fe& !8 Wa My Freighter Got In l'rom Hlianlko and brought with lilm n full supply of BUILDHRH' IIARDWARK for my More. I am now icncJy to All your oitlctH. Another shipment of 9,000 Pounds U on the way from Shaniko lo Rend. I Intend to keep the InillileiM of Itnul fully supplied with all they need. Kvtuvmhcr me N. P. SMITH Mutzljr Building Wall Street THE NEW STORE IN THK TMII'LCTT IIUILDINQ THe Men's Toggery MEN'S FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY. COME IN and SEE OUR SHOES AND HATS Our Stock Is New and Rapidly KulurKiiiK Prices arc Moderate. Wll Street FRENOH & BUTTS Dirnd, Or.. J S Do you want a Homestead n Fertile Central Oregon I can locate you on some of the lct wheat lutid in thin part of the Mute, in the very section into which Hill and Ilarritnau nre building their rullroad., I also have for Hale Raw and Improved Farm Lauds, Irrigated Lands and City Property INVEST NOW and net In on the ground floor ahead of the railroads. DESCHUTES REALTY COMPANY M J. M OK K I SON Radcliffe Bros. Auto Co, DAILY TRIPS Between Shaniko and Bend and All Interior Points of Central Oregon. Address: lADCLIlTE BROS. AUTO CO., Bed, Oregon. Now Cars 40 Horsepower Velio Reliable Orlvars BuvTTte .. G BJRISTGi:, 1 HfT I lmm 'V I A rSsasKJKIaJ SBfiSPHSSSI REMEMBER, THE Fishing Season Commence! April Plrst. Wc carry a full line of the very best Tackle. Mr new tihipmcut just in. Rod, l'llc.i, Leaders, etc. S. C. Caldwell P EVERYTHING for the fisherman. For Sale Hkkh for scitttiK, front I Nine and loinch envelopes, just registered Hamburgh liens; 14 cbr right for filing nwny or mailing lc for $1.00 J. I WitST. Mend luitl documents, for sale at this office. KENWOOD Lots on the market now at $ 1 25. Best Residence Section, but speculation offered in or about Bend. The KbWood Company Will and Minnesota Streets jui r nnrtiii'm'i.Tj,ifiri" i rriiriu LOCAL BITS. City Dray continually drawing I'ine needle and tin caun a spec laity. CiTV HAV. For building plans of all descrip tion nee C. II. Kills. 3-5 Host or West Hit the besf. Clevc land's Making I'owdcr. A. L. Goodwilllc left Sunday morning for lift home in Chicago Two-year-old apple trees 15c each, 1350 jcr ioo.IIowamu Sl'ININO. 2 41 Summer hart came. If you need any proof go to Merrill's and try the ice cream. II, C. Harney, brother of Mrs Main of lieud, died at The Dulles last Sutttrday. T, L. Harris of Rclllut'ham. has just arrived in Rend, and will make his home here. The City Dray will move any thing front a mustard seed to a threshing engine. The Rev. J. Anthony Mitchell will preach at morning and evening service next Sunday. Wantkd A man to clean and rake lawn, etc , Mvcral day'n work. MK8. A. M. Laua. II, A. Berk man returned Sunday evening from a ten days trip to Portland, and Aberdeen, Wash. I am now located in Rend and am prepared to do contracting and building C. II. Ki.us. 52-3 lite witatsocvcr will give an April Fool Dime Social u Mrs. Wlcsts on the evening of April 1 The Wcuandy.RUntcti Auto Co. has incorporated attd changed its title to the Central Orcgou Auto Company. Dr. U. C. Coc left this morning on a short business trip to Portland. During his absence Dr. Fcrrcll will care for his practice. Next week marks the opening of the fishing season. Licenses may be obtained from the local deputy warden, H. J. Ovcrturf. The Inttes and Davidson barber shop bus moved three feet to the south. Rut their shaves and hair cuts arc as good as ever. Rend now has the second largest bank in Crook county. Not long, now, until wc have the largest bank as well as the greatest town. For Sale 40 acres choice land on main road 4 miles south of Redmond, in Forked Horn flat Cheap if sold soon. A. W. Jamks, Susanville, Calif. WANTKD Man to take con tract for clearing and seed! tie 30 to 60 acres near Rend. Chaklks P. Hakkis, 803 Lowman Bldg., Seattle, Washington. 3.3 Hereafter the Rend Library will be on The Bulletin's sulncriplion list. Strangers and residents too jKxir or too "mean" to subscribe, will find copies there. Lost Saturday the I3th, a dark navy blue checked lining double cape to storm coat. Lost on the Redmond road from Rend. Finder please leave at Bulletin office. J N. Masten, of the Masten Lumber Co of Rosland, reports a record business. He is buying new machinery and generally cn larging the equipment of his plant. Ask your grocer for the 3lb. and 5 Hi. cans ol Cleveland's linking Powder. They have the screw top metal handle under regular cover Always air tight and useful when empty. Relinquishment for sale. 1 Go- acre dry MMulug relinquishment, springs on laud, part can be irri gated, no frost, near railroad, Mad ras country. Inquire "II," Bulle tin office. Don't forget that Tunc 1st is the date when the contest for that $300 piano at the Merrill Drug Store closes. A few votes now may dc cidc the issue, so hurry and make your purchases. i dSVl'lll'li ' -' 1 1" -' - - mi'. Mayor's Notice. Property holders arc hereby noti fied that all rubbish and debris col lected conveniently to the streets will be removed by the city without charge. Try to clean your lots up by next Monday and the citv will do the rest. C. W. Mjihkiu.. Mayor. " " '""i in nt iiminiit Tti WANTKD CORDWOOD, about 400 cords