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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1910)
w "Ship It to Me" SAYS SMITH flmllh want vrry ilraaaad 1 n1 boaj In Ilia rountrr. II navar cliarua rom. tnUaiun, W will pay M follow for aw.1, ft Blutf. Wilp by ( praaaa.) VmI unto IM It.,,,,,,, lauo. )rraM rork ,,, it, ii,,m,,ii,,11MiO, Clllrkaiia .,li,,,,,,,,,,,,it,..10o, prmnl Chltkana.,,,,,,., ,.,,,.., ,17(40, Kin. . .Market rilce AiMrraa fRANK L. SMITH MCAT CO. "riiMIng lha liatf Trol" COHIUND, OFItOON Trylnr (n Kuooura lllm, "O, fJuy, you muitn't allow youraelf to do scared by pnpa'e plirclng ay." "I'm not o much afraid of that, IC. flada, aa t am or til outtlnir 'nool'" Attvatirl TbutiajM, "Doctor, how do you Recount for th exlatenc of rhumatlm?" "I'lis mind, my dear lr, evolved lha dlicaae to fit th word." REDUCE THE COST OF UVmC; INCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND "PW ! $2,000 A YEAR It bain- ml by huivlrada of CtilrufK! U, lha work la aaaily laanw.1, nmipatl Ikm allaht. talurna tuerallva. A UicuMiut pulualr cvukl IK nlara.1 tomorrow Writ fur particular lha Wlra Shl I tnirepany J'A "l '1 Partland, Oraa A llroktn llown Knot Arrh ---------------------- CHEAP INSURANCE FOR GRAIN GROWERS " WoodUrk" fVulnel I'olaon U the moat reliable and destructive agent jet devited forthaeitennlnatloii of Gopher, Squir rel, 8aj(e KaU and 1'ralrle Vqr. It la tha cheapctt iniurance acalntt their ravacca. JJvery kernel 1 warranted to kill. Climatic changca or tnolttura of the earth do not dettroy It ittcngth. lie quite NO XIUIKO OR I'KKI'ARATIOrf. la alwaya ready for luc, Ko other la o jootl. Dcalera will refund the purclime price If not aa claimed. Vauiphlel free. IIoT CiiKUiCAt, Co., forllaud, Orcgoa 7'A "i 'I AyMjk jjaiiiTlVN "Tar PV 1 u.iri7i n i 4$Sgm MB HH1 CRIMSON WINTER tl m .-. T.- a M I... IIl..1. I AW IS Ttm f Vanf fVAuMft. on. Ilrrrv linlt J.B. WAQNEK, Tha KIIUBAkb anil UUKMr EpeetalUt I'aaadana, Calllotnla Improve Your Baking K C Baking- Powder a can. Try It for your It doesn't raise better, If It Isn't daintier, more delicate In flavor, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. If C BAKING IIlW POWDER Pure, Wholesome, Economical. a T 'ajalal . , 2?"- shoes that look, Made ot selected leather -leather that is best by every tttL Correct in shoe makers, In the beat cTVIAYER ahoea are "built on honor" built punt lor aoeoiute attlafaction and laatlng cocBJott. UIggtat value you can aver nope to gat lor tno money, There la an Honotbllt atyla that will exactly suit you and fit you. Aak your ahoe dealer! If ho haan't H, wjjt lha Citayr TtaJt Zai on the aole, v , PRKEIf vou wtll fl.nit ua th nam. f a Julwkli Mtyar ltonoibllt Bliota.w will land you vvotv pmiura, aiaa miv, oi uaor; waaniofrtoa. t We also make Leading Lady Shoe, Martha Waatttngtoa uomiort Hnoea, yernia cuahlon Bhoea, KIrhrWi Rrulji aaml A7a-t UViv aaxaewa wwuvf nu ll vaaa aaawa F.c7VIAYERBOOTt& qufiR PO MILWAUKKB ifl, A. aorgeant was onco drilling a equad of rtcrulta, They worn Incredibly Ik nornnt. Onn of llioin could not toll hi right hand from hli left, Tho to gnnl proceeded to tench them mid ot Inst attained noma degree of aucceaa, Horgoant Now, yer blaitod Idiot, linld yer hands In front of or raid twist ttirvn round ono over the other. ntopl