jrr, f-atf")-" - WswVJUfs"" AiKiu j&. t . r Ai tfwis7?,Jir, rr1'" L ; m BEND 1STHE TOWN. (Continued hfliti vpe . town in the coming month. I'm the town in condition lo appeal to them and they will wtitit to come here to live," When called upon by President Ihuiyon. J M Lttwrenoe respond ed with a few rematks, the keynote of which was that Iknd should back up the publicity it is now re ceiving by "making good" on the features advertised. When the new comers arrive let them rind that ev ctvthing good said about the town is in line with the facts. Mt, Lawrence was followed by G K. LaFollcttc who spoke but btietly. Upon motion ot Mr. Robertson. Mr. Graham was imaoitnoiislv elected an honorary member of the lknd Hoard of Trade. A vote ol thanks was extended to Mr Hnd son for the conscientious work he has done as president of the otgani rxtion, and also to Messrs Huutet and Staats for the valuable services they had put forth to secure the lo cation of the sawmills at Bend, these two Rvntlcruen having gone to much expense aud trouble in this work. The enthusiasm ol the meeting spread to all present and 14 names were turned in as applicants for membership. It was the unani mous opinion that the Board should 'branch out into broader and more vigorous work. The meeting was adjourned to meet tonight in the CENTRAL OREGON LANDS The reason that may be causing; f vill t lcll ta Clll Will liLAVICi JUU VW H ICtl . VH ..III IIIIVIII.'V cause you to seek an early sale. We have good outside connec tions that will enable us to han dle readily almost any Rood nrnnnvit tnti I let vmir farm or town property with us. Bend Investment Company Next Door to IVstoHlcc. Wanted TIMBER We can use more timber in a syndicate now tottn ing. Owners wishing to sell are requested to call or write us a description of their holdings. Keep the Rain Out Use Mikado Rubber Rooting The Kind that Contains No Tar. The Best Roofing on the market, and you will not be annoyed with the stench of Ur about xour home. ;i also have a full supply of TARRED KELT, Roin Sued Sheeting and DKADKXI.NG FKL T. N. P. SMITH .Mutilg Building Wall Street 320 Farm Lands Wanted List your farm lands with u. a the demand tor this cUss of proper ty is gtcatcr thin the supply. OUR Acre HOMESTEADS Will lake Rich! Wfllbeglad to give fnH particulars to anyoee later cted in getting oae of Uock Sara's big farms FREE! Irrigated Land We eave it m tracts from 40 acres upwards fso to ?$o per acre. On Sale Now FtacLeHi Lytic AMtW t IknJ. Easy tttsa Qck acte eecosary to get ibex lots. Gsg fast. Home Land Co., BEND, OREGON, office of Hunter & Staats to dicus more in detail plans for future work. Rosland News. RcwiANXV. Feb. ? Tbaafct t eae e4 thr atae driver, evetwee la tbit legal ity baa the cooeir aeare 00. Tbe dm era tlatta tbejr serer Jeer, Vet tbey cer tainle bare to abaw o eeir. Wbfeeer fcaca th cevatry en ae coast ol tbe weatber Vwa satfetef. aboat what tbee are talVtac Wf hate eajoie.1 if yoa t j t joyrd" 1 JI kuJ of retber tbe ft tn weet troo &se rnaj; eatacr to