, I never knew anyone
to go out of It alive. Father Bernard
Occasionally the human race Is run
over the course of true love.
"She talks twlco as much as tho oth
er girls I know," "Yes, she has a dou
ble chin." Cleveland Lender.
"My husband whs n very high-strung
person." "Yes. l'vo heard ho was
hunar on Tike's Peak," Harpor a Week
ly. Sister Well, Harry, how aro you
getting along with arithmetic? Harry
Oh, pretty well. Wo'ro In dismal
tractions now,
"Mrs Jones has a new hat." "Well,
you look mightily pleased about It?"
'You just ought to seo how It looks ou
her." Houston Post.
"What do you thln? Mrs. ?.lxzel,
who never goes to church, has won the
first prize In tho church lottery!"
Meggendorfer Hlaettor,
"They say Harold Coddlngton has
brain fever." "Impossible. Could an
angleworm havo water on the knee?"
Chicago Record Herald.
Novice They tell mo that a man
can't go Into politics and remain hon
est. Old Stager Yes, he can. Uut It
Isn't necessary. Chicago Tribune,
"Why don't you give your wlfo an
allowancor "I tried that once, and
sho spent It before I could borrow It
back." Louisville CourlcrJournnl.
"What do you figure Is the result ot a
college education?" "Tho young man
learns to yell for tho money, and the
old man to wblstlo tor it!" Puck.
Blobbs Harduppe says ho owes ev
erything to his wife. Blobbs Hard
uppe Is a double distilled prevaricator.
He owes 110 to me. Philadelphia Rec
ord. Inquirer Did Miss Howell's votes
(HI the hall? Critic Well, It filled the
lobby. Nearly everybody went out
there when she sang. Huntington Herald.
"Havo you heard that poor Flrmln
U dead?" "No. He wasn't HI long.
surely." "Ah, you see, medicine has
mado great progress lately." Bon VI-
Ted Isn't Tom thinking rather seri
ously of getting married? Ned He
couldn't have thought very seriously
about It, for ho has gono and done It
Brooklyn Life.
"I wonder who the people are In that
machine who look so haughty?"
"Probably the poor relations ot the
owner, who Is taking them for a spin."
Buffalo Express.
Wlfey You 'promised that It I would
marry you my every wish would be
gratified. Husband Well, isn't it?
WIfey No; I wish I hadn't married
you. Illustrated Bits.
"Sir, your son has Just coined a col
lege fraternity. Theso college fraterni
ties " "Never mind about breaking
It gently. What hospital Is ho at?"
Louisville Courier-Journal
"My good man," said the kind old
lsdy, stopping before the prison cell.
"what are you In for?" "Bobbin' de
guests In a hotel, mum." "Ah. were
you the proprietor or the head waiter?'
Wlfey You were late last Light.
Hub Beg your pardon, my dear. As I
came In the front door the clock struck
II. Wife But what time did you ar
rive at the head ot the stairs? Boston
"And why," the teacher continued,
"should we hold the aged In respect?"
"'Cause It's mostly the old men that
has all the money," Tommy answered.
And the teacher wasn't able to offer
any better reason.
Bessie I gave Charllo on Christmas
a beautiful necktie of my own make.
Tessle Was 'be pleased? Bessie Im
mensely. He said Its beauty shall bo
for no other eyes but his own. Wasn't
that lovely ot blm?
Jones Green bought a second-hand
automobile three weeks ago, and he
has been arrested six times In It.
Smith For exceeding the speed limit?
Jones No; for obstructing the street.
Chicago Dally News.
De Artist You say you walk a great
deal? De Actor Yes. De Artist
When you are playing golf? De Actor
Sometimes when 1 am playing golf
and sometimes when I am playing
Hamlet. Chicago Journal.
"Old Moneybags Is afraid that prince
he bought for his daughter Is a bogus
one." "Why so?" "When It came to
settling up he asked for the prince's
debts, and the fellow told him he
hadn't any." Baltimore American.
"Your glasses," she said, "have made
a great difference In your appearance."
"Do you think so?" he asked. "Yes.
