Jm,tfmhrh"r't MKUlUlrfMtMl y2vyS2vySV LOCAL BITS. A Steady Growth Growth is the best indication ol n live, wide-awake, progressive' and .stimwsl'ul kIoic. The steady, continuous and persist cut increase in my business during lite two years I have been in Bund is a clear demonstration Dial I have satisfied my customers thai I have de livered the nods. Qinillty incrcliniidlir, in ndditinn to prompt, courteous mid conscientious trcutiiiviit to nit, lint won fuvor ulilc recognition unions the people of Crook Count v. The mere fact AND IT IS A I'ACT tlmt my IiihIiicki tliU yenr lin INCItltASItl) no I'I'.R cent over tlie mime eriod hint year shows that the niiijotlty of people appreciate the crvlcc I run giving tlifin, T hi Ini'icntcd bindm-m ciiIU for lurgrr mid Iwttcr (docks nnd vulnrgrd floor space. All these you will find at "Till'. Ilir. STOKE." I inn ready for you with the ltct More, the most complete stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Men's Wear, Groceries and House Furnishing Goods that Hentl has ever seen. I should be very Kind to have you drop Into the store and look around. You will apprc elate (he fact that Lara's is an up tpdntc More and I will make your visit at. pleasant as tmsslhle, A. M. LARA Shakespeare Says: "CoMly thy hnlill A thy jnrc can I my, lint not cxpiovd in fAiicy; rlrli, not KHUily: for tin- iMirl oft proctitlitis the nun,''. 'Ilmnlrl, Act I, Scene 4. And this Is just as true today as it was in his time. Dress well look Miix-rous, and your cluniccs of success are in creased a hundred fold. Our "Made to Measure" Krincuts ore just the kind to glvi you that "prosperous" look. Over 500 samples of nil wind suitings and thirty distinct and classy stylet to select from. And prices anything you want from $15.00 to $50.00 Metier come lu nutl look over the Hue mm. It tnkc two ttttlw lik j1illtir t ft in truly T turiiniiiilti' iviitirn tilt 1im I ADA'Q ( jL-iriLJiv-riL j m (m THE BIO STORE BEND, OREQON ) i3S9SSSS9lSSSSSS HOMESTEADS LOCATED. 150,000 ACRES OF THE BEST WHEAT LAND In Central Oregon. Just opened tc 330-ncrc homestead entry. Two railroiids now building into this country. Get a homestead before they nrc nil gone. I'or further Infor iiiallou call 011 or write to s Free Automobile Trip from Bend to Lands ind Return for All Who Locate. HUNTER & STAATS tlliNt), ommoN :rsaj J. II. WKNANDY 11 it no on. F. L. HUNTCN .SHANIKO, OK. WENANDY-BUNTEN Automobile Stage Company DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Shaniko, Madras, Redmond nod Haul nnd nit interior points. I'or further information write Wenandy-Bunten Auto. Co., bend, onrscaoN SPECIAL ATTKNTION TO EXPRESS AND HAGOAGE For Sale. Severn! npnn of unod, young horses, from 9V to 1400 lbs., either for driving or work, Koine broke, some unbroke, hat nil gentle. Price rviikonsblc. Oko, V. Wimhii & Sonh. 49 i Tmiiido, Or. Nine mid lo-indi envelopes, just the thing for mulling or filing nwny K'ljal docuiucuts, for sale at The Bullctiii oflkc. Turkey Bjrgs for Sale. Mrs. I. J. Green of Pleasant Ridge will opn have for snle'cggs from pure bred Mutumoth Uronze turkeys 1.50 for .sett In k of nine, $2 75 .for 18. Cnu be left at Red mond or Demi. Address 17tf Redmond, Oregon, Hitriitshed room to rent, In quire at Lara's store. Team for side. Initiirc of Mer rill & Wilkinson. 40 50 Carbon paper, the best, at The ilullcliu oilke, A. D. Lewis was down from his up-river homestead Monday. Remember the Hoard of Trade meeting tonight it) Hunter & Stout' office. Mm. Eva L. Wise of Koslnnd was a business visitor in llend last Friday. Kor Sale Fully equipped saw mill. I'or particulars address X, care JJulletiu. jH-tf Homegrown one nnd two-year- old fruit trees for hale. Howard Spilling, llend, Or. 40U Fine residence property on Haw thorn uvenue for mile; five room Iioiikc. IIomk Land Co. 4811 Mr. nnd Mrs. Kd HrostcrhouM re turned to Uend the first of the week after spending several weeks at Cortland. was recently moved onto the site of the brick plant, nnd last week Clias Swalley overhauled nnd put it in first class condition. during Leave or ad 475" Lost Dinmdnd-shapcd fraternity pin, surrounded by pearls and dia monds. Return to Mrs. J. A. Boyd and receive reward. Two homestead relinquishments for sale. In settled neighborhood All can be plowed. Write to Box 130, llend, Oregon. 