The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 16, 1910, Image 3

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,"r Am mm i
;7KKanr Jules Vern
I or .1 IW ktf'TjWlkUdfti&SyrlrV A
fc-P1 rCvTr
ha bn shown ay of accomplishment. But nono of thl famou
nnd gifted Trench romanoer' ortlon ha ben borne out o fully,
o much In dtll, a hi "Finding the Worth Vole" an year after
lie wrote It. A In the oontrovory hetwen Commander Peary and
Dr. Cook, there It a fight In
rVerne's story between two rival
explorers for the glory of finding
Ithe pole. In the and, a In the
present ease well you'd better
fvead the story.
The novel describe -vividly,
., only Jules Verne can in
j3iardhlpa and danger of polar
exploration, and make clear to (
-the reader with what bitterness
one explorer, who has overcome I
U hardships or nature, will re
gard a rival explorer who threat
ens to snatch rrora mm tne.
glory of realising hi life desire.
There le a surgeon In this story, I
the efficient aid to the chief of
the party, Just as Dr. Cook wea
Teary'a brave end efficient aid
before their friendship was
In rapidity of action and tenseness of interest, this old story
of the great Trench romanoer 1 not excelled by anything he
iitmeelf wrote, and by few torle of adventure written by
It wat a bold project of Capt. Hat
Cara In IrV la flUSlt III WSV 10 II1S
triorth pole, and icaln for Knand the
alory of Its dlecovery. Jlut he had
.struggled for nine months against cur
rent and tempests, shattering Icebergs
Wjtl breaking through almost Insur
. tnountable barriers.
In an unprecedented winter he had
-outdistanced all his predecessor and
accomplished half his task, when he
mw all hie hop blaelrd. The mu-
' tiny of his wornout crew hat left him
land hie little band of three men In a
terrible situation hotplets In an Icy
(desert, J.tOO mllee from their native
aland their ehlp a wreck, blown up by
the mutineers.
However, the courts of Ilatteras
was still undaunted. The three men
which were left him were the beet on
txrd hie brig, and while they remain
d he might venture to hope.
Of the Forward, the brl they had
o carefully built, not a vesllge re-
.ntalned, Hhapelees blackened frag-
I merits, twisted bar ot Iron, cable ende
'tilt emotderlng, and here and there In
fS. . LV-nBsT&WiistsWVjPritTFi- tSaES??. 'rrTfn
""!'iT-i31"l1'. ow
- SRt" -
the distance spiral wreaths of smoke
.that was alL Hooks, Instruments and
"jprtclous collections were In ashes.
Clawbonny, the surgeon, and John-
7!7 .. , ... ...M...,.. .k... .- I
on. Ill iMNiiawMiii, luriffvg mi wrwiri
iVell, the carpenter, lay Insensible oaWT
ta I Panl lfatlra BlnvA anart. I
arms folded, his faithful dog beside
"I'oor old brig!" exclaimed the doc
tor. "I had grown attached to her. I
loved her as ons love a houss where
e ha spent a lifetime."
A. "Ay It's strange what a hold those
flanks and beam get on a s fellow
Heart," said Johnson.
"And tho long-boat m that burntT"
sked the doctor,
"The mutineer carried It elf,"
"And the pirogue T"
"fihlwa.1 Inla m. thousand nltAMl"
N "Then we have nothing but the Hat
, ketfbotr
"Te. wo have that still, thank to
larour Idea ef taking It with you,",
"That isn't much," said tha doctor,
' "And ws havs a dying one to look
' ' rafter,"
"A dying" manr
"1. "Yes, Capt Altamont, an American
j" navigator, whose ship, the Torpolse,
, was stranded somewhere to the north.
,vs touna mm, nair siarvea ana rresea
on the Ice," said the doctor.
Johnson muttered an exclamation of
",f &iir flui me mitiu went pe ai cmva
" to his own deeperate situation.
, 4 "Thsn w have no fuel whatever!"
!? te said.
', "No."
(," "And no provisions I"
"And no ship to mak our way bk
to England!"
It rsqulrsd courag to faee these'
gloomy realities. After a moment's si
lence, Johnson said again)
"Well, at any rate we know aissssy
haw w stand. The first thing Ve
done now Is to make a hut, for we eont
Nta long exposed to this tewperatejfe,"
Jules Verne's thrilling nnd fneol
untlng romance, "JXlndlnjr tho North
1'ole," I one of the (("At literary
maatorpiecet, find ihould ni thli
time he of particular lntereit 1
ovory home, Verne wrote It more
than a generation ago, ae a story,
a thing of flotlon. Hut It ha com
true on htm. Just am his "Twenty
Thouiaud Leagues Under the Da"
oame true In the euhmarlne, nnd
hi "Round the World In 80 Say"
Juix Venn a.
