The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 02, 1910, Image 7

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nnil will pny n follown for jrood,
fat alulf wo imvur charge com
nilwilon on nnytliliuj:
Vonl under 130 lbs llo
lAtK vcnl less, according- to
slxo nnil quality.
Dressed lltK ,9JO
lloni arid Hprjni, nllvo,..,,14o
llttni mid Hjirlnif, dressed. .
....til...... ,... 10 to loo
Turkey. dressed ,,,2010
(lecso, dressod . , , ico
Duck, dressed..., 20o
TiifctiBf itoBttfTnuT
A I'ooa Abrad.
They were nlioul In opvn III Tan
ma canal In duo rorin.
"What nre we walling forr aaksd
h man who was lu deliver th ora
"W art walling," answered (ti mas.
tr of cerinonlrs In a husky whisper,
"lo a If wa can't spur up a few
American built ships 10 bo Oirouiih
flrstl" Chicago Tribune.
At I'll Ihet Dflr Coma-atHlon
item wiinour ruici a wrcum
r-ILvKii ni.UNda 46c up
tilt urn ii imiwU kcJi
COOII KUIIIIKIt I'l.ATri ..".I... I.O0
UK IIKNr KtlllllKII CI.AT".rf .f"-00
WHAI.i:ilONR I'LATIM .... alo.oo
l)l(.Un pelianla c an obtain Mrfal work
and nmnr liy ratHa at our nftlea.
All work ivarenlMl (or ln r
J a J It Wathlaitoa J Cor. Slain
taUl.ll.hail U (Nil. Hat la !
Meant an unfalttna- wat-r II
iroana thai rw "HI he th nwil prMII
rat txneall water au.-ply eatera rune la
um No elale. lank. r Iruaen pipe In
winter rw etasnaal welor In tommee, no
water avrp'r Irwible or anr Ht Tank
plered In tatarment raj I of eight oral way,
maU or preaea.1 aleei, will nut rul and
will leal a lifetime. ..........
You wlllbeplaaee.1 with Ik LKADKIt
'em r furnl'hln I .! le VUtrr
Kurt t Ak loe our e alaawv end Ira
LaAlet. "UiwIMialUr Walar rvpp
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
To Irnta Kat
la vUlha
Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company's
Oregon-Washington limited
Portland la Chicago
Chicago-Portiand Special
Chicago. Ut, UmiU. Kto.
Latest equipment, Pullman,
Tourist and Dining Cart, eloctrlo
llahtod and up-to-date. Block
Signal System I'orlland to Chicago.
For lltornture. rates, reserva
tions, etc.. call on or writo to any
O. It. & ,N, agont, or to
General I'asionger Agent
I'ortland, Oregon
J y j J II I I
vX I i' ! if'
ui wio minppino islands tne one
which prolmhly linn (ha most product
Ivo io Ik Mlnilnnno,
In reply to nn Inquiry, Consul Clin.
M. Cnughoy of Mllnn roporti (hat hnr
nn rncliiK li lircomliiK moro Ronornl
In JUly, twntylx inoetliim Imvlnn
Ijpii hold In 1008 In twmity.tlirco cl
With n vlaw to rnlnlnc tlio lUndnrd
of pillow, iirnllo point and Midland
Inen production by KiirIUIi peAuntry
th Indy nmyoreM o( Mldlntid will hold
an oxhlliltlon rntlroly of Knicllah hnnd
mado Iac nt tlio Miwiilon houe.
Thn ChlnoiA tlirnah rlco by Imnd,
hvatlnir a bunch nicnlnit a frnino u
pndd ovtr a bnakat. For n fntmlnn
mill the uatial way li for thtm to put
th tinhullcd Rrnlni Into a rtcaptacla
nnd triad nu thorn with barn foot un
til tha brcria hai blown away th
FlftMw hundred "alx-penny CAba,"
hanioiiia nnd four-whealcra Iiavo Jmt
Nan placed In tlio atrvata of Ixindon,
mid thny ara aald already to Imvy
ncornJ n Krrat aurcaai, Kach cab bmr
a llttlo Dak with tha announcement:
"Hlxpenco (13 ctnita) not ciCMdlng
on in llo."
