MM I if I . M 1 r aa AUK YOU LOOKING FOR A FiveAcre Tract ADJOINING BEND? . Wc have n few tracts at reasonable rates. If you enre for one of these choice buys, buy nt once, as they pre selling fast, i ' BARGAINS. A Dozen Buys In City Lots that enn't be equalled. A Choice Acre in Lytle-nt Half Price. Irrigated Lands. Close In, on Easy Terms. TImbor Tracts are Our Specially. ' We locate you ob 320-Acre Homesteads. We represent the best Insurance Companies ntid handle Mining Stock V. NOTARY WORK AND STENOGRAPHY. Central Oregon Realty Company MMMMMMM) . . , BEND, OREGON EUBMSWONGER, Pres. D. E IKOIiTf; Yfee-rresMait 6. 9. MARKEL, SecTreas. Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS ILL BE CARRIED IN STOCK BY US-HERB AFTER. SWEET POTATOES C NEXT WEEK I?ine Candies JHE CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDRIDOE & HOBUS. Two Great Bargains in ' Irrigated Lands. 120 Acres fine inproved land Also, 400 Acres of nice ral.ra$3,600 !!:;:::::::: $12,000 ' Excellent Water Rights. We recommend these as extraordinary bargains. The Deschutes Valley Land and Investment Co. LAIOLAW OREOON WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bknd, Okkgon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OPJMCK IN BANK IIU1UHNG, IJKND, OKBCON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER ROOM 4 HANK UUILDINO 3IKND, ...... OKKGON W. 1. MVKKS O. C. YOUNG MYERS & YOUNG LAWYERS 1 a i d I a w , Oregon Practice in all Courts and Depart ment of the Interior. D'r. A. A. BURRlS,rTOSi! Healer. IHwaara hurcefully Treated U'uhoul the Uk of Drug, or Surgery, by the Natural Mcthode of Healing. Chron. Ic Uiseaacs a hpccialty. Consultation Free Mrmbtroflhe Male and National Naturopath hodety. Office In Johnson Bldf., Bend, Oregon U. C.COlp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPPICK OVBR BANK 'Office Uourt:" 10 to l j a. in.; j to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Bknd, ; Oregon DR. I. I,. SCOP I ELD, DENTIST. OI'PICK IN JOHNSON HUIUHNO Bend, - Oiegon. Fa 0. MINOR lAWIlKNCH IIUIMIIN'G LIPIiPIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary I'uhllc and Conveyancing All Igal Papers Correctly Drawn. ' FIDELITY BOND8 CHARLES S. NOBLE CIVIL KNGINIiKR AND 1 AKCMITKCT Will soon be in Bend. Heady now to make engagements for work. Ad dress Betid Postofiice, CENTRAL OREGON NOTES. Tlie Lnkcvicw Innii oflicc rejvortR 900 homestead entries from Jim. 31, 1908, to Jim. 31, 1910. The C. Sum Smith much of 3960 acres, on the Ochoco river, was purchased last week hy George II Russcl of Tucoma for $55,000 The new owner will devote his property to horse raising. The state land board has ordered the price of till stnto lands except indemnity lands increased from $ 5 to not less than 7 50 nn ncre. In drmnity land will continue to set at 513 an acre. Sonic 500,000 acres still tcmaiu in the ownership of the state. The Dalles land oflicc announces the opening of townships 1 1 south, ranges I a and 13 east, and 9 .south, range 13 cast on June 1, 1910, ex ccpt Krtinus along the Deschutes .md Matolius rivers, which have Ixen withdrawn from entry for power sites. According to reports brought in hy O. R & N. traveling agents, Eastern Oregon promises to pro iluce its rccotd wheat crop this vear, thanks to ideal weather con ditions thus far. The prosperous prediction is even more true for the Deschutes Valley. Thirty or more homemakcrs have Ix-cn located on the Sagebrush (Mains wheat lands southeast of lUnd during the