The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 02, 1910, Image 2

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    ,HH;,iiT..uiTfl'M''ft',ui'il' wni'nM'ifW"HHPii"m'm'uwiimm
Topics of
When trouble goes to sleep don't set
tho alarm clock.
These day a imall apptlU U bet
ter thaa great riches,
Nat Ooodwla la talcing an Interest
In aeronautics. Mr. Goodwin always
was a high fllor.
The things that come to thoee who
wait aro generally the things that no
n eke wants.
Money makes the mare go. A.M
Mr. Rockefeller hopes It will hare the
mmo effect on tho lax? bug.
And now our busy prewi will hare
to pick now husbands and wires for
all the recent dlrorcee In New York.
my eye. I did not care for the money.
It was the boy's high aenso of honot
an duty that touched me. I vrlah 1
could mako tho sunt smallor than thai
owed me, but the boy knows npprox
Imntely the amount, and I dare nol
too mm 01 mo rwusmction or payint,
the whole debt." That boy Is made ol
the real Hurt. Ho Is of tho stuff ol
which heroes aro made. No law forcei
the brtvre young fellow to pay the ob
ligations of the dead save the law ol
moral duty. He la not Impelled bj
any hopo of gain sare that of ton
science and by no fear of loss savi
the loss of honor. Rut he Is a man
every Inch of him. every pound ol
htm. One would rather be the fathoi
of such a youth than to bo father to i
common millionaire Uecauae the boj
has got soul fiber.
Papers b?e people '
It Is claimed there Is a lobster
shortage, this year, but no one but a
pnlaitnklng Investigator would ever
suspect It.
Some one suggests that a monu
ment ought to bo built to the man
who Invented Ice cream. Ixt the
women subscribe.
The automobile makers are to turn
out 135,000 oars for 1910. all of them
old In advance and guaranteed to
run like gas meters!
Another honest man. A Kansas City
merchant whose store was burned re
fused to accept all the money offered
by the Insurance company.
Explorer Amundsen will drift to
ward the north pole, with seven years'
food In his trunk and a firm purpose
to get Cook's brass tubing.
A grandson of KaJph Waldo Emer
eon Is now governor of the Philip
pines. Those Filipinos don't appreci
ate what we are doing tor them.
Why not let it dissolve. Mr. Rocke
feller? According to the popular un
derstanding you hare a tidy little
sum saved up for a rainy day, anyhow.
A number of shaky thrones are in
inch a dilapidated condition that
there are doubts as to whether or not
they can be patched up tor the pres
ent occupants.
Senator Aldrlch aays credit Is as
good as cash. Thero are somo people
who always prefer to pay their bills
by checks because In doing that they
do not feel that they are giving up
A California Judge haa placed a
chauffeur under sentence for man
slaughter on probation, conditioned on
his paying $25 a month to the sup
port of his victim's family. Lots of
men would like to keep out of a tea
year sentence on such conditions.
This whole business of exploration
has got to be regulated by law. There
Is still one pole to discover, and there
are severs! highest mountains to be
climbed. Perhaps an international
bureau of exploration might be cre
ated which would preserve somo por
tions of our too small planet for the
enjoyment of future explorers, and
which would enforce such regulations
of exploration that the controversies
now raging over one pole and two
mountains shall not be repeated.
To the girl who has been rightly
trained, whose essential charm Is en
hanced by Innocent reserve, unaffected
candor, ardent enthusiasm for things
that are beautiful and good, a manner
unfailingly courteous and an enuncia
tion musically sweet to any maiden
who unites these not Incompatible
qualities, the doors of social and per
sonal opportunity are thrown wide
open, and she Is received with pleasuro
anywhre, as likely to Impart more
"sweetness and light" than she receives.
Money cannot easily be borrowed tr
small communities, snd when It U
found, the rate of Interest Is usual to
high. A law has lately been passed Ic
Massachusetts Intended to rellove thli
condition by permitting tho establish
meat of small co-operative bank
They are to be based on substantial!)
