S y B Baaal aiBm " i. Jflr; " I Topics of I th TilXMNI Iaaoeeat meu and bluffera ecurt ib- IPtatigatkB. Bat hew mi 1910 be ft banner rear tt It d IB BSMghtT S-M.n.. l csa Barnh Bernhardt haa Joined h treat majority. She tried to writ ft pMy Attn fU4a Krary town tiu them,, but the beet way to get erea with the knocker k to make food. On trouble with opportunity I that It knock at ft maa'a door whea he aua't any money to latest. Latest U the "auto knee." Aa the cure doee Bot call (or any expensive aurglcal operation the fad will aooa run out. It k generally admitted aow that the coat ot living Is higher thaa It tieed to be. But thta doeaa't help to ray gecera' bill. The railroad are to despatch train by telephone, Thlsk ot -eantral" talk lag to her beaa, while two tralaa are approaching, head oat Authorities oa the subject aay that drugs are not bringing aearly aa mueh money aa they did tea years ago. Nei ther are mulea. Not mueh of either ot then sold. i mil ' ' - Already aoaae ot the people of Bel- (ian are beglanlag to refer to their Bw king aa Albert the Good. Here'a hoping that Albert will do hk beat to Te b to It tare? elevate laatead ot pavaaYklSf , Mi aeekty eaaaet hare too Ma'oh of IU Mere la another Important tabject for the Beeretary cf Agriculture to la Teetlgate. lu the Chtoago itech yarda reeeatly hogs brought pckee which wore practically the hlgheat alaee the otrtt war. To make matter woree, the apply ta the wort we MM to be 40 per cent leea thaa It was a year ago. ThU will aaddea the frugal houtewlto. nhea beet went up ahe haa fallen baek oa freeh pork, ham or baeon. It they, too, are to get beyead her reach she will hare to reelga herself to &' regetarka life. It hoga shall remain scarce aad dear the American export trade la hog products, of which krd la aot the least Important, would suffer. The foreign demand for them would decline aa the prlcea adranced. The Englishman would go elsewhere for the bacon he aow buy of tho United States. For the sake ot the domestic consumer and the foreign trade Sec retary Wilson should find out why hoga are scarce and prescribe a rem edy. .There ought to be a profit In raising them at present prices, even It corn docs cost so much more than It used to. That Is a sufficient ox-, planatloa ot an adranco In the price ot hoga, but not ot a declining supply la the race ot aa Increasing popula tion and demand. Surely the eecre tary ot agriculture, who la so much concerned overth higher cost ot llr lag. will pay aoWta attention to one ot the ways ot bettering matters. That la the replenlehraeat ot the American pig pens. Fill thorn with plump pork- era, and ham and bacon will not b the luxuries they bid fair to become. THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW NSf nMywvytio a a i - --- . . iwu urUAAUi's uUaIOJKU Mrs. Thomas A. Bdkoa Is la a sana toria safferlBg from serreaa trouble. 0fce probably fears that aha may ho asked to lire la eae of Mr. Sdkea'a soared houses. '7a are years from aow," says as aaatoeat phyttciaa, "it will sot be re Boetabte to he 111." Do-e no think all ho reralfom appeadke wilt hare hooa moored, ta the meaatlmar ftaaVtf &LA AAfAaUftaBUaaal aTtlftrtaart ar! ra wi"J aasaaaF cswvnapeaexearvvraa aTWYWexaaax o eeatly la ebtaJalag a toe photograph t the rtage ot SeAara. Tho photo graph tatta'to shew that there are la erletka of say, head oa the rises. la tWw ot the seasplsaeaa aad tat portaat addtttoaa to the VorM'a aeoek H taowlsdae daring tho hat year. Dr. ay fet,tlfid ta adding aa mm aa uu to Ma Jlre . w ' .