' ' '' Ml ,mtaifnmiitVfmS!fSisr'Xrvirxr.-txrr jiit&iztmwmtnmmvMiiitMWiv-H, m, t I l!' )" t -V .' ' . .l .! fh ir. !il it !' 'Ki ' T m It i i Mm ii If ll! i SMITH PAYS a follows for good, fresh pro ducehe never charge com mit! on: Live Chicken IS Dressed Chicken.. .lc to 17a Live Duck....., ...16o to IBc Dressed Geese, ...... .... IGo Dressed Turkeys, 250 Dressed Hog 100 Dressed Veal up to ISO lb He Lrg Veal Lesa. AMnm. FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. Ttfec the BtefTrur PORTLAND, OREGON. Je Caaaea for aa Arsantal. If you hud any lit In you. Henry." ah mapped, Tou'd co out there and rlr tha cook!" "But I haven't. you ae. Flo," he pla cidly yapped: And h burled hlmielf tn a book. Chicago TTlhun OrJy One "WJOMO QUtNWt" Tk.tl. LAXATIVB HROM(J QUININE. Lrrfc for the alsnatura of K. W. Grove. UmJ th WorU orrr to Cat a Cold In Om Dtr. tie Tronblaa at tha Aartaata. Tenalota waa bewalllnr th nrotraet- ad stbsence ef Ulysaea. "I might aa wU ba tha wife of a commercial traveler," aha aald. "and ba done with Itl" Scorning to avail hsrsslf of an aa divorce, ah plunged datpar than ever Into the pacta of tha Ladlss Horn Journal for conaolatlon. SEEDS Catalogue for the Asking Send for It J. J. BUTZER 188 Street front Portland. Oregon Some Excellent Room SUU on Sal lor OAWTS CRUISE Of TtK "CUVCIAND" f! 11,000 Tons, band New rlD ana aupcieiy imra OUND THE WO TROM SAN TRANCtSCO FtB. 5. 1910 ONE STEAMER for the Entire Cruise t nearly foar nonths. nxtliur enlx SMO uxt up. tncroaine ail aocoMary oipnuoo. ROUTft linn. China. PtxUatlntt. Bantoa, tnm. Hurma. hteia.'CcttsA. tl. Roh. etc. AnnMHHllhaiK totWk unuMiN attrauht HBSa ORIENT CRUISE rrauT . 110. by . "Ctomt Kutfumit." 7 j ear, tncioaias n mi ECpt ia reotuno. VS)0 a. Incledlas hotel, (nor axcunioiu. Me. fRANK C CtARK Tinea BUf. New York linless Dentistry lOtt of tea IWTk I cm tir Jtt lUh4 la o oa. I vt fgpry. WulftM i rto Sk ftil jro'i sitiUt $3.St U4v Cimi S.Ot BUoTttt3.6C tiurzui Id Cuwirsan 1.0k. UUiHS-.f. Z.0U rut S.GQ it fSk- 4 Uffuu. 7.S0 Ptltbu titriU. .50 WORK aUANANTXa-B TOU IS YCARa MbIm artrsrUoa ft bca rUt (a a riiti. OcamlutUn tn. Ton akULM vtk aa unhrw AU a uuL ModnilrtrtMmlta pitinnvnui wvr 1 CM Bt ltUt itrotk fnllvruar atMrf. Modnifnrtamlimu Umt K.UuxU. Wise Dental Co. ruuH Briiuwa , incsaeeanTXt. Tan ?:waVrT PORTLAND. ORKSON witec aeeasi s a. m. to s t. u. , u u A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Mmiu aa unftlNnr wttn ropptj. It suaiM that 1 will bav tha nMat prati cvl OgOMatU tlir auDplf fUn now In om. Mekrattdtank.DarrouappMlii wlot. no llwunt watar In aat&ou. no water lapply trouble of an aort. Tank platal Id baarnwat. oat ilsht and war, aud of primal ataal. will at roat aad will Ut a lUrtlma. You wUl U plaaaaj with tha LEADER 7Ura of fttrnUhlna' Doroaati Watar Bupr'r. Aak for our catatonia and froa IxnkUt. "How I Solrad Uf Watar pplr Pnfclam." LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane. Wash. Boke, Idaho. S. W. a SM. raaf mi Mana NwiMiuaifaua (saillMaV mm That Real Katata Aaaat. House-hunter Seems to me thU hout Un't very well built. Th floor shakes when we walk. Agent Um y-e-; that' the new kind ot spring floor tor dancing, you know. HouiohunUr And the talr creak terribly. Agent Y-e-sj we tumlih this new paent burglar alana staircase with out tra charce. T11' Weekly. Vetfesrs vin tad tin. WleiloW. Boothln tytsp tea east rsmtuv lonMiortaaircauanM auilnf b UathlBC puled. Ha Mlaraareaaatatlaii, Hoarder (at summer resort) Didn't your booklet aay thr ware no moa qultott haret ProprUtor It did. air, and It told tha exact truth. We had the booklet print ed tn February, and I am prcpaVed to prove that there wasn't a blamed (slap) mosquito within (00 mllea ot hare at that time. Chicago Tribune. ritCS CURtD W 6 TO 14 DAYS l"AZO OINIMtNT U naraMaed to rata an ttaa of Itchlnr. Blind. Blwdlnc or frotradin Ptlaa In "Us; to it daya or money tarunard. rreteta t Watt. "You should buy all your Christmas MFk.tl. V. ... .... k... ! - ' tul wuai iuv; NJ, UUI IB UUl to sure ot It You see. I've mad up my mind to give several of ray friends dozen egg apiece no matter what they cost and I hate (o think of buy tng 'era now." Cleveland Plain Dealer. