F ...... 3X I S 1 '-mt&imstmmFm'mmwmmmm' wwrmvrwz f i - LYRE BEND INVESTMENT CO. A. B..BUCK RlGHAltD KING t, V Hurrah! WE HAVE THIS TIME TO STAY, WITH AN ENORMOUS $15,000 STOCK m tbe VER.Y LATEST MERCHANDISE For Men, Women and Children We will offer the greatest barjjaftn ever offered the buying public. In order to introduce ourselves, everything goes at ridiculous reductions; every purchase covered by our broad guarantee of satisfaction or your money refunded. Sales begin Tuesday, March 15, 1910, at 9 o'clock A.M. Price Bros., PrinevUk, Oregon Morris Building, Main street, near Ochoco bridge. n Do you want in Fertile Central Oregon I can locate you on some of the best wheat land in this part of the Mate, in the very section into which Hill and Harrimun are building their railroads. I also have for sale Raw and Improved Farm Lands, Irrigated Lands and City Property INVEST NOW and get in ou the ground floor ahead of the railroads. DESCHUTES REALTY COMPANY M. J. MORRISON The Bulletin does neat aud serv iceable job) printing of all kinds, at right ptUtts. Hand us your subscription. We still have a few good lots in Lytle at low figures and easy terms. Make Your Selection Write for Plats and Prices to Hurrah! RETURNED J S a Homestead Advertisements crowd our news space very greatly, but additional room will be provided m a weeic or two, wiud aud weather permitting. I mm "Tti'l' ''"Si'VSit TOWNSTC CENTRAL OREGON REALTY CO. HOME LAND CO. M. J. MORRISON Or, JOHN STEIDL, President of the Towtisitc Company, Bend, WATCH BEND GROW! DATES ARE SET FOR UHO WOOL SALES The dates for Oregon's annual wool sales have been announced a follows: Pendleton, May 2.1 and June 10; Pilot Rock, May 77 and June ti; Echo, May 25: Hcppner, May 31 and June 17; Vule, June 13; Ontario, June 14; Shaniko, June 7, June 21 and July 7; Enterprise and Wallowa county, July 12. Under the sales date system, the growers bold their clips, concen trate them at some one of the sev eral points decided upon, and upon the dates fixed the buyers offer sealed bids upon each of the clips The grower may reject any or all bids. The system has proved very satisfactory. The New Magazine. Tie Initial nntutxr of the Pacific Home aecker wilt he luticd in march; anil will contain the most complete ami authen tic description of Pacific Coatt condi tion, in California, Waahiritfton, Ore Kon, Idaho, and other Pacific cnaat Mate, ever publlahed in any mauailtie. If you want to know all ahout thla won derful country, tend 15 cent (silver) for thit apecial iuue, or (tetter itill, tend l.Sofora full year'a lulwcrlptlon, to the CAMHOKNIA IlOMK.1K.llf I'.w'.I ASS'N., 235 I'.xclianne I)ld., I.o Anelce, Calif. The Cornctt Stage & Stable Co. It's the mail line, the only direct stage line from Shaniko to Silver Lake, by the way of Prinevillc and Bend. Stopover privileges and tickets good until used. - Fine Seed Rye lor Sale. Also beardless barley, at Theo. M. Pott's ranch two tulles east of Gist main county road from I.aid- law to Sisters. 4553 For Sale. " Caa.aaa.al .aaata tW a, natal atn.lni. Iinua. KTVIMI .WII UJ liUinii fUllll IIIIIO-TB, from 950 to 1400.I In., either for ilrivlK or work. Some broke, Mine uiihroke, uui an geiuic, rmea rcatouauie. Cuo. W, Wimkk & Sons, 49-2 Tuuialo, Or. