Im ill i in ' - - - - " ' -- ffft4UafUtiiaUtffftia "tr avmm yy w 9 My Freighter Got In l'roui Shaniko mid brought with iilm n full supply of BUILDERS' HARDWARE for my store. I nm now ready to fill y'pur orders. Another shipment of 9,000 Pouii Is on the way from Shaniko to Demi. I Intend to keep the builders of lie nil fully supplied with nil they need. Kctncmbcr me N. P. SMITH Mutzlg Bulldlnjc Wall Street 13"" LADIES THE NEW STORE IN Till TRIPLCTT BUILOIHQ We nre now In position to take your measures for surra, skirts, jackets, capes, , AUTO COATS, RAIN COATS and ONE PIECE DRESSKS, also can furnlih you Cloth by the yard. 350 samples just arrived for spring and Summer wear, and ore open for inspection. You take no chances we guarantee a fit. All we ask is your order. YOURS for a TRIAL, FRENCH BUTTS LOCAL BITS. Wc buy and sell the earth. Wc buy and sell the earth. Indisputable FACTS TheVpultl ' the world is ever increasing. This means on Increasing demand for the products of the land. "The safest and best investment on earth is the earth Itself." And litis applies with special force and truthfulness to rich, virgin soil that can yet be bought at reasonable figures. Here, then, is your opportunity. Will you sicic it? . We can locate you on a 320Acre HOMESTEAD of Choice Wheat Land. OVER TWeNTY-TWO YEARS IN TUB LOCATlNd BUSINESS We can sell you DRY FARMS, IRRIOATKD, MEADOW and TIMHER LANDS at prices that will make yen Independent. DESCHUTES REALTY COMPANY Bend, Oregon Wcbuy and sell the earth. We buy and sell the earth. BuffTHa tfeSEaifejka .HffE aaaaaaaaaaaaarVVffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH 51 ' toBF-- X ; ffl-tfJ?-X-A. Lj remember, Tim Fishing Season I Commences April First. Wc carry iuii iiuc 01 m, vciy wi Tackle. Dig new shipment just in. Rods, ?V- Flies. Leaders, etc. T ' - . . 5. u Caldwell H EVEtnWNI kt tk FUmm For Sale KggS for setting, fro ml Nine and ioIhch eavelopes, JHst regietered Hamburgh hctts; i4tKgs right for filing away or mailing le- lor jti.oo. j. 1. wkst, nenu, igaiuocuBsenu, ir wic iu urow. Cleveland Baking Powder. City Dray continually drawing. For building plans of all descrip ttous sec C. II. Kills. 35 Closing out our paint line at cost. MitKHiM. Drug Co. If you want buttons made call 011 A. D. Moe, the Tailor. Oct your typewriter ribbons and carbon paper at the Bulletin office. liny your paints at Merrill's closing out sale and save retailers' profits. Two-year-old apple trees 15c each, $13.50 per 100. Howard Sl'lNINO. 2 4t A Chinaman has come to town, Let us hoe this means a laundry alio Is coming. The City Dray will move any thing from a mustard seed to a threshing engine. Three chairs and three barbers always waiting for you at I unci & Davidson a shop. For Salk Dcd springs good as new, mattress and dining table. In quire at Bulletin office. 4tf One large and one small house to rent. Rates reasonable. See Cen tral Oregon Realty Co. A. D. Moe, the Tailor, has re ceived a button machine and can now make any site of button. Mashed potatoes ore made whiter and lighter by adding Cleveland's Baking Powder before beating. Miss Pearl Morton of Portland has taken the position of steno grapher at the First National Bank. Th"c First National Bank has just installed 35 additional safety de posit boxes, which are for rent. You carry the key. For Salk 45 head of (rood range horses, also a fine Pcrch'eron stallion nt n bargain. CaHy & Gkrkino, Laidlaw, Or. Ioncs & Davidson have improved their quarters again. But you can't improve the haircut a quarter gels you at their establishment. There will be a basket ball pome between the students and the teach era, at Lara's hall, Wednesday, April 6, at 8 p. ni. Admisiion 10 cents. For Sale 40 acres choice land on main road .4 miles south of Redmond, in Forked Horn flat Cheap if