-- -"' k) h) l fe ( ) h) g ( vvvvWvvW ALL READY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED A HUNDRED PER CENT LARA'S, TUB BIG STORE is ngnin ready for your inspection. f ' A month's work by eiirpcntcrs and painters lias Icfl the store with many improvements and eonvenienees. Our aim is always to make your shopping as pleasant as possible. The GR.OCERY DEPARTMENT has been enlarged and moved into the new Annex. - The SHOE DEPARTMENT, more tmin twiee its former si.e, now occupies the entire rear of the store. Although we make a specialty of work shoes and hightops for men, we can lit the entire family with the .best wearing, best looking shoes in Haul. The ENL ARCED DRYGOODS DEPARTMENT occupies the entire south side of the store. Notions, ladies' and children's underwear, hosiery, now occupying the space formerly given to ladies' and children's shoes. The GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT has also received its share of the general enlargement of the store. New shelving to accommodate this class of goods now occupying part of the former grocery department. We feel that the new arrangement is a decided improvement and we hope it will make your shopping at "Tiik Hkj Stork" more agreeable. The "REST ROOM" is in the froiit part of the Annex and is for the use of the ladies it is there for your benefit and we hope you will use it. Accept this as a personal invitation to come in and see us when in Hviul. Yours, LARA'S. Those Clocks. The (Inimical, prettiest Clock yon ever saw. Twenty-one different styles to select from nml every one a lauty. Guaranteed for one year Rood for ten. We lvc tlictn nway for onr cash tickets. That' the only way you can Kct one. Ask the Man In the Store. HOSE for the MEN. "KNGIN'KKR AND l'IRHMAN" IIOSIS bUck only medium weight, made from n hard worsted yarn that wears like Oflr iron. Only per pair VU KHCARI)" 1IOSK IklU weight, black or tan, very firm yarn, made of lone,, simile Sen Hand cotton. No better value nny. OA- whereat per pair JJK MIKKMSDOKI' I' AST IJLACK" an extra fine guaranteed seamless hose. The te lcst to be hud per pair, only 2Jl All three of the above numbers carry the mak er's name and Ruarantec on every pair. Umbrellas. $1.50 Always n convenience, frequently a necessity. Fifty different Mylcs for the ladles, twelve for the men. Iioth solid steel frame, covering cotton taffeta. Sized: Ladies' 36 inches; men's 38 inched, Your choice of cither kind for HOSE for the LADIES. TiiUnUKSON" IIOSH is the only hose Knit to 1'it Without a Shah." They nrc recounted from coast to coast as Tint HKST. They arc the only hose that will jjlvc you a perfect fit at the ankle, mid this fit will I.ist ns lout; as the hose. No. 409 Black only, rib top, medium wcijjht per pair No. 550 Carter lop, white foot medium weight per pair No. 505 Garter top, plain black light weight per pair THE BURSON HOSE is the Satisfactory Kind. 30c 30c 30c HOSE for the CHILDREN. THK RUAL TKST of o hose for Children Is to putit on a rcnl, live , boy. Wchave a hose that will staud that test. The maker puts his liamc on every pair and gives a guarantee with it as well. "Bear Skin" Is the kind that will stand the test. Just try It. Only, per pair 20c "Linen Knee" Is another good one. An extra linen tbrend woven in at the knee Just where you need it. This hose has given unusual satisfaction and is sold, at, per pair, only 30c Try the MCI STORE" next time LARA'S WIND, oRnaoN ) s J J e I. 1 3 j 1 j J 1 1 1 1 j : 4 4 4 4 J J j 1 J LOCAL BITS. Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL lilt CARIUK1) I STOCK BY US HIJRJtAPTHR. SWEET POTATOES NEXT WEEK Fine Candies qpHE CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDRIDQn & HUtillS. Ttie Tunisia Neighborhood. TVMM.O, l'el, 7. We ire having some rent webfoot weather here lately. 1. A. Wixilcy ami sons nrc swinging thr grubbing Itoe these day ami have several acre of new ground grubbed. A larue crowd n( you no folks met at V. J. Ilakcr'a last Friday uight and lctit a niotl enjoyable evening at game atui music, aiiouvu weiRiiiaiientiancc. There u ill ten larue amount ol new ;round tnit under cultivation In this Icliilly Uilsjtpinig. Notice. ' Having sold out my blacksmith shop to S. J. Uedord I would ask tlmf, all tho.se ovyin mc call in and hettle at once. 5051 llHNRV L. WJIITSUTT. Turkey Oggs for Sale. Mrs. I,. J. Green of Pleasant Ridge will foon have for sale eggs from nure bred Mumtnoth l!roti7C turkeys Si. so for setting of njnc, MM-75 for 18. Cnu be lea nt Red- For Sale I'ully equipped saw mill. For particulars address X, care Hullctin. .18 tf Wliiakpra nmntttitted nlnolutelv without p.iin at Inncs & Davidson's barber shop. Homegrown one and two-year- old fruit trees for sale. Howard Spirting, Bend, Or. 49 Horn, on 1'ebruary 34, at the llcnd hosnital. to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ilobbs, 0 9 -pound son. Remember the Hoard of Trade meeting tonight in Hunter & Staats' office. Klcctloti of officers. Get your haircuts, shaves, sham poos, baths, shines, etc., at the Inncs & Davidson barbershop. For Sale Kggs for setting, from registered Hamburgh hens: 14 ecus for f 1. 