You look so Intelligent with them on."
"I can't understand why Brown
should hare failed." "Nor can I. I al
ways thought be was doing finely. IIo
often came to me for advice."
"Johnnie, It I gave you two cents
and your father gave you threo cents,
how much would you haver "8ven,"
promptly replied Johnnie. "You can't
have understood me, Johnnie. Now
listen, and I will repeat the question.
If I give you two cents and your tam
er gave you three, how much would
you have?" "Seven," said Johnnie
again, and with some promptness. "I'm
surprised at you, Johnnie," said the
teacher, "How on earth would yoa
have seven H "I got two la my pock
et," said Johnnie
YOUNG business man died unexpectedly.
i I leaving a widow and tliuo small children.
" I For two years ho had worked hsrd to cs-
luuiivii n imniiirns, muni wn juai uvaui
nlug to pay well and gave promise of be
coming highly profitable during the com
ing spring and summer. But his cosh re
sources wore small, his Insurance was almost nothing,
and, with his ability and hard work taken away, the
business ho left offered precarious support for the widow
and children. All Hits his widow knew. Yet, with rent
overdue, the doctor to pay, and her chlldrrn aud herself
to look out tor, sho burled her husband's body In a
1150 casket, and tho undertaker's total bill ran more
than 1 260.
The desire of the living to pay final tribute to the
dead frequently outweighs the dictates of common sense
and prudence, even to tho point ot violating the known
wishes ot the dead. Extravagance along this Una Is
encouraged by undertakers, who suggest expensive fu
nerals and offer long-time credit, as mauy a family
knows to Its sorrow.
In other countries societies, the members ot which
agree to keep all funerals under their direction wlthlu
a certain cot limit, have done much to check extrava
gance. There Is room for organizations to reduce fu
neral expenses In this country, and a movement In that
direction should bo encouraged. Chicago Journal.
HE American farmer In 1909 received $300,
000,000 for the egg crop. Tho American
consumer paid 1540,000,000 for the same
eggs. Who got the difference ot 1310,000,
000? The farmer raised the hens, took
care of them, fed them, housed them, and
paid about CO cents apiece for the care of
each one. It cost htm not less than $75,000,000 to
keep the hens satisfied and prolific. So, all together,
his earnings were reduced to $2:5,000.000. Uut some
body else got $2(0,000,000 which Is $15,000,000 mora
than the farmer received. From the time the eggs left
the farmer to the time they reached the consumer the
price on them was almost doubled. And the consumer,
of course, paid.
Somewhere there Is a leech In the egg market and the
butter market and the meal market and the grocery mar
ket, and all the other markets, that Is sucking away at
the American consumer's pocketbook. Until this leech
Is fouul snd beheaded prices of living will be tremen
dously high, and wilt grow higher, Just so long as there
remains anything In the pocketbook to be sucked out
It has not yet been shown that the leech Is not the rail-
road and the express companies. In 1P09 the traction
companies Increased their Indebtedness by f 1,015,000,000.
The Interest that Is to be paid on this, of course, comes
out of His public's pocketbook. And tho x press com
panics during the year paid dividends that ranked
among the highest on the whole list of Industrial In
stitutions, They're expensive errand boys, tliu rnllroads
aud the express companies. Cincinnati Post.
N THE current number of Vogue Is a most
pathetic essay by Maria Hcott on the sue
ressful management of a small Income.
Maria ndmlls-though reluctantly that a
young couple may venture to begin life lu
a simple manner on $5,000 a year, lleallx
tng that this Is a drastic saying and ono
that may be received with Incredulity uy tne mass
ot the people, she goes on to apologise even for hinting
that really "nice" people could live on so meager a
sum, but Is obliged to admit that by dint of a great effort
It may be done In a way,
Hhe asks what denials are necessary for those who
contemplate living on $5,000 a year, and thtn, seeing no
body rising to answer her, answers It herself by saying
that great self-denial will be necessary to keep the wolf
from the door.