last mouth. The summer rush is just commencing, say the locators, and ii is expected before the season is over every available acre ot this last great stretch of rich Government land will be taken up. Prom the Hampton Dutte 320 acre homestead country, southeast of Hend, comes the report of ex tensive building. Laud is being cleared, wells dug and fences erected, with the prospect of grain Gelds soon making their appear ance where for long the range cut tle and "fur r. tails" alone have held sway. In connection with this homestcading movement it is inter esting to note that orders for some six cars ol barbed wire have bctn placet! by Hend and Prinevilje mer chants. May Try Williamson, Too. Francis J. llcncy arrived in Washington last week to confer with Attorney-General Wickersham on the disposition of the remaining land fraud cases. The new trial ol Ringer Hermann and others is to be expedited, if the conference is favorable. Ileney is ready now to try Hermann again, and he may couple up Hermann with others in the next trial. Ex-Congressman J. N. Williamson is to be tried again, end while the testimony in the Washington case was not used in the recent Hermann trial, it is among things possible that Heney may try Hermann and Williamson jointly. Portland Telegram. Heavy Immigration. Three hundred families this sura mer will move upon the segregation of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Co , of Bend This number in cludes only those who took up land under the first two contracts, whose final proof the State Land Hoard requires to be made before November. And doubtless many more families will take up their residence on the irrigated lands during the next few mouths, judg ing from the rapidity with which the throngs of new comers are snapping up the many excellent "buys." All of which means in creased crop production, enlarged markets for local merchants, and the general prosperity that goes hand in hand with a new coun try's development California Restaurant Mrs. Hi Houghton, Prop. Heat of nicnls nerved at all hour of the day, Hoard rmtl Lodging $29 a month, Coffee and Doughnuts 10c. Clrnn, romtoilnlilc lcd, J5c a night. We run n llakery In connection with the irMruirant nud i-airy everything In lite bakery Hue. Order Your WOOD Prom the Pioneer Wood Yard A liberal attpply of the lt wood available alwata on lund CUSTOM WOOD SAWINO A SI'HCIALTY. Win. P. DOWNING, Proprietor r Do it Now! M PLANT It firmly on your minds to kh. tively be here anil take ndvantage of the Greatest Moncv-Savlng Event in Eastern Oregon. A $15,000 stock ol high grade cloth lug for men, women mid children, from Ameri ca's leading iiiauufiictiiters. Everything will lie sacrificed nt the lowest prices; just to Im press firmly on yom mind that in the future this Mote Is the place for you to trade. If you are not here Tuesday, March 15th, we expect you hete later, us you are no doubt aware that $ t 00 buy - 00 wntth of ware here, during this Mastodon liarguln event, J iT HATTY FARMER JONES. 