the same principle as thst on whlct
are founded the Ralffelsea banks Ic
Oormany and Italy. The Ralffelsoc
hank Is really a group of neighbors
living In the came community and fa
miliar with one another's affairs, form
ed for the purposo of uniting thetj
credit la borrowing money for such ol
them as need It. Every member of th
group must be Industrious and of good
moral character. When he wishes tc
borrow money he must explain whal
be plans to do with it. It the lendlnf
committee approves his purpose, th
money will be advanced to htm at s
low rate of Interest, usually S per cent
Then a general supervision Is kept
over him to see that he spends thi
monoy In accordance with his an
nounced purpose, and so conducts him
self as to be able to pay It back when
It falls due. It Is said that this sye
tem has not only relieved the Gercnac
farmers from the oppressions of the
usurers, but has also Improved tht
moral tone of the country. As loam
are made only to members, and as ad
the members are Jointly liable for the
payment of loans, they all watch on
another to see that there Is no wasts
of money In drunkenness or la other
loose living. There Is room In rural
America for such Institutions. Th
experience of Mentone, Italy, with s
local bank of a slightly different plan,
Illustrates what might happen there.
A Utile more than twenty-fire yean
ago some small capitalists formod a
bank in the town to take the place ol
another Institution that had failed.
Tho prevailing rate of Interest for
fanners was then 12 per cent. In eushl
years this little co-operative bank had
succeeded la reducing the rate to .
per cent, and the small farmers had
no difficulty In borrowing. The dl
trlet Is now prosperous, and the farm
ers have been relieved from the press
lng burden of debt.
Oy Cmtmo O. Romllly.
It Is now an uncontested truth that our
methods tor dealing with crime have been
sadly defective. We have regarded punish
merit only from tho deterrent and retributive
standpoints, and have paid no attention
whatever to tho reformative. There Is a
movement to try (o help and reform crimin
als, and so by reclamation to cure crime by
going to tho root of the evil, and by studying
criminology as a science. This movement Is growing
day by day, flowing In like an enormous wave that Is
beond the power of man to check. The abolition of
capital punishment Is only a small part of this great
movement, but a part of no mean Importance. One hun
dred years ago death was the penalty in England for
an enormous number of offenses, and among others tor
counterfeiting stamps for the nolo of perfumery, and
also of certificates for hair powder. We have made
some progress at lesstt Wo are altogether more hu
mane now than we were theu
Let us remember that two wrongs do not make a
right, and that the state does not annul the murder by
putting the murderer to death, but. Instead, makes It a
double tragedy. Some countries have abolished capital
punishment, but It still remains a "blot to honor and
religion." That same spirit which has abolished the
punishments of drawing and quartering In the past will
abolish the punishment of death In the future.
Is beltoved that only through enlightened Industrialism
shall we "find that slate of things In whloh It shnuld be
impossible tor anyone to be depraved or poor."
There Is no altruism In trade building, and mere op
timism Is not Immune, but scientific meliorism stands
the wear and tear, while a healthy Industrialism offers
the safest and sanest means, In the workshop, labors
tory and marts of trade, In wearing away the barriers
between the race and between the classes.
liy 0. Edward Fuller.
Strange that we have learned to regard In
dustrialism with pride but shy at reference to
"work" and "trade." Art and culture we con
jure with, like fakirs in front of a sideshow,
although we draw our food and clothes from
work and trade; while past history Indicates
no future prospect of the solid furnishing
forth of a worthy national life with lack of
broad and wholesome respect tor the wngo-
earner. The course of the nations Is strewn with
wrecks of culture, and no dominating art exists to-day
nothing but fragments. There never will be endur
ing art and culture until the people of a nation grow
up to them as a whole, and through adequate vocational
pride and skill, perhaps, but certainly not through par
asitism or partial views.
Japan has shown us, Germany Is teaching us, and our
disjointed national educational system is in sore need
of proper articulation with a growing, a vitalising In
dustrialism based upon meliorism In the factory, the
warehouse and the store, but detached from tricky and
sorded forms of mere commercialism.
It Is the hope of scientific meliorism that mankind
has reached an epoch of betterment by a controlling,
conscious evolution acting with natural evolution, and It
lly lldwln O, Cooley.
Within recent years there haa sprung up a
widespread demand for Industrial education.
It come from the msuutarturer, profession
al man, mechanic, farmer and educator In
dustrial education has protwtbly a different
meaning for each of these types of Individ
uals. Yet all agree upou one thing, and Out
Is that It Is something not found In adequate
form In our present educational system.