-, ' lfiagr "v vjbwb m - c ;. mmmmwm V 'jmmr fimHaat muiy- k erected with a wtlllaaaaaa aa viva the parpeeo of estab- aeaee la Central ' K oaght to be poaslhk with Of thai iIm ta fural!, .i. Jatrppliee foree for Coatral America. (In whet naveeC aara the wit aarg DisMtoh, k the world batur o W9r ta pete harlaa- heea Maebaar The aaesWea oomea aaeaeeetedly, bat n mm aaamr m Aeaaaaded Immedkteiy, wo boiiero Dr. Cook k about JM.000 hottor off thaa ho was before Peary 4leeorered the pok. A aow botol eaMed the Tatt Heaoo to to he twUt acroas the street from tho Yak eampae ia New Karea. Fame, fooordlag to Byrea. aaod to eoaelst la wg aiuea IB batua aad harlng your haaw spelled wrong la the gaaette. Nowadays H seoaw to ooaekt la be- . nmm to we preoideser aad har a hotel or a olgar aamed after r l1," t Xermlt Hooserelt M killed a boago haa stirred natural fctory to the depths. It appear, that boag k aksort a fabled aalmal. hoago k a rektiro of the bash- . k aa krfa as a pok poay aad as latoillgeat. It appears that Wku hide aa beantlful as the aebra,asd k taltoaa eare- , Ho Urea la the deeo krut g oaly at a president la okc mo sacti ererwheimlag ereat. Ue of ehk oao appears to be o Mot that ho eaaae out ia aa ?ed. bo doubt, by the con- ormftoout the aorth pole. " MtiU, who has reoeat- vthly eareer full of waa a man of large tales aad dlrerae nejorlty of men bored ohiefly by waa far-sighted found. "The ' philanthropy est klad. They for ether cities , in of means, and itmmualty ot any also rema!a Igaoraat of the Oa which they were found- methods of administration i aasarid their tvoeoM, A J k aaiatltotioB at whkh M who k seeking imtilnj iisitt fe'5 wara oemf.ortobU, sett- iagftor a very amall oxpeadt- Vly " U not oharHabk -"! J Jr,M. ket fea.toa atpitol kreeted-abot o4.,. K hoayo moa to preserro M'flK tH."W..ig- 1Taat.lfta4 taJ daa-radaitofifaf .ilk jbtii & a mA & a I & m - m TMft. il t Maaw jpajaaeaaajBaaBft ai.V. i i . '" Tho great artlot. Turner, k oald to bare bees peculiar ta hk way of sell tag hk pictures. At times nothing ould Induce him to part with one ot them, aad at other times he would rocolro a customer with the areatut aaawuty of roko and manner, and readily settle upon the sum to be paid for one ot hk treasures. On one occasion, when he waa offer- M oao thousand pounds apiece for aoaae old sketch-books, he turnod them orer leaf by leat before tho eyea of tho would-be purcbaaor, saying. "Well, would you really like to hare themr Thea, Just aa tho man proeeeded to take possession et tho books. Turner, with a tantalising "I dare aay you wouldl" suddenly thrust them into a drawer aad taraed tho kay la the lock, tearing the customer dumb with ladlgaatloa. On another ooeasioB a rioh menu faoturer ot Birmingham managed to ?SEiJy?--?W"Jto,lh artlsfa omnmeP'ooasldeTahkprlsy 'rtfta the dleagretable Jaaltrees whom Tur ner employed. He hurried up-sUIrs to the gallerj. Ia a moment Turner dashed out upon him with anrthlns bw a Botpuaus air. The rkltor bow ed politely aad Introduced himself, aay lag be had como to buy some pictures. "Don't want to.aoll." said tho artkt. grumy, "llare you eror seen our Blrmlng ham plctarea. Mr. Turnerr Inquired Ue rkltor, bkndly. "Nerer beard of 'em," returned the artkt. Tho manufacturer bow took an at- tractlre package ot crisp Birmingham bank-notes from hk wallet. "Mere paper," said Turner, cos teaaptaoualy. "To be bartered for mere eanras,' retorted tho rkltor, oalmly, waring hk nana la the dlroetloa of aomo palat lags. This ready wit and tone of cool de preciation had the effect of Duttina- tho erratic artkt la a good 'humor at Tho grntcr part o( Holland Is eight feci below tho lavel ot tho sea. A single salt works In Drnill covers an area ot almost twonty-tuur iQUaro miles. Texas last year produced moro oil by 2,400,000 barrels tiau tho entire coun try produced In 1ST6, A Massachusetts man worth JIO.000, 000 Is discovered to have hidden It til but (500,000 from taxation. In llottordam, with a population ot 400,000, flrrs arc so scarco tl'uk tho