Now, which la your laft hand nnd which li your right? Itecrult (looking nt hla hiinda for a moment) I'm blowed If I know, I've gono nnd mixed 'amir London An wara, PLANT SIBSON'S R0SE8 Tlia Slbaon Hoo Nuraailca 30 Acre of Roieal Two-year-old buahea Orown in tha open Held Now U a good, tlma to plant Catalogue rice II 80 Mllwaukla Road, Tortland, Ore. Iilaaitrau, Doctor Ifave you been taking an oo cailonal cold plutiKo, a I advliedT Dyiptptlo Capliiillit Yea, I've bten Inveitlng heavily In lea locl( and I got ntppod. Chicane Tribune. tlluuil lliiHuyf "One day," ald Mr. Lapsllng, "1 aw a man thrath a blr, brutal team ter for beating hi horar-a. If I had my way about It ho ahould have a hare of th Carnna hro fund." Portlaod U (be W mrkel place of lk Nartbwet Sand Your Produca THERE Wo nro han-JIcra of KifKf, Hutter, Veal, Urciarxl Hok, I'oullry, live or drcaacil: alo Apple, Onlona, 1'oU loea. Conl;nmcntJ, whether lawe or umall, aru aollcitcU, We can kIvo you good price for Rood a tuff. Wrtta Ua.. McEwcn & Koskey aMKiuioN Muaums 129 front St, I'ortUnd. Or. Seeds Don't wante tlmo and monoy plant Ing poor accda. Our aecda won Firat Grand Trlze at tho Seattle Kxpoal tlon. Our price are reaaonabto. II Ij; Catalogue free. Send for a copy, Vogcler Seed Co. Salt Luke City, Utah WE PAY CASH I'm bnmaataj raltnqaUhmanla. and ran a0 yvar farma aiwl ranthaa uultkl. It ua hantlta your hutlnaaa and a wUl rvaranlaa yavr aatUfMtion. Ulra full particular (a flnt Uttar. DAVIS & BUtTKAMP 010 Dakum BId. Portland, Ore RHUBARB IM 00 I'ar Thouaand OBaranfcied under II Pure Food 1. Law wilV do It! Get favorite cuke. If more evenly, higher, 'Jaquea Mfg. Co, Chicago HOWA'tll. K. IIUIITUK - Aau,r aad Ck.mlrt, U.lll., ffalarado, ,HmIum .plaMl (laid. Ua. 1) uUjblli. U JMi. pwi (lH or (kivr, IL n4 fall prlralM r.alnaahrllMllaa, (loalttjl a ait . traof.1 fa aof k IslUiL iujaraal OartaMut KalUaal lUaa. The btooer shoes for tnen: Jit, fed nnd wear right style. Made by the finest equipped factory In existence. HQNORBILT for cameVneJ atvle and aervlea ua. Look for fraa, Dfialtikbi, a lia&J. .Vpociai Mailt TSi ' AtiBBaiAl Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures all blood humors, all eruptions, clears the complex ion, creates an appetite, aids digestion, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. flat It May In utual liquid furm or choeoUU Ublata known aa Uanataba. 100 fuaaa II, At (ha Arllala Itaoplliin. "Mr. D'Awber, what nr you Rolnc to paint on thl coal black oanvaaT" "Madam, that I a complatod pnlnt lnr, It la Hated In tha' catalogue a Karly Mornlni In Chlcaao.'" Chlcaifo Trlbun. Nitfblnir, "What waa your buaband aaylng t you laat nlghtr "Nothing." "Why, I woa auro I lieard him talk Ing to you for ovor an hour." "You did." Homton I'ott. Pettll'a Cye Solve for Over 100 Yew hn been uned for congcatcl and In llnmcd cyua, removes film or acum ovur tho uvea. All ilnurglata or How. nrd llroa., Uuffalo, N. Y? Unrla Allan. "Tou may not be aa Rood aa David or aa wlae aa Holomon," laid Uncle AN len Bpark, "but If you know how to train children you've KOt the bulxa on both of 'em. lUch of the two bad a boy that went wrona." Pitts CURfO IN 0 TO 14 DAVS PAZO OINIMtNT la marnla-4 lonraanrraaa fltrhlne, llllnd. llUolln or I'rotrudln; I'ilaalo e to II dajr or monay rafunlad. 