The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 02, 1910, Image 1

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? -
NO. 51
Construction Outfit- Is Now on
(lie Wiiy hi.
About One-Third to lie under Water
by January Land not Kocky and
Work Will lie Done Clilelly by
Machinery Night and (lay.
Secretory Alfred A. Avn, of the
Pcschutc Lund Co., which has the
contract for reclaiming 38,000 acres
of nrld Mini in the Walker b.isin,
arrived In Bend Inst evening and
left thU morning fur Roslaud. He
brings assurance that the company's
financial arrangements have been
completed nnd that construction of
the system of cannls will bci'ln as
mh)ii n the weather will crii)it
He brings a message from Prcsl
dent J It Morson detailing the
tepi that have actually been taken
to Mart work In the field.
A carload of construction ma
chinery Is now on the way ti Shau
iko. George Lytic, of Hny Creek,
li.ts Itceti engaged to haul It to the
licndworkn ol the tiyMctn, on the
Went I'ork of the Hast Dcschutc
river about three miles nlwvc its
minctlon with the Iist Fork; thut
n, wiiiic 30 inllcit above Koslaud.
The first installment will include a
donkey engine to pull the jack
nines from the rlglit of way, and
scraper and wagon. This will lc
followed by larger engines designed
to operate the excavntinr scoops,
each scoop carrying three yards of
earth. These enormous scrapers
can l operated there because there
are 110 rockt in the soil. I lie plant
will lc equipped with generators
and dynamos fur electric lighting,
so that work can lie carried on
by night as well us day. When in
full operation it it Is expected to
excavate 16,000 cubic yards of
earth in 33 hours.
Aside from the hendworks and
storage reservoir in Crescent lake,
this irrigation system will include
56 miles of main canal and 107
intlcs of laterals. This year's work
will be confined to the main canal
from the hcadworks to the Rosland
neighborhood, leaving the eastern
branch, which will extend hcvcral
miles below Kosland, to be dug
Inter. This year's construction
will place about 10,000 acres under
water, and a large part nf such area
is already disponed ol. Indeed, in
the financing of the project nearly
half the entire segregation hns been
placed. When the system shall l
80 per cent completed it is to be
turned over to the settlors. In the
meantime, settlers pay the company
'so cents on acre yearly for mainte
nance. The lieu ullowcd the com
pany by the state contract is $ 36 an
The company' main office is In
the Henry building! Portland. It
will also have sales offices in Hcnd
and on the segregation, both ol
which will be In charge of W. R.
Riley nnd James Glcason. Mr.
Ayn is now making Hie necessary
advance arrangements. Mr. Mor
son will follow boon and remain
pcrsonully in charge of field oiwru
tion.s all summer. He will build n
residence nt once nnd Mrs. Morson
will Micud the summer with him.
The comininv expects to nave a
new town called I.n Tine, but its
locution has not yet been fixed
Mr. Ayn says it will be on the
Successful Trip with New Autos.
Creed and Cnrlyle Trlplett, ac
companied by Karl McKeuucth and
Will Brock, reached Bend the Inst
of the week from Portland. They
brought in two new curs, Cnrlyle
Triplett's Maxwell nnd an U. M. P.
which Rny Wilkinson will opernte
between Iletid nnd Shauiko this
scnsoii for McKenneth, The party
was u week coming in from The
Dalles where the cars were shipped
from Portland, Three days were
consumed in reaching Shuulko
Mud pikd up to the liubi mid the
roads were in practically Impassible
condition. The run from the Col
umbia was inmle on the low gear
Moth curs reached Rend, however,
In excellent shiic. Creed Triplett's
new Maxwell wns led nt The Dalles
nnd will be brought into Crook
county lifter the spring thnw hns
thawed itself out. Suow driits
three feet deep were encountered
on this trip, between Shearer's
bridge nnd Slinulkn. Pour pas
sengers were carried mid the Max
well came through with only n
single puncture.