city has practically no lira doparfuieut. An automatic ttmo signal sent out from tho Hamburg observatory by tel ephono to all Instruments connected with the system or that city has been heard as far as Copenhagvu and lnrls. An enterprising American undertook to establish a trnda In burglar-proof safes In tho Malaga (southern) dis trict ot Spain. Thoro naa nothing do ing, for burglars aro unknowu lu that part ot Spain. King hMwnrd recently received four first prhes for his oxhlblta ut tho Smlthlleld cattle show. Ills majesty Is a tenant farmer, net a landlord, and pays a largo sum ovcry year lu rout and taiva for his holdings. In an address before tho American Civic Association, Herbert M. Wilson, chief engineer In tho Untied States geological surroy, places tho annual damago and waste by smoke In tho United States at 500,000,000 In tho largo cities alone, or about G to each man, woman and child ot tho popula tion. One may read In a guide book of enlce, compiled for tho bonoflt of strangers, this notice: "When rUltlng this palace strangers should show themseWca especially generous In their tlps,aas tho prince who occupies this palace haa no other means of support than to ah aro In tho money given to hk domestics." Le Crt do Paris. At twenty-four William Pitt was chancellor or tho exchequer, Huikln had written hk "Modern Painters," In fire volume s, which established hk rop utatlon aa England's creatcst srt critic, Sheridan bad produced "The Illrals," Byron published the first canto of "Chlldo Harold." and Rossini produced his most popular opera, "The uaroer or Serine." In Doronahlre any person bitten by a riper Is adrlsed to kill the creature at onco aad rub the wound with 'iu fat. This practice has. to some extent. surrlred In this country, where tho flesh of the rattlesnake Is accounted to do the boat cure for lu own bile, but as a ruler the leading superstition In the Unjted States k of the efficacy of "ufNBraw pousne-oi wm.isy u au an tidote for snako bite. The Chicago Record-Herald says: "Plans aro In contemplation for giving tho University of Chicago tho finest physical laboratory In the United states, ir not In the world. It Is said that before all the plans are consum mated tho plant will haro cost l,000t 000. All of tho moner Is to ho fur. DAD'S 01,' riDDLJt, Tlin't pulty, that ol' fiddle, hangln' there ng'ln the wall, Hut among my houaohold treasures It's the dearest of 'em nlli It Is scarred an' scratched an' battered, but I've not ni i1o t. If ol' did was here to work It, could perduce soma music ylt. lie was Just a country tiddler of the lUck-Unck-ltavy sort, Had no virtuoso trnlulu', all come to him n a furte. An' among his repertory there was one Insplrln' tune That would start us all ta dancln'' which was "Ol 7.1 u Coon I' S0METHINQ FOR EVERYBODY In the evonln' after supper, when the slock hud nil bin fed An thu modest skies was bluihln' nt the sun n-Ruln' to led, Dad 'd set an' tune "OP Iltsy," scrap- In nt the strliiK", I awtmr, Till he'd start ol' Towser liowlln' like a death was In tile nlrl Then he'd shet his eyes a minute n-re- rtectln' wlutt to play, An' would start with "Cnmptown Itncrs," takea whirl nt 'Ol Dog Trny," Us A-wnltln' with Ini'Miilrncc, fur we knowed that iu'lrty eoon He would alnrt tho strliiH a-qutvrrln' with "Ol Zip t'oonl nlshed by Martin Rycrson, president or the board or trustees, or the univer sity, who aUo was tho" donor or the present Ryerson laboratory at the unl-reralty." U an aeroplane flies faster than the preralllng wind it can, of course, mako isnaings or ncadway as necessary or desired, but so long as the neroplano Is slower than the blowing wind It k moro or less not under control and can not be brought down just any where. It la believed that when mo tors can bo relied on