10. Iladlcal. "Talk about raformln foot balll" aald Uncle Jerry I'aabU. "The only way you kin reform It I to take an ax to III" Chlcaao Tribune. Insomnia "I havw been tiring Catcarcta for In omnia, with which I have been afllictcxl for twenty year, and Z can any that Ca caret uare kivwi me more relief Uian any other remedy I have ever UieO. I Wl certainly recommend Uwm to my frientk aa ucwg au mat utey are rcprraenie'X." Tho. GillonL lUgin, 111. I'laaiant. TalaUbU, I'otant. Tula OouJ. IV, (hut, Nrr.r Mckan, Weakan or Orlt. IDe, U. (Oe Nrrar ao.l In bulk. Th (ait. ulna Utlt tUinrml 0 G C, tiuannlaw to ura or ywr nunay baak. TAKE A DOSE OF ki CURE m UST UKl TW (VltUftH ll w3t UuUnlly rtlarr dial ratline couth. Tales) proaptlyit wtll oltrn prrrret Aithma, Uroochitu and Knout throat aad lua( trouble. CuajtBUnd aaf aad very palaUbl. AD DrwiiUta, ZS aaat. ii 1 1 a n v.wd rj P Cured by Electropodea Vrm I3mM TraMsaat. Mitat l.nlil m Um tM. awy l,aa a,ffa"'a iaa MMd hlkub. KiA1 mmA Um m. l.f iha. maf. ana m niwaMa, i.ih, Pair i aaaal. bruiMa)raaa Mlak II klrt..rt. Uil la c. aatf ra. ara. II m .1 rM taatrwi Mat aa tt. W,mim iui ra an awltad, wiancRN KuccntoroDK ca S7LAla8U l Axalaa, Cat You eia't tow ihltdri and iraji iisj. iiyouru rernr Seed ou trow exactly rut you expect ana a nrolutloa anu pence noanc exctue vtiraol ttudr tad experience kalhrtnr. liable. IVr l Traim. Fam'a 10 Satd Aaaual trteoo rtjuett .it. mar ace, BtrK.lf!B, Dentistry Oat et town, pace! aad ltridaaaaik aa. I,had la. aa day WaaiUihartt a ti ui so at r"''. traaaltr $3, Hilar Crtaaa 6. taBrM.T..l 3.6 Otit rmit 1.0 Cuatl rUlart l0 tilrwrUTait .6 byninan 2.6 Ml Rtlltf .ntii, o.uu Bi a.i rs. kwruia. 7.68 a.M.l.!tr.ruuuiklurw tl um mutant at Nmua PthUittili'itaa.Cd WORK aUARANTI TIKO FOR IS VKAI 9 waa alalaaorbrUai II IB TBAH la ordarad Oopaultatloi laordarad. ODnsultatloa araa. iMtaaaaotaat lnlraa vora doaa aarvavra. All worU luuy aittaad. iiodamalaatrtaaaalDmaat. Kat lu 1-klml.M ILitrutloi talata JUtraotloa araa. rioaawttti laaYUttaa luar. kuoda. Wise Dental Co. r.v,a.7fcORTWND.ORICaON iiwni audaii wrjeaaoBMi ia.ii. t mu. 33X0Vj?aTv Bkonchiax.Tjrociiebi KBflaltia aLflaoat ftjaataa Tl.u.a tl..V... .. Cauiht. ynaxctOad for cUatlaa tha veka. Ata. btaly In from orUlia or aartMncharrnfuf. Prka, 3S canta, oO caou and 41.00 m tax. SaatfJ aaot niuat. Hiu:s jrm W 10 H BTaTVajlTaTaV JM rcr afjV v.-ajM. - ajar- i m si mtm w m .aea. aaa. aaaraia. aaafav' .. n H .aTr t'ejk flrakTSBV J mi ir kFaaBaeTT r -ajjam -- paaxr ,x Painless- sBBBam- x ' 7f3 bbbBmmW JDCNO MANUEL'S BFARTAH Z.I7B. Ill llnllr llcHlma IMrlilml llalwrrn Kiarrlaa nnil (,'iirra of Hlnlrernfl. Tho ri-ccnt vlait of tho young King Mnnitcl of Portugnl to Knglnnil rovlVca tho aad memory of tho fateful Kan. , l'JOS, when King Carlos and tho crown prlnco woro dono. to donth bofore Quoon Amcllo's oyc, aayii Anawiira. Ucapltn hla oxtromo youth, the king of Portugal I cad a n riparian life. At 8 a. m, ho rleea nnd perform a rnpld tolldt, and, nfter reading tho nowepti pvra (PortugucHO nnd foreign), he haa n light brcakfaat nt 0 a, in. Next, ho attendg to hla dnlly correspondence until 10:30, when ho fences for an hour. At 11130 ho taken an hour"! rldo In tho ground of tho royal pal ace, mounted always on hla Kngllah horao Juniper and followed by hla fa vorite terrier Tiger, Tho afternoon la apent In nudlcncca with cabinet ministers and other, and In tho evening, after a walk In the gardens of tho royal palace, ho ro- colvca a prominent cabinet minister, who Inform the king of the day's hap penlnga. Tho hours from t;30 to 8 p. in.