Tea, but we must first revive Hell,"
replied the doctor, "Then go and find
the sleda-e, and get the American."
Ilell lay on the Ice nlmoet Inanimate.
Johnson had to take vtxorous measures
to rouse him, but at last, by dint of
ehaklng nnd rubbing him with enow,
he succeeded.
"Come, Ilell." he cried, "don't give
way like this. Biert yourself, my
mans w muet have a talk about our
situation, and we need a place to put
our head In. Come and help me, IlelL
You haven't forirotten how to take a
enow hut. have you? There la an Ice
berg all ready to hand: we've only vol
lo hollow It out, Let' set to works
we shall find that la the best rented?
for ue,"
IUI1 tried to ehak off his torpor and
help hte comrade, while Dr. Ctawbonny
undertook to o and fetch the sledge
and the dogs.
"Will you go with him, captain r
asked Johnson.
"No, my friend." said Ilatteras, In a
a-entlo tone, "if the doctor will kindly
undertake the task. Before the day
ende I must come to some resolution.
r &
fw mf ssuir w tmk mWAM took
s4 I
a, to Vt.alene to think, Qo,
m wetaHver you ining oesi.
Wttti the future."
I wtetiJ
pe fck to the doeier and
" .i
ory 'swoge, but the oaptain
' law got oyer nw anger,
Ma feak so gently be-
,te,4Mttr,M said Ctawboa
r tee, J0hnsB, that man
kwtw Ms hood a eleoely
Mtui poselWe, the. deafer
WMttHJ staff, Mi Mt
i gteahf delay.
aati Bell commeaeed dtg-
kltM heart of a vraat
fleiv' It was not easy work.
,tto lr(inio hardnee of the
1 Wftwerar. thl yery hardae,
Wf atJMilty of the dweUtog.
fl JTVVw jffmim
li K'ei . si itV fv 1V wl
x uSmTy iGU
noma -iSSH r f M ff
jcaavaaavz.'-'Br n
Vjr-O "X-- asWM'goeKSlaBalMfc
aBWsMBBBBl)geaaWLi -JgsaW
faHSgagassssKnKa) 04 mbhc gmeW alagaaat
and the further their labor advftned
the more they became sheltered.
Undents ultornntely paced up and
down and stood motionless, evidently
shrinking from any approach to the
srie of the osploslon.
In about an hour the doctor return
ed, brlmtlng with him Allamotit, the
Amnrlcoti, on the stodge, wrapped up
In 'lie folds of the tent. The doKS were
so eslinusled from starvation that they
could scarcely draw It alonir, and they
had begun lo uriitw their harness.
While tho hut was being dug out
llio doctor went foraging about, and
had tho Kood fortune to find a little
etovp, almost undamaired by the explo
sion, lie soon restored It to working
trim, nnd, by the time the hut was
completed, hnd filled It with nood nnd
got It IlKhtnd. Deforo long It was roar
ing, and diffusing n genial warmth on
all sides.
The American was broueht In and
laid on blankets, and the four English
men seated themselves around the fire
lo enjoy their scanty meal of biscuit
and hot tea, the last remains of the
provisions on the sledge. Not a word
was spoken by Ilatteras, and the oili
er respected his silence.
When the meal was over, the doctor
rose and went out, making a lgn to
Johnson to follow,
"Come, Johnson," he said, "our goods
or scnttered In all directions. We had
better pick them up as fast a possi
ble, for tho snow may fall at any mo
ment, ana Uisn It would be qulto use
less to look for anything."
"Don't 1st us lose a minute, then,"
replied Johneon. "Fire and wood
Uieee are our chief wants."
"Very well, you search on side and
Til take the other, and we'll take from
the center to the circumference."
This task occupied two hour, and
all they discovered was a little alt
meat, about fifty pounds of pemmlcan,
throe sacks of biscuits, a small stock
of chocolate, five or six pints of brandy,
and about two pounds of coffee, picked
up been by bean off the ten.
Neither blankets, nor hammocks, nor
clothing, were found all had been con
sumed In the devouring flame.
This slender store of provisions
would hardly last three weeks, and
they had wood enough to supply the
stove for about the same time.
CepL J lot tents, with Ilell and tho
doctor, had been away on an exploring
expedition when the mutiny occurred.
The morning after the little party hod
built their snow house, he called John
son to htm.
"Tell mo all the particulars of the
mutiny on tho brig" ho said.