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Ba KM Ygu HaTS Always Bought Sear tha &&&& Signature He UIU .Nut llrdlalr. "Tou must rest." said th specialist, after a knowing thumping on th pop ular preachcrVperson. "You will b tn the next world In three months un less you go abroad and take a complete rest." "Oh, then II f" go abroad at once," replied the preacher, quite Innocently. HQ.WARD. X. rUETUS - i.r.r 4 CStalrt. I!, uJo. Ookit4o. 8ln rlt Ooll eilwr. Lm4. a OolA. SUi.r. Uot Ool. 50t Uu rCsrvor.lt Miiu mnlorM u4 (U prir li fie aprlkotfoo Omtiol - raalro oro lUiUd. BtMH OutouMKoUouI Votk. f 1 Children Like .9. CURE Tit tlTT KtWQH WL Utl5B5 it is o-pleaMt to take stop the cough so qwclly. Abiolutciy safe lo aad coBtatos no opute. AI DmritatA. 2S coU. V FERRTS' SEEDS Th mi.. i... ., Landlady You say the chicken ' '. oup int goodl Why, I told tho cook bow to make it. Perhaps she didn't catch the idea. Doarder No; I think It waa th chicken sh didn't catch. I he Kough of G onsumuion Your doctor will tell you that fresh sir and good food are the real cures for consumptioa. But often the cough is very hard. Hcrcc, we suggest that you ask your doctor about your , taking: Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the tick ling! quiets the cough. k4 Wa pabll.h oar fornaUa ttaa aaraiatf lalaaa iers Wa area y. to aas.ult jr aaatar KAV TatrowtbaSa- M n eavm BudlH moil tiurtouj aH amfJBKW TWKWUBin. K4a ,B jam afjV tecils. rmri Bdj are tnl JH iW twaos UnynntrCullnjUU AfH T(V er cuAinr. Tfi tmt (trdra- m SaaaT n anil fannm Yrrht Jm (.jW know rrrrr' M!toMUM V m hubMt nuxlwd it anality iiV H ytt uulaaLror aUa ifHP B fvrrarek V W H rtatrs m stt iaaatJHr B mear4Mt jjKw ftv arrtfj aaaA One ofAyer'sPIIU t bedtime will cause grocery store where John sn incressed flow of bile, snd produce a works," continued Mary, "I waa to gentle Isxsilve effect the dsy fallowing, lupply him with home-made plea and IVJU. f-n em h b5x' Sk,ow Ut0. yu':ake, he wa to 111 them, and th iTeoZ'- ? W.t. te .divided betwMU Ut7UUJ.C.Ajr0.,Lw.U,Kar: t " THE USK OF JTLOWKHS. Ood might have bade the earth bring forth ' Enough for great and email, The oak tree and the cedar tree, Without a flower nt nil. We might have had enough, enough For every want of oura. For luxury, medicine and toll. And yet have had no flower. Then wherefore, wherefore were they made. All dyed with rainbow light. All fnahloned with aupremeal grace, uprising day and night Bprlnglng In vnlleye green and low, And on the mountalna high. And In the allent wlldernraa Where no man passes by I Our outward life requires them not Then wherefore had they blrtht To minister delight to man. To beautify the earth; To comfort man to whisper hopea Where'er hla faith la dim. For who so careth for the flowers Will care much more for Htm. Mary HowltL After the dishes had been washed ind put away, Mrs. Pratt and her mar ried daughter, Mary, sat down to dls :us those thing which they realty wished to talk about. It 1 truo that ver since Mr. Pratt's arrival ot noon thu conversation had nover once halt id a was Indeed only natural, for mother and daughter had not seen tach other since tho latter's wedding- lay, seven year before. Dut while they had sorted over a wealth ot con versational odd and ends, thoy had tacitly laid on one