Practically nothing has been done In this
country tor the development of Industrial education
outside the college or university. Thousands of pupils
now Irave school at an early age with no training what
ever directly fitting thru for the activities of life In
tho Industrial world, where most of them will find their
work. In the larger cltle trade schools and contlnua
tlon schools of various type must lie organised. The
scope and character of their work will be varied and
must be adapted to local conditions. In rural com
munities secondary schools In which the study of ag
rlculture and related lines of work Is the dominant pur
pose must be organised. Hut when these different types
of schools come Into existence, even In considerable
number, throughout the country the solution of the
problem has Just begun. For the great mass of those
needing Industrial education the existing public schools
must furnish the facilities.
lie lee fur Olrrri fare Make I Imni,
hiiiI limn." i'i .tirupis,
A company In New York Is tnt.nn
factoring an nutotnntlo faro rcclit,,
whloh also nmkca ctiniigo for (lie ,i,
snitgers. It la designed for mn
youenter street cars, and work dl
follows: At the (op of tn machine
Is a serliu of five slot, In which i
passenger tuny deposit a 6-cent,
cent, 60-t.Yiit or ft coin The full!,.
coin register a fare and also op.
n(M (ho change making muilmniiia,
ixt that If more than 6 rent is a.
posited (he proper amount of elisor,
falls Into a change cup located un!u
the machine At the same lime to
look of the turnstile I
released, leaving It free to remits w
(hat (he passenger ran pass tiirouih.
To permit aseiii(en with trasfi
to pass (hrmigh the turnstile the mi
rri?yfl..,TTi3 .
Hi. Ti-i
lly fief. M'dlmn C. Vettr:
Many an ambitious parent forces a boy (o
became a preacher, doctor or lawyer whoa
measuring dry goods would have been the
fittest thing for him to do, while, on (he con
trary, we find parents taking boys out of
school at It to sell dry goods whose skill In
hair splitting, whose adroitness at parry and
thrust and whose fertility of resource in
erery exigency show that nature designed
thorn for the pulpit or the bar. Parents might ss wll
try to turn hack the waters of the Nlsgara as to de
cide what profession or business their sons should adopt,
God gives to every man a particular work he can do
and In the performance of which he can be happy, but
the place which a man ran nil with satisfaction to him
self and others Is that for which nature designed him
aroistra rua araxtT cars,
chine Is fitted with a lever at ths
bottom of tho turnstile case by hVeh
(ho conductor can allow transfer
nger and other uon rash fntre to
pass throuuh (he stile and reglittr
(hem. If a coin I deposited In the
wrong slot It Is ejected from (he ran
and fall Into the change cup to to
replaced by (h passenger In ths
proper slot If any person trtidtr
paper nwiiey (he conductor supj'llts
him with change so th( he ran de
kU hit fam in tho faro box Pops
lar Mechanics.
la la Win for Mendicant to Xav
Fw or Mmar I'eaalee la Half
"One thing that I've never been abli
trk settle in mv mlnH In mw nsn asl.
refaction." said a atreet beggar who.. t 'J 'JL1
A dozen men la the wilderness up
This story was told the editor, re
cently, by a friend: "A brother of
mine died a few years ago, leaving a
young son. My brother was a good
fellow, but was never able to accumu
late any estate. He frequently bor
rowed money of me, which I was glad
to lend him. He paid It as he could,
but always was In debt to me. When
ho died lie owed me between f 300 and
8400. Of course, I never expected to
get back my money. Dut I reckoned
without the boy, my nephew. He baa
grown to be a young man. The other
day I bad a letter from him asking
mo to name the precise amount his
father owed me at the time of the let
ter's death. He said be intended to
pay every cent of it. His salary was
but 45 per month, but he would be
able to save enough to pay me In the
course of a few years." Said my
dead: "The letter brought tears to
specialty Is sitting on a step and bold
lng out his hat to passersby, accordlne
to the Charleston (S. C.) News and
Observer, "1 the question of how
many pennies It Is wise to hare in thi
bat for people to see as they go by
Of course, you understand, there are
two theories In this; working on one,
you leave there only a few. Just three
or four pennies scattered around Ir
regularly but pretty far apart, and on
tho other you leave In tho hat a lot
of pennies,
"Of course the Idea of the first plan
Is to make people when they see how
little you've got want to chip la and
help, and the Idea of the other plan I
to stir people up to generosity by
showing tbem how generous others
have been, and tbero's a heap to De
said for that. There's lots of people
that give because other people have,
because they llko to go with
rence where the shreds of civilization
fray out against the barrier of the
treat North link up the world with
the wilderness of the Atlantic and the
wilds of the Arctic regions. They do
It with a wireless key and the mes
sages they rocelve and send pass over
barren wastes where no man Urea and
land wires have never been strung.