1 You'd be happy too It you V I bought your i HARNESS i: AND 4 Lcnthcr Goods ? ) JOHN LEOAT ( Jletid, Or. Kkpairino ani Nkw Womk: Price Bros., THE PLACE POR REAL HAROAINS. Prinovillo, Oregon Morris Iluildiug, Main street, near Ochoco bridge. J Livery, Feed (8b Sale Stable Temploton (Sb Wright, Props. I'lral-rlsM lllgt mul Teams ready for trip to.all .ilmJu the Deadlines Valley. May, C.ralu and Stable Kiniiii for our hortea llrtug your alock heie foraaleor trade. Redmond, Oregon Headquarters for Freighters and Homeseckers I.VTIIKCIRCl'IT CKUUT OH TIIK STATU Ol' OKI'.C.ON fOHTIIK COUNTY UV CHOOK. t C. Koalrr, Italnllir, . iU.UIInr .N. Kowtct, IHlrmlant. To Mailcllnr N KoWr,dfoUnt alaire namril. In th Name or the Stat ol Ottcuti Vuu are hrrcbf MimmonnS tu appear ami ati.wcr thr itimplilnl filctl ai.lnM tuu III the abore cntlltnt action on or bc'uir Aurll Mb, lata, and II vou fall aotaaiitwrr th p'alntlfr will ap(l)f lo Ihc Cirart for lh rrtirlitrmandnl In MM roraplalul, lo-wll I'or th.i)l-olulk)u of lh inarrlaiteeun tract now ciUIIni tularin you and the plaintiff" ThUaummontuoriternl to be artrtl upuu you bv Hibllcatioii Ihitruf In The twml llutlttln, a weekly ncw.prr. inibll.hrtl In Crook Couuty. Iltriou. by ottlcroflhe II C Kill., JoOie of the County Court of Crook County, Or rcn. haltl oritrr brine ma4e ami enlrre.1 on the lU day of Mirth. iio, Ibrdate or the Arl rinbliotlou tin March tnd, iglo. and the rntthorth iniMiration tiring ala cuurculle wrcka. Dated thla jod day of March. 1410. vkhnon A. KoanKS, mrj-aij Allornry for the llalnllC REDMOND GRILL DATES & YOUNO, Proprietor GOOD ROOMS DOc and up GOOD MEALS American and European Plan REDMOND, OHECJON SUMMONS. In thr Circuit Court olth Malt or Orrgon for Cruok County, lira L. Wlxr, l-Ulnllff. I Roltlltb Win. iMfcrtdant. To RiMlllrb Wlw. the atorr named ilrfcmtanl INTIIIt NAMKOVTMKhTATIt OH OKH fiON. Vou arr hrftbr rrnuirr.1 to aurrar and aniwrr Ihr CutupUlnt Atnl afama you In Ihr above entitled Hull on or before A If II yh 191a anJ If you fail aotuan.wer the n.intitr will ar ply to the Court for the relief rtriuawtrd Iherrlu 'O-wIt for Ibc diMolutlon of the martlaoom tract now cutting between you and thel'laliilin' Thlaaummon 1. ordered lu be aerved upon you by the publication thereof In the Hend II ul If tin, a weekly newapaprr publlthtd In Crook County. Orreon, by order ol the Honorable II l Kllia, Judge oflbc County woutt of Crook Couu ly. Mid Order being made and entered at I'llne 1 vtlle. iirrcon oil the ijth ilay of l'ebuary IQto j-itateof tft imMicalion Hchraaryit 1910, leuglb Ol punucaiion,ais conareuiiec wrcaa, f uated inta ijra nay ot rcoruary, ivio. t. n, 11 im Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon New, thoroughly equipped, modem hotel: steam heat, elevator; suites and rooms with baths, First class cafe. Rates ranging from 50c and $t upward. Ideal Stopping1 Place for All Going Into Central Oregon. N. K. CLARK, Manager. AUTO ECHOES. Mavor C. W. Merrill has pur chased a new Pord toy-touneau, 20 hotse-power car. A M. Drake, Prank Robertson and M C. Reed reached Bend Fri day evening, having made the trip from The Dalles in Mr Robertson's new Pope-Hartford touring car, Pour big autos, loaded to the gunwales, passed through Hend last Sunday headed for Christmas Lake. Each passenger sported a badge an nouncing the fact that they were "Christmas Lake Pioneers." A splendid run was made in from Shaniko to Hend last week by one of the RadclilTe Urol tiers' Velie cars, driven byT. R. Dalton. Lt-av ing Shauiko at 7 a. m the car drew up before the Pilot Hutte Inn at 1:10. in good time lor dinner. Six hours is u good record for tLis season. iTCTl fjj-mr NMi.V. Attorney for I'lalntlff AfyMIOvtraH for every ute. Cut generoua. y full. Two hip pocketa. Felled seam. Continuous fly. (Utrt alMn. wm.auuc9. MtMlanarer. iMhadH Urvnt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ixixrtmrnl ol the Interior, V. 14 Mad Oflke at Lakcvkw, Oregon, I'clKuary i), IH'o, Notice la hereby gleen that OKOVI'. II CALIIWHM of KfMiaiid. Or'gon, who. on January 11, 19ns. made llomnlcad Kntry No. ytl, (No. 01119), for UHHWtf . Lot 4, Section 17. 