side all the piece lhat Interested them tho most, until at last, when the evening lamp shed It radiance over the room, mother and laughter sat down and looked at each ."her attentively, Very much alike were Mrs. Pratt ! lnd her married daughter, Mary. Tho I tame perpendicular line marked their forehead, tho same tight lines com- "BUT HE ATX THEM.' preased their lips, and each had the tame Arm chin. Dut Mrs. Pratt's eye aad twinkles lurking In them and her nouth displayed many a tender smile twinkles and smiles which were not risible In Mr. Pratt' married daugh ler, Mary. "Mary," said Mrs. Pratt. "John loesn't look ao contented a I'd like So see him." John's footsteps wero still echoing from the sidewalk a ho made hi way x the grocery store where he bad worked for the last ten year. 'No, he doesn't," said Mary, shak ing her bead and setting her chin, 'though I'm ure I've done everything can to he,p hlra' Dut somohow poor TaKh ilAAiti't aaAm aaa aland ld John doesn't seem to get along Jke other men." "M-m-mm." ald Mr. Pratt "In the first place," said Mary, 'when I saw that bis money wouldn't m enough for comfort, I made up my nlnd that I'd help, too, for when we ot married I had my heart set on rwo new bat every year and a woman o do the washing. Anyhow, I got lobn to build me a coop, and I kept :h!ckena and sold the egg. "It didn't pay, though. In winter, when egg were egg, the chicken wouldn't lay, though you can be sure did my bot to mako them, and In .he summer egg were so plentiful and heap that It didn't make much differ- 'ince whether the hens laid or not. 8lx- .een chickens I had, and when I found ut they didn't pay, thoy lasted us ilztcen week one every Sunday. fohn declared at ast that he wouldn't tat them but he ate them." It would have been difficult to say rbether Mary looked tho moro deter mined when sbb told of trying to make .ho bens lay or when she mentioned rliat John continued to eut chicken. "Then I went Into a sort of part lershlp with Mr. Valentino, who keep rfiMcincMrcc I WV1H IUUWUU I 1 1 J Mary' Up tightened at tho recol lection. "First off," aha said, "I nmde too many, and they nonrly nil went stnlo, and when I inado only a tow It didn't pay." "What did John. ay to all IhlsT" "Ho ate tha (tale once, but I don't remember that ho said anything. I waa too busy to nottco htra much be cause I was opening tho millinery shop Just then. I wrote you.nbout that," "Yea," "Ot course It I'd had a proper (took It would have been different, but I had to do the best I could with what I had. The drat two month I paid tho rent out ot It, and along toward tho end ot the third month I had a rummago sale and sold everything out. oioe women woum novo ueeu ui.toup aged at that, but I wnsn L" ta . . . . a a II "It waa then that you started your cooking classear asked her nioUier. "Yoa. 1 wroto you about that, too. Ilut only four joined, aud twenty les on at threo dollar a courao wo only fifteen cents each, or sixty centaor the tour, 'and eometlniM thoy d loll a dollar' worth ot food In a stnglo les son. Ot courao John ate some ot It, but I finally thought It beat to give tho da up. It I could only give him A little of my amMllon!" "Mary," ald her mother, "I do b llove there' only ono thing you hav en't tried, and It I woro you, I'd try that, too." "What 1 Itr Looking attentively nt her, Mary'a mother wa silent a moment; then she said, "Mnry, I'd try to mako him happy." They both sat silent for a time, "Well." said Mary, slowly, at but, "I suppose 1 might even try that" And as Mary's mind busied Itself with details, tho faintest poaslblo twin kle appeared In her eye. The night following tho departure ot Mary' mother, John camo home nnd found hi slippers waiting for him. It wa a llttlo