Had Weather, Had Kinds, and Rail
way Disabled.
Hundreds of persons, unable to
get into the interior niter reaching
Shauiko, owing to the impassible
condition of the roads, arc turning
back from the terminus of the Col
umbia Southern to Portland or
other points until the weather
moderates nnd the mud gives wny
to a dry season. Central Oregon
in consequence is suffering from
the effects of an unusually severe
winter more in proportion than
other sections of the country. The
tremendous uuiainit of advertising
given Hcnd and the Deschutes val
ley, counted with the intense rail
road activity toward this point, has
Ihtcii the means of the hurrying of
scores of H.ople into Shauiko where
they have been disappointed in the
effort to get Into Central Oregon.
1 he last of the week more than
60 were housed at the different ho
tels in Shauiko wnltlug for some
means of conveyance into Hcnd.
The unprecedented storms during
the past two weeks have put auto
service entirely out of the question.
Private rigs arc at n premium and
even the stages arc drnggiug ncross
country behind schedule, carrying
as little ns ossih!e.
Nearly nil nf the people who
were besieged in Shauiko lust week
went back to Portland to await a
more fuvoruble opportunity to reach
the Deschutes valley.
Weather propucts, who nave
gone pretty muni Into disrepute
during the present winter, insist
that the Inst burst of cliumtic tem
per is the concluding blast of win
ter and that spring and dry roads
arc matters of the Immediate future
Granting the prophecy, within a
week niter the roads become pass
able Hcnd will be swarming with
new arrivals, judging from the
present crowds which arc being
turned back every day from
Several hundred feet of trnck wns
washed out on the Columbia South
ern railroad last Friday, tying up
traffic both In and out of Shnniko.
Sunday more track went out in
Hay Canyon during the severe
storm which swept over all of Cen
tral Oregon. Truck laying crews
were dispatched to the washout
both from Shauiko nnd The Dalles,
but there were 110 trains into
Shuulko until this morning. Hcnd
will rceive mnil from tuc railroad
for the first time within 10 days on
Saturday next.
Looking far Crook County farms.
Lawrence and James Zimmerman
of Aberdeen, S. Dak., reached
Bend the last of the week uftcr
driving through the greater part of
northern ami western Crook couti
tv, looking for farming investments
They visited Mudras, Kcdmond
and Sisters and will probably lo
cate in the vicinity of Hcnd. Both
arc pleased with the country. H.
W. Roberts drove them through
the different sections of the county
and brought them here from Kcd
mond. They found the climate
here, bad ns the wenther has been
for several weeks, much better thnn
farther cast. At Sand Point, Ida
ho, four feet of miow lay on the
ground when they reached there to
view the country,
Reliable man, with tenm and
tools, to put in any pnrt of 150
acres of rye, for hay, on shnrc
bnsis of two-thirds of crop; located
pear Clitic Palls. Will advance
seed If necessary. Write at once.
Si-1 C. M. I.ANN 1 NO,
Lumberman's Wdg., Portland, Or.
Those to Whom Special
to Be Raised by Citizens After Townsite
Interests Have. Put up Some $45,000.
Hcnd overcomes difficulties and thrives and grows apace largely be
cause of the broad-gouge spirit of Its citizens. 1'or example, in provid
ing right of wny for the Oregon Trunk Line railroad
Richard King gave outright the railroad right of way too feet wide
diagonally through two Lytic acre tracts owrtcd by him, notwithstand
ing it butchered bis property; nnd he docs not own other property that
will be benefited by the sacrifice here madct Mr. King is long past the
scriptural allotment of three score and ten years and is nearly blind, but
his spirit is young and vigorous and there is none to outdo him in pub
lic enterprise.
Mrs. William Arnold sold for right of way purposes her half acre
in Lytic for just whut it cost her several months before, not even asking
interest on her money And she did this freely and promptly.