Thn flimnclAt poaitbllltlea of cine
niAtoitrnpu thratara linvo dawned alow,
ly on thn lirltlah mind, long aftrr they
wore pxtenalvely oxplolted In tha
t'nlted ntAtra And on tha continent.
but provincial theater are now Im-kIii-niiiK
to feel tha effrcta of their compn
llllon crlniitly Thera Are one thou-
nn (I of theao ahowa In the United
Kingdom already, And tha number t
Increaalna; mnntlily. The prlco of Ad
inliilon ranxna from a penny to a ahll
llnr, The electric treatment for akin dl
eaiea, Aral Introduced by 1'rofeaaor !
duo of I'arla, In 1001, ha now rmera;
cl from tha (ixperlmenial atAgea and
la extenalvely Uarit At IlArtholomew'a
hoaplul, I)iiilon. Tha trontrnent ron
lata of jwnnliiK nn electric current
IhrouRh tha dlaeaaed art, ono nf the
lectrodea beliijc n coversl d soaked
i,h n mini.,inr n ,ir,.o- nr
with n aolullon contnlnlnK n drug or
chemical Ttie rltvtrlolty brenka up
the aolullon Into loni, which priictrnto
thn tlaaus celta with I ho current.
I'p-to-dAt" atrnoxrAphera uao tha
typewriter automatically, pretty much
na ptanlata play In tha dark. Till a
not only rellovea the eyca, but kIvpi
Krrater frenlom to thoiiKht nnd moro-
ment of tha lxly, nnd puta a Urge.
part of the work uon the centers of I
the automntlc nervous system In the
tip-top of tho spinal cord, which net
moro or leas Independently nnT) with
out concentration nnd fhtlguo of tho
higher brain colls. Homo can typo n
mpld dictation In thn dark with only)
seeming playful effort, and A for CAn
nan their flngera, chew gum, talk,
Inugh And work all at tho same time.
New York Tress,
In microscopic form Molssan, the
French chemlat. produced Absoluta
diamonds, which nre but crysUllied
carbon. The largest nrtlflclAl diamond
ret Produced measures leas than ono '
millimeter t.OJMT of nn Inch) In d.'
ameter. In MolasAn'a biborntory they , ""K togother In the sUlla at a matlnco
believe that If they could deal with performance, and before the curtain
forty or fifty pounds of Iron as easily row tho following conversation waa
ns with four or flvo ounces their dhv hrd: "Say, Maude. I know this play
monds would bo larger. They Also ' 'n unny." "WhAt makes
bellevo thAt tho process of their lAbor.!0" think sor Asked MAUdo. "Why.
Alorv Is tha nrocess of mother earth.' anybody could tell that from tho
thnnvh ilnwn In hop erl Inlmrnlnrlna I
tho enrth tins temperatures nnd pres
sures they enn not command nnd aeons
of time to perfect her work.
M. I. Hemllnger, director of the Paa-
laur Institute nt Constantinople,
wrltea to "Thn Inncat" to point out
the danger of spreading dliraae by Al
lowing domestic nntmals to onter the
sickroom. Ho smeared bouillon cul
tures of various micro-organisms on
tho coats of dogs nnd cats, nnd at reg
ular Intervals cut off n number of hairs
and took cultures from them, Aa a
result ha found that the typhoid bacil
lus was prosent on the seventeenth
dny And (he organism of diphtheria on
the twenty-fourth day In undiminished
virulence. Among tho diseases men
tioned by M. Hemllnger as offering
sptclnl dangor In this wny nra scarlet
fevor, moasles, diphtheria, whooping
cough, typhoid fever and tuberculosis.