of 4-foot juniper, dry and green; also about 400 cords of 4 -foot green sawed pine, all 10 Ik- deliver ed at I he Pioneer Wood Yard, Lytic. W. P. Downing. Will Wilson came in with one of RadclifTe's Vclles Sunday afternoon. He will return to Portland tomor row. He reports his Union county Irrigation project as nearly closed, the finishing touches now being given in New York. KXCIIANOK I want lo ex change real estate on Puget Sound or bonds on Seattle buildings for a tract of irrigated land near Rend. Land need not be p-oved up on. Clvc legal description and full par ticulars Address, Rox 203, Marys- vine, Wash. 1-3 A party composed of ex-Senator K. M. Rands aud daughter, of Van couver, Wash., and Fred F. White and diuuhtcr and son, Miss Jean and Norman, of Oregon City, passed through Rend this week to the Christmas Lake country where all but Mr. Rands have homesteads. Louisa, wife of Richard Kine. died in Burnett county, Wis.. Feb ruary 3i, aged 64 years. She had been with her children there since she left Rend last year. The youngest son of the family, Percy King, aged 30 years, died there just four days, to the hour, before his mother. LOST Grey horse, about 1200 1 weight, branded on right shoulder I with blurred "H." Ray mare' branded Hrcle bar on left hip, same weight, scar on right hind foot. Roth unshod. Strayed from mile north of Pilot Rutte ranch. Ten dollars reward for information lead ing to their recovery. Notifv Aune Raru Jui.tt'5 Pktkrson, Rend. Uend Itullds. Kvidcntly the Sprlnc Fever, or something akin to it, has ,got into itte oiooct o! urotuer Shaw. At all events, sundry promising piles of lumber have made their anncarancc on his lot opposite the Hotel Rend, and alter a winter of waiting it be gins to look as if the promised em porium was about to spring into being. The building next to the I tines & Davidson barber shop is well under way, the new stores op posite the post office are being occu pied. Nick Smith announces the immediate erection of a store build ing and well, everyone in Bend's a-utnidtng, and the sound of the carpenter's hammer has completely drowned that of the knocker. Uend lUnk's Birthday. On March 20th the First National Bank of Rend was a year old, for on that date the new institution took over the affairs of the Central Oregon Ranking and Trust Co. A comparison of the figures indicative of the batik's business when it en tered the ticld and now offers the lcst evidence of its prosperous growth, one that may fairly be said equally to indicate the growth of Uend itself. A year ago the bank had 173 depositors and $21,000 in deposits. Today there ore 506 accounts and 180,000 in deposits In the hands of 318 persons are f 85,000 in loans, leaving an amount on band far in excess of the Government require ments. Shidcland Wonder Seed Oats. We have 1500 bushels of the above choice oats for sale, at 354c per pound. The oats arc pure and strictly free from all foul seed, and are smut proof. Haled Oat Straw for sate, of choice quulity. Phone from any place or address i-1 1 SiutKWOOD Rkos , Redmond. Or. For Sale. Forty acres of laud" four miles southeast of Rend. Fully paid up water right in the Arnold Irrigation Company. For articulars write to I'll imp A. Fkakcis, ion Wilson St , ,S3tf Hood River, Or. White's Meat Market is the place to buy your meats. REND LODGK No. 139 A. F, & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers (Si Timber Lands Wanted 320-Acre Irrigated Farm gm- Lands City Prop erty and Acreage List yotir Timber Lands with tis quick. We have cus tomers waiting. Wc can locate you on the Choicest Homestead Lands in Central Oregon. Satisfaction guaranteed. List your Farm Lands with us. Our list is good now but we desire to increase it. We have plenty of buyers coming. Wc have call for all kinds of City Property and Acre age. Let us know what you have in this line. The Home Land Company W. W. ORXUTT, Manager. J. H. WENANDY BRNO OR. F. L. BUNTEN SHANIKO, OR. WENANDY-BUNTEN Automobile Stage Company DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Shaniko, Madras, Redmond and Bend and all interior points. For further information write Wenandy-Bunten Auto. Co., BEND. OREGON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE A Small Piece of Money Goes a Long Way at Our Store In Buying Anything In the line of General Merchandise. We always carry a complete stock and can fill your wants. In the Dry Goods Line we have an exceptionally good stock, and invite an inspection of same. You will be satisfied with your purchases if you do your trading at our store. Come see us. We will treat you right. E. A. SATHER BEND, OREGON A. D. Moe THE TAILOR CLEANING PRESSING AND REPAIRING OIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION New Suits Made to Order ALL WORK GUARANTEED In residence on Bond street formerly occupied by Mrs. C. D. Brown FOUR HORSE LIVERY. SADDLE HORSES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. H. WENANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLEY, WHEAT. CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Pkonc-No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Light aad twavy Hotsm fer Sat. always welcome. j, o, Davidson, scr. u, 0, ooe, m.w