The one consideration that forces Itself on tho mind
aftsr perusal of Maria's reflections Is the tremendous
amount of self-denial that Is being practiced all over
the country by persons who are living nobly on this
small amount, not able to havo more than one automo
bile and one short trip to Europe annually. BU Paul
BW JEI1HEY claims to have discovered that
Nl bituminous roads cost less thsn macadam
I and stand the wear of automobile traffic
I ,iiii-h toiler Tha State has elchtr five
miles ot this road already aud announce
that It will lay no mere ot tho old faab
IoiimI kind. The objection to macadam
Is that It Is picked up by the wheels of automobile
and scattered to the four winds ot heaven. The wear
on the good roads leading out from automobile centers
like all of the large cities shows conclusively that aa
Improved malaria! Is urgently needed. Tho bituminous
road stems to serve the purpose because It bas sufficient
resiliency to meet the needs of traffic and at tho same
time Is compact enough to prevent the particles from
being picked up by rubber tlrss, Nebraska Uut Journal.
"It waa a cold, misty morning In
Llrerpool, and urgent business re
quired my presence In Sheffield at
once, so I was In a hurry," says a
young American girl who lately re
turned from England.
"I expected the unavoidable delay of
the custom house, and sighed resign
edly. An official openrd my suit case,
ran bis hand hurriedly about, closed
It with a snap, and returning It to
me, said politely. Thcnk you!' All
In about two minutes! Joyfully I
hailed a cab, and was driven to the
railway station. As I paid my fare
tho cabman said distinctly, Thenk
you!' with emphasis on the 'you,'
When I bought my ticket, tho man at
the window said emphatically, Thenk
- "This time I noted the oddly rising
inflection and long drawn lingering
on the last word. The guard who
examined my ticket closed tho com
partment window with a bang, but I
caught a faint Thenk you!' as tbo
'train started.
"Arrived In Sheffield, I registered
at the station hotel, and tho young
man at tho desk said Thenk you!'
as I signed my name. I look a tram
car up-town, and gasped In amaze as
the conductor collected my fare.
Thenk you!' he said, earnestly, as he
punched a little ticket receipt for the
half-penny which I gave him. 'Let
me off at High street, please.' 'Thenk
you, I will,' ho repllsd. Presently I
thought he nodded as bo looked at
me, and as I started to my feet, I
asked. 'High street?1 'No, thenk you,'
be answered, 'not yet.'
"I Inquired the way of a passerby,
and as he directed me he said, Thenk
you, good afternoon.' This was really
making me dizzy, and my mind re
verted to an entertaining habit ot my
childhood, when I would repeat the
same word over and over until It lost
all meaning to my brain.
"As I stepped out of the creeping
thing which they call a 'lift' over
there, the elevator boy fixed me with
a penetrating eye. Thenk you!' he
said softly, and -I hastened onward.
"In the shops It was horrible. En
tering a draper's, the tall man In a
frock coat who stood by the door
would pouncu on me and thank me
before I could possibly ask for what
I wanted to buy. I dou't know what
I was being thanked for much of tbe
time, but those two words were thrown
at me so often that it finally got on
my nerves, and I felt like shouting,
Don't don't say It I'
The salesgirl 'tnenked' me before
I made my purchase, and 'tnenked'
me afterward; the cash boy 'tnenked'
as as he passed me by, and If, as
I hurried out, I collided with any one
walking down the narrow aisle, I
might beg their pardon In the clraretl
tones, yet ever the answer given to
me was, Thenk you!'
"It waa beyond analysis or explana
tion, and questioning was utterly of
no avail. Once or twice I ventured to
Inquire as to the whorefore of the
thing, but the answer made me shud
der, and caused mo to forbear. 'It
has always been the custom, thenk
youl' And coming bark across the
sea I found relief at home, but some
times even yet I toss feverishly In
my sleep, and waking with a start. I
think I hear, as It from some dim
'bo, 'Thenk youl'"
England's first Sunday newspaper
appeared In 1780.
It has been found In Nova Scotia
that the lobster's chief enemy -Is not
the dogfish but the lobster.