-King Mnncou always apends with hla mother. After dinner ho ploys billiards or carda or converaoa till 10 p. in., when ho rcada tho evening newspapers for an hour before going to bed. Ouo evidence of King Manuel's great lovo for hla mother la hla awarding to Queen Amelia tho ribbons of the three military orders of San Uentoi d'AvIz, Chrleto and Sao Thlago. Home conaldernblo opposition waa offered to hla majcety's wlab by tho prlmo mlnla tcr, who pointed out that It was unusu al to confer these dletlnctlona on a woman. Hut tho young king's decision was firm. "Those orders aro granted for hero ism," ha said, "nnd tho whole history of my country posaeasca no nobler In a tan co of bravery and aelf-abnegatlon than tho way In which her mnjcit) strove to protect my poor father and brother." And tho prime miniated had to give way. Tho great carthquako that devastat ed the dlatrlct on tho left aldo ot the Tague In April laat muat still bo freab In our readers' memories. King Man uel did much at that tlma to popular lie himself with his subjects. Ono day ho went to the scene of a particularly disastrous shock and peraonally nisl.t-i-d in ministering to tho needs of the suffercre. An old baker who waa among a party engaged In making bread for tho bomeleaa people aclzed him by tho hand as ho was leaving, and aald: "Well, good-by, ray boy! 1 shall hope to see you again soont" The remark -plcosod tho young king moro than many a courtly compll ment. On the same occasion thero was one man who, bo tho doctors said, could be saved only by tho speedy administra tion of a certain drug. They, how ever, deplored the fact that they had not got it with them. King Manuel overheard this and exclaimed that be had, fortunately, brought some. He ran to his motor car, fetched tho drug and helped to administer It himself. Tho man recovered. King Manuel's friendliness toward our country la well known. A party of Booth line tourists all English were nt Parupilhosa station one day, when tho saloon carriage ol ,tbo young monarch was drawn up nlongaldo tho platform. There was a great crush and ono of the lady tour lata was forced practically on to the steps ot tho royal compartment. She had In her hand a picture postcard photograph of tho king, and, obaerv Ing this, his majesty drew a fountain pen from his pocket and amlilngly algned It. Ho afterward shook hands with the rest ot tlio 'tourists. Wit of the Youngsters S aaiaaaaayataaaaaa Small Doy Mamma, did tho anl mala go Into the ark In pairs? Mam maYea, dear. Small Doy Then who went with nuntloT 'My mamma got n hand-painted din ner aot for Christmas," aald little Lola, proudly. "Huh!" rejoined small Bes sie, "that's nothing to boast of. Laat year papa gave mamma a house that was hand painted." "Well, Harry," said the minister whe was making a call, 'do you think you will bo a better boy this year than you were last?" "I hope so," replied tho llttlo fellow. "I was alck more than halt tho tlmo last year." Humor of tha City. Since the introduction ot the exit