for thirty-five miles an hour they not only can meet the wind almost every day In tho year, but can rise from land or water nt almost any open place, New York At the big corn huikln' dances In the country dad was there In his Hundny-gn-to-mcftln's, an' with bear's lie on his hair, An' he'd git to Jerkin' muilo that d charm a eppyoure. With his cowhide boot n-bcatln' to the measure on the floor, They would waits nn' they would shot- tUh. dance the "Ol' Vlrulnny Heel." TIU they'd see him pultln' "lletsy" Into extry careful tune, Then they'd pound the lumber lively to his ' "Ol Zip Coonl He's a-layln' In the shadder of a wil ier tree back there. Where the musla of his riddle ust to 'lectrlfy the air. An' the Instrument a-hanain' on tho wall he left to me . . Aa a eyery-day reminder ot his Limed memory. An' I often git a-thlnkln' If he had "Ol' lletsy" now Up among his feller spirits there '4 be a Jolly row! lte'd'iorgit he was in heaven an would Bit her Into tune, An' would have the angels raggln' to his "Ol Zip Coonl" Denver Weekly News-Times. oace. He changed hk manner la-mo- rcn. dlateiy, aad not long after his visitor Colonizers of all races seem to bo departed, harlng bought several fine careful aarera of their earnings In the countries to which tboy emigrate. In paintings, and tearing the comfortable sum ot five thousand pounds behind him. .AatruaomUal, Borne curious and Interesting astro nomical phenomena are recorded la the old Chinese -annals which go back to a great, aauquuy. in H7 U. C. ft night k mentioned without clouda and without stars. This aay perbapa r- Ifer to a total eclipse of the sun. but it so the eclipse is aat mentioned In the Chinese list of esllpses. In the year 141 B. C. It Is sUted that the sun and mooa appeared of a deep red color during Are days, a phenomenon which causeq greai terror among the peo ple. Ia 74 B. C. it k related that a atar aa Urge aa the mooa appeared and waa followed In Ik motion by several stars of ordinary ' ske. This probably refers to aa unusually large bolide, or fire ball. Ia St B. C. a fall of meteoric stones k recorded. bee Karlr StluslBa- MatatxU. Baoon This paper says that were unknown to the Indians. Xgbert So I believe. Whea the In dkas were 'stung In otdea daya they used to attribute It to a trader." Tonkers gtatesmaa. A TlatlaaabUHaa Taaor. Country Opera Dlreotor What do yo-i think of our tenor f Stranger If I were yea I'd hire him eat as aa imitator et a' phonograph. X UaMe4 SvAihav, v"Wht doe ? tWnk ot' beln' np rigW, I neke-vhHt yo runs HHCCtf Z'S'le' v ?KclLLEBaaaaaaaaaaB VaV recent years there has been a consider able migration of Cost Indian coolies to the Island of Trinidad, 2,303 having " " i year, tnero waa ft return to Calcutta or 726, carrying wnn iuem iso,uu9 in money, besides a large quantity or Jewels. In which tho coolie Inrest tbelr sarlngs. In the year there were also remittances to Indk or about $17,000. New York Press. Few people, I fear, nowadays, read Maria Edgeworth; It Is a pity. Sho la oao ef the finest novelists that orer loomed English literature. It was her tales, it must always be remembered. ' iyireu Dir waiter ucoft fo the composition of the "Waverley Novels." ue crid aloud and everywhere his admiration for her and hk indebted ness to her. lltr writings have, bow ever, a high ralue aa historical pic tures, altogether apart from tbelr mer iU as literature: aad of all her novels her best is "Castle Rackrent." T. 1, O'Connor, in T. P.'s Weekly, London. The introduction ot tungsten lamps k doing much to advance the use of electricity on farms. It Is possible for tho farmer with a small plant, driven euner by a gasoline engine or by dam mlng a amall stream, to obtain suffi cient current to light hk house and bars with this economical typo of in candescent lamp, The ttso of electric ity oa tho farm, by the way, k grow ing and, aa pointed out by tho Elec trical World, farmers win la time come to consider electricity a nacea. slty. 