A dozen there aro who serve as
operators; others' of the repairing
crew and the supplying department
come and go, but these dozen men are
year after year held practically pris
oner on tho 'bald cliffs of Labrador
snd Newfoundland before the key of
the wireless. They send through the
sir tho tales of ships that como and
go, reports that may Interest St.
John's or Montreal shipping ex
changes; relay from the one to (he
3(her (he meagre commercial mes
sages (hat must Das from dealer to
8j fisherman; send down to the land
telegraphs tho occasional news of
siltu. -J a f. . 1 m A a a r
ito io uom pians ana naa gooq shipwrecks and sea sufferings that
days with a lean bait and bad days flnd n wajr nt0 tn paper. At Hattle
with a full bait In the bat, and then Harbor Oordon 8prackllng, a young
Pre had good days with a full baltjN0Va Scotlan, I the Marconi opera-
ana wia aays wua a lean tiair, All
you can do Is if one plan doesn't work
well, try the other; you never can
Had a Cliauce to Bare Moner,
tor, and Leonard Stephenson hi en
gineer. Compared with aomn of their
fellows Sprackllng and Stephenson
are fortunate In the environment of
a metropolis.
Ill 1 1 tlin vvf Pi1ai man a fa ..
KTt... --.-, .,- . -..mi ..,. I ". .iiw i iar ivui
nil. ,.. 7,.n .,m . v lh8 maddening crowd uven at that,
while he was in Jail! .aid a New To reach ,he wJreejU( tnU ,
York flnaacler. . B, ,lnn , .,,. .,.,l ' .
v,"J J"? h" T ?r ' ,he ' "" "ndUturbed i sense of
knd hat does not require e expense balance. ere , ft cleft beIow ,,
of alienist testimony. -Washington ,ummt of the cHff ,, ,be wlre,eiu hut
BUr' land In this hut less than two months
o ire !). Ko event occurred which need ro-
"Do you believe that tough beef i cording. They should be recorded bo
as good for a person as tender beofr caUM lnejr n,eau' l8 etamlna of
"Detter. The man who ge(s tough lne men wno wor,c tUe wireless in
beef gets both nourishment and exer m cheerless country,
else." I The polar ship Roosevelt worked
her way Into the narrow harbor one
Thero are all sort of people: a man iUDny morning, and while the town
has actually turned up who says ser seethed with excitement Commaader
moaa are not loag enough.
Peary climbed the crsg to the wire
less station to Interview Spracklln. He
told the operator that ho wanted (o
send (o (he world below his account
of the discovery of (he north pole.
He believed that he could put It on
the laud wire at Chateau Hay down
the coast, but the wireless man at
Indian Harbor had told him that tho
Dominion government had abandoned
that land wlro slnco last ho had come
down from the North and he must
use the wireless. Could tho wireless
do It?
Spracklln said that It could. Then
he called the man at Hello Islo over
tho strait a hundred miles away, and
told him to pass the word along tho
line Uiat there wus big work ahead.
The word was passed down to tho of
fice of the management In Ottawa.
Spracklln worked twenty hours out of
every twenty-four for Ave day nlone
and unaided save for tho relief his
engineer gave him while he was rat
ing his meals. Spracklln and all tho
others pounded tho koy during thoso
five days, not knowing at what min
ute the spark would fall because of
the strain pnt upon tho apparatus,
Spracklln would send two, three or
four thousand words, then stop. Each
succeeding station below would re
ceive, then forward this amount, and
not until It had all been put upon the
cables at Cape Ray would the next
Installment be launched.
Hero is how Peary's story was zig
zagged down the coast through the
air (o (he cable end. From Haltle
Harbor it went southeastward across
the Straits of Belle Isle to the sta
tion situated on the northern tip of
tho Island of (hat namo. Hello Isle
relayed to Point Amour, back to tho
westward aud on tho southern dp of
Point Amour sent tho message to
the east and south again to Point
Richie, on tho west coast of New
foundland north of Day or Island.
From Point Rlchlo tho spark Jumped
westward once more and across tho
Oulf of St. Lawrenco to Heath Point
on (ho Island of Antlcoitl, Tho final
Jump was back again to tho New
foundland coast, where at Capo Ray
tho message was put on the cable.
Not for many years will the men
who sit on tho tops of crag In New
foundland and Labrador and send
through the air to tho world below
the news of ships and of men have
such a task to perform.
