.- -J.!. BEND BULLETIN. 11 VOL. VIII BUND, ORKOON, WKDNKSDAY, AI'JUL 13. 1910. NO. 5 THE n I M r v G. N. GETS INTO BOOSTING GAME Hill's Road Pircs First Gun in Publicity Campaign. PIRST LnAPLHT PUBLISHED Describes Central Oregon Poac Ibllltlca 7SOO fur MitrM)ullori-t)ler Booklet 8oor-lublklty Work It Kackrd by Louis IIIH. The first ruu ha been fired in tile campaign of Central Oregon publicity by the Great Northern railroad. A aplendld folder cntl tied "Opening up Central Oregon" lias just been published by Iouls Hill's road, 75.000 copies of which are now being put in the hands of the land hungry and the home and investment Keeker in every comer of America, The pamphlet is the forerunner of n far larger booklet on Central Oregon to be published by the Great Northern, which is now in preparation. The advance booklet describe Central Oregon in detail, Kiting forth with merited enthusiasm the advantages it offer the settler, with twrtlaita- reference to the home stewt and "dry land" opculnga, while irrigation, lumbering and Manufacturing possibilities are strongly outlined. Some introductory extracts illui (rate the general trend of the publi cation. The building of the Oregon Trunk Hallway over 100 mile down the valley of the Deschutes river In Central Oregon It ociilng up to settlement practically the largest artaot undeveloped lerrltoiy remaining hi the Tactic Northwest. Interior Orcgtai U today what eastern Washington w 15 year ago. and It baa potentially the aame possibilities of wmIiIi that the rich fruit anil grain growing section of Washington, lying in Ibe Columbia River Hasln and Big ItentJ country, ha. The (own of Bend It alluatcd on the edge of the great pine forest that ex Inula along the eastern alope of the Cascade Mountain. It I estimated hy luinlter men that 18,000,000,000 feel of nmiwr can w brought to.iu-ini on uown hill grade. A Urge dam will I con. alriirltd one and ouedialf tnllci aouth of the town 011 the Dsschutts river, form. Ing a large mlllpoml covering 14 acrea or more. Tin will give room for Ave daw inllli cutting approximately 1,000,000 feet of lumber dally. 130,000 lioreiow er can be provided from the Deschutes river hi the Immediate vicinity of Heml- The leaflet is handsomely execu ted in two colors, An excellent map shows the new railroad from the Columbia extending (o Bend ns a terminus. The Iknd school is one ol the most taking illustrations while a number of Deschutes Val ley views and settlers' letters make thisnsjincn publicity production as any issued In Oregon. It is un derstood that the Iiend Commer cial club will receive a large num ber of copies for advantageous dis tribution. Louis Hill recently said: Our policy will be to begin systematic and organlted publicity of citlea and counlle. Our railroad pioneer settle tnent of any Mate In which we are locat ed. At tire tent the normlatlon of Ore gon I in the cltleiand along the river. What Is needed I aettlement of the In terior land. You know that you have home for many thoiiutid of eopte on some of the moat fertile land In the world. I know It alto, Bat tins trouble I that the nconlc who are land craiv in the Kail do not know It. We will try to get all localltie lined up with ui In reaching the people who want to come to the Coast. To do all till. ! want an organltatlon In Oregon, and am going to select the men myself during the rammer. I want "live ones," but reliable cititeu who are Interested In our development plana, o that when I wire then to get thing soliig In a certain direction they will not hesitate, but will do it Central Oregon publicity work has received other notable "boosts" during the last week. Sunday's Orcgonion contained at large map showing the several Hill lines in the state, under construction and projected, with Iknd, as predicted, the junction point of the south eastern title with the north and south Oregon Trunk road. Arti cles concerning Bend and the rail road development are appearing almost daily In the Portland Press and that oi the other coast cities The Journal, it is understood, will Fiublisb a long Ucnd Country article n next Sunday issue, while the Chamber ot Commerce Bulletin of Portland has ordered a similar story from the secretary of the local Com mercial Club. n T RUCTION n GNM BEGINS AT r TS ARE BEING LET Grading From Madras to Klamath Res ervation Immediate Move Con tracts Awarded this Week. Work on the grading of the Ore gon Trunk Line from Madras to the northern line of the Klamath Indian reservation is to commence by May 1. Such is the announcement made last week from Portland. Bids on the construction of the ill miles of road Involved in this stretch are to be opened at the Great Northern oUices on the 18th of this month. The terms of the contract will call for the commencement of work within ten days after the contract is awarded and for completion of the grading hy January 1, 1911. The contract, it