'Then, It will' be found profitable to establish central generating stations for farming districts to take the place lllittara of Frar, If you are afflicted with an unrea sonable fear of anything, do not wasto time being ashamed of yourself; hurry at onco to a doctor, advises a writer in Success Magazine. A writer In the Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette has compiled a Ikt of fear diseases from which It appears that everything, from screaming at mlco to being afraid to go home In the dark, is a well recog nized mental ailment Tho tramp Is In reality a sufforer from ergophobla, or 'fear or work, of- Hen complicated with aquapbobla and aapopbobla, which makes blm shun the bathtub. Slderophobla; a'd astro- imuum causq nulla lauins to go into tho clostt when It thunders and light ens. Any number of people haro cat and dog- phobias. Phantophobla Is what you would have If you were afraid of your shadow, while an all around,, unqualified coward might bo called a phantophoblac. The list la long and Includes almost every human weakness excopt tho aotrcss' horror of publicity. Nearly 310,000 marriage took place In France Inst year, Over 3.O0O poumls ot row potivla are used In the mnuufaciura ot ens pound ot attar ot roses perfume, Durlns- buslines hours tht loulhirn- most square mile ot Manhattan Island has a population of JOO.000. Ia a series or telephonic experiment ft Herman solentlst has mads magnsts, alternating current trnneformera, and eren dynamos talk without tht use ot vibrating plate or utomurau. Tho United States capllol receive It annual bath n short time before Con gres conrene. the toilet article used conslitlng of about z.ftOO feet ot hose In tho expert hand of one company of the Aro department. Powerful streams of water at high preasure remove dust, plder web, lined o( all kinds, bird ncsk and other foreign ubtanc from tho many crovlco. The Archaeological Society haa made flvu excavation around the walk of tho amphitheater In King Arthur' roumMnblo fluid In Monmouthshire, England, and the searchers found th main enlranco, tho sand which formed tho bed of the arena, and a corner tone. From Inscriptions on this stone they trace the dato ot the theater baok to 110 A, D., or 1,100 years. Popular Mechanics. A close study ot the water supply for the operation of tho locks under present plana show that th available amount of water on the Isthmu I not ufflctent to atalutaln, at all times, In th canal, the forty feet of depth stip ulated for by the law, in dry years the modern Dreadnought of the navy, the large carrier of freight and the army transports will not be able to use the canal, Julio F, Sorsano, In Van Norden Magaslne. The University or Pennsylvania was tho first academic Institution In Amer ica to have a protestor of Oerroan, Even from the earliest daya of tho col lege the Institution had a professor of modern languages which Included Ger man, and this professorship waa oceu pled by Protestor Creamsr, who was hlmielf ot German descent. In 1780 a closer connection was formed be tween the University of Pennsylvania and the Oermans by establishing -the Oermaa institute. .' ' i Sow a large white sponge full of rlo. oats or wheat, Then place It for a week or tea uaya ia a shallow dish, aad, aa lbs sponge will absorb the moisture, the seed will begin to sprout before many daya. When this has fairly taken place, the spouge may be suspended by means of cords from a hook In the top ot the window where a little sun Will' enter. It Will thus becomo a living mass of green, requir ing only a little occasional moisture. Suburban