"Well." began the sailor, "almoet Im
mediately after your departure aban
don, supported by the others, took com
mand of the ship. I couldn't resist
him. Bhandon mads no attempt at dis
cipline. He made them believe that
their privations and tolls were at an
end. Heonomy was entirely disregard
ed. "A biasing fir was kept up In the
stove, nnd the men were allowed to eat
and drink all them wanted. Not only
was tea and coffee at their disposal,
but all the liquor. On men who had
been so long deprived of strong drink,
you may gusss the result They went
on In this manner from the 7th to the
16th of January."
"And this waa Shandon'a Oolngr
raked Hatteroa.
"Tee, captain."
"It was about the tth or 3th ot
January that they resolved to aban
don the ship. Their plan was to reach
the weet coast of lUifflns bay, and from
thence to embark In the boat and ret
low tho track of tho whalers, or to ret
to some of tho Greenland settlements
on the eastern side. Provisions were
abundant, and the sick men were eo
excited by the hope of return that they
were almoet well.
They began their preparation for
departure by making a sledge which
they were to draw themselves, as they
had do dogs. This was not ready till
the Itth of February, and I wo always
hoping for'your arrival, though I half
thtiblast ukam er iuhmtuk1
dreaded It, too, for you eould have
dene nothing with the men, and they
would have maseaered you rather
than remain on hoard,
"I tried my Inguenee on each
separately, resnenttratlwg and reason.
Ing with the, and pointing out the
danger they wold eaeounter. and also
the oowardleo of leaving yow, but It
was a mere wast of words. Not eve
th best among them would Helen to
(To be eoBtmaed.)
Th Klttr Ht it.
sMwls, aged , wtas uawlsely fe.
died hU Hull sat overmuek ap
peared beforo hi mother m day, hi
faoe gulltttf 'palaed and a seratoh
upoa hi hand, "What htpawedr'
hhi asked. "I bMtt the kitty a UVUe,"
lit said bdy. The DeilfteaUr.
Why rialn Men Adrmol.
A fact that no one cau deny I that
for some women a really plain man
seem to havo A definite power of at
traction. Can It bo that. If beautiful
thcmeolves, they find a charm In their
opposite; or Is It that they brook no
rival hear the throne, and In a
handsomo man more or let of a com'
petltor? ask Mrs, Flttroy Btewaart In
Th Srtand.'A good looking husband or
brother Attract notice, and her royal
hlghneeo, woman, may refuse to bo
In Uio background. At any rate, there
can be no doubt that an ugly man
item often to wield an Influence that
ta quite uncanny.
Th trend of the time may have
something to ay on the ubject. A
modern woman, with her brains and
her freedom and ber strenuous Ideal,
bas no ue for what I weak, Insipid,
and docadent She ha bo place la her
heart for the scented exquisite, who
wave hti hair, twist hi mustache,
manicures his hands, and admire hi
fice In th looking glass. In fact,
pink and whit prettlneo 1 bow at a
discount, and moat of u would soon
er see our men brown and battered
snd serenely cossetou of their own
lack of attraction. Rough-hewn, fea
ture, w ay, show strength, and a
plain form may be th (hell of a
great soul, a keen brain, and touring
ambition. Certain It 1 that th
Adonis typ has gone out of fashion,
Th woman of to-day scorn the
"beauty man," avoid him a a friend,
and disregards hits a a hatband.
Haaelaa Mlllfarr !.
Vary smart and jaunty la the little
Mlt of dark Ma mohair atetlleaa.
Intended for wear under a heavy fur
eoat. Th Russian bolted smock 1
suggested la th eoat, which open
ever a vest of white broadcloth, this
rest and tho turndown collar, which
Is a continuation of tho long revert,
being braided with crosswise trips of
gold soutache. Tiny gilt button
fasten the front ot tho vest and above
Is a little yoke of tucked cream net.
Line ot black silk braid and a black
belt passing through gilt ring add to
the military air of the little suit.
Nr4UiTork Notes,
A child' thimble 1 useful to ellp
Into the Up ot a kid glove while mead
lag It.
An odd hatpin holder I a bag of rib
bon embroidered la tower aad ailed
with rlee.
Crossbar muslin with hand em
broidered sealloped edge make a
dainty aad tervieeabU ehool aprca
for a small girl.
A fancy letter for marking towels
1 mad ot slanting satin stitch,
French knot aad feather and out
line stltofcea.
Bmbrolder your name oa a narrow
piece of Uk rlbboa and mw It en
th (trap ot your parasol. It pro
vide an xeelleat and Inconspicuous
mark ot ownership.