at-lhe-front can it la cuatomary tot tho conductor to notify the motor man ot disembarking passengers by shout ing "Coming out!" Tho other day as a Troost car reached Campbell street tho conductoi shouted: "CttJuol-comlng-outl" A stranger looked up expecting tt aco a man with a hump on his backv- Kansas City Times. A War rinjr. Said tho manager: "You aro sup posed to bo badly Injured in tho sec ond act," Said tho star: "What about UT" "I won't have a wouudod man, come boforo tho audience to make a speech." "Dut I must havo my curtain call." "Then you'll havo to como out on a stretcher, that's all." Kansas City Tha Jfaa-oNWaa fllrffl. The frigate pelican, or man-of-war fclrd, la usually met with by travelers In tho tropica. AUhoiiSh when stripped of its feathers It Is hardly larger than a pigeon, yet no man can touch at the same tlmo the tlpa of Its extendod wlnga. Tho long wing bones are ex-1 ceedlngly light, and tho wholo nppm j ralua of air cells la extremely dovel oped, ao that Ita real weight la verj trifling. It flics at great height above the water, and from that elevation I pouncee down on fish, especially pre ferring tho poor, persecuted flying flah for ita prey. According to lotne Au thors, the namo ot man-of-war bird was given to It because Its appearance waa aald to foretell tho coming of a ahlp, probably because the frigate pell can and real frlgatea are equally ad verse to storms, and both like to coma into harbor If the weather threaten. i Iruujr. "You're aa hard aa nails," said hi trainer. , "Wall," Irritably answered the actor purllUt, "wouldn't you naturnlly ex. poet m to be? I wes' my cUwham mar coat two or thre hours tvtry nlaht." j Dla'.emper In all It forms, amon; all are of bone and dug, eured and other In the lame itiw ble prevented from having thedlteaaa with Hponn's DUtemprr Cure. Kvery botll guaranteed. OrcrrO.OCO bottles sold laat year. fOand 11.00. Oood itrugglaU, or end to manufacturer. Arent wanted. Write fnr free book. r!pohnMed.Co.,Bpec Contagious VIseatca, Uoiben, Ind. At tba llldlnar Behool. "Mount your horse on the laft aide." "WbyT What difference can that soake?" "II'b the rule." "But why abould It be tba ruler "Because In the past horsemen woro swords. They wore tbrxn on the left hip; hence had tbey mounted on the rights side the aword would have got In the way. So they mounted on the left, and we still mount on the left. Horses are accustomed to It, and If you try to get up from the right you are liable to be kicked." Philadelphia Bulletin. Ordy Om "6R0M0 QUININC" Thalia LAXATIVE IlllOMO QU1MINFL Itmk furthatlrnatur rf K. W. Crura. Uaad th worucrar loiaireaC&M InOnaDay. ti Aaa Obedient Dos. Schnapps is a dachshund, and the people who know all about the breed call tba queer looking animal hand some. In the house In New York where be Is tho pet he Is credited with more than ordinary dog sense and with understanding every word said to him In English or German. In order to demonstrate his sagacity bis master said to him a few evenings ago: "8chnapps, the young people have been here long enough. Co down and tell the boya to go home." Downstairs he waddled and, standing before the visiting youtbs, barked and howled. then ran to the front door and back again and kept up the performance until, as his proud master explained, "the