Blr David 0111. who, says the West
minster Oniette, Is to make a report
to the International Oeodetlo Confer
ence on tha progreaa mado with the
African survey from tho capo to Cairo
Along the 30th merldlnn east, com
menced thnt grant task many yenra
ago while astronomer royal at the
rnpe, He pointed out to the colonial
government that a proper survey was
essential to any system of land ten
ure, and showed thnt big. tracts of land
had boon lost to the government by
the wilful shifting of beacon marks,
made possible by hurried and Inade
quate survoylng, Mr. Cecil Ilhodss
early saw the vnluo of this Advice, and
not only acted on It In Uhodcsln, but
provided In his will for a grant of
same- 150,000 from the funds of the
Ilrltlsh South Africa Company toward
ih sinenses of carrying the morl-
ii I nor hward J toward Lake
dlonnl arc northward toward Lake
Tanganyika. The survey has now beta
Carried MY0nty-lWO Dines uorvu ut me t
Acta directly nnd peculiarly on
tho blood; purifies, enriches and
revitalizes It, and In this way
builds up tho wholo system.
Tnko It Got It today.
In iiiuaI Mould form or chocolated tab
leta callrd Haraataba. IW Doaca II.
Ono aurroaaful Cnao,
"Doctor, you're not to foollah aa to
think you can make people Rood by
parformona; oparatlona on thtm, are
you J"
'That dopanda upon what you call
making- people cood. Tou can check
heir dlapoaillon to commit crime."
"Aa, for example"
"Well, I once knew a man who vrae
cured, by a simple operation, of a ten
dency to rob ImnUe and hold up rail,
vay tralna,"
"Did you perform It, doctorr"
"No j I waa merely called on to ver
ify the reault after the operation waa
"Well, who did perform Itr
"A frontier aharlff." Chicago Trlb
un Tol)r and Ticlliirrotr,
Happy men are full of tho present,
(or Ita bounty aufflcoa them: and wlaa
men alio, for Its duties enR-eue thooi,
Our srnnd business undoubtedly Is
not to see what Has dimly at a dis
tance, but to do what lies clearly at
band. HdwArd FltxUerald. "FolonltM."
Svo This Recipe for Colds.
"Mix half pint of sood wblakcy wjtb
two ounera of alycerina and add one-
half ounce Concentrated nine compound.
The bottlo is to bo well ebaken each
time and mod In doaca of a teaspoonfal
to a tAbleapoonful every four hours,"
Any druggiat hna tbcie Ineredlnuta or
ho will get them from his wholesale
home. Thla la wonderfully effective.
Tho Concentrated nine la a special
Plno ',,0u1et "d comes onlr In half
0UB" bottles, eaeh encloaed In an air
tight ease, but be sura It is labeled
IlltMt ail Kluhtyolajlil aa I'rodlelod.
l'rophcsylnjc early In Ufa that sh
would lira to seo bar eighty-eighth
birthday, Miss Julln It. Hancock, o
Hrockton, Maaa., died n few daya ago
fiti itlA ilalV aria Kattl tiVaa vlnli ait t aaat rt
herdeAth. Infirmities of age are given
M t,a ,,..,, Bie -ava no particular
reason for her prediction, although shi
seemed Imbued with tho belief that her
prophecy woM ..
Tho next Mine you leel that swal
lowlntr aensatlon. th euro slim of sore
throat, k'arKle Hamllns Wixard Oil Im
mediately with three parts water. It
will save you daya and perhaps weeks
of mlaory.
Whal'o In aj Xainior
An Amusing atory has been told con
cerning Mr. Phillips' classic drama.
"Ulysses." When It was blng played
In America, two young girls wsro sit-
Mmo!" waa the reply. M. A. I.
Good for Sore Cvel,
or ovor 100 yenra 1'ETTIT'S EYE;
SALVK hna positively cured cvodia-
cnaoa everywhere. All druggist or
nowaru iiros., uuunio, w. x.
roim of inaorraca).