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily J tapers, have it come in on the mail ine Tint Cohnwtt Staou & STAHUi CO. 25tf You get your money's worth when you read The Bulletin. IRSRCEWEir' iiejwhwpwwhjwv California Restaurant Mr. H. Houghton. Prop. Beit of meal i served at all hour of the day. Hoard aud IxxIIiik $25 a Month. Coffee and Doughnut 10c. Clean, comfortlite bed, 25c n night. We run a HaVrry in connection with the rmUuraut ami carry everything In the bakerline. ( G. W. RICHARDSON Jeweler Watch Repairing a sri.ciAirv. of P.O. fiend I W 11 mm 1 "I Two doors south HAPI'Y FARMEK JONES. i J JV'-aTiJri-r - 5 v nrtmttF' 1 I Jy ? S aaf-F-r M c fr Bl.-,T' v S You'd he happy too if you v i lx)iijht your HARNESS AND 2 I Leather Goods ( OH t ) JOHN LEOAT r S Henri, Or. KWAIUINRANl) Nw WOkk: t , at Once. MERRILL k WILKINSON CO. M. G. COE . J. S. PARMENTER Oregon - ""'' NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department rrthr Inter! U ft. Land OIBci al The Italic, Oregon, January Mil, IflO. Notice la nertby glvea that MIloW WiIkmi, ir fiend, Oft ion. who, on Martb (int. lonj, mad llome.lrad Knlry (tonal No. ,, No, ItyA, fur it H SW X. W M UK W. t-rfliun I). Twp. I. n . k. 11 It . W M . haa mm nolle uf Intention to make final Hire-veer lloof. lo ceuhllth claim In lb land al-u-r described, befutr M C l'JIU. United Alalee ConimlMlooer al hie office al head, tirrrnn, on me jjm uar 01 iarcn. 111. Claimant nain-a aa wllaeeaeai John f cgutnti i-a-mir rviBUMi'-i -jiiiain AiMim. piir-i t llilffln. John SlcMI ami La I h lop if. McCaaa, all nf llend, Orrgrt, lmii C. W MIKJkll, Kcglatcr. HUMMONH. In the Circuit Court ol Hit Mate of Oregon fur iroou vouniy. l.vaIW.ar-,1alnllir, va, Cotlllcb Wist, Defendant. To Uotlticb Wlee, the alwr named de fcndanti IN Till! NAMK OH TIIK STATU OH OMK. (.ON Von ara hereby required lo apycar and anawcrlh Complaint lint agalni-l you In the ataiT rallilrtl limi on or Leber A wlf xh. lata, aii.l If you rail eu lo anewrr. the I'UlntllT w. ap. ply lo the Court fur I he relief demanded therein lo-wti fur the dluululion of the inarrt'ito con tract now tilatlng between you and the ClalntllT. Title uuiuioik la unified lo be aeteed ttpun you by Ihe publication Ihfffof In the llend fleet. Itlln, a weekly newtpaper publlthcd In Crook Ciaiuty, Ort gun, by orrttr ol the Honorable II. C Kllle, Judge ufllie Cuunly t-ouit of Croo Cou-t ty. aaltl Outer l-elng mt and entered al lrlne eille. rtrceon on thr loth dar of febliulv. mio: datref flrel (HiMlcallon. I'elMuaryl loioi length of pubtlcallon, all cunarculler weeka. Oatnl llila ijld oay nf February, loin. C. n. lllNnON, frj mtyt Attorney lor rtalntlfT IN TIIK CIHCIJIT OOtlKT OH Tlllt BTATI! OH OMKOON HOH Tlllt COUNTY OH CHOOK. H C. Kotclte, llalntilT, - va. Madeline N. Knwlcc Ilefenitant To Madeline N. Howlff.deffBdaatatiovf nmel. In Ih Name of Ihe Wale ol nregom You are hereby auiumoned to apiear and ane-ecr Ihe complaliil flleil agalntl you In Ihe abor rnlltleit action on or M'ore April h. igia. and If you fall aoloanawer the plalnlllT will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In aald ctnupuiul. iirwii ror ine uiewjiuiion cii me marriage cum. tract now eliding between you and Iheplalntln. Thla autmnona la ordered to b acrerd unon you bv publication thereof In The llend JlulUtlu, wrvaiij niw,m)icT -uiiiinni ,ni.n0 i.ouniy. Oregon, by order of the llonmable II. C. Ill I It, Judge of the County Court of Crook County, or rgon, liald order Ixlng made nil enleretl on the let day of March, igio, the date of the Aral 1111 in ira 1 ion iieing March tnd, fjio; and Ilia englliofllivpubriratloii t-rna (la coneecullv wceka, Uateil thla nd day of March, loio. VKKNON A. I'OKtlHH, mr, all Allorney for thr 1'lalntlrT Order Your WOOD Prom the Pioneer Wood Yard A liherat tupplv of the licit wood availahle ulwaya 011 hand, $4.50 Per Cord