sold soon. A. W. Jamxs, SuMnville, Calif. If you want to sell something come around to The Bulletin office and arrance wltti G. P. Putnam who Is local advertising agent for the Portland Oregonian. Silvkr Lackd Wyandottks Eggs for hatching from pure- bred Silver Laced Wyandottes, $1 50 per setting, fair hatch guaranteed. Mrs. W. P. Downing, Bend. The first portable gasolene wood saw in Bend arrived last Saturday for W. P. Downing. He will do a lot of sawing for himself first and then will be In the market for cus tom work. WANTED CORDWOOD, about 400 cords of 4-foot juniper, dry and green; also about 400 cords of 4-foot green sawed pine, all to be deliver ed at the Pioneer Wood Yard, Lytic. W. P. Downing. Found Stray cow, while faced Hereford, branded "I V" on right hip, under half crop in each ear. Joined herd last fall. Inquire at Bulletin office. Owner may have by paying cost of keep, 4-7 Floyd Dement returned Saturday night from a three weeks trip to Portland, where he has been pur chasing stock for his new hardware store now building at the corner of Wall and Minnesota streets. Fire and thieves often destroy papers that it is Impossible to re place, causing complications. A safety deposit box in the fire proof vaults of the First National Bank protects you. Rent one today. M JL7 aaVBaVLm IHm A aV aVaaaaa aBBBaaaV aHaaaV aaw aa aav HmH aaT aat aaaa aav aaal aaal bbbt aaal aaal aav BBBLaBv bbh aV bb'bbI IR bbbh ibbv aaal aaal HH bbh aaal H aaaaM bbbks 'flasH aaafan aV HI aV H aV aaaaBBB HM 'bbe bbbh HBIbbbbT aaa ftaa aS bbb bbb bV 'BBBBBBB BBV BB1 BBBS BBBBBIBBftaBf BBS BBV BBfl BBB1 BBB BBB Lots on the market now at $ 1 25. Beit KjmHmm hmt qoMkm offer! in or about Beae. Thp Kenwood Company O, C. Hinklc, from Irrlgon, Ore goit, has Ucn looking over the homestead country for the last ten days, and announces that he Is to pilot In a considerable number of settlers from the Walla Walla country. Surveyor Wlcst Is this week set ting permanent marks at several of the Important street intersections, In order that there may be fixed points from which to measure lots accurately a need that increases as prices advance. Forty-acre Irrigated tract seven miles from Bend 15 acres have been cultivated, 39 acres can be ir rigated, house and barn three months residence alone required. A thousand dollars, easy terms. Apply Bulletin office, John J. Dokken has bought the Jesse Y. Winter ranch near Gist for 1500, Some livestock, farm im plements and household furniture were included in the purchase. Dokken hm. moved on the ranch and begun putting in crops. J. M. Lawrence has sold a half interest In lot 5 of block 14, the triangle at the east end of the church block, to Max Lnedderaann for 5600, and bought Mr. LueMde matin's half interest in tot 9'- of block 3, on wall street, for $2000. Frank Robertson drove bis Pope Hartford through to Bolter's, ' on Trout creek, Friday evening, leav ing Bend at 5 p. m. and carrying A. M. Drffke and Foreman Daniel- son. Saturday morning they drove to Shaniko and caught the train, and 37 hours after leaving Bend they were in Portland. The townsite company has a force of men clearing and burning rubbish, windfalls and dead trees from the additions now being plat ted, and thinning trees from the streets to that it will be convenient to drive a carriage or automobile through them. Last Thursday evening the choir was entertained at the pretty coun try place of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith. All the church singers went and report the best of good times, not the least delightful feat ure of tbe entertainment beln a delicious supper. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. A. M. Lara entertainrd the Ladies' Li brary Club at ber home. The oc casion was the second anniversary of tbe club's founding. Miss Mabel Roberts entertained tbe gathering with some cleverly rendered recita tions and readings. Nick Smith last Saturday began excavating for bis new buildine on Wall street uext tbe postofSce. The structure will be 30x46 two stories tall, with one-story carpenter sbop at the rear 30x30 feet. The upper rooms will be occupied as a rest dence by Mr. Smith's family. The Bend Bulletin has just re ceived a number of blueprint maps of Crook, Lake and Kkraath coun ties. These are ou sale at $1.50 each. Also the finest map of Central Oregon yet seen in Bend, made on a high grade vellum, will be on sale at The Bulletin office at 50 cents each. LOST Grey horse, about 1300 weight, branded on right shoulder with blurred "H." Bay mare branded rircle, bar on left hip, same weight, scar on right hind foot. Both unshod Strayed from mite north of Pilot Butte roach. Ten dollars reward for in format lea lead ing to their recovery. Notify Asae Dam Julius I'ktkhson, Bend The Normal School question is fairly before tye- voters by the Ini tiative Bill for Monmouth framed by htr Alumni. This separates it wholly from politics, and gives the voters a lair chance to express their choice. Schools are a necessity we must educate the boys and girls and we must have teachers. The Normal School is the place to train and prepare these. Vote, Yes, for Monmouth. J. U. V. HUTLKR. Sec. Com. C A. Chapman drove Into Bead last Saturday from Echo, Umatilla county, and will remain here. Mrs. Chapman will join him here after a visit with relatives in the Hast. Mr. Chapman says the fame of Bend arouses much jealousy abroad and it is not unusual to find men who know nothing of the situation here enthusiastically knocking this country. He urges it upon every body here to be active in getting the truth abroad in the land. par Rem. Furnished or partly furnished five room Iioum: near school house. Near ditch. References prefered. F M Ray. "" " "! If I III l If. II ffWanMafMfMHfffMfffBmfM timber Lands Wn.ted White's Meat Market to tay yovr nmtt. 320-Acre Home- steads. Irrigated Frm Lands City Prop erty and Acreage List your Timber Lands with us quick. Wc have cu tomers waiting. We can locate you on the Choicest Homestead' Lands in Central Oregon; Satisfaction guaranteed. List your Farm Lands with us. Our list is good now but wc desire to increase it. We have plenty of buyers coming. We have call for all kinds of City Property and Acre age. Let us know what you have in tins line. The Home Land Company W.W. OfcCUTT, Mums. J. H. WENANDY wtnv ox. P. L. RONTON SHANIKO, OX. WENANDY-BUNTEN Automobile Stage Company daily Automobiles between Shaniko, Madras, Redseoed sd Bead and all Interior points. For farther lforatloa write Wenandy-Bunten Auto. Co., BEND, ONEaON SPECIAL- ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE A Small Piece' of Money Goes Long Way at Our Store In Buying Anything In thg line of General Merchandise. We always carry a complete stock and can fill your wants. In the Dry Goods Line we have an exceptiocally Rood stock, and invite an iaepectien of same. You will be satisfied with your purchases! if you do your trading at our store. Come see us. We will treat you right. E.A. SATHER , BEND, OREQON All Spring Samples Now Here You Waat Spring Suit That Ye Can Defend Oct to look, nice,-to hang well, wear well and give, yeu value received for what. you pay for it Cowc look ever the Seatpte. A. D. MOE, The Tailor. , FOUR HORSB UVERY. SADDLE ttOMES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. k J. H. WENANDY, Prep. ALL INDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Alee HAY, OATS? 1ALKY, WHEAT. CHOB WKXAT. IRAJID MIDDLINGS. - All Orders prjtly Delivered, Ofder by Phone Ne. )8. Hereea BMifltt awd Sefcf Light wd. heavy Howii tor ek Wall rtd MIniwaeta Streets fffffffffufffffffffffffffffffaff"