Life for January. A record was established by the flih commission In the distribution ot fish and ash egg for propagation and batching purposes during the fiscal year 1909, when the output aggregated This Is 140,000,000 more fish and egg than were distributed during th previous year. Whltefish and several varieties of perch aad flat fish were used In greatest numbers. Yast quantities ot the fry of the cod and the lobster also west out. Alto gether the commission distributed the egg, fry, fingerllnga. yearling and adulta of almost forty kind of fish. The most luxurious prison la th , JKAJat'i HOKH ULASTaT j Mew w ami msi nntoa-t'alHn,. ,h- yvimJ lu llepeulaar. A broken prr iso I an imp omit, luvcn a rm may pats fpr ' nmn ot lenny A bald head , man at tho pray meeting I warul A. "V It IU IUtl w i lor Uyou t n falsehood II It will wt! Qle, Wouldn't It be delightful If one-Ill the compliment paid u wero truot Wo new kuaw what our frlmini will do for until we Kil Into trouble, It I ever common to remember oth er people' (lulls And forget our owe. The shorter U step turn one (In U another, th sooner one wtftt out hit Originality I a trngmntfot another Innn's thought llukod with a bit oj; one own. j; What (oollihnrsrtuMlve to pile op dollar If tho dovll flto bo tho only gainer oy it. is Many a mail' hvodha been turn4 by (omebody elee coming Into church ! a llttlo lat. J Not everyone who goes to church It a Christian, nor ovfryono who stay tt homo a tinner. Angels know how much we want tht Lord to come, by what we are doing to help make the devil go. ' dod provided fortho worst thai could happen to 'Bwn before He breathed Into him tho breath ot life, A man' vices lead him Into the broad way, and after that he lakes th lead and drag tho rice alter htm. The man who would bo worthy ot honest praise must practlca constantly tho virtue which Inspire honett men to praise their fellow men. The "dry" think that If the saloon I not taken out of politics, polities will die. The "wets'' tear that tt tho aaloon la taken out of'polttlcs, bolh will die. One may part with hi health In the acquiring ot mllllonsU.cn health It rot .worth at much aa 'money, but aft er tharhQAUli I worth more, fojhl million cannoirHreift -rC . y "bJTasT-iOaaaa j DUTI0U1T COXVpUMTIOM. aa,Maaaahn) Th American traveler, aa a rule, Is well Informed as to all that oeactrnt a stranger far from hi own country; but ho sometime llnda It dtau-ult ta "anikratand why any other k'nguaat mn mat or ma native land should bt used. Two Americans traveling la Qsrinany wanted to send a take-ram. and went to the offlco. The eperatoi could not tepak a word of English, tho American were Ignorant of Ger man, and attar a conversation Id which each party politely explained mattera to tho further nullification ol the other, one ot the Americana turn ed to hit companion and taldt "Well, Jim, tako one of thoso blanks and wrlto out th messago. Then bo'll understand It well enough." Thl "Jim" did, but the operator pushed back tho papor with an ami. ble imlle, but ft convincing ibake ol ma neaa. Tho traveler looked ot each othdr. world I In Japan, abouUflfteea miles I i,u,xlc(, "- "Jim" bad an Idea, from Toklo. In th midst of aardens. "l ,cl1 70U t I'll do, . I'll spell It uui io mm, in iunnnad can't help What1 aba Waa, Flossie and Ma4l, touring the coun try on one of tho famous eee-lblt-you-can excursions, were tramping the streets of New Orleans, A roio)j brunette of AeJiGato complexion, and stately .carriage awiing graoiously by them, Flossy, excitedly nodding' toward br, whispered loudly, 'Oh, look. Ma- belt There goes one of them beauti ful ootagon," "Huh!" exclaimed Mabel, "what a goeale you are, Floes!, dear. That ka't what they call them at all, 8b Is a pronounced nectarine.'' Buccos