Delivered. W. P. DOWNING, I'rsprleier Addition to BEND , r, Yr ? r NOTICK KOIt PUBLICATION. liei-artuifnlof thelnlerlar, V S, Land Oftvfe al The lilU, (W-fon, Jaaualy r-lh, id 14. Notice la hrithy glean thai tlue A lukin-nltr of Aend,Orrgnn, who. on May loth, iyM, tna.te llonifaifad Itnlry (aa,lal No. ail an.) Nu ium foe Nl! V If. Twp. it a.. M II l W M haa Alnl nolf of lalentlon lo makt HI ml Hlee veae llrnf. lo eataMlah e lain lo the land abme Oracrllied, larliftll C lulle, I'nllnl Malf a .o-t mlMlour r, a hie oBWr al Heod, Oregon, on I ha IMh day of March, lalo, Claimant namra aa wllnraara Oeld U' l, Ulley. Vraak lul, Vbarlea A Mantairrough and Heter HelMlorler, all of IUM. Orrgun frmr-) C W. MOOMK, KfgUltr NOTICK VOM PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe lalertwr, V. S. Land Oflke at The llatlta, Oregna, January le, tfia. NolUa la hereby given thai - JOHN HltKOUSON ornemt, Oregon, who ou March 4, lyn. made llomeateal llnlry llterlal No. ufi No. U'i loe hKWHItK See h NWMRWK hce. ,, NUV( NWWlwc ,, NltUNIIU ore M, Twp. H K. II Kail Wlllamitle MerMlan, Ka Slnl uotM oflnlenlmn lomakr flaal Ae-year roof, lo ' labllth claim In lh land alJe dexTII-ed, l(ore II C Kllia, I'nllid Htalea V'nuiiniaaionrr al h' oOlceat Demi, Oregon, on Ihe ilh day of March, lia. Claimant namea aa wllneawai Mllo W. WO aon. UvIC Whilled, Wlancld K. IlilOia. IM waxl liriMlMboua, Liithrup II. McCann. Juhu IHeldl, all of llend, Oregon. f mri C. W. MOOR It, Kegliter NOTICK TO CRHDITOKS, In Iht County Court of the Mali of Oleguii, lor Crook County. In lha Matter oflhe Itetala of I WAI.TI.H II. MltVIUH, leceaaet. Thr umtcralaned haehiv trH atnaitlnirtl be Iht County Couit of the Male of Oregou, fr Crank County, adiulnletralor of the cetalr of Walter II. Mtvlua, drceaerd, liolke la hereby aleett lo lha rrrdllofaof. and all dfimii, hairliiar clalma agalnet aald deceaaed, W piearnl lhru ""' ftufru oy taw, wiiiiiii aia monini alter thr Aral iiubllrallon tA ihia tiniira. ,,, -a.i.1 JamraN. Kcalla, admlulMialur,at hla offlca m IhaHlrat National Rank bulkllng, llend. Oregon, tua oima vi Va n. itenaon, nie aiit, ney. . , , , , . JAMIW N. KKATTH, Admlnltlialvr of the caute of Walter II. Mclu, deceaaed. Dated thla oth day of I'chctiary. tola. C. n, liiNviN, 4-Ji Attorney for Admliilelrator, CONTHST NOTICK. Departmciit of Ihe Interior, tl. H. I,and Oltlce, The iMtlea, Orrgou, Hcbiuary nib, igi A aumdenl mnlett ITi1a-U having bii Alrd In lilt oilier by Charltt II Krlckaou, miile.laiil. agalntl llomralead Kulry Nn lV). iu 17, lwJ. Inr l-ota t, 4, K K NW ( fa, . H..K 6I.. W. M-byena lljorudal, in which II la allrgnl that aald Jem nn i4,, uiaue uarcn l, Twp, n ronlealee, lall. Ill.tfllll.l haa wholly alutiiitoiinlaalil Iran oliaiui rrmaii lli-n tl luoutlytlaet alllbalaldabaiidoumri.t ta not due to hla tiiiployiiie,iit In ilia army, uaev or htarltia entita nf lha iinii.i ui.i.. hi Utile o war, Hald iMrllra air hereby nollAcd to antvrar. re puuil ainl olTcr evlclcme louchlug aald allegation at lo o'clock a Hi on March Ji, lyio, befuir H C. Kill", all H. CoiniiilMlouer at III orhce In llcud, Oregon, and thai Aual hearing will be l.chl al loo'tlnck a in on March in, loio, Ufore Ihe Keglttcr and Kerelver l lha lullcd btalea liiid Olticc III The Delict, Oregon, .The MM coniettaiil having, In a proer afli davit, Aled I'eb. u, loio, act fnilli (acta whUli ahow Ihal after due dIUgeiicr pcteoual aervlec of tlllt untlcr rati not b mail. If I h. .rl,, i.tilnnt and illrcded Dial audi notice be given by du and proper publication. f fi6-uno c. W. Muohw. Krattlcr.