thing, but John' ex pression wa a study as he put on his slipper, and when ho wnlkod Into the dining-room ho held hi shoulder back Ilka a man whose slipper had been found for htm, and who wo conse- quonUy conscious ot hi worth. Tho next night John feasted on hi favorite vegetable which wa cauli flower and regaled himself wth hi tavorlto dessert which wo oottago pudding. Ho waa atlll at tho pudding when a neighbor's dog came and howled un pleasantly under the dining-room win dow John opened tho window nnd poke to the dog with such a tone of authority and decision that the dog ceased and went away, aboahed. Tho next night John found a flro In the open grate, and when he bad fin ished bis dinner, Mary produced a corn-popper and a bag ot corn, and professing Ignorance on tho subject. sho let John teach her how to pop the corn. A month or so paased, and ono noon John camo In with tho step of a con queror. "Mr. Valentino called me Into his private office to-day," he said to Maty, "He said that Mr Wilcox waa leav ing, and be asked me If I could tako hi place. The salary Is Just twtca a nueh a I have been getting, and It didn't tako me long to say I'd try It," Ueforo Mary's mind rose a vision of two new hat ertry year, and ot a woman doing the washing. Hope, long deferred, swelled In Mary' heart. "Mr. ValenUne said he'd been watch ing me tho laat month," continued John, "and ho aald If I kept on a I bad been doing he'd be satlsflod." "John," said Mary, her voice shak ing a bit, "do you think you can do itr "Do you think I can, Mary!" he aaked. "I know you can!" cried Mary, "Mary! Mary!" whispered John. "And so do I know I can I "Youth' Companion. To AV'Imm Honor la Una, A a pendant to the story of the professor who, upon being questioned on tho witness-stand, doclared that he wa "tho greatest living sclontlst," saying apologetically afterward that ho "waa on oath," comes the following anecdote from one of the Now En gland college: Dr. H. had been unfolding to hi class in physics a new and startling Idea, and at tho end of tho explana tion one of his student said, deferen tially, "Is that your own theory, pro fessorT" "No," tho professor replied. "Hut," he added, reassuringly, "if a good one." A Gaatronomlo Dlaeovery, "Dobby," said the boy's mother, "here is some nice oatmeal mush for your breakfast." "I don't like It,',' nnswered the youthful epicure. "Oatmeal mush Is only Just paste with the seeds left In." Washington Star. Patent medicine advertisement are attractive reading tor women, because they have a great dtal to y about wocatn who suffer la sllsnce. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho World's Greatest Blood Purlflor nnd Strength-Giver. It builds you up. Accept no Bub- itltutc, but insist on hnvlntr Hood's, nnd got it todny. In u-unll quid form or chocolated lab el, called 8rfllahi. 100 Do-ci fl Harmless lloa, , ft I not old, h Is not young, rh Chlnts laundryman, Hop Lung, iiun ril v I ! IM tmilsitl "J " rht humMn noMi ,h, ehVbon high, rhe cheerful face, the wllllna- hand. That rv (ho proudest In th land Ills back yard you may scan with caret No dirty llntn airing there! Una lira aril fur Apuraraaee, "Maria, this telephone call la for you Mrs. Illghmore wants to talk to you," "Mrs. IllchmoreT Oraelousl And 1 look like a frlshlt John, hold the wlr a mlnuta till I do up my halrt" Biliousness "I have usctl your valuable Cascartta snd I find Utcni perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used turm tor tome time for Indigestion and biliousness snd am now completely curctl. Rccom attend them to everyone. Once tried, you will never be without them In th family." ltd ward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y. CUT THIS OUT. mall It with jour a-l- 4i t