The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 23, 1910, Image 1

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t;m .
NO. 2
Stevens Snys No Hall n( Alndrns
fturvcvM Imvc Itccn In progress for
Home lime, tint) there hit 111 tmicli
likelihood Hint by the time the com
plelioii of the Trunk Line to Ucml
niiikcit cmy the Iraurtportatlou of
milling iniichiticry, this, the June-
tion point of the uurth-aud-Houth
and cuMcm rinds, will Imj "hitched
up" with the enormous territory to
le tupped liy the latter.
Oregon Trunk I'renlilont Says llenil
In Hiii) of I. (no for Freaent Pre
dict Uxlcnalvo llratictie to
Develop Denchute Valley.
Says John 1'. Stevens, president
of the Oregon Trunk, in mi Inter
view lust wick J
"Right of way linit liccti pur
chased from Madrat south to Ilciid
mid the company uxfclH shortly to
iccelvc bids 011 this jxirtlon of Its
projected line 50 miles mid that
the work will lie completed no t lint
tiacklayitig' wiM continue from
Mud his south without 11 halt."
As reixutcd in 11 recent issue of
The Hullctin, the work from Mud
tus to llciul is of nn exceedingly
light diameter., three uuinths be
ing an ample time allowance for its
completion, according to the an
thorltalivc statements of cngincero
familiar with the territory. As the
I lill oIIicIuIm announce the present
construction well under way und
arc confident of its completion to
Madras liy autumn, the significance
of the roud's immediate continu
ance to Ilcnd is apparent. Putting
two and two together, it now hcciiis
more of a probability thnu a possi
bility that Ilcnd will hear the loco
motives before the expiration of
next winter, if not before Christ
Itcttcr even than this positive as
Mirancc, ol trausK)rtatiou within
the year nrc the crniscut report)
of immediate construction south
from Mudms this spring. Mr
Stcvcni. himself has said, it will be
remembered, that the contract for
this work may be let Immediately.
Mr. Stevens' statement continues:
Tlir line lias been located and iiuim
fdrd Miulli Itiiin llrnil, 1111 the tccliulr
iWcr and over to the Klamath Inilimi
irvrtatimi, tint no tiUns lisvc Iwcii
adoiilrd for any externum aonihof Ilcnd.
The rtuiiiMiiy' aim I to on up
Onlritl OrrKun and lirlnjj It limnenM!
rrMiurcr In touch with the wuitil. It
vtill prulwlily Imllil frrdrra and eiten
lun lapping agricultural and tlmtwr
trgliin wherever audi nisy rxlat that
may eem lo alToiil pnniil.- ol future
development to Juallfy It will devote
it time and tminry to inch n )llry,
rather than lo uniU-ttattc the coiialruc
lion of long line In iliatmit field, wliow
worth from a tratiatxirlatliiii tandioliit
i inoie or lea problematical.
Firm and most iniortaut of these
branch lines to tributary territory
undoubtedly will be that extending
M)Utlieastcrly from Ilcnd through
the heart ot the vast area of sage
brush plains now rapidly being
".settled up" under the jso-acre
homestead act. For this line
through the new wheat country
Prize Competition Brings Forth
Clever Copy.
Commercial Cluti lill Its Official Ros
terDirectors lo Meet at Once.
At a tnt-elliur of the llend Coin.
mcrcial Club Monday evening, held
In Hunter ft SiiiiiU'h iifRn- lnlml
Hteldl acted an president pro tern
and II. J Overturf secretary Up
on motion the election ol'C. S
Hudson president, II, , Allen
vice president nnd J, N. Hunter
treasurer, which took place before
the bylaws were adopted was con
firmed under the present bylaws,
George P, I'utnam was elected to
the plficc of secretary without op
position. These four arecx-ofTiicto
uiembcrs of the boatd of directors,
for the fifth member of which II. J,
Overturf was chosen.
Frank Kohcrtsou, ns represent
ing the townsitc interest, said he
was In fovor of a procr publicity
campaign mid would be glad to co-
oeratc with the Club in Mich
movement, A. M Drukc soke ol
the advisability of presenting
strongly the oportiiuitics at Bend
for establishing various productive
enterprises, rather than giving the
impression that such things were
already here Mr. I'utnam ex
pressed the opinion that the time is
now ripe lor an effective publicity
Meeting of Directors Called.