Magaslne. where flourish median and cherry trees, whr are en ornaiaaata ponds with water lilies, arkse the palatial prison. The colls are spacious and airy" The lighting throughout is by electricity, aad the apartments are fur nished luxuriously, Bath roots with marble baths, hot and cold water kng laid on; dressing roeea aad rMdlag rooms nothing teems to be wasted to make the sojourn la tk prkta pleas. but understand If the words am alt polled to him, letter by Utter." Fortunately tho metscgo wa ihort, and tbo clerk Iktoncd politely, but without a tlgn of comprehension, He evidently considered It another pecu liar development of a ttrange lan guage. Seeing no signs of understanding mo men weni in March or a frltad aat. infect, It toema aa ideaj oeaatry no coul(1 wr,to lnl" mag foi residence. ,hm nl pllned to him that tht r BHaa reeeatly, aW Ml , JBaJ MfW . ft .wearing ia A The I'olut of Vlstv, "Isn't It dreadful the way these frauda and waya to cheat aad awladlt are being discovered? Just look at this page of the paper full of them)" "And here a long article about the custom officer holding all travelers to a strlot Investigation," "Isn't that Just loo meanl How 'k Cousin Anne golngi to get through to me those lovely glove she bought for me in Farkr Bpttlmere Americas. flat flood 'n IOH. ," At-J.of the small individual nJaaU now be- in install Said Charon toDkboius, "Your pavensent's simply awful I To leave your street In suck' a flx Is surely qAlte unlawful," "Tfce contntof let for street repair," Replied " I'nnco imperials "Bui not ;l Now Year Day k past Shall We, have good, materkl." HNseis Hagastao- In Ireland tpldr are largely . cerned in the car of agwe ia many localities th sWteWt k i4vk4 to wallow a living ptW, TMe.ewght to mak'on stMri ? Ih4h th agu", aad ae itoaM tp' tetter way t-.Jv toajWaek ta a box and leave ITtVaarkh, aa-k jJie rague la Bamsrset aad ee o ie aeartiy eonuea A is this old worldt have been alive for the making tt aot aa uncommon tad Kagkad, and Lofjlli pepwir sure jor tfi a spider hung am aaUhtll." Cbkage Tti Aseord4ag to tb krd' Ina; Kill la' .readtsrous ef JHok aata taai ia ia ataaMi hi Blak Be. Mrttj aaa emer assowauoaa, i waa eerulaly the atM ehoee for Mr. hkriiJl to take tsa ta. ipi I quite a weti Kaatjga. Irrlaa Bteatkaa h'Ja Book-'-Ia "The Tataai Irving make DrlbhM, the' : Wr of uruo trt,--aaj,.tj hi ramble he vl44M Jtan eaeaslonally took bU dtaffttf IM. 11 M WHO UlCMM, ja Maclls and tbajf r a HhH that Jack itraw'a 'caatle. raatwy asseaiatea. wtkh uicKerj eccupie seen the ohalr ta w)ki neea wt. rreetmn telegraph operator waa ovldentlv stupid pareoa. "I don't blame him for not under standing English," told on, "but vVb'at I do bkm him for I becauc he can't tell what a word I ftor rou'va .n.n. d It for hitn. That' what I call more than Ignorant I" A lAiuu Kalt Waal. An American oace went to Windsor castlo and Insisted upon seeing QiB Victoria. He waa told thaj t vwar ulte Impossible, as an audience with th qua eould be had only by an polalmtnt. Still he persisted, and thes they told him flat-footed that w. lag th qutea he must itate Ut ebjeot ot hk rktt. He tald he wanted to shew her a hw cleee of fumit.. a throne bed a perkct threae by das' 4 a perfect bod by Bight Her gad riulah. "Did you ever know a girl to dl tor toror "Ye." "Did. (be Jut fade away and dlt Mcauso tome man deserted hrT" - "No. She Juit took lit wahlng and worked herself to death because tht man she loved raarrlod her," Heua tea Post, 7 Hetnaen Vrlande. fcllaJluulllSH rernapa you wa 't dlere it, but a strange man tried to tu me one." Mis gutting JUally if he'd tried to kit you twice, ( fli averag man ipenda more money a a. foolish habit than he do on nu 9 m ti t afaaaaallxeBT7aaaajBaaaa?aaaaaaaaaaJ9iKza'l I iMmJSmWkwKeLwmmMMiiim)JS