00 J. I. Wkst, Bend. Itidee Kills. I.. D. Wic.1t. Don Stefftt and John Stcidl were driven to I'rinevillc yesterday in i.recu Triplett's auto. f A. F. Shircman has the pelts of five large bobcats which he has trapped and killed near Bend dur ing the winter. Two homestead relinquishments for sale. In settled neighborhood All can le plowed. Write to Box 1 30, Bend, Oregon. 49'52 There will be election of officers of the Bend Board of Trade at the meetiiiir to be held tonicht in Hun ter & Staats's office. Mv office will necessarily be closed for two weeks from March 1 during my absence at Portland. Du. I. h. bCOI'IKLU. The Whatsoever will give a nime Social tomorrow (Thursday) evening at the home of Mrs. J. M Lawrence. Crullers ana other oiu- fashioned refreshments will be served. T.. F. Wakefield, the Orecon Trunk engineer now at the head of the Crescent townsite, came in from the south Monday, after a trip to Klamath Falls with J. H. We- natidy. They returned, to crescent today. T, he case of the Eastern bond holders against the D. I. & P. Co. for appointment of receiver was argued and submitted in United States court, Portland, last week, but no decision haa yet been ren dered. The Bend Fire Department will meet next Monday nlcht at the hose house. It Is very important that the department be In condition for vigilant service and every mem. Ier Is urged to be present at tms meeting. A. A. Moody of Seattle was in town during the past week. Mr Moody recently tnvesieu in iana lying under the Arnold ditch, and came out to loot: over tuts beciton He Is very much pleased with what he -found here. Miss Blanche Tewksbury and W P. Thorp were married Sunday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tewksbury, Laidlaw, by the Rev Mr.Redford, of the Prineville Chris tian church. The young couple will make their home at Laidlaw. Flovd Dement, recently from Seattle, has bought the lot at the southeast corner of Bond and Min nrintn streets and contracted for the erection of a frame building 30x140 thereon. He will occupy this with a large stock, of general hardware as soon as the structure can tx made ready. Thr ladles of Bend and vicinity are requested to bear in mind that the annual election of officers ot tht Ladies' Library Club will be held next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F F Smith and Mrs. K. D. Wilson will entcrtnin the club on that date at the home of Mrs. Smith. It is very much desired tha't there shall be a large attendance. Congressman Kllls's bill provid ing federal rk'ht ofwav lor a bridce ncross the Columbia at Celllo, where the Oregon Trunk Line will span the river to connect with the North Bank, passed the House of Repre seutativps a few days ago. It Is expected that earij action win oe secured In the Senate, President Stevens being hopeful of starting work on the big steel structure within n few weeks. The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. COf . Prldnt B A, SATHIR. Vic PrlUnt O. 8 HUDSON, Cathltr OcplUlfullr paid ... 38,000 Stockholder' llabllllr i 2 6. 000 Surplut ..... S3.000 CONSERVATISM a PRINCIPAL FACTOR Nine and io-luch envelopes, just the thine for raailiuc or filing awaV letral documents, for sale" at The To be permanently successful and to bold the confidence of the people, a Bank must be conservative. Conservatism is and has been the controlling prin ciple of this Bank since it was first established. Note the large reserve wc always carry. Accounts large or small solicited, with the assur ance of prompt and courteous treatment. We offer you every convenience and the benefit of ten years' actual banking experience. E DIRECTORS: U. C COK K. A. SATHKR C. S. HUDSON P. V. SMITH II. C. KLLIS A Large Shipment of BUILDING MATERIAL Just Arrived. Doors, Windows, Rubber Roofing and a full line of everything you may need for that new building you intend to put up this spring. LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR BILL. ,1 also carry in stock Denatured Alcohol . S. C. CALDWELL Bend, Oregon A. D. Moe THE TAILOR CLEANING PRESSING AND REPAIRING GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION New Suits Made to Order ALL WORK GUARANTEED In residence on Bond street formerly occupied by Mrs. C. D. Browa ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FiveAcre Tract ADJOINING BEND? We have 16 such tracts at reasonable rate. If you care for one of these choice tracts, buy at ouce, as they are selling fast. DO YOU WISH A 320-Acre Homestead, irrigated or Timber Lands. -or Choice Bend Property? WR1TK YOUR 1NSURANCK with the strortRtfrt company on raclfic Coast. Notary Public Work neat and accurate. Central Oregon Realty Company REND, OREGON Kstimates on application Wall Paper at Portland Prices N. P. WE1DER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and Rest Wall Paper Sara- plcsJu the county. Get My Prices, Box 39. Bend, Oregon, THE Big Hungry CHOP HOUSE Now opeu for business. We never close. Near Pilot Butte Inn. 47tf Redmond, Oregon. Bulletlu office.