A meeting of the board of direc
tors of the llend Commercial Club
is hereby called for 8 this (Wednes
day) evening, at the First National
Hunk. C, S. Hudson,
Dig Locating Finns.
The Spanlim CoiiiHiuy, realty opera
tor of Portland, have rnlerrd the Cen
tral Oregon Immealcailiiig field anil are
eitalillitiiiiL oilier at llend. Two of
their lepfraciilatltca an already here,
W. N. Ilruwn and 8. It. Roberta, the
former havlnt; teen In the lioiuedcad lo
cating limine. for 10 years. Tie inten
tion ol thetc eeillleiueii i to conduct
their ojieratlon from Head In conjunc
tion with their office at Portland and the
coniKUiy' agent In all the cities ol the
Two IiIr cven-paeuc,er White Steam
er auto will te In llend Immediately
reailv to tranaiwirt prospective hoine
leadcr to the land fire of charge The
new company will operate in Crook,
llarticv, and Klamath couulie.
The llend olfiee for tlie preeut will he
in ihe Pilot llutle Ian addition, I lie
Cortland headquarter being at 369 Oak
Ireet. Judging from the way they are
tiiendlug money and making prepara
tion the local representative of the
locating company ntiticlpitc very ex
leuahr acllvlite. Already, they say,
there i more Central Oregon Imalnc
"lined up" on the iiulalilc than tlicy can
care for. It I the cotup-my'a intention,
they announce, to advcrliac very heavily,
Ixitii locally and ill the city apera of
Northwett. All of which will help llend
and lie.lcu the cltleiiicnt of thit lait
Ureal area of rich Oovernmeut land.
Next Comes lUscball, with Team Al
ready Organized and I'lnns Pro
gressing Well School Has
Fine Record of Efficiency.
The contest for the best high
school verse and yell just closed at
the 11. II. S. brought forth a
witty offerings lioin clever contrib
utes. It Is the pleasure of The
llulletlii to print herewith the win
ning song and the prize yell: and
its sorrow that it is unable to ac
company the prize productions with
the names of their respective
authors. Next week n issue, how
ever, will announce the names of
the fortunate scholars.
The contest was inaugurated by
Miss Kuth Held, the principal of
the high fichool, together with Miss
Market. Cash prizes were offered
for the best song and yell submit
ted, with the result that all the
high school pupils immediately at
tacked the poetical problem.
OUR II. If. S.
Lift your hearty voice,
Koiik of prale now alnj;;
I,et every heart rejoice,
Make the jrcy rock ring;
See our happy throng,
Proclaim your dear fortreo,
Shout In accent clear and trong,
II. II. K.
Jilly boy. Jolly glrli,
Alway jolly we;
llend liljili tchool itudcnU,
Hot and girl are we;
Jolly Uy, lolly glrU,
An ever jolly pre;
Alway loyal tuilcnt
Of the II. II. S
Sometime we fume and fret,
Hecautc our work goe wrong!
Itookkeeplnc's hard to get,
!.atln' quite too long;
I'hyaic l a taik:
I'lnger all are thumb,
We dread Ihe hour lor German data,
And hate to think of cum.
When IIIkIi School day are o'er
And far abroad we roam,
SeckitiK fame and fortune,
Par from friend and home,
What liiemorle will aritc;
When at time we with
To kc Ihoae three dear letter,
II. II. S.
You wonder who we are, folk?
You'll know befote you're through.
We're the Ilcnd Mk!i School bunch,
Who arc you?
The first of Ihe Intcr-dlctrlct de
bates in which Bend participates oc
curs on April 15th, when the local
affirmative team goes to Prineville,
and theirs comes here lo meet the
Bend upholders of the negative bide
of the question. The topic for de
bate is: "Resolved that Canada
should be annexed to the United
Slates." The teams ore picked
from the eighth grade nod Include
the following scholars:
Affirmative: Claude Kelly, Sar
ah VornstafT; alternate, Klfzabcth
Wornstag, Negative: Ulna Shtiltz,
I.uclla Wormian"; alternate, J.loyd
Kelly. Reclaimers: Dolly Hall,
Bessie Main.
A high school baseball team has
been organized with Bruce Dcyar
mond ns captain, Max Richardson,
manager, and Claude Vandcvert,
secretary-treasurer. It is under
stood that a regular schedule of
games will be arranged, with the
cxjicctatlou of crossing bats with
Prineville at least once during the
The school bouse, It is reported,
Is filled almost to its capacity, some
160 pupils now being in attendance
and this number increasing weekly.
For the information of those unfa
miliar with the Bend institution, it
1 worthy of remark that no better
cquipiicd nor conducted grammar
and high schools exist in the state.
Hvidenre of the efficiency of the
local high school training is the
fact that its certificate of graduation
admits the bearer to the state uni
versity without the necessity of examination.
D. I. & P. CO.
Oram's Petition of
Chief Engineer Redfleld, W. L. Ben-
ham of Tacomn, and One of Rea
Boys Mentioned for the Job.
History of the Contention.
creased Hen granted In th new
contract with the state was ptedgeri
to the Howard syndicate, thus im
pairing the first mortgage security.
Hxccption was also taken to the
action of the trustee In accepting
and placing in the sinking fund
some $88,000 of cancelled bonds,
received on land sales, instead of
having that sum In cash or settferr
notes, as required by the terms of .
the first mortgage.
Pupils' Cash Prize.
The Bend Bulletin offers a
cash prize of Tjikkk Doixaks to
the pupil In the Bend schools se
curing the greatest number of
new annual subscriptions be
tween now and May 15. livery
scholar who brings us five or
more new subscriptions will get
a dollar bill, whether or not he
or bhe wins the prize. So there's
a chance for all. Get your fam
ilies and your friends here and
on the outside, to subscribe, and
help yourselves, the town and
us. The only conditions are
that the names brought to us are
not already on our list, and that
each name is accompanied with
the annual subscription charge,
Atsemhled In it lull, the Hand
Tooted anthem to the ky;
Plan for Umatlng of the land
The Commercial Club w making
When a cry
Cauicd the Hand to ceaie it muilc
The Club to abruptly drop hi under
taking: While together, they, their plan for-akine.
Graiping pail, with fear inoit dire,
Kutiietl to where the cry 01 "I'lrel"
Sounded each luccccdinc minute higher.
Atl Tw hut a lamp exploded.
The fire was out ; they itoppcd the bell,
Returned the hoe, and muttered
On Monday night at about nine,
dense clouds of Munkc were discov
ered issuing from the second Mory
of the building occupied by Merrill
& Wilkinson. Everybody turned
out to fight fire, but before any
thing could be done there was no
fire to fight, for George Hobta, ar
riving first on the scene, had thrown
the exploding lamp, the cause of
the trouble, out of the window, and
with a bucket of water quenched
tbe flames.
Poktivnd, Or., March 23.
Judge K. S. Bean, of the U. S. dls-
trict court, yesterday afternoon
granted the petition for n receiver
for the Deschutes Irrigation &
Power Co and announced that the
receiver would be appointed Thurs
day. C. M. Red field, the present
chief engineer of the company, W
I. Benham of Tacoma, and one of
the Rea brothers, of Madras, are
talked of for the appointment on be
half of the company. The bond
holders' candidates are not known.
This Is a suit In TJ S. court In
which L. G. Addison and Prank
R. Sliinn, of Columbus, Ohio, as a
committee representing the holders
of something more than $300,000
of the first mortgage bonds of the
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Co.,
are plaintiff's, and the D I & P.
Co. and the Merchants Savings &
Trust Co., Trustee, of Portland,
arc defendants. The gist of the
complaint is that the company Is in
solvent; that it ba'd attempted to
give later liens priority over the
first mortgace, thereby committing
or permitting a fraud upon the
holders ol the first bonds (the How
ard contract being the chief of thes
later claims); and that the trustee
had not done its duty toward pro
tection of the first bonds, and could
not properly act as trustee for tbe
two incompatible interests. The
case was argued three weeks ago
and since then voluminous briefs
were filed by both sides.
In the argument the defendants
admitted that nothing bad ever
been paid into the D. I, & P. treas
ury on its capital stock of 2,500,
000, and that the corporation had
been insolvent from the beginning
down to the date of the latest con
tract with the state, June 17, 1907,
when the state land board allowed
an increase of lien from an average
ol $10 an acre to an average of $26
an acre. They contended that tbe
carrying of that contract, and the
Benham Falls contract for 74,000
acres at an average Hen of $50 an
acre, to completion, would place
tbe company in position to pay all
its debts, including the first bonds
The plaintiffs showed that in the
meantime their security was being
undermined by operation of the
Howard contract, by which enor
mously excessive profits would go
to the Howard syndicate instead of
the company's treasury, and the iu-
Seattle Men Buy L. D. What's Ac
tion On Market ImmedMtefy.