11 r, rWctlon y Town.hipli h . Mange 11 It. Willamette Marti. Ian, hat filed notice of Intention to make Anal five tear uronf. to eataUUh claim to Iht laud above described, lie lore II C I'.IIU, II H. Com mlaalonrr. at Hend, Oregon, on the IMh day of April, 1910. Claimant nainea a. wllnrara William Hcr Ingham, A () Andertoii, l T My, w J I'ur.l ham, all of Koala nd. Oregon mryai AKTIIUK W. OKTON, HrgUtrr. Colonist Rates TO OREGON AND THE NOTICK FOR PUIJLICATION I'nltnl Male Mud Ofnce, The Dallca, Oregon, March t, 191a. Notice U hereby given thai the Northern !' clfic Railway Compauy, whoM MloOice addrea. la at. I'aul, Mlimeaota, haa thla lml day of March, ioio. filed In ttila otfiee 11. aftllratlH In aelect under thr prov.on. of the Act of Con i grraa, approved July I, ii (ythlal. y7,6au), aa ratriidol by the-Act of CongrrM approvetl May 17. vi"", in t anu , nwitmix, nr.unwu See 4.Tp IHK..K. Ill'i.l, W M. Auvandall Derafina claluiluir adverclv the landadeacrlljej.ordralrliig tuoulrct becauae of the mineral character 01 tnc land, or fur any other rrawn, to the d.poa! lo applicant, ahoutd file their affidavltanrprotrat lu till, oilier, oil or before the loth day ol April, lyio, mro-alj C W. MOOKK, HegMer. GREAT NORTHWEST Tlie Cornell SIbro & Stable Co. It's the mail line, the only direct stage line from Shauiko to Silver Lake, by the way of Prinevillc and Betid. Stopover privileges and tickets good until used. ""a"" I I I II The Bulletin does neat and serv iceable job printing of all kinds, at right prices. Notice To Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Orrgon, for Crook O'Huly. lu the mailer of the liMaleofl Anna I'.. Mcclc.drcraatd, I The undcr.lgucd having been appointed by the County Court of the State of Orrgou, fur Crook County, administratrix of the K.lale or Anna li Steele, deceaaed, notice la hereby given to Ihc creditor, of aald ealale, and all pe.raoua having clalma against aaid deceaaed, lo iircs nt them verified aa required by law, within alx mouth! af'cr the Arat publication of Ihia notice, to aald I'.va A. Steele, administratrix, at her re.idcncc at Sisters. Oregon, or at the office of llergland (k I'arker, Hend, Oregon, uated ilsrcii 10, 1910. I'.VA. A.STHIiLK, Admlnlrtralrlx of the I'.slate of Anna It. Steele. deceased Hirst publlcallou, March J), 1910, IIhkolanii tc I'AIKKl, Altorueys for aduiliil.tratrlx. .tar t r The management of (lie Oreion Kallrtiail .St NavlKtlon Co. lakes grcut pleasure lu aiinouiicliig that the low rale from liaaUru cltlea, which have dune j much In luttKutoiiftloatiiiiiiUte travel I" and jittlcinrnt In Oregon, will prevail again tills Spring IlAU.V.froiu Murclt I tu April y Inclusive. -8 PEOPLJlof OREGON The ruiliniU have tfu their purl; now If a up to ni't Vi? ,f,0,7,rtCr",r the greatest otalMioiiie. hullilers lyi all y. m rut lu let Kasiern tieoplc know alioiit It, aM cnen iheiii tu come here, where land iidH-araud h KMe-bulldiiig easy nud attractive. FnrCS Can Be Pf ttMtlU at home If desired. Any fluent of ljie road jBtiie(J Is mnhorlied to receive the foliMa t ' We'(W',h tkVti i0 y l'"t RcnicmhcrTli'Rattl:i:fom cllIc f f leouls, tefMni 0 tjaha and Kan.a. Cuy, . T hi reduction ivopar louute (roin all oilier cities. WMl McMUPRAV Qeneral Passengwr Aitnt Portland. Or rl- rf