Tea," said tho bride of throe short
months, "I had mado up my mind to
remain In tho spinster class, then John
appeared upon the scene and I ac
cepted him becauso he was so unlike
other men."
"Oh. of course ho's different," re
joined tho envious lady friend. "He
proposed." Yonkera Stntcsman,
Your Hair
Is It inclined to run away?
Don't punish it with a cruel
brush and comb! Feed It, nour
ish It, save it with Aycr's Hair
Vlcor, new Improved formula.
Then your hair will remain at
home, on your head, where It
beloncs. An decant dressing.
Keeps the scalp healthy.
Dot no cAan M toor eM hah.
1-oraaU wlt m kiu
Shaw Va yaw
AakblBVtoatt ,
We certainly believe this, or we would
not My so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, m now
P1"0 "om our new Improved formula,
'" " ret Preprtlon for the hair and
,, ., yilln fc , d
drurf, proraotcs the trowth of hair. ,
miillaU.O, JHra0. IanUI.
TtSaaaaaaaf'aSaaaST 3tX -' V '
LZSi batiaakakakakaaa1 I
1777 Hecond bnttlo of Bnrnloga
HprltiKs, which led ten dnya later
to tho surrender of Ilurxoyne.
187J The Ute- mnsaucre In Colorado
17(0 Americans defeated the Hrltlah
nt battle of King's MounUiln, Mouth
Carolina.... MnJ. John Andro of
tha Hrttlsh army hanged as a spy
nt Tappnn, N. Y.
171 Tho alt-go of Yorktown begun by
Washington's army and tho French
1714 First Protestant liplscopal con
vention met In New York City.
I10S t,w! nnd Clnrke entered Oregon
territory nt Iewlston.
Illl Ilonnparle established a mari
time conscription In the Hansentla
IS1J Napoleon defeated tho Ituaatans
nt the battle of the Moskown.
Ills The Indiana of Ohio ceded all
their remaining lands In the Htnte.
!: The porta of the Unllel State
reopened to lirltlah commerce.
1131 Kreo trnde convention met In
UK Owcko, N. Y.. almost completely
destroyed by nreu
ISM Abraham Lincoln challenged
Htephn A. Douglas n a. Joint de
bate In tho campaign for tho Hen
ale. IJ71 Ilrlgham Young arrested on a
charge of polygamy.
1890 Centennial of the Introduction of
cotton spinning celebrated at 1'nw
tucket. It I.
II9J I.Und fltnnford, JrH University
II rat opened to students.... Threo
feet of snow fell In Montana. ... A.
disastrous tornado swept over
Ileltraml and ltnsca Counties, Min
nesota..,, Equestrian statue of
Ot-n. Ornnt In Lincoln I'nrk. Chi
cago, unveiled.
lJ Twenty-eight miners drowned
by the Mlchlgammo river Hooding
tho MansHcld mine In Michigan.
1891 When! sold at to cents a bushel
In Chicago, tho lowest recorded
I88S The Texas Legislature met In
special session to pass n law mak
ing prise fighting Illegal.
1887 Gen. Oeorge M. Itobeson, who
wna President Q rant's secretary of
the navy, died In Trenton, N. J.
'80S Strike of street car employes In
Now Orleans.
I80J Chicago celebrated tho 100th an
niversary of Its settlement.
1808 Floods near Hyderabad, India,
cost thousands of lives.... The city
of Pittsburg, PAm celebrated Its
210th anniversary.... Tho S-cent
postago rata between tha United
Htntcs nnd (reat llrltaln went In
to effect.... Ilnrry A. Oar Held In
augurated president of Williams
College.... Tho American battle
ship lleet arrived nt Manila, ...Lo
cal option elections In Ohio closed
SSS saloons.
Cotdrat nt Mix Mllca llluh.
Tho Intereatlng discovery that tho
Atmosphere over thu polar regions Is
colder nt nn altitude of six miles than
at ten hna Just been made by Prof.