is understood, will include all work preliminary to the arrival of the locomotives with the exception of bridge building and track-laying. The bridge material will be ordered, however, and con tracts let for the larger structures so that the tract-laying can follow completion of grading closely. While the end of the operations called for. hy this contract is nt the Klamath Indian Reservation it is not for a minute considered that any intention exists of baiting the construction work at such a point, even temporarily. However, right- of-way lias been purchased tbat far, and until the governments permis sion to cross the Indian lands is secured and final surveys completed to Klamath, no contracts beyond the reservation can be let. Car loads of scrapers and other construction paraphernalia are now iu Sbaniko, and immediately will be freighted into Bend. Ikfore the end of the month large crews of workers will be operating both to the north and south of this point. It is understood that the heaviest stretch of con nt ruction work en countered south of Madras lies be tween Bend and Lava Butte, and it is there that the greatest force of men will be employed to keep pace with the lighter work northward. Bend, then, will have many large camps in close proximity for ten months and more. P. O. Gentry, the resident engineer on this sec tion of the work, will have his headquarters is Bend. Por the last ten days the country has been more or Irss inundated with railroad contractors looking over the field. It is generally be lieved that the Madras-Klamath work may not go to Porter Broth ers, who have the Deschutes Can yon stretch, but to either Donald Grant or the firm of Wilson and Heckman, both of whom have been investigating the prospects very in dustriously.' The locating survey work on tbe southeasterly line from Bend to wards Burns is well under way, it is understood. Indeed there seta every reason to believe tbat con struction in this direction will be undertaken perhaps even before tbe completion of the main road to Bend. BUTCHER SHOP FOR pEND. Orat VaKey Railroad Beef Contractor tU BuHdlMK Erected. Umtnon mother, butcher ot Grau Valley, who have held the contract for aupplying beef to the railroad camp from tbat point, are about to open an es tablishment here R. R. Moulg l erect ing a building for their occupancy, on Oregon street next to hi new itracture to be occupied by Aldridge & Ilobb. While no dr6ulte itatement has a yet been made, it it understood that Lem tnoh nrothcr will have the contract for supplying beef, to tbe constructionist north and aouth of Bend. A Mr. Mut- Turpin and Whitsett f New Store fltPVaaH if W aTli New Goods - Gents Furnishings, Ladies Shoes and Hosiery, Wc arc seeking your trade. Come In, get our prices and look over our stock. We can save you money. LADIES' SHOES in all the latest lnstsPat cnts, Gun Metals, Tans, aYul Kids. MEN'S SHOES No old stoek to "pick J over. All new and uptodatc moods Alljiiy.es and styles; A. CHILDREN'S Shoes at a saving to you of 25 per cent. Look them over. BOYS' SHOES The best seamless you can get anywhere for the money. MEN'S HATS we have a line stock of straws wools and felts, Lots more coming. UNDERWEAR Headquarters f o r Shirts, Overalls, Melts, Caps, Hose, etc., etc. TURPIN AND WHITSETT 4 WaU Strtwt, BontJ. Oregon. lc ha Instructions to rush the work on the building with all possible haste, it is evwem uiai me contractors wtn neeu to I in the Held immediately lo supply tbe camp from liend. At Or Valley they are now killing tome 15 head of beef dally, and it I expected that a similar number will 1 required here. COLUMBIA SOUTMERn"VORK. Land Purchased for Rescrvofr SHe. Topographical Survey. If. T. Hendryr. manager of the Co lombia Southern irrigation enterprise, now In the hand of the Oregon, Wash ington & Idaho I'lnancc Co., wa in lieml last I'riday. He report purchase of tbe Wimer ranch of 600 acre and the J. 8. Woolley ranch of jjo acre, on Hull creek flat, Tnmalo. Tbi clear tbe way for a reservoir to cover 1600 acres, where ft is expected to (tore yt,'xr acre-feet of water. Twenty men are now making a topo graphical urvey of tbe Columbia South ern segregation, as a preliminary to lystcmatic reclamation Work. Hereto fore it ha been largely guessed at Tbe construction of a 7ofootdaw at tbe Bull creek gp will soon lie under -way. It is announced tbat all settler on the Columbia Southern segregation, who have compiled with requirement to this time, wiil not a(Ter from the readjust ment to be affected asder tbe new re clamation scheme. But those who have merely applied, for land, not going upon it or improving it or residing there, will be asked to adjust their claim on the new bus! of f 15 an acre. CITY COUNCIL MEBTINO. Q.'vea RaHread Right-of-Way Over CertaM Streets. At a meeting of the city council last night a resolution wa adopted giving the Orecon Trunk Railroad right of way