49-53 Mrs. Etna WarmstnfT underwent an operation at the Ikud hospital lust Sunday, nnd nt last reports was getting along nicely. Rev. Harper of Pendleton will preach morning and evening Sun day next. Alt are cordially in vited to attend the services. The Hetiil Hoard of Trade meets tonight to discuss plans for a "bet ter mid bigger llend.". You should te there iu Hunter & Staats' office. G. M. Huffman, who has been ut Haul for two or three months past, has decided to move to Red mond where he will engage In the real estate business. Photographer Cook announces that next Sunday will be the last Sunday that cabinet work can be secured ct his studio. Remember the date, Sunday, Feb. 37th. Reports come down from Ros tand stating that L. F. Wakefield, who recently purchased the Chas. Graves much nt Crescent, has sur veyors nt work laying out a town site there. M. M. Thomas, who has been running the Redmond hotel in partnership with John Schulte, has moved to Bend nnd will 0cti n bakery as soon as he can secure a suitable building Mr. Schulte's health was so poorly that he was forced to retire from the hotel business. Deck tier & Blooni field of Port laud have bought (he homestead and hotel formerly owned by Moses Niswongcr at Powell Hutted. The new proprietors will take charge on March I, nnd it is said they will erect n two-story building, the lower storv to be ued as u stotc room, and the upper s'.ory as a hall. "Geo. P. Putnam left Monday for a trip down the Deschutes canyon where railroad building is under way. Mr. Putnam plans to travel down the canyon on foot us much of the way as possible, nnd gel lull information regarding the work be ing done by the Hill and Harrimnn camps. He will bo back to Deiid iu about two weeks, The men who are putting in the brick manufacturing plant west of town have purchased the engine used by the Swalley ditch people when they sawed out the lumber lor their new flume. This engine town from been Pinn 01 tuned for 54 00 February iu Hend or vicinity, orders with The Bulletin dress L. S. Jtickard, Bend. F. Dement, formerly of Astoria, has been In Hend during the past week and has decided to engage in business here. He will open a hardware store. The thn'e high scores at ten-pins at the Rowle- bowling nlley is held by A A. Aldridgc, F. C Rowlcc, nnd Sylvester Staats, with the fol lowing scores: Aldridgc, 227; Rowlee, 221; Staats, 2to. Mrs. Kvn Steele was in Monday on her way home Palmer, Or., where she had railed to the deathbed of herdnugh tcr, Miss Anna Steele, who died on February 7, Miss Steele was taken with n serious attack of appendi citis which developed into perito nitis, nnd passed nwny More her mother reached her bedside. She had been teaching at Palmer. Owing to the fact that there were not enough members present yes terday at the annual meeting of the Lsdies' Library Club, the elec tion of officers wan postponed until two weeks later, on the 3th of March, .at which time Mrs. F. F. Smith nnd Mrs E D. Wilson will entertain the club at the home of Mrs. Smith. All members and all interested in the library arc es pecially urged to be present. Pearl Fulkerson, who lives on n ranch just west of the Powell Buttes station, has had a good streak of luck this winter in striking a well at n depth of five feet. He dug down that denth nnd found a good flow of water in a sort of a pumice stone sand formation. The snnnlv of water has lceti sufficient to water from 25 to 30 bead of stock all