Itorgesell, who sent up it registering
balloon from tho prlnco of Monaco's
yacht nt Tromsoe, Norway, In Septem
ber of 1800. Last month this balloon
with Its Instruments Intact was found
by Laplanders on a glacier near Ski
botten. A height of 17,000 meters or
about ten miles was Indicated by tho
nltltuda recording Instrument. The
lowest temperature registered was
minus 0 degrees centigrade, but this
J figure was found to have been regis-
icrcu ni n neigni or six miles, wnore
na tho tempenituro registered nt tho
maximum nltltuda of ten miles wis
minus 47 centigrade. This Is tho first
proof thnt the Inverslvo layer of Mr In
which the temperature rises after a
certain point exists over the polar re
gions na elsewhere. Tho warmer lay
er occurs lower at the poles than at
the equator
I.lltle Vnpor ruund un Man.
Director Campbell of Lick Observa
tory, San Jose, Cal., In a synopsis ot
his recent observations ot Mars from
tho summit ot Mount Whitney, says
that water vapor does not exist on the
planet In sulllclent quantities to be de
tected by tho spectroscopic method.
Tho bands on tho spectroscope were
found to bo no stronger In the caae ot
Mara, viewed from thnt altitude., nbovo
four-fifths of the earth's vapor, than
were the bands produced by tho moon.
Prof, Campbell oxplutns thnt this does
not mean that Mars has no vapor, nor
that Ufa does not exist on Mnr. Tho
question of life thera Is biological rath
er than astronomical. Similar observa
tions at Flagstaff, Arts., have Indicated
to Prof. Lowell the presonco ot oxygon
on Mars,
naw arvl won'Tful
muaical fn.lnrnant,
which la ombinalUm
il lh rtarvl Kalian
harp an.) riillar. Il ha
a lajullful luno and U
poaltifrlr tha rvrot
latrumU to ljr rf
mala. Wo ttath fua al
your own Imma, Aa nn
adtartlarmant wo !
coixe to un AWAr
ono of our I12JO Harp
CJulUra to oath of tho
flrot Ion rrraona in aach eoantr who rrxt na thrlr nam, arfdroa arvl whom ths harn ! tar. 3lt
down HIOIITNOW and drop u a rard ami bo ono of Ihalotkf fow, aa thr srolnct
HARP-CUITAR MfO. CO.. 428 lumbar tactions DulMInf, Portland, On.
Clianro tor a flarKnln.
Dejected Youth I would like to re
turn this engagement ling I purchased
here a few days ago.
Jeweler Didn't It suit ths young
Dejected Youth Yes, but another
young man had already given her one
Just like It, and I would like to ex
changa It for a wedding preatnL TU
MI. TnkliiK lllni at Ilia Word.
Upgardson It goes without saying
Atom Then suppose we let It g
thnt way. Lovely afternoon. Isn't It?
"Defore I bef-an using Cascareta I had
bad complexion, pimples on my fsce,
and ray food was not digested as It should
have been. Now I am entirely well, snd
the pimples have sll disappeared from my
face. I can truthfully say that Caacarc:
are just as advertised; I hare taken only
two boxes of them."
CUreuce R. GrifGn, Sbertdsn, led.
rtroaant. PalaUlia. Potent. TaaU Good.
Do Good. Norrr SleWn. Waakan or Grip. -lOe.
tie, (Oe Nrrrr anld In bulk. Th rn
nino Ublot aUmpM CCC. Cttarutaod to
cur or jour nonrr back.
Maalaa a.aa.aU. ratal aaf a, -a Saba. Oaaraal.
a-alaaaaUia VaaJaa. taaaaaaa esaai at aaf aUar
aaail tmimt Crac. Aa ainf r-aal-a la aaraaca, a
fall ONU'I tr. -ami frMl frl Uaaa aOMl wiU-aa
a. af atMii. Saalaa fcaa rara4 la.a..a... It
ill nn aaa. am II a Ira. trial. Tao ara to aa
uaM.jadia. atanu s
Maalaa MWI.Iaa Oa.