aero, afi itreet and alleys between Fir anil Koa avenues. Tbi action, however, was conditional to the provitlon by the railroad of two suitable crossing. Tbe council futbermore provided for the immediate conjunction of aix foot dde walk on each tide of Oregon itreet west of Wall street. lartaM Dry Klfa at MM. It is announced tbat the Pilot Butte Development Company will install a dry kiln at their si ill im mediately. The new kiln, whose daily capacity will be about 5000 lect of lumber, is now on the road from Sbaniko, and will be set up and put in operation at once upos its arrival in Bend. The heavy and daily increasing demand for seasoned tomber for tbe many build ings, both those under construction and being planned, has led the mill people to rush in the kiln, the local supply of dry lumber not being able to keep pace with the dcma&d. Hereafter, it is understood, there will be an ample supply of well seasoned building material always on hand. Censtta Takhtj; Cemmcatces. K. A Smith, cento enumerator for Bend and vicinity, announces that he will commence operation thit week. In connection with this government work it should be remembered that all infor mation given the crnsua taker is in the itrictest confidence, and tbat hi oath re quire that all information received by mm, wnciner personal or otnerwuc, "gets no further." Bend Boya May Whs Auto Prize. Chirlcsand "Jimmle" Merrill, sons of Mayor Merrill, stand the best kind of a chance of winning a Ford touring car In the Saturday Rvening Foal's newsboy's contest. The car, or fftjo in cash, wilt l awarded to the boys selling the great est number ot Foils iu towns of graded size. At present the Merrill boy lead in Oregon for towns of this lite, and arc very near the top for all the United States. RIGHT OF WAY FUNDS IN HAND Bend Has RafeesJ $7,875 tor That Purpose. SALVAQE TO BE AUCTIONED Two Acres, Lest Strip TaJsM far Us RaMread, to be SeM t ttw !Ht- e Bidder Coxy CMfe Abe WW Oe ta th Pitreftaaer. Bend has raised by popular sub scriptioB $7875 necessary to clear up the right-of-way ami depot grounds for tbe Oreges Trunk Hall way. In addition to the direct sub scriptkws of cash given below. L. D. Wtest has assumed Sioooof the burden, in accordasee with his pre vious promise, and there are salvage lots to be sold for tbe beiwit of the land. The date of this sale as Sat urday, April 30, wbea all of Nos 21, 38 of Lytic acre tracts, except tWe portion taken for railroad right-trf-way, will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder at tbi efice of Hunter & StaaU. Ou tract jS is a cozy four room ccttage tbat will go to tbe purchaser. This will close the trausactiou, lemviog poel bly a small balance ia tbe ftMsd. Tbe roll of honor shows tbe W fowing cash subscrfptieM and pay ments, inadditiou, rwht-of-way sad other concessions: The First National Baak C S. Hudson...., J. N. Hunter Sylvester Staat W. H. Stsalt : W. B. Sellers U.CCoe K. A. Sather Mrs. Auderway...... ........... H. C Kill .....'. C A. SUnburreugb A. x. Lara I. M. Lawrence J. Saow ParmlBter '. foha Steidl J. If. Weaaady H. K. Allen Iluga O Kaoe) .................. Henry Llaster.. Central Oregon Realty Co....... a. v lataweu .'. H.I. Overtarf A. LCoodwillie II. II. Davlea P. P Smith "... N. F. Smith Geo. Brotterboe -. Ami Anne Anton Aune Turpin &. Whitsett Geo. Hobbs A. C Lucas J. W. McCoy John BU ,."..... Don Stella .....p.. P. M. Mar .- O. I. Putnam John White J. W. Kelly C. W. Merrill L D. Shaw R. B. MuUie C. S. Benson Mike McGrath D. K. HuaterCo .Jtso - So I'll . 315 . 35 . - 55 - 15 7 . 5 - 3 - 75 3ss . ISO . taa . 30 . KB . tea - 5 . l . too . wo . 100 - 15 . 5 . 140 - 75 - 67 . so y - y . 10 . y : 5 . 40 - 3 . 150 - y - 35 . . I5 . 7 a JWsg (Continued on page to.) TSc First National Bank Or ItND, - IEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. OOe, Prtldnt C. A. 8ATHR. Vic Pr,t4n o. a. HuoaoN, cuMr Capital rully paid S48.008 8tokhold,r' liability S.OSO Surplus ..... (VS.ejM ' T . ' IBSSSBBgBSaMK Statement of tlw First NtkaJ Uk of BmmI, Or)goia As rsndtrsd ta th Treasury Bspartmsnt or Hi Unltsd BUtss, Wathlnaton, 6. .. March M. ISM ASSETS LIABILITIES r Mil, and Discount,... , PA-Mfl Capital paid la MI- jw BanV. BulMlut and Lot . ,..- . J twrplus.-.... .,.. i,o U. 8. Bonds slid Premiums......... o,7 oo wamvwea roans -.-. . IJt l'lrtrCUt Rtdmlt lOU Fund.-. 6tl OS Clraittllaa -nr-iiiinim.iii.iuiii iijn ONBHONHANDAnd (JSJ tktjt n.wdi. .a.j! oue fkom banks-... rl',f"w msuy..-..... mi,? Toiau..,- - , -im.sn ;i ToTiL.,.,-,.,.......)tW,i1 Opened a a National Bank March 3oth, 1909. DEPOSITS. ArRII, 38, t99 .$ 53,379.23 1UNK3V 1909 67.777.4M" Sltt'TKMBKR 1, 9P9-m. -'.., 7,WW,S3 NOVKMBBRt6, 1909.,: ISO ftJJ.57 JANUARY 3. 1910,.-,.; 16l.ttl.84 MARCII39, 1910...., ..,- 181.7M.27 No. of DeposltorsMch. so, 1909, 172, No. Mck. 39, 1910, 518 DIRECTORS: U. C. COK K. A SAT1IMK C. S, HUDSON P. P. SMITU K. C. XLUS W & s.