met, tore? jera retber. Crovrr CiMa rrtsned trtst tbc Vey Uit wretu J. S. &oe i a Kwt mV mM ht rX rut of Ibe ik. Dr. Oc a called cf Mavjijr. Mrv Br L. Vle rst m Be4 tfee ru Uu rr t. AI Treee iicM t m fi f Crtcct wrry insn. llry Bvrriafikua w4ra ttwa aft Ml UC OMIMMaiBt lbt TCC. He D LWkH ef cl te tew gaaJty Pleasant RMpe. ruusvNT Katn. JVik. ;. W rr cvjxnfe&e a4 tt f"c ruaMir 4cwc- tmyX llriT J twaltr arc vnick hcr . ktntt nrnr4 tkr Oau Vo4 fwr. 4cai Sw R tk rteeT uy iSkt aM M SM y Ikt j fcy MVri MHt ! k)K rnnrf- & M Piw i all U Tk CaHHani mmmhwJ fcee Sat FwnJ a Irm j- 4 m y Sk twl itmt wale Mr Jee VlrK Km fcM h 4cre ruKk jdMinc Mr Cbe!eroalbealh. Feh. a I A Mr. Callow has twecht the leoacrre Vaea as the Laatertiaci 4oe t-1 J Bdia LockTrar. anj win move here wua IxU lastly In a abort Ckadwick Hrwia taaJe a oio Irif to Seed Moo4ay. Scrrral f l)e Deawnt RUe fea nW luw r4wee a tiwir hoote-v A. A C.rreo. Ch4r.'k Brwin aa4 Praak UprUtt tH hare fhaact aa wea as thr ware eaa he atrctcbed. Mra. Miry Irwta haa toukt two rcai deal lota m KedaaoaJ. We Wait VJ &oe welber itroe the CTiJ hi; eaaae cnt aJ aaw haa ahikl' Ne- Books for tb Library. gfitw hggjoe MatbMh PrewetMV the Orvat aad IU Cert. MaJUi The Lattte Sheoerl ol Kac4oa Oaaae J. JVx. Jr. A Crraaw. Kith Mas WMtr CaMiaMajaw Doroahy IVjJf raafcr ttw Utooa UatxX. MhIKmI Mov FaMoraW Wo4 .Were Ut.VraftViM Alger The ht w t i-j1t.il 1 were rrotri to-tbe Uhrary hy Mra. Mary Kowke of SCKMONS. taakfOkTwaeanattaaaeMaacaf mt it a 1 moil v-. tvanjua. ataUaafcvV Vf ar itoi iiwt ata'aauil. CK TM8 XAXK a TMK TTK r taar. w anmi w aatii a ma aja HwrlatOnn iii art ixuc a im u mmm v t r aajT a wJiwMifcJwmf va SMITH TO (1UT NUNV TRIAL Supremo Court Reverse Dcclalon In ArOH Cne. S.i1cin. Or , Feb 8 The cne of C. Suii Smith, convicted of anon in the ciicuti court for Crtnik conn ty, woi revet tcd by the ituprctnc court tinliiy in nu opinion written by Chief Justice Moore. The date of his now trial lius not been set OrnRoniiii It will be remembered thnt Smith was convicted of having jict fire to buildings on one of J, N. William on' sheep ranches. Men Wanted. To clear land, by day or contract Apply Kknwooii Company. TIIU Big1 Hungry CHOP HOUSE Now open for business. Wc never close- Near Pilot Butte Inn. Order Your WOOD b'rotn the Pioneer Wood Yard A liberal aaifilr of the betl wood a ailahe aiwava on haad $4.50 Per Cord Delivered V. P. MttTilNg, Prfrictr 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. PRfiU AUTOMOHILI! TRIP front tlend to the lands and return for nil who locate. Write for Particular, to LIST YOUR CITY riOPKTY WITH US IF YOU WANT A QUICK SALE. Merrill Sb Wilkinson Company HUNU. URI'.UON. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon orricx ovkk iuvnk OSce Iloonc to to 11 a, m., I to j aod J to p. m. BkNU, OXKCON Wrra4 ; - Wpwfalfcaii,,f V tMCMMlirilnM4 tne jnm a ahr :rti.lff.WM- akw wb&rvtc mariMac . wa ( nkaabft mm .va. a vnm v mw miv rra n s immmm uiiiw vvr wt w w Imw. Mtvs TVm UNwww haaretoraat troaa OwAtJ nrrr wdwre he baa re fcw hr tat. aw weea akM eharce l Mr. Moe- rw." Htaiwhs awnc a wraar vrgml JmMmt4 fctt CVva. n a a e Mnaiw nammrs itrr afaa toiww vam O a, C 0Ot ac & ajil aaatiM a rail . ria'i w a a r a Fitwarr. afM, Juat tt ax nMnnw !0w ta.VCV tff Mai wa iwawiiiin raa. jyaanvf la ranax C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW orricx i.v aaxc wilvinc, BF..ND. OKKGON W. r. MVKK5 O. C YOPNG MYERS & YOUNQ LAWYERS LiidUw, Oregon Practice in all Cearts and Depitt Dent oft be Inteiior. DR. I. L. SCOFIELD, DENTIST. OrFJCE IX JOHNSON BC1UHNC Bend. - . O r e j o n. Dr. A. A. BURRIS,r.rieOJ HaVt. Itiii.n p'n wJttMs Trr4 watllk Mwrilrare iir). Vy IWXituriMntateiflliiaii Ctew at Ifciwa a a4r5 Owtauanw ff Mrw-Veaax teaar aa ',nil Xilifn.tt A Small Piece of Money Goes n Lonjr Wny nt Our Store In Buying Anytiitngjn the line of General Merchandise. Wc always carry a complete stock aod can fill your want. In the Dry Goods Line tre have an exceptionally good stock, and invite an inspection of same. You will be tatHficd with your purchaaci if you do your trading at our store. Come ace ua. We will treat yon right. E.A. SATHER BEND, OREQON OtWv fca Ml, rv4. rrft Vernon A. Forbes lawyer uccs. -..-. oxnsox Lots on the market now at $ 1 25. &Mt Kmiimot Sctio, hmt. sftodMxm. olTrc4 m or aiowt Mmd. The Kenwood Company W &ei .Vliaizcwa Streets BEND LODGE N- 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets a TbErvtiy ca e beware t&te faM isoa f eacli svata. VtMin; bTXLt ajtraj? wxkwcK. FOUR NORSE UVERV. SADDLE MORSia. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. M. WCNANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Abo HAY. OATS, BARLEY, WIIBAT, CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. AH Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. iS. Horses Bought and Sold. Urtit and heavy Horses for Sale. - St James Hotel "fl SlitrUlc J. S. Wakefield, Proprietor Wkea m SaJrer Laae. atofi at tart well knoim boate Goeata eaa t amre4 that erery atteauoa will tv y4 to raaie lam endfUUe Sfeetat atlraliofl to IraieVra. Cool h&mt eeokisc Terraa rraoUc Our tlobby: Bt .Meal. 1m Town tor 35c j J. O. CJ.ro0 u. & cor. m. w F. O. MINOR x.awLr9C nuoa UFE PI RE ACCIDENT I N S V R A N C E Sta7 raMat not Ciniawt-; Lrfal yf r Om weaiy tra. FIOEHTY BONDS NOTICE FUR W BLICATION. tv HrMmUfOriUTV tAMl9k af T atA' , 4'iili. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN T&St r r"d th tK beat that th tvwn a (feed a. Stat and Comfortable Rooms. Hkno, 0t.OH ittfutrj jau. amavi ; Mmnml auoiy rwaj 3k aaiwa aou. I ijrr t i JUiKnvfwawsro at! k,X.aCV X. aaiws ausm mi atanrnni ! alma Wt ' rvwit a rwoVtwa Am I a 3m UnMlrC M C IB. ' Wtotkr wiara tmmmmminf w iSru:Siut. , O'lwwa. aSS grC4to f Sfiimea. iim ,aas fmrMMB WWkuta .-jut irunc a. f flu. rtr lona; icamp. W. UOtua, tk aiRi4 ,mr4"ti K1T rtRST C1A55 Metis and Bakery Goods CO TO Erickson's OfcxttMe -ss Etnv HattBfctte (Ml ftaeatlea Wan rarr n IVnlaed rrt N. P. WEIDER PAINTER S: Paperhanger CSrarcat 4 Beat VU rarS flea to tfee avaatr at My Itacra. Ba. Rm! Orrse e