Pretty sewing bag are made of
flowered tllk gathered oa oval em
broidery hoop, with a bow of ribbon
at eaeh corner and th hoop ribbon
wound. 4
A tlay, tewing outfit, to fit la the
traveling bag, will bo no end of a
oomfort for oa going visiting. It
may be jaad ot lines or silk, with
Just a bH of embroidery to give it a
i4 atr,
Mms;sre4 Bkea Ltalaaf.
Th buyer of oa ef the largeot
fecklag department In thl city says
that th (looking trad t Increased
to a Urge extent by tho eareleteneee
with which mta aad women wear
hoe with, ragged Using. Kva a
mall aok ia th (latag ot a thee 1
sur to repeat Itself ia th same plat
ta th stocking, aad whea there ta a
largo opening K to sure to ruin th
locking. She department mead
shoe lining tor their customer at
wall expease.
Tfcveadlasr JCele.
There r woatw who are to
ltlv about growing old that thy
Up Mwisg la publta a mob a they
bcl -U ted k bard to thread a
BtodU. Mat dlakulty la threadlag a
WL aaamVv ammaaaaaaaaaaamV I
needle 1 not limited to th aged.
Here U a hint which will mak tho
task easier.
In threading a needle hold th
nwdle firmly between thumb and first
finger Th thread I held In the Ufb
hand with a short end oxtendlng
from between tip of first finger and
thumb. Th knack Ilea In pressing
the two thumb Joint hard together,
keeping thread taut, when It will be
found to go easily Into th eye.
$8&r tma fifrflgs
Th largo rolllag-pla brim ahrdla
Small boy are wearing tam-o'-ohaB-ter
bat la doth, bearskin and cordu
roy, the ear flap silk lined.
Tho largo rolllng-brlm hat of tho
Oalasborough typo hold flrtt ptooo for
afternoon and evening wear.
Fine gold wlro 1 eatwhted tbroe
curls, while Immense eaboehoa ef ehtH
coloring appear la tho hair.
Mandarin 1 th nam give to a
yellowish tan, while Corinth 1 aa ex
tremely faded shade of eld re.
Th Bw earf thl year ar wide,
perfectly flat and very long, many
reaohlng to below the knee In front
Two rloh materials, tapestry and
fur, ar to be found oa aome lovely
llttl turban, and th effect to beau
tiful. As trimming on daytime dreese aad
evening rob, bead are used with
great succoe. They ar soon la all
Nua'a veiling Is a material particu
larly aultabl for th small monrnlag
hat. It drape easily and to light In
The wrist or elbow puff to a famil
iar aleev treatment at thto boar. But
the puff to not th baggy thing of old.
It to moderate to the point ef mod
One-piece dreesee made wtthoat col
lars are often supllsd wKh that very
necessary article la a separate seek'
piece made of gold net, flatshed with
a velvet bow at the front. .
KmandpalWa f Woeaesu
The emancipation ef women ha led
to tome questionable social conditio,
"When she to eduoatod she marrto
later In life aad to lee laellaed to
marry. When ehe marrtoe later
in life she ha fewer ohttdreeu It
thto mean an improvement la quaMty
rather than aa laereaM la Bomber,
the outcome to rather wholeeom.
Problems are introduced wales aa yt
have not been Mired. All we eaa aV
to to state them, it to ctatated that
the better educated, the higher de
veloped a wemaa to, the lee iacHaod
he I to have oawptiag, aad, whea ehe
to a mother, the offepriag are net as
healthy and vigorous a thcoe ef
other women.
The kltchca to practically the solo
survlral ot the old Industrial aspects
of the home, and one result hag been
that the children have been Individ
ualized and relieved ot the obligation
of household duties. The Sunday
school, the prayer meeting aad the
church have te a great degree ac-
inmed the former rellgtow fwactloM
of toe home; the kindergarten, the
school, the playground and the social
settlement have usurped ehe home'
educational work, aad the etate ha
taken over, to a great extent, the re
sponsibility fer the education of. luc
child. LJl'.
RlaM tu Wm Walktuar.
Wemea who desire te appear at
tractive hould pay yeaelderaWe atten
tion to their manaer ef walking. The
effect of a beautiful gewa 1 ettea
ruined by the wearer unsightly
stride. It require aa seieattst to dis
cover eharaeter dellaeatioa unfolded
by the woman' walk, Th meet oaawU
eeeerver It at oaee ooaselou ot tome
Important pbaee of her eharaeter, Her
walk, It graeeful, natural and uaex
aacerated, expreeee gentility; If wo
men only realised what a story to told
by the walk, hew earefati they would
be to eultlvate a walk whiea tell a
pleasant story.