winter. Where he sunk the well was below the canal as it flows through his place, but water has been flowing in the canal very little this winter. The water from irrigation has undoubtedly filled up nn underground basin in that neighborhood. Notice. Having sold out my blacksmith shop to S. J. Bedard I would ask that all those swin me call in nnd settle at once. 5051 Hicnkv L. WlttTSltTT. Typewriter ribbons all kinds at The Bulletin office. CITY DRAY IIAKNltY UtWIS, rKOI I am ready to handle anything iu the line of DRAY WORK Leave orders with N.P. Smith, Wull St. Bend PmRCE ARROW AUTO LINE Between Shaniko and Bend, calling ut Madras and Red mond. $3000 Car. 50 ttorso Power A. U. DUCK,, Manager Addrcu Shanll-por llend. Do you want a Homestead in Fertile Central Oregon I can locate you on some of the best wheat laud in this part of the Mne, iu the Very .section into which Hill and Hnrrimau are building tlietr railroads. I also have for sale Raw and Improved Farm Lands, Irrigated Lands and City Property INVKT NOW nnd get in on the ground floor nliead of the railroads. DESCHUTES REALTY COMPANY M. J. MORRISON s " ' nnii 11 " "TTTTiriirMWnHBMfj TE First National Bank OF BEND BEND. OREGON Or U. O. OOB. Pr.ildtnl E A. BATHE ft, Vlc.Proldtnt O 8. HUDSON, Chlr C.plUI full? paid . S25.00O flloehhold.rt'lLbllltr (7B.OOO Surplus ..... (3.000 THE FIGURES AND WHAT THEY MEAN. GoTcrsneBl Call Janary 3lsl, fyft RESOURCES Loans Overdrafts I'uml loaned to our cuitomers nd $ 74.414.10 PPrvecl j our Director!, and in ac- lunniitc wiiu uovcrnmem uanKing Ivnws. wc Haven't any Real Estate Loan 1. 1,41 .'5a Account! overdrawn ty cuitomcra. &f Tlle " ' he Danker! life. Hanking IIOUSC 1'ropcrtr owned and occupied by oar Film. At fixtures 5,000.00 n,,,k, the only real estate owned by g-lllc "ink, in fiend. U. S. Donds United State floniU owned by the ntvl Prmnnimc TO Tftfl Of! Bank ami Iepoited with the Treawiry aim J remiUtnS 1,700.00 Department, to secure our own Bank JgMTNotet in circulation. Deposited with the U. S. Treatury to 025.00 redeem mutilated notes sent in for re- .ucnipuon. 5 pet. Redemp tion Fund f!n:li nn linrwl Reserve held to meet needs of deooslt- r,,l ,l.. A.... ' 0- The Government requires 15 per and due Irom cent of our deposits. We nave 63 per Other Banks 107.459.03 cent, or over four times the amount re---quired by the Government. $201,015.54 LIABILITIES Cash capital invested by our stock- -i i holders, as a guarantee and protection to Capital StOCK $25,000.00 our depositors. Our stockholders are -alto liable lor an additional 15,000, to protect depositors. Trofita earned during our first nine Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits I'robu earned during our first nine 2,000.00 months in buiness, and held as a further jnyprotectiou for our depositors. We ilid "" not pay any dividend, and expect to put the greater part of our future earn- lues to this fund. 883.70 ggfi Our earnings since January 1st 191a 1 o nnn nn Our own National Uauk notes in circu-l-.,OUti.uu Ul,on 1 m 0511 ot Belonging to 440 people in Bend and 101,01.81 vicinity, and proof that they approve of our standing and business memoes. $201,015.54 A Steadv but Suiie Growth is the Best Evidence ok a G on Bank. t u. DEPOSITS: APRIL 38, 1909 $53,379.23 JUNK 3i, 15109 $67k777.-8 SKPT. 1, 1909 $76,080.63 NOV. 16, 1909 $120,035.57 JAN. 31, 1910 $161,231.84 DIRECTORS: C COK , A. SATHKR C. S. V. P. SMITH H. C. HLUS t HUDSON A Large Shipment of BUILDING MATERIAL Just Arrived. Doors, Windows, Rubber Roofing and a full line of everything you may need for that new building you intend to put up this spring I,UT ME FIGURE ON YOUR MIX, I also carry in stock Denatured Alcohol S. C. CALDWELL Bend, Oregon A. D. MOe PRESSING AND x m.w m REPAIRING T H P TAII.OP qivun SPECIAL ATTENTION New Suits Made to Order ALL WORK GUARANTEED In residence on Bond street formerly occupied by Mrs. C. D. Brown