Clinrlcs M. Wclsldc, manager of the famous Dewey Hotel at
Nampj, Idaho, had four lots that were required for railroad uses in
Hcnd. These he cheerfully traded for four other lots, without bonus or
other profit or advantage, leaving the
lugs, Mr. wclsldc was in position to aciy local sentiment ana exact a
good profit. His action was that of a broad-minded, high grade man.
He is n type of citizen Hcnd wants.
J. F. Arnold, in Lara's store, surrendered three attractive lots
needed for the railroad depot grounds and accepted two other lots in ex
change, without quibbling or haggling or attempting to force a profit
out of the transaction.
Charles l. Nlswonccr voluntarily exchanged four lots within the
depot area for other property", clearing
ation without delay or irtctton 01 any
Charles Durnnd, of 1'uposky,
quired for the railroad. Being a non-resident and not having other
property here, he might have taken a goodly profit on this lot, but he
sold for the very moderate price of $350, in consideration of the pur-
po.M! to be served.
President Hudson, of the Hoard of Trade, has asked the following
named gentlemen to act as a committee for the collection of funds to pay
for private property that was necessary to be bought for the railroad
right of way and depot grounds:
J. N. Hunter, II. J. Ovcrturf, A. O. Hunter, John Stcidl and
W. II. Sellers.
The total sum to be raised is $7,875. Kvcry business interest, ev
ery species of property in the town
order that the burden of acquiring
rest upon n few publtc-ypinted individuals this committee will make a
list of all property owners and apportion the total sum according to the
holdings of property. Tins is deemed llie tairest mctuoa 01 raising me
inonev. It is not supposed that any body will object to paving his fair
share of an expense mi obviously reasonable and necessary for the public
good. Hut the hit or miss method so often pursued frequently results
in unfairness, because no subscriber lias the time or data to ngure out
his Itiht proportion. This committee will calculate carefully what each
citizen should pay nnd let him know
expected to simplify the question
whole matter.
This being the first call upon the generous public spirit of the com
munitv. it is proposed that the Hoard of Trade provide a fine Certificate
of Honor whereou shall be engrossed
the movement, in order that a permanent and appropriate record of it
may be preserved. This will be an
The names of contributors to
next week.
Now we come
On the run,
Hear our hum?
We'll eliminate the tltflit-wsil and the
1'or Hcml, she it a ilntidy,
Iter pockelliook Is luntly,
Ami she'll surely "j;et the candy,"
Because she stands united good and
The Pilot Butte Development Company (Bend townsite) nnd the
Lytic Townsite Company promised the citizens that assumed responsi
bility for the balance to be raised by public subset iptlon that they would
reserve a 100 foot strip on the east
way, to be tendered the Deschutes Railway Company, thus securing to
tlie second ruilroad a free right of way without cost to the citizens of
Bend. Therefore It will not be necessary to "pass the hat," again for the
second railroad right of way in Beud.
By the way, it is understood that n railroad construction force
will be set lit work near Bend within the coming few weeks.
A Swindling Advertisement.
John Stcidl calls the attention of
The Bulletin to an ad in the Port
land Journnl to which he justly
takes exception. The ad. is over
the name of the Central Oregon
Development Company, which is
fhe name of a corporation of which
Mr. Stcidl Is president. He snv
Ills company is not restwnsihle for
the ad. and that someone is using
the name of the corporation without
authority. Furthermore the ad. is
full of misrepresentation, as for in
Credit Is Due-Money
railroad unhampered by his hold-
that important feature of the situ
Minn., owned lot rt of block 30, re
will benefit from the railroad, und in
the necessary right of way may not
what the sum is. Such method is
and bring prompt settlement of the
the names of all who participate in
important feature of the history of
the cash fund will be published
It ! mine,
Let tne whine,
To decline
To bear any burden for the common
Let the other fellow pay,
I'm protected anyway.