"I hav dtooevered an eaoy way of
attklag haad-eua tuck la. llageals,"
tatd a aeametre. "Create the flrat
tkiek M WHealler maehtae tMha aael
adjust tho tucker but do not threat
the machine. Then ma through tho
tucker. The needle will leave a dto
tlnct line, along which to' ran your
hand Mwing, Tho marker atoo leaves
a line for the next tuck. It I beet
to cow each tuck aa It come from the
tuckor, handling ebUtorate the
Health unit McBlr Htata.
Borax and ammonia lighten the
color or brown hair.
The beet cleaaelag agent for greaey
hair to a solutloa of one tabiespooa
ful of'tlncturo of qulllal la oae quart
of hot water.
That the eye muet hare plenty ot
rest go without earing. Nowhere
doee Jack ef aleep make Heetf feet
more quickly or uaplesiswtly tha) rut
tho eye.
The habit ef taking mdltao ef
any sort fer head ehe" to vlslsa aad la
the end harmful, says a writer. Watte
medicine otnetlaMe gtye temyofary
rallef, they do not reeaove the eatwea.
For a deltocta ebJld give ittakeiy a
warm bath, followed by a goatle, thor
ough rubbing with warm olive M aM
over the body aad limbs. Thto slmpie,
safe, home treatmeat work woaders
If gives a fair trial.
Good health to partly dependent
upon freedom of the body, and to at
tain thto tho afcdemlaal muecle ue
wheee motion depeado the aotlvHy at
the digestive functions thewld he al
lowed room tor aahampored more
Do net, even la a ease of etaer ,
geaey, rtok makmg a ehlld's bed an
oa the floor; the keipwre air that to
ojLsaaLg &La J Im BtLAaW TAernlanmnBsl aUbeal
JBTVmrgi HBgejf a'ara'eirS M9 aaves'eFf & ibbpiii ( eesaor
there to atoo atotoet a eariaaety
draft, whleh will rea)k ta a
Beck or toothache.
f ,. llaai VaAaat aTalkaaaaVae.
u tn a eg'Taargai a gerejrwrrw arejraarawrae
One to fairly eastlrated with taw
little boaneta which pretty wemea are
wearing at the theaters, aay a New
York writer. Those gay little head
dreesee for they are scarcely mora
than thatdo not hMe the waves o(
tho coiffure aad mak a meet charm
ing frame tor th faee. Thto boaaet
to at oearee white not aver Mae aatta,
the net being darned with row at
baby Wo velvet aad ribbon, a frill
ot not tetcalag the edge. Turqaetoe
colored bead aad pearl atoo dtratg
Uer9 BWWWe
Aa Is Penttfce.
ws eaTtaajsjj qtaamTagnni egBs,
lee povMloe to a very' ueeMl jpHja"i
ttoeu It to made tot shea way!
e "eTJqfa 9 m9&BwVKL enwviejvy
9 avea ewevss BWaV( , aa JSeyawtjaj apa
aad Mpoa the meal Pt at tatavrabi
lueaoe ot toe ahewt the etoe " gejhr
We. eprtahte meal over test a anwt
cover all wKh the oioth. tatrgaa tho
edge ever. Ia Utto way tha loo wttt
last much longer thaa H ethsiwl
would, aad the poultice wtll be qatie
AI4 Wrtttg Wsmm,
The New York Bqual SuSrags ae
elety, ot whleh Mr. CVaroaoe Maehay
to the president aad leadtag taertt. haa
redaoed Ita aaaual due treat K Vt
IS. Aeeeratag to Mre. Maehay, ehto
reduotton to fer the purpeee ef getting
self-supporting wemea aa member.
She believe that women wage-earaera
need tho ballot more thaa aay other
date to prefect themeetye agalat tha
maa-mad law reguterlag hoar ot
i'u neii."
8tc cmM cook, ah omM not take.
the could not wield a aordta rake, aha
could not mw, the eootd act dara, he
could act haet aoaha eat et yora aad
she could aot a hue band get aa aha
(gseerFavaawS ea,tmteesBesge; evemegg paTv'rgBgjl fej faJ'9g
WT Jawl avw'f'ejl esfrl e Fw JVMo Tag
we ahaU act wed."
TlfeaVwa gy !?JffJatyv at
The atfsaaeit wwwaa ha thewoarkt to
w"aTa wS i es!g"ga jaTaar eseiarw awar's?jggete geaea
most geul, wrlgL m
with th gveatoet ptJaTuU beaaty he.'
aa aeureat
ft 9HCflVECltV' V'