C. W. Melville, representing a
number of Seattle capitalists, yes
terday completed a deal with L. D.
WIcst whereby WJcstoria, tbe new
ly platted townsite, passed into Mr.
Melville's possession. Otic hun
dred acres were affected by the sale
and this amount, in lots 50x140
feet, will be placed on tbe market
at once. No figure are given.
Seattle, it is understood, will be tbe
principal selling point, although
the local field will be covered and
advertising inaugurated.
Mr. Melville, after inspecting tbe
entire Deschutes Valley, is not
backward in stating that in his es
timation Bend "leads tbe field."
Seattle buyers, be says, are vastly
interested in .the local possibilities.
After a fewd Jya trip south and
east from here? Mr. Mellville re
turns to Seattle.
The Weather at Bend.
Observor Minor's weatlter
shows a mean maximum of 32
above zero jpr January and 41 for
Pebrnary. Tbe mean minimum
for January was 17 and for Febru
ary 15. The warmest weather in
January was 56, on the 30th, and
In February 53, on tbe 12th. Tbe
coldest temperature in January was
13 below zero, on tbe 3d, and in
February 6 below on the 2d. Tbe
snowfall in January was 7 inches
and in February 4 inches.
So far this month the highest
temperature was 66 on the 17th
and i8tb, and the lowest 20 above
on tbe 8th. Killing frosts have
occurred only four tiroes this
montb, thus far. Crocuses, violets,
manzanita and other spring blos
soms have been out for a week.
Hotel BnJargiatT.
Part of the building now occu
pied by Landlord O'Kane, of tbe
Bend Hotel, and formerly used as a
bowling alley, bas been remodeled
as an annex to the hotel. Twelve
comlortable rooms have been in
stalled, which arc now being paint
ed, papered and furnished, making
a total of 42 guest rooms.
The commodious 20-room addi
tion to the Pilot Butte Inn, at tbe
north end of Wall street, is searing
completion, and promises soon to
materially add to the comfort of
tbe many visitors who are crowd
ing into town. Certainly present
indications point to a rush of new'
comers that will tax to the utmost
the capacity of Bend hotels, despite
their enlarging, and Bend dwell
ings, increase they in number ever
m rapidly.
I 1 )
I " "" ll )
Ladies' Summer Underwear
T ow neck and sleeveless, plain nnd lace
trimmed, flue ribbed A J JTA-,
and mercerized Ivlv 10 dUlv
I.ADIKS' HIGH NUCK, long sleeves,
?.!. 30c to 50c
long hlccves and nnklc length, also low'
Sir ':::::.!:: uOc "& 75c
JLJr w
"The Store With Original Ideas"
INI'ANTS RUUONS all wool, sizes i
to 0 .'... 75c to 90c
to 6 30c & 35c
2 to 4, each 35c
LADIUS' FANCY UGLTS latest styles,
ull colors 50c to 75c
LADIES' SILK ULOVES-tan nnd black
per pair , , 60c
Ladies' and Children's Hosiery
The well known BURSON Hem and
rib tops also split foot
'Per pair
block and tan per tl C --c
pair UijiyLb
Two Step, Dcpeudon, Giant, Linen Knee,
Ironside, Avalon and Mkses fine ribbed
5?!.ir 15c to 30c
Fifteen lions of Merchandise Arrive Today
Good tilings to cat 'Oootl things to wear Best assortment of Cooking Utensils ever brought to
llend. For bargains see our big ad. next week.
The Big; SI ore
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. OOC I. A. BATHER. Vic Praaldtnt
N O. 8. HUDSON. Oathlar
Capital fullr paid ... ttfi.OOO
Stockholder' liability
LARA'S Bend, Oregon
To Our Customers.
'TT'HAT we appreciate your steadfastness, your loyal-
t) and patronage, fully as much as you appre
ciate the help we have at times been able to furnish
you, rocs without saying.
However, we want to take this public method of
thanking you for past patronage and, with full confi
dence that this patronage will continue, we pledge you
our best endeavors iu the future as you have bad them
iu the past. .
We are now the largest Dank iu Crook County,
save one; our deposits are divided among nearly ive
hundred people, and our resources are over Two
Hundred Thousaud Dollars.
U. C, COK )t. A. SAT1IXR C. S. HUD60K