Or perhaps I'll live to say:
Ilere'a the spot where once a budding
city stood. V
sfde of the Oregon Trunk right of
stance, "Central Oregon homesteads
that you don t have to live on;
price t. 35 per acre. A woman,
whether married or single, can take
one of these 320 acre claims," All
buncombe, every bit of it. Under
the present law one has to live ou
a homestead, they can not be
bought at $1.35 an acre, and a
married womun if living with and
supported by her husbaud cannot
take one under auy consideration
There are other misstatements of
fact in the ad. but these references
show the nature of them.
Reported that Oregon Trunk People
Are behind the Alove.
The Jlullctin has learned from a
reliable source that the men who
have bought the Graves ranch at
Crescent arc closely associated with
the Oregon Trunk Line, and it is
their intention to lay out a townsite
there. A rcort from Klamath
Falls states that the money for the
ranch has been paid and the deed
have been recorded on the county
records of Klamath county. It is
understood that the price paid was
20,000 and all of it was cash.
On account of the several rail
roads that will build either across
or in the near vicinity of this prop
erty, Crescent has brfgbt prospects
for making a good town. J. II.
Wenandy of Hcnd has contracted
to build a livery stable there, 50x100
feet, in the neat future, and E J.
Rourk already has a general mer
chandise store at Crescent.
Mr. Wenandy will run an auto
mobile line between Crescent and
the railroad, operating from his
Bend headquarters. He expects to
have a regular schedule when the
roads become settled. He still re
tains all his interests at Bend and is
boosting harder than ever for his
native town.
Permanent Organization oh Pro
gramme for Tonight.
The meeting of the Bend Board
of Trade held in Hunter & Staats's
office last Wednesday evening,
called out a goodly attendance of
old and new members. When the
Board was organized, plans for
work, collection of dues, etc , were
laid only up to January t. Since
that date the work of the Board
has been somewhat in abeyance. It
is now proposed to continue the or
ganization, and plans for more ex
tensive work than the Board has
yet attempted are under way.
At Wednesday evening's meeting
it was agreed, by a vote of the
membors pTcscut, that the member
ship fee for those joining the Board
shall be $to, and that the monthly
dues for all members shall be $5 00.
Heretofore tne board of directors
of the organization has consisted of
three members It was decided to
increase this number to five, this
action being deemed advisable on
account of the amount of work that
will devolve upon the board during
the coming months. The board of
directors have a supervisory control
of all the business of the organiza
tion, and on account of the devel
opment that is expected at Bend
during the present year, it Is pre
sumed that the directors will have
their hands full.
Upon motion duly seconded and
carried, the president was author
ized to appoint a committee of three
to draft a constitution and by-laws
for the Board. The president ap
pointed J. N. Hunter, Hugh
O'Kane ind W. B. Sellers.
j. coaimuicc or inrce was ami
appointed to solicit new members,
the committee consisting of A. O.
Hunter, W. H. Staats, and Wm
When Messrs. Graham nnd Rob
ertson were bere, tne Merrill &
Wilkinson Company tendered the
use of their auto to take these gen
tlemen ou a trip of inspection onto
the High Plains. At this meeting
the Board voted to reimburse the
Merrill & Wilkinson Company for
the gasoline used on the trip.
The Board was adjourned to
meet tonight at Hunter & Staats's
office, when there will be an elec
tion of officers. All are urged to
- r '
WILL HAVE $828.05
The total amount of taxable
property in the Bend road district
is $399,053. The tax on this will
provide $657.90 which must go in.
to the county road fund. Fifty per
cent ol the $657 90 must be spent
in the district from which it is
raised, thus providing $338.95 for
use on the roads of the Bend dis
trict, the city of Bend.
J. H. Oueill hus been confined to
his home for the past week with a
severe attack of la grippe.
Shortest Month Shows Largest
Total of Transfers.
Slsemore Tract Invotvtag $19,000
Cash t the Leader, with Several
Other Deals Rwrntet WeH bite
the Thousand of DeHars.