One ot the tricks In the fur trade
Is to Insert white hairs In foxes and
subles to make "sliver foxes,"
Tbe Industry of msklng lebkuchen.
or honey cake, !s worth to tbe German
city of Nuremburg about one million
dollars a year.
In Louisiana the law permits a
widow to marry again only provided
she bas waited ten months sftor the
death of ber husband,
Sand Is tho curso of Portuguese East
Africa. It blocks the rivers and har
bors and stretches In a vast sea to
ward the interjor, effectually cutting
off tbe coast towns from the high
land. Besides, It makes the problem
of transportation the bugbear of the
Nearly $1,000,000 worth fSUmber
was Imported Into Natal. Jsrl0rThe
country is practically JsfeksxKfsr
as there Is any commerces! vrsli?" In
4 r .
Af VTam. Vnl .It.. ...VTtiJf-
w ,ww turn ,, ""'iBS
fttrt nnw Pai-V rkw Tl'.
-.-., ...... . n, p. aMn
carted about the
sold from carts.
the timber.
Up to 1789 tbe chletZwwtar
It was so cold In Xew
of the winter of 17731 Mm
In the vicinity were i IliTi'isBM't,
j.. .v.. ... ti . .i jiin.'ii.-
uuiru uc .ati ifcca iiibj
Is now the head otV
make kindling wood, f '
Yaddo, the Saratoga
which 8pencer Trask!
fstal trip to New
show plsces ot tho
rives Its name from
a little daughter of tte TMska. When
she crossed for the ftm't-UiM rustle
bridge over tbe pIcMresMa atatei ot
YorfoiW.-Vr the
o sf4twai. it de
im'twUerMcd of
water which lire near tho home, sh
pointed nd saldt "Yaddo," which ss
aa near aa her baby tongue could it
to the word "shadow," and she did not
know that the childish utterance bad
given a name to the place.
"If I had my way," Dr. Maenamsra
once confessed to an Interviews, "I
should bo singing In 'Cjirmen' Instead
of making speeches from the treasury
bench. Uut, unfortunately, the Brit
ish public thinks a great deal more
of a man who can make a bad sprrth
than a man who can sing a good
song." Westminster Gazette.
Curious customs are noted among
the MIJus, a little known Asiatic rsrt,
by an explorer, who writes: Though
living on the borders of Thibet, no
trace of Buddhism Is found among
them. Their religion Is animistic and
consists In the propitiation ot the vari
ous spirits to whom sickness, failure
of crops and such like calamities are
attributed The propitiation takes the
form usually of thi sacrifice of a fowl
or a pig. a small portion being set
aside for the spirit, ths rest going
down the throats of the offerer snj
his family."
Mr. U'i llult, fur Uinaally,
The delightful Mr. Wu Ting fans.
lately ambassador from China to the
United States, Is described It, Miss
Juliet Uredon's book on her uncle, Sir
Robert Hart, as having certain theo
ries concerning one's diet and one's
mental attitude toward life which bare
had much currency among Occidentals
of lata years.
Wu Ting-fang prided himself upon
his alert manner, which mado him sp
pear much younger than he really wu,
and his favorite boast waa that b
meant to live to bo two hundred. Fur
thermore, he would explain bow thi
frat was to be accomplished.
The first thing, naturally, was dltt.
The msn who would cheat time shoull
live on nuts, like the squirrels. I'ndtr
no conditions should he touch u't,
and he should begin and end est
meal with a teaspoonful of olive oil
"I have hung scrolls In my bed
room," Wu Ting went on to explain,
"with these sentences written upoa
them In English and In Chinese- 'I
am young, I am healthy, I am che-
"Immediately I enter the room CI
eye falls upon these precepts. I uf
to myseir, 'Why, of courso I am. aol
therefore I am,'"
Was ever simpler or saner method
discovered for warding off old age?
Aa II Nlruck Pal,
Father Flynn Your daughter seem.
far from robust. I notlro iirirv Shi
looks rather fan-faced.
O Brlen Begorra, yer rlvlrence, sa
la It two-faced ye'd want her to N
lookln'? Boston Herald.
Even a truth-loving detective gtts I
shadowy reputation.