Coura Will lie fetter, liul Will
Ineluile All the l.tisurlee,
In a way dinners aro to bo simpler
this winter (ban before. They are not
lo be composed of less rloh or luxuri
ous material (Indent, (ho use of lux-
Writer naf Ibe Atnerlraa NIhsI
Woman le uf a Special Type.
The American woman who does not
marryIn plain old-fashioned KnglUfc,
the old maid -I a source at k rent-it
Interest to Kuroiwaus in general Iter
Independence, good looks and what li
not always associate! with (he wotiua
who has evaded matrimony g-od na
ture are a never falling source of
onder and In some rasr envy, anions,
her sister in foreign land. Here I
what a French writer ho has stinliM
(he single American wonun lias lo
say about her In a Parisian publica
tion! "She 1 of a special type She Is
not (he resigned woman who ha fail
ed (o please, nor (he seudmenlal cue
who ha remained faithful to some br'
gone memory. American would oa
alder It ridiculous to ruin (heir lua
on arcoutU of a lucklns lore affair
The American old maid has, wthut
uric In food will be of greater vogue
than ever), but according to (he plo- question, had several oppoMunltlr to
(ure, (ho simplicity will be present In n"""ry; In the United Stales, otr
the form of fewer course and 1cm Klrl must have had at least on
elaborate of dlshos. proposal. American men desire to
Dinners will begin with one of the '', ""o to 'represent' them In o-
hundrcd canape, with cavlaro or with
oysters. The grapefruit as an opening
course for dlnnor Is quite out of It.
It comes first to the luncheon table
frequently, but whan It figures In the
olety while they who are slnglu remain
so voluntarily, through their need of
Independence. Young girl who are
poor marry for money Thoso who are
rich aro at liberty to live alone It
dinner It Is aa a naiad, And salads of "' desire,
any sort must bo removed a . far "Huch women travel a great deal;
a possible from the ornamental vari- ,nolr ''' ly with great rare. Ins
ety. Above all, they must not be through a deslro to please than for
mussy or messy. j (heir own personal aadsfsrdon liar-
Yet this appramnce la not to be nolther family nor homo, they dis
avowed If sovoral kinds of vegetables, P of ,helr tUm n l,lcy
for Instance, aro collected In the aalnd ' "They become passionately Interest
howl Three vegetables mako the very ' '" ll(lcs, In social questions, In
limit of those that may bo employed, abstract and absorbing matters They
and Included in (ho three is the let- Aro T,r' Intelligent, very Intellectual,
tuc that Is tho background. I rond of change and pleasure- Their
Tho French vegetable salad, to bo "' " highly developed open, free
euro, consist of several kind. Hut It rm Prejudice, They aro kind to their
shnuld not make It appoarnnco in a rnl'rr'c friend, for whom they feel do
formal dlnnor of courses, It I for a llY' lnco -"'' themselves have dl(
aainea to marry."
Heads' lo ISseltaiiwe,
"I was reading to-day about tho cat
exchange (hoy havu In Paris,"
"I wish wo had ono hero. I've got a
luncheon or for a dainty homo dinner,
wmen consists or Mil a soup, n chop
with a VMremble, a salad and a light
dessert with crackers and ohcee.
Wine, It goes without saying, must
be of the choicest vnriet in .. .
harmonious note with the elmple din- f1 ftt 0,no tUnl rd 0XcnnnK for
tier comjiosed of luxurlc paradoxl- . """ c,,w;K "" " """", "nnK """
cal as Uiat may seem. And the pica throw ,n th w tM0 l0 bot."Clore.
ant custom of serving nn hour or bo 1,ina 1lnl" n9nl'"''
after dinner an Imported mineral I r.r.d..ieai ui.,rr.
ZTlZon S.n0.J!0PA"r,th! rom- "Cn you give an Instance of where
.rZltVIl A, " ,"" n uplifting process was also a down
after dinner a dryness of tho throat Wftrd movement?"
Is often experienced, and this mlnornl 0h yes When thov razod the Has-
t:,,t.:rannSrecUrtOe?",?tnt..naJ,0C:, , """ tUffitaS .Stal
to be appreciated. It Is also to bo ro-i
garded rui an excellent digestive. What hns become of tho old-fashion-
. ; ! , od man who usod to say of the con
It Is easier to keop up than It Is to celted man: "Ho should bo token
gei ooiiiiiu, hu limn nurry to catch down a peg,"
When a man expresses hit real sea-
A boy's Idea of hard.hlp 1 to have',, ""!' '""" " " " "".
to wash hi. neck and ear. erery day! Jg-jJ $? "
k r"- M is wev