From a realty standpoint, Febru
ary was the greatest month in Bend'
history. The high tide of properly
transactions was reached during the
38 days when both city atid farm
tracts changed bandy, although the
bulk of transfers was confined to
Bend and sub-divisions contiguous
to tbe city. The purchase of the
Siseraore property for $19,000 and
of the Reed tract for $17,500 were
the largest deals made and they are
firactically city property, lying wlth
n a mile of the business district.
In round figures, deals closed dur
ing the month represent an ex
change of approximately $80,000.
Tbe selling price ol all transac
tions closed is not obtainable. A
resume of deals during the month
E. P. Batten to W. B. Sellers, Lot 9
Block 9.
Irvin Reed to J. W. Booth el al, quar
ter section, consideration l7.So.
W. B. Sellers to Booth ct al, Lot 9
31ock 9, consideration 1 1.800.
Gsrlyle Trlplett to Booth et al. Lots
it-ia Block 16, consideration $1,700.
J. S. Psrmenter to Minnie Bradley.
Lots io-n-13 Block 37, consideration
J. II. Bean to Boom et ai, uots 13-13-14
Block jS. consideration $1,500.
A. C. Lucas to J. S Parraenter, half
Lot i Block I, consideration
Prank May to A. C Lucas, Lots Il-U
Block 36, consideration $1,400.
K. P. '.Veider to W. B. Sellers, Lot 8
Block 33.
Cora Lewis to W. B. Sellers, LoU 13-14
Block 37.
J. J. linker to W. B. Sellers, Lot 13
Block 8.
K. J. Herring to W. B. Sellers, Lot to
Block 3, consideration $3,600.
U. C. Coe to Henry Settone. 40 acres.
consideration $1,500.
I. Ito ScoBeld to James Davidson, Lot
10 Block 33, consideration $3,500.
W. II, Staats and I N. Hunter to Psi-
dav et al, 26 lots, consideration $5,600.
Kenwood Company 10 F. II. alay,
I.ote 3-4 Block 3. consideration $150.
Kenwood Company to V. P. Strand
borg, Lots 17-18 Block 3, consideration
J M. Lawrence and wife to It. J
Orerturf. Lot 8 and northerly 15 feet of
Lot 7, Block 3. consideration $5,300.
Pilot Butte Development Co to I'loyd
Demrnt, Lot I Block 17, consideration
1'iiot Butte Development Company to
T S. Parmenter, Lot it Block 9, con
sidetatioa $1,350.
K. A. Cast to J. S. Parmenter and
Prank May. Lot lo, Block II.
W. I. McGlllvray to J. & Parmenter,
Lot 18 Block 4. couslderation $1,800.
I'. S btanley et al 10 I'rauK Koiiert-
son, tne bitemorc ranen ol 320 acres,
consideration $19,000.
Mrs. Ellen Orcutt, widow of the,
late Wm. Orcutt, died at Payette,
Idaho, on February 21, at the home
of her son. H. B. Orcutt, aged 71
years. Mrs. Orcutt had been tit
failing health for nany months,
and for the three weeks previous to
ber death she was seriously ill with
stomach and heart trouble.
Mrs. Orcutt lived at Bend for
several years, she and ber husband
moving to this place from Minne
sota when the town first started.
Last fall, accompanied by ber iou
Frank, she removed to Cashmere,
Wash., in the hope that her health
might be benefitted. Later they
went to Seattle aud then to Payette,
Tbe deceased b survived by four
sons: W. T. Orcutt of Minneapo
lis, H. B. Orcutt of Payette, and
W. W. and FraBk Orcutt of Bead.
W. T. Orcutt came from Minneap
olis and was at the bedside of his
mother when she passed away.
A. A. Aldndge and Jouu Steidl
won the prize cigars Saturday night
at the bowling alley, Aldridce roll
ing 327 at tenpius and Stetdl 8? at
se veti-up.