J241l-.ll. Ulan..
U as safe u it is elective. Guar
anteed to contain no opiate. It is
very palatable loo children like k.
All DrauaUta. 2S Cent
Lisi-iAiliuulusf itiimHu uUs iJis ajJUMtti.
On Rainy Days "
A Fish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry
And gits you (all vslae la
comfort and long wsar
Bali ly flnUltii SaUlla ra lit ecintry
OTtf. BsiforcuFrCitalo
BOSTON. U. . A. -v - " .
7TT: ttaBaBaaaBataWatl
Torn fiANiDLLI CO LbL 1
TononTO. CmaoA ZSfMtA
From Arctic
rS 'rjVattlsvl
aaV"" Cj2!3sawaS
eK CBaaTs,
VaitK "satHIH
Solid brajs font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat
for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator.
Heater beautifully nnUhed in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles.
Evtnr Dulcr Everywhere. II Not At Yourt, Writ for Deacrtptlr ClceuUx
to tee Nearest Agency ot Un
( 3' n n 'm 'g. s & - ' ', g ? -m m
Aa Sumrllmra llappea.
"You'd like to have me give this a
notice, I presume," said th literary
"Indeed, I would." anawered the au
thor of the book; "the best In the
Hut the conscientious literary editor,
after reading It, classified It ss on of
the worst In the world.
atmplrfrlna- if.
"Jonlsh, whnt Is the house of lords?
"It's one branch of the Ilrltlsh par
liament. You've heard of the houa of
commons, haven't you?"
"Well, the lords are the uncommon."
HQWAKD, E. BfRTOS - S-arar aod Cfea,l-t.
Laadr.lla. Colorado. Hfarleian arlcrat OoldT Uold, Hlliar, tt) Oold, li riii
orCortwr, It, lalllaaaaalo(a and fall ,tmla
aantoaar-pticailon, Ormtrol a-d ITaalra workoo
llallod. XUIaroocol OattoaaU KaliooaJ lloak.
L aruiin. oac j
ainless Dentistry
Oat of tonpaoela
ran ha.a tkalr Nat
aad brlaaowork Sa
l.kad la aao cay
It aacaaaary.
W. 3I rna faa s rJ
72k f.Ia K (.'w
crraslar 53.06
MtUr Croat! 6.&J
ra.aal mra 1.S
aaaaaK' "x '" 9
aHHNaak ' V
PaBaSWaBaBaBntt """ C
em. :.J-W1
KkarFXtri .61
ItlnfUCrti 2.5ft
GMJIalaar - -,
ruiat O.Bfl
aarfUl. 7.5f-
, W, 1. SrK, rarnnr an KUara
u nut uammm m wanji
raUlaaa Kiirxtloa frw wbaa l-lalcaorkrlda work
UcrUlwdrOaaaalMUoarno, VoaoaBBoto-tbatu
ialraaarVdoaoaawaar.,Allwok ruUrKuar.
utrnl. ilodara i l.rtrta amlpnaat, ttaal KatWla.
Wise Dental Co..
efftC M314: SaaUja. ta 1
No. l-'XO-
WtlKX wrlllnc toaultirpI
mnnllna thla papar.
A flararlng cird the tan sa lemon or vanilla.
llr dllaoltmi (rmaulaltd austr la water ana
adding Uaplrlnc. dclaiooa tjrnip U audoaad
a amp bcttrr than maple. UapldneUaoldby
BTocert. If not send M for 2 oc boU and
recipe book. Craaeaat Mff. Co, Saattl. Wa.
to Tropics
in Ten Minutes
No oil heater lias a higher efficien
cy or creator heating power than the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeleae Device)
With It you can go from the" cold
of the Arctic to the warmth of thet
Tropics In 10 minutes.
The new
Smokeless Device
fircvents smoking. Removed In a
nstant for cleaning.