young men heard and saw the point Pretty smart for a dacha, ehT" Vothr wtn sad Mr. WlnaloV Boothlac Trap to twet ramedr tout lor thalrchlldraa lurtsg th teaUUag Jwrlod. Dolly' Retort. "I won't wash my facal" said Dolly defiantly. Nauchtv. caurhtr." rrnrnrad Itttuuiuuwti, nucu a woa a tliuo girl I always washed my face." "Yes. and sow look at It!" Every body's. M.nn.ntk.M mt.t,.n f .... ,,..! Chranle. Mrs. Hewllrua Abialom. wa are out ot coal. la your credit at the dealer'a bad araln? Mr. HewllRua Not "acaln," Amanda. Still! Chicago Tribune. IiTJf!lTf,Wsm rg.'i'ju;(ii!j,i io: W 2f? CH Sr? ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT A(ableiTcnsllanlcrAs staitiilng tlKlWafsiRnjijtv lb(UttSlciBSd3aalBjds(i' IVoraotes Di!taaft! ness and RnrjCantila ante OpiuniJ-lorplilac rwrMasraL NOT WAR CO TIC. aajaaHaBj-aBBB HBtlailiaiaa Tl- fSasT r JXSa-Uri-- raaar-- Aiurfect rViswdy forCdMa lion. Sour Stowch.DUntwi Yorras.Con-ulsriJifwnsfr NEAV YORK. ... iuarvUeed under tba rood Exact Copy of Wrapper. Desperate Coughs . Daniicrous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu lar medicine, a doctor's medi cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A W pakUah aar rtraala Wa kaalah ataahal fraai oar aaaatataaa WVarfa yea) ta aeaaaii yaar aaataa yers Any good doctor will tell you that a medi cine lite Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot do Its best work If the bowels are con stlpaied. Ask your doctor if he knows anything better than Ayer'a Pllla for cor recting this t lutglahness of the liver. Uada by lha . C. Ay,r Ca., Lawall, Xaa KxFppllon. Teacher As I havo been telling yoti, there are to general classes ot work ers. Tommy, dos your father make his living by Using his brains or by using his muscles? Tommy Neither one, ma'am. He's a policeman, Chi cago Tribune. .No Compalalota. "Why do I hava to pay auch enor mous price for round steak? grum bled the cuitomer. "You don't," said the butcher. HrV a perfectly good ihank you can buy fof rood deal lesa money." Chicago Tribune. flat CVaard 4 ktort-d SO. w H- Tltaalict SI f a. ajnaa S 1 laatoa atrta Haa ra- mrm BeacW. Sat"-' aailaraaf Ktlk-tiaat. jimi Aiaar 31, rarHaad. Uraaao. SEEDS Catalogue for the Asking Send for It J. J. B U T Z E R 188 Street front Portland. Oregott mm COFFEEt TEA SPICES' aUrtlNB POWDCft, tXTRACTJ JUST RKHfT" CL0SSCT&KTE rorniAxu. oat. tortus lo-lru TkH ylaa la -,t ta kta4 Dv SIX u ..rlriMll .taM. la t-ia', i.iir lam. tar. la all ralMt.bk -llton aa. i rulai itttaaaM Umlhttw carl ...llj. S.-.4 lljto l4.r. tr Iftla I. aa pr-"iaat(4 aka- aii...d. w a. .i. ..J h...,UM . . ! a. . S. faai Nf mmrf by MaU.atr-fatta, bm t4 laaMtol I. n , -Ma.lll ba rtua4ky Ita rlaaa la arf caUral aatlilKt, Sa4 taiay lae r Ira wMlraa at kaaaCUal lluu ul rin. XavTarkOahUraallarra. SU-SUB'av.X.aa. FNU No. lc ie WllxCf wrttlno; to advortlMr plaait I tnanilon thl pa par. I CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. javaasaaaBaaajkjaaaaasakaMaw The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho SignaiTjre of hi I Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VutoiNiMaaawraaT, atwiaaa am. (mBm SIM liiirrffh KlSHBHXvinKCwvKHjKaB. saaawaaBS.VV'V' SHl a. 4 AV.1iaaiiia JiiiflkSBBaV affBlr M VT a IS ' vAH ff.aT IK m ft XV a4l JOHN I. BROWN . SON, Barton. Haa. jourr