to tn atlL to tha Starllaf llamntjr Cwnpanr. Cakai III., aixl roe If a aaifclwma aou- vanlr UoM Uua lion PKEU. ifyouVe never worn atj V la-l SLICKER vouVetet lairamtttobodi'fv romfortttolveisi inewtncuvrtatner MABtfO rujrijr.ivic: AMD CUARAMTUO WATtnraoor 3QS MAUcooosioeu CAuioamt jwaiam-a otk MAPLEINE rm STEAtTf WHITE UCHT tW Genuine it means They fit Ilka a rest and relief. No ihem on and oil like a provides perfect fit over ffimBi mw.m I .'V. 4S I ll. X fct xu TUVJKN r Lm - r IPH WM ) aaaaaaBBj aavaaanaMawaaBBnBBB-BnBaaf,BBBjyBBBBBBBHBBBBBBj SaaaaaaaaV SaaaaaaaaaakHBHaWH HCsTIH AV9 aaaaaW aaaaaaaaB I T-aT-lW XStlLM ' 1 1 Z Z laaiaaaaaaalaaaalaaaa laaaal W HaawU Vl RAYO, LAMP It high r'sda Ump tr.M at a law ulca. OSJaaV Tbtrt are laa that r,t uv t lt nwr it no li-r lmt f mt: BM SI SDf nri Tha U:tf-jr t:i u lt: ( h::un., Uf.Mtt-T f HaJH Sll 'viul thin,. In a latnpi Ihrxtatla t.1 Ilia KAYO fV LAMP at tvifrctly rontiturtM and thrio la twitilna- JJIJJB' knoao In Iht art nf lran-miiti tht rt.uld arid to tha 1 Tiluao(llnAYOaiallhi(ltlndrl-. Sulullalor H snjr mom In tha Iiohm V.Tffr rfraltr ctrirabrra. m II nm at yuara, wtli for d4lptlr clrttiiar to tha atf Xa ncatrti Agtutf of lb know how comfortable a good looking shoe can b until yon have worn MARTHA WASHINGTON COMFORT SHOES ' Btunra tf Imitation. Onlathi ttnuln ' ana Maytr ttat Mam ilamfnd an lha Your ucaisr win auppi youir not, rtiaa iiyou will aaiui ua iim naaM aaa a 1 doi nanaia Manna w.Hiiaaiaa aaawai i aana you If, pcttrvalJ, a 1 iMiwl aaali , VYininion,oin u a . 1 Wa alao maka llanoiMtSa Itaal TIHL11 1. Ytrma uuariiaa aaa a and Woik SCkaaa. i '" MayerBoolcSti MILWAU M rrai Tha Katar flaea. , HaWliiit l the latest toat k....t.n1,l Inlnrest. my lUafT " r Hhe Oh, lh fnll houawileanlng lust now Is on th earpot, Ilaltlmow American. . InMsnt RtHW for AH tM tlmtitro IrrlUtcd front iliist, boat, sun or wind. i'K'ITIT'8 BYB SAIiVK. All tlrutfuliU or Howard Uros., lluiTalo, N, Y! One of Ih Asaltullalor, Rlranisr What do you do wllh th vast swarms of Immigrants that land on your shore every year? Prominent Clollmmll W don's hav anny throuble. sor. In asslmylaW In' thlm. SEND FOR PRICES AND HUY YOUK GROCERIES WHOLESALE Poitlmd Wholesale Grocery C, 204J Taylor SI. Poiltaml. Or. xmm . COFFEEl TEA SPICES BAUINO rOWOCR IXTKACTS tlUSTI(iniT riflcrraiMifFBi1 rt)iuwaoL i WOOtRN cxrutt .DENTISTRY AI rktt laat Pair CamaatWa lltltl VHII0Ut PIAIM A 1TICUIT l-AISII.EX-4 KXTIIALtrlON HILVi:il r'll.UNUi ... ','""4bo ut .. Jl.OOtip utii.u ni.uMm UK liOIJI CKIIWH , JJS9 UM)I KUIIIII'lt VlfAlt. . , -S2 ,iil- iti.ar KliliiLlMt ll.ATrj4 SS.OO vHAb:mN: I'Itim , , ao? littt-ot-taan altit ran oMatn parroat w an-! aara tmnrf W ta'Un at vui ytlk NOHlUDK.Srn HO OA NOCOCAINB) All work fuaranloal fur Ian itara CHICAGO PAIMUSS DEMISTS 3J1H WatkUftoa it. Cor. Malk tataUblial U faara Mara taatar. m t ' PN U No. a-'io 1VMIKK Willi" to a.lrattllara plaaaa I II inaullnn St. la apr. I A datacla4 Um Ika i a lmn m t aaltla. II r allMOl'inc olBllrJ auaar la watrr anil a44la Mtllnr, a dttMtaia mp It Mada aail lv;r"lliilinkrM,Mj'iiiiiHNr Itortft I rrrlpa book II art arna ait inf t of pmim ana Com. at Kit. Co., Saallla, Wa. Standard Oil Company ilncoipoiatid) Martha Washington Comforr5hoc$. comfort that's what to wear the stylish mmm Martha Washington Comfort Shoes. ai glove, and insure complete buttons or laces Just slip slipper. Elastic at -the aides any instep, You will never ha4 Ih nam Martha WadJntUn H, Ktlus substitutes. .imii -, ir bbbbbbv SBBBBBawtBBBBBBBBBBH iis Maltha tK HjJH UadnaLadr SwaafaW SafaTaBafaaaawal Mult Bnol JtHSJHpSaaa DC V-OMF JV s5J Ja5J V Jtask 'AA ' -im '-rm' ' W df